How to Discipline Your Wife

I like the traditional methods of disciplining my wife whenever she wants to drive a car or visit the emergency room: stoning her.

That's not traditional!

Traditional (and acceptable) wife discipline is decapitation.
Yea, but then I'd have to go out and find another one to discipline.
Ask planned parenthood to hold one back for you. They're great at accommodating wife discipliners.
I heard of "spare the rod spoil the child"

But never "Use your fists on the Miss"

CDD does not exist--that is just Domestic Violence in which the sickos are trying to justify through interpretation of some Bible verses.

why isn't 'misinterpretation of a Holy Book" not a sin? Or is it?
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I like the traditional methods of disciplining my wife whenever she wants to drive a car or visit the emergency room: stoning her.

Reefer gets expensive. You're going to go broke that way. Why don't you just give her a beer?

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

Isn't Christianity just dogmatic masochism anyway?

That's certainly what some would like you to believe.

I don't need to take anyone's word for it. I was a Christian once.

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

It's the wife that disciplines the husband, not the opposite. For instance, look to the mess in the room of a man who is single.
Well looks like the webmaster wrote a book about it so I doubt it's a joke. I am not going to spend much (any) time reading her website as I am not terribly interested but my initial knee-jerk reaction is that it seems pretty fucked up. I don't think God has any problem with a little spankie-spankie if that's what both parties are into and they enter into it willingly, but on the surface that doesn't seem to be what the author is talking about.

It's not that sort of spanking. I'm somewhat familiar with the philosophy behind this ideology even if I don't agree with it (because it's based on Religion rather than Morality). These spankings are a matter of day-to-day discipline, just like :time outs" or spankings would be for a child (at least in past generations). This is about ensuring the family and the household run properly, not anything sexual. In fact some of these individuals believe in something called "maintenance spankings" where the wife gets regularly disciplined just as a reminder, even if she hasn't done anything wrong. THAT is a concept I am TOTALLY in disagreement with.

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

It's the wife that disciplines the husband, not the opposite. For instance, look to the mess in the room of a man who is single.

(shouts from across his bedroom heading to the computer) Lies! Filthy filthy liACK (trips over a pile of laundry.) ;)

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

It is ridiculous. The bible does not teach disciplining one's wife. It is not a teaching found in Christianity. It is found in Islam however. This is another attempt by some outside source to attack Protestant Bible Believing Christians. It fails miserably.

In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

It is ridiculous. The bible does not teach disciplining one's wife. It is not a teaching found in Christianity. It is found in Islam however. This is another attempt by some outside source to attack Protestant Bible Believing Christians. It fails miserably.

"What Tenets do we Accept?
1, The Bible:

God's perfect, complete, and inerrant Word. We will honor it as literal and valid for all time.
2, Eternity:

There is only one way to Heaven, and only one name by which mankind can be saved. That name is Jesus Christ. The Holy Son of God, Jesus lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, was raised as the Living Saviour, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. One day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, according to Romans 14:11 and Phil. 2:11.
3, Marital Roles:

The wife is to submit to her husband, and the husband is to love his wife. See Eph 5:22-28.
4, Parties Involved:

CDD is practised between a man and a woman. In most cases, it is practised between a husband and a wife.
5, Discipline:

In CDD, the husband has authority to discipline the wife. The wife does not have authority to discipline her husband. See Gen. 3:16

Therefore, in a CDD marriage:

* The husband is the head of the household, whilst the wife is submissive to her husband as if the Lord Himself was her husband. See Eph. 5:22-24.
* The husband is to love his wife as himself, and as Christ loved the church. He is to be a servant, and leads by example. He is to lay down his life for her. See Eph. 5:25-29.
* The wife is to reverence her husband. She is to obey him, so long as his instructions are not in opposition to God's commands. See Titus 2:5, Acts 5:29.

He has the ultimate authority in his household, but this authority is tempered with the knowledge that he will answer to God for his actions and decisions. The final decision rests with him, and therefore, the final responsibility, whatever the outcome, is his to bear. A wise husband will not make a major decision without prayerfully asking God for wisdom, and without seeking his wife's counsel. Prov. 20:5"

You were saying?
True. It's similar with the Quran. It's what bits you choose to take out of it and how you intepret it. But those passages do give justification to those who think it's their right to dominate women.

Perhaps, but again, that is only true if you ignore the rest of it. As I said...anyone can go through the Bible and cherry pick verses and even parts of verses and force it to say what you want it to say in order to justify your own actions. But is that actually following the word or forcing the word to follow you?

Interesting distinction. My feeling - and it's my feeling only - is there are many layers of meaning in those books and also mucho contradiction to sort through. You can take it at it's simplest and most literal level, or you can dig deeper and try to find a greater meaning beneath the literal words. The first requires nothing more than rote memory and obedience, the second a lot more effort. I think if you take the first approach it's easy to force the word to follow you and I think that that approach tends to attract those that like to dominate women.

What bible verse in scripture demands that women be disciplined by their husbands? Can you provide any? I do not know of any such teaching and I've been studying the scriptures for years. Please post chapter and verse. A cult can come up with anything (not found in the bible) and claim it is of God - but if it isn't found in the bible? IT'S NOT OF GOD. Imagine the lives that could have been saved if only people who have examined the Holy Scriptures and believed on that rather than the anti Christ Vatican - when they put forth their Inquisitions for 605 years - at the cost of 68 million lives!!

Again - Jesus warned us about the Nicolaitans (Romanists) who controlled laity with false religious teachings such as the Roman Vatican used against bible believing Christians during the Inquisitions, the holocaust and even since then to this very day (albeit secretly). It's right here. Jesus said this:

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
John 16:2,3
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In order to describe to you what is Christian Domestic Discipline, I'd first like to start with what it is not.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not domestic violence. Neither is it abuse. It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.

Christian Domestic Discipline is not BDSM. It is not a game. While we do not deny its sometimes erotic nature, it is ultimately not for erotic purposes. It is often much different than the domestic discipline you will find outside of the Christian faith.

A Christian Domestic Discipline marriage is set up according to the guidelines set forth in the Holy Bible, meaning the husband has authority over his wife within the bounds of God's Word and enforces that authority, if need be, through discipline including but not limited to spanking. He uses his authority to keep peace and order in his home, protect his marriage, and help his wife mature in her Christian walk.

In a true Christian Domestic Discipline marriage, discipline is tempered with the knowledge that the husband must answer to God for his actions and decisions in his position of authority.

This is so it meant to be a joke?

It's the wife that disciplines the husband, not the opposite. For instance, look to the mess in the room of a man who is single.

Not according to the teachings of Mohammad and your book. (The Qu'ran)

Qu'ran 4:34 - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

Qu'ran 38:44"And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath..."

I do not believe that Muslim men are incapable of being neat and organized unless married. I would think the ratio of neat vs. sloppy is the same with Muslim people and non Muslim people. It isn't a matter of discipline but rather "self-discipline" and a desire for a neat, clean environment. Some people care more than others about such things. People are people.
Christian CDD 15,900,000 results

Clown Fetishes 2,160,000 results

Clown fetish is fringe, CDD isn't.

So you looked it up, do you practice any of it?

Silly logic.

Look up murder, poisoning it is all mainstream. How many of us go around killing, it looks like it is practiced quite regularly.
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