How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Okay, the thread has officially lost its shit. Commies, conspiracy theories, all I'm saying is lies, etc. etc. I've tried to address points with facts, for the most part. I'm getting paranoid delusions back. Fight with your shadows, it's stupid to keep this up.
I'm certainly not being mindless; I've been on gun threads for weeks now and that is where I am forming the opinion that the other side is losing their shit. They are. They are ranting about communism and Mao and overthrowing the government and bullying a bunch of very appropriate teenagers who got up on their hind legs and spoke truth in public. How fucking DARE they, huh, Dog?

If they really gave a shit about school shootings they'd be demanding armed security in our schools.

This is nothing more than a gun grab ploy.
Odd..did they not have an armed cop in their school? How did that work out for them? Did he save any lives?
I think a bit more needs to be done, don't you? Armed guards....increased security...soon our schools will be indistinguishable from our jails.

We could try locking up dangerously crazy people. Just a thought.
I agree,,,now how do we find them? Do we look for anti-social people who rant about political matters heatedly..who have large collections of guns?

ROTFLMAO! Somehow--I just don't think so.

Plenty of warning signs in this case, as is generally the case.

Stoneman Douglas High School shooting - Wikipedia

he was transferred between schools six times in three years to deal with these problems. In 2014, he was transferred to a school for children with emotional or learning disabilities. There were reports that he made threats against other students.[59] Cruz returned to Stoneman Douglas High School two years later, only to be banished from the school in 2017 for disciplinary reasons.[50] An email from the school administration had circulated among teachers, warning that he had made threats against other students. This led the school to ban him from wearing a backpack on campus.[51][60][61]

Psychiatrists recommended sending Cruz to a residential treatment facility starting in 2013.[62] The Florida Department of Children and Familiesinvestigated Cruz in September 2016 for Snapchat posts in which he cut both his arms and said he planned to buy a gun. At this time, a school resource officer requested to have Cruz committed to a mental institution under the provisions of the Baker Act. Two guidance counselors agreed, but a mental institution did not.[63] State investigators reported he had depression, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In their assessment, they concluded he "was at low risk of harming himself or others".[64] He had previously received mental health treatment, but had not received treatment in the year leading up to the shooting

A former classmate said Cruz had anger management issues and often joked about guns and gun violence, including shooting up establishments.[10] The brother of a 2016 graduate described him as "super stressed out all the time and talked about guns a lot and tried to hide his face". A student who was enrolled at the school at the time of the shooting said, "I think everyone had in their minds if anybody was going to do it, it was going to be him."[70] A classmate who was assigned to work with him in sophomore year said, "He told me how he got kicked out of two private schools. He was held back twice. He had aspirations to join the military. He enjoyed hunting."[56] He also bragged about killing animals, a student's mother said. A neighbor said his mother would call the police over to the house to try to talk some sense into him

According to Sheriff Scott Israel, his office received 23 calls about Cruz during the previous decade, but this figure is in dispute. CNN obtained (via a public records request) a sheriff's office log showing that from 2008 to 2017, at least 45 calls were made in reference to Cruz, his brother, or the family home.[72][73] The calls included an anonymous tip on February 5, 2016, that Cruz had threatened to shoot up the school, and a tip on November 30, 2017 that Cruz might be a "school shooter in the making" and that he collected knives and guns. On September 23, 2016, a peer counselor notified the school resource officer of his suicide attempt and intent to buy a gun; the school indicated it would do a "threat assessment".[74][75][76]

In September 2016, a sheriff's deputy who was resource officer for the high school, along with two of the school's counselors, stated that Cruz should be committed for mental evaluation.[77][78]

On September 24, 2017, a person with the username "nikolas cruz" posted a comment to a YouTube video. It read, "Im[sic] going to be a professional school shooter". The video's uploader reported the comment to the FBI.[when?] According to agent Robert Lasky, the agency conducted database reviews but was unable to track down the individual who made the threatening comment

On January 5, 2018, the FBI's Public Access Line received a tip from a person who was close to Cruz. On February 16 (two days after the shooting), the agency released a statement that detailed this information. According to the statement, "The caller provided information about Cruz's gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting."

How DARE you bring up the actual reason this occurred instead of conforming to the authoritarian viewpoint on the issue!

What's next with you, anyway, arguing with people who want to restrict motor vehicle usage by offering up the notion that the Islamists who use them as their weapon of choice are motivated by ideology?

Good heavens, man, it is high time you stopped thinking and joined the hive!
Why not do the obvious?
Put armed security in schools...problem solved.
Instead you want to trample on the rights of hundreds of millions of Americans with a solution that will fail to do a damn bit of good.
Like I said -- but maybe I said it somewhere else -- armed security might be helpful to a point, but it is not the magic solution on its own.
I believe that banning AR's in conjunction with a lot of other efforts to head off homicidal behavior before its too late and making it a much more careful and responsible process owning a gun WILL do a damned lot of good.

And then when the next shooter uses a 9MM Glock? What then, and they will? Be honest for once
Harm reduction. Nothing is going to be 100% when humans are involved.

More like incremental bans you lying sack
When you make shit up, it's hard to take you seriously.

