how to explain gay rights to an idiot

Thanks for posting this TM, I didn't know suckin' a dick was a "Civil Right".

"All we are saying, is take cocks in ass!"

"I have a dream, that one day all Americans will take a cock in the ass!"

"Truth, Justice, and a Cock in the Ass!"

"Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie and Dicks in Ass!"

"I regret that I have only One Dick to stick in someones ass!"

If a man is not allowed to take a dick (or a fist) in his ass is that man truly free? I think not. It's all so clear to me now!

Who gives a shit about what a bunch of fags want. AIDS will eventually deal with the sick bastards.
In Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that says that marriage is between one man and one woman. It also says that the state of Oklahoma will not recognize same-sex marriages performed in any other state. It has already survived three attempts to overturn it AND the Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled it is constitutional. I helped pass that amendment. I gave money to the effort to pass the amendment and I believe it is the right thing for Oklahoma.

That is not the case in California and other states. And quite frankly, I believe that this is a state's rights issue. If any state in this union believes that same-sex marriage is something they want to acknowledge, then I say that they are absolutely, 100% within their right to do so.

Any other arguement is crap soup...

A reason I would not go to Oklahoma nor advise any one I know to go thru Oklahoma. Don't need to visit a 3rd world country like place.

You staying away from Floreeeeda too?
Who gives a shit about what a bunch of fags want. AIDS will eventually deal with the sick bastards.

The way syphilis did with heterosexuals, amiright?

That shit killed millions more straight people than AIDS has killed gays.
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Interestingly enough, marriage itself as an institution seems to be on the decline.

WASHINGTON — Married couples have dropped below half of all American households for the first time, the Census Bureau says, a milestone in the evolution of the American family toward less traditional forms.

Married couples represented just 48 percent of American households in 2010, according to data being made public Thursday and analyzed by the Brookings Institution. This was slightly less than in 2000, but far below the 78 percent of households occupied by married couples in 1950.

What is more, just a fifth of households were traditional families — married couples with children — down from about a quarter a decade ago, and from 43 percent in 1950, as the iconic image of the American family continues to break apart.

In recent history, the marriage rate among Americans was at its highest in the 1950s, when the institution defined gender roles, family life and a person’s place in society. But as women moved into the work force, cohabitation lost its taboo label, and as society grew more secular, marriage lost some of its central authority.

“The days of Ozzie and Harriet have faded into the past,” said William Frey, the senior demographer at Brookings who analyzed the data. (The proportion of married couples slipped below half over the past decade, but was first reported as a precise count by the 2010 census.)

hmmm...a biker and a sailor.

Bet I know where you stand on this issue. :eusa_angel:

he's on his third knee spinning counterclockwise.
So, your wife MADE you get legally married. Does she also MAKE you file joint taxes or take the break on your auto insurance? How about health insurance? Does she MAKE you put her on your plan?

What government bennies, that you hate SO much, do you take advantage of?

All marriage is to you is money?

A marriage between a man and a man should have the same legal protections as a marriage between a man and a woman.

That's all.

Nothing more.
Why would homosexuals adam and stevie invent the fiction that "marriage" applied to them ???

surely they deserve similiar governmental benefits through civil unions, but their relationship should not be confused with marriage.............................
That's already been covered.....thru The Good Book.

[ame=]Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube[/ame]​
[ame=]Joe Tex - Ain't Gonna Bump No More (TOTP) - YouTube[/ame]
TM made it all clear to me that Gay Sex is a Civil Right through her post that wasn't the least bit insulting, but really instructive.

I used to think that gay sex was the quickest way to a slow, painful AIDS death but I see the error in my thinking.

I realize now that America was founded on the idea that Gay Men should be able to marry and that Gay Sex is a cornerstone of our Democracy.

Thank you TM, thank you! You should thank her too Del.

Does that mean the government has to provide you with gay sex ?

There is no such things as gay rights/womens rights/seniors rights.

A right equally applies to everyone or else it is a privelage.
surely they deserve similiar governmental benefits through civil unions

And that is all that matters. Equal protection under the law. Who cares what the ceremony is called.

Homosexuals do, hence the assault on traditional marriage........

They could have had similiar benefits w civil unions long ago

Please explain this "assault on traditional marriage".

And I am particularly interested in hearing how gays prevented Americans from giving them equal protection under the law long ago. Is that like blacks prevented Americans from not giving them equal protection under the law for a really long time? It was somehow their fault?
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surely they deserve similiar governmental benefits through civil unions

And that is all that matters. Equal protection under the law. Who cares what the ceremony is called.

Homosexuals do, hence the assault on traditional marriage........

They could have had similiar benefits w civil unions long ago

Legal marriage and religious marriage are two different things.

If your statement were true, states like NC wouldn't be going after same sex protections.
"same sex marriage" is an invention, not an equal "protection".........

The language requires that which is banned have a name upon which we can hang our hat on. You know, the way "interracial marriage" needed a name for that which was banned for no other reason than some people didn't like it.

Is "interracial marriage" an invention?

Interracial marriage does not cause harm. There are no informed consent issues with interracial marriage. It was banned for the sole reason that some people did not like the idea of a black man marrying a white woman. This really brought out the devil in some people, and they thumped the bejeesus out of the Bible to justify their opposition to it.

The Supreme Court rightly decided that "interracial marriage" could not be banned solely for the reason of someone not liking black people marrying white people. Interracial marriage was therefore entitled to the Constitutional right to equal protection under the law.

In other words, if two white people married and got a federal tax break for it, so should a couple that was a white and a black.

Now we come to "same sex marriage". It is the exact same deal. It is banned for the sole reason of someone not liking male people marrying male people. It is therefore entitled to the Constitutional right to equal protection under the law.

If two opposite sex people get married and get a tax break for it, so should a same sex couple. Not to do so is gender discrimination.

Simple as that.
Who gives a shit about what a bunch of fags want. AIDS will eventually deal with the sick bastards.

The way syphilis did with heterosexuals, amiright?

That shit killed millions more straight people than AIDS has killed gays.

We can dream you know. Go AIDS!

I appreciate it when people are at least honest about their motives behind their position on an issue instead of using recreant illogic to conceal them.
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surely they deserve similiar governmental benefits through civil unions

And that is all that matters. Equal protection under the law. Who cares what the ceremony is called.

Homosexuals do, hence the assault on traditional marriage........

They could have had similiar benefits w civil unions long ago

By traditional marriage, are you referring to the times when women were traded for a goat and few chickens?

Or is a traditional marriage one in which the sex dies after a couple of years, the bills stack up and the whole thing ends in divorce after 6 years or so?

Fact is, you have no idea what a traditional marriage is.

And by the way, similar benefits does not mean equal benefits.

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