How to Discipline Your Wife

We know the GOP approves of slavery:

republicans say blacks happy slaves - Google Search

We know they want to kill gays:

gop says kill gays - Google Search

We can only assume they have some interesting ideas about traditional marriage and how wives should defer to their husbands.

gop says wives should defer to husband - Google Search

I believe that Democrats use Affirmative Action, minimum wage laws, SNAP and other programs to enslave many Americans today, especially minorities. Look at the latest recession, after decades of policies to cater to minorities, the black community suffered the most under the recession.
What are you attempting to prove by posting stuff like this?
I'm not trying to prove anything. Just pointing out who and what right wingers are. It's not like anyone denies it. How could they?

Are you lying to yourself so much that you actually believe it? There isnt a post you've made that isnt denied.

And it's quite easy to deny lies.
If I had to guess, I'd say the site is the love child of a lefty whacko.

If not, it's the love child of a small group of deviants. Kindly try not to pretend it's in any way a widespread movement, or representative of what the majority of Christians believe or engage in.
Morons always blame others for their own fanaticism.

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

Isn't Christianity just dogmatic masochism anyway?

That's certainly what some would like you to believe.

I don't need to take anyone's word for it. I was a Christian once.
Not if you were involved in dogmatic masochism, you weren't.
If I had to guess, I'd say the site is the love child of a lefty whacko.

If not, it's the love child of a small group of deviants. Kindly try not to pretend it's in any way a widespread movement, or representative of what the majority of Christians believe or engage in.
Morons always blame others for their own fanaticism.

As I said, these are sexual deviants seeking biblical justification. They're just nuts of the same ilk as the homo lobby. You loons ought to love them.
how many christians practice CDD

504,000 hits on google. Doesn't seem too fringe.

That's seriously surprising. The link I saw this on was linked to another article on this ridiculous "religious freedom" legislation that the Republicans are promoting. But the site looks so amateurish. But when I googled to refind the link, so I could add it in - another site came up that seemed less amateurish.

It doesn't surprise me in the sense that any religion that puts the man over the woman in authority and discipline has the potential legitimize abuse.
Its believable given many christian-types won't take their children to doctors.
how many christians practice CDD

504,000 hits on google. Doesn't seem too fringe.

That's seriously surprising. The link I saw this on was linked to another article on this ridiculous "religious freedom" legislation that the Republicans are promoting. But the site looks so amateurish. But when I googled to refind the link, so I could add it in - another site came up that seemed less amateurish.

It doesn't surprise me in the sense that any religion that puts the man over the woman in authority and discipline has the potential legitimize abuse.
Its believable given many christian-types won't take their children to doctors.

Well let's not overblow things. Yes there are some who won't take their kids to the doctor but they represent an incredibly small percentage of the religious community. I have heard that the Scientologist have an aversion to doctors, but they are a bunch of kooks and they are a very small community in comparison to the overall number of people of faith. Jehovah's Witnesses get the reputation for it, but it's not quite the truth. My father was a surgeon and he operated on many Jehovah's Witnesses. Now according to him the big problem was blood. He said that on two occasions he had to get an emergency court order to infuse blood into patients who were minors because their parents were Jehovah's Witnesses and refused to allow it for religious reasons. But again that is two patients in the thousands of patients he treated during the course of his practice.

By comparison, my wife's ex-brother-in-law has no religious beliefs at all. His daughter has epilepsy and when she seizes he refuses to help or allow help to be given to her because he claims it is a natural process her body is going through and she has to figure out how to deal with it on her own. It is not surprising, of course, that his wife divorced him (in part because of that) and took the kids away from him. Honestly, I feel pretty certain that if he were to be evaluated by a psychiatrist he would be diagnosed as a clinical sociopath.

The point is that aversion to medical treatment is not an exclusively religious phenomenon and in the cases where it is related to religion it represents an extremely small sample of the overall community of faith.
Well you can't really do anything for a person in a seizure anyway, unless you sedate them. The accepted way to deal is to just make sure they don't aspirate or hit themselves on anything sharp.
Well you can't really do anything for a person in a seizure anyway, unless you sedate them. The accepted way to deal is to just make sure they don't aspirate or hit themselves on anything sharp.

Yeah but I mean he just lets her seize on the floor while he puts his feet up on the living room table and continues to watch TV. That's a little much

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

Isn't Christianity just dogmatic masochism anyway?

That's certainly what some would like you to believe.

I don't need to take anyone's word for it. I was a Christian once.
Not if you were involved in dogmatic masochism, you weren't.

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
-- Jesus


This is so it meant to be a joke?

Isn't Christianity just dogmatic masochism anyway?

That's certainly what some would like you to believe.

I don't need to take anyone's word for it. I was a Christian once.
Not if you were involved in dogmatic masochism, you weren't.

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
-- Jesus


Just because you are unable or unwilling to open your eyes, your heart, and your intellect (should you have any) doesn't mean that others are the same as you. If you really had any interest you could easily find out what that quote you just posted really means, but you don't. Your only interest is in posting something that you clearly don't understand, and then trying to use it as a tool against itself or where it originated from in order to continue to spew your own hate and doubt. Hopefully, for your own sake, you figure it out before it's too late.
how many christians practice CDD

504,000 hits on google. Doesn't seem too fringe.

That's seriously surprising. The link I saw this on was linked to another article on this ridiculous "religious freedom" legislation that the Republicans are promoting. But the site looks so amateurish. But when I googled to refind the link, so I could add it in - another site came up that seemed less amateurish.

It doesn't surprise me in the sense that any religion that puts the man over the woman in authority and discipline has the potential legitimize abuse.
Its believable given many christian-types won't take their children to doctors.

The ones Ive known are nonreligious earthy types. Many are totally are against doctors, vaccines ect...

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

50 Shades of Grey for the bible thumpers

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

50 Shades of Grey for the bible thumpers

:rofl: well you long as everyone is on board and they can do it in a loving long as there is no true abuse or involuntary beatings happening. I guess to each their own. Praise God and grab the ball gag. :D I guess the tricky thing would be determining where the line is drawn between a fun little spankie-spankie and serious abuse. I suppose that's a question though that anyone in that kind of lifestyle would have to work out regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof.

Certainly many people in the Christian community would frown on that, but for me...I am too busy worrying about my own salvation and relationship with God to concern myself with what other consenting adults do in their bedroom. That's between them and God, not them, me, and God.
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In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

Link to source?

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