Like I take you seriously? If someone decides to shoot up a school do you REALLY think banning ARs is going to stop them? Really? If you do you're dumber than I gave you credit for
If they really gave a shit about school shootings they'd be demanding armed security in our schools.

This is nothing more than a gun grab ploy.
Of course it's a gun grab. It's not a ploy, it's a demand. I suggest you listen for once so you know what they are asking for and why.
Most states already have the ability to have armed security don't they? That's a moot point.

Why not do the obvious?
Put armed security in schools...problem solved.
Instead you want to trample on the rights of hundreds of millions of Americans with a solution that will fail to do a damn bit of good.
Like I said -- but maybe I said it somewhere else -- armed security might be helpful to a point, but it is not the magic solution on its own.
I believe that banning AR's in conjunction with a lot of other efforts to head off homicidal behavior before its too late and making it a much more careful and responsible process owning a gun WILL do a damned lot of good.

And then when the next shooter uses a 9MM Glock? What then, and they will? Be honest for once
Harm reduction. Nothing is going to be 100% when humans are involved.

Armed guard
If they really gave a shit about school shootings they'd be demanding armed security in our schools.

This is nothing more than a gun grab ploy.
Of course it's a gun grab. It's not a ploy, it's a demand. I suggest you listen for once so you know what they are asking for and why.
Most states already have the ability to have armed security don't they? That's a moot point.

Why not do the obvious?
Put armed security in schools...problem solved.
Instead you want to trample on the rights of hundreds of millions of Americans with a solution that will fail to do a damn bit of good.
Like I said -- but maybe I said it somewhere else -- armed security might be helpful to a point, but it is not the magic solution on its own.
I believe that banning AR's in conjunction with a lot of other efforts to head off homicidal behavior before its too late and making it a much more careful and responsible process owning a gun WILL do a damned lot of good.

But you're okay with semi auto pistols?
I read that 85% of guns in this country are semi auto. Do you want me to advocate taking them all?

Thats the plan.
So what are you going to do when the next shooter uses a semi auto pistol?
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.


I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
I would agree why aren't the non-left wingers being allowed to be heard? One has to question the motives and agenda when such glaring omissions are being made.
Okay, the thread has officially lost its shit. Commies, conspiracy theories, all I'm saying is lies, etc. etc. I've tried to address points with facts, for the most part. I'm getting paranoid delusions back. Fight with your shadows, it's stupid to keep this up.

Yep - Arguing with gun fetishists is a fools errand. Catch ya later when we can have a rational discussion in this hellhole.

Not happening today - Not happening MOST days.
Where are the organized militias to return safety to the schools? If their armaments are not for that, what is their delusion?
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.


I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.
I would agree why aren't the non-left wingers being allowed to be heard? One has to question the motives and agenda when such glaring omissions are being made.
Dang...I'm hearing non-left wing people all day long! Why aren't you? Everything is out there for everyone, these days.

It seems to me that many in the Alt/right circles are invested in being the 'victim'. The evill MSM ignores them..huh? I think you want affirmation..and not information, IMO.
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.

That infamy reached a wider audience this past weekend around the time of their March for Our Lives protest, when a doctored image that showed González ripping up a copy of the U.S. Constitution (she actually ripped up a gun target) went mildly viral on the Trump-supporting parts of the Internet, defended as “satire” by those who shared it.

"Here’s a look back at how the Parkland student activists became such a target:

Day 1: Conspiracy theorists

The first to target the Parkland students were the conspiracy theorists. When a mass shooting like Parkland happens, conspiracy theorists begin to search for signs of a false flag — proof that the shooting was actually staged and/or carried out for political reasons — pretty much right away. They’re following what online trolling expert Whitney Phillips calls a “tragedy script”: The establishment is trying to take away your guns, they’ll use mass shootings to do that, and here are the tricks they use to manipulate the public. Anything irregular becomes conspiracy fodder.

[ We studied thousands of anonymous posts about the Parkland attack — and found a conspiracy in the making ]

An anonymous 8chan user told the fringe chat board to look for “crisis actors” just 47 minutes after the shooting happened. And if closed chat rooms and fringey boards such as 8chan, 4chan and some subreddits on Reddit are where conspiracy theorists coordinate, then Twitter is where those conspiracy theories — and the harassment that comes with them — are performed for the public. Within hours, anonymous Twitter users were in the mentions of students tweeting from their classrooms during the shooting, accusing them of being part of the conspiracy:

One Twitter thread, made just after midnight on the night of the attack, claimed to contain “Bombshell” information about Parkland. @Magapill (an account once approvingly retweeted by President Trump) shared a video interview with a student that has become the basis of a debunked Parkland conspiracy theory. The thread was retweeted more than 3,000 times.

All this happened before the Parkland students calling for gun control began their ascent to viral iconography. When they emerged, the campaign to discredit and debunk the Parkland students expanded.

Week 2: #MAGA Internet

“EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines,” read a headline on Gateway Pundit. The article was one of a handful on far-right publications to emerge after the first weekend following the shooting.

Week 2: #MAGA Internet

“EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines,” read a headline on Gateway Pundit. The article was one of a handful on far-right publications to emerge after the first weekend following the shooting.

[ Algorithms are one reason a conspiracy theory goes viral. Another reason might be you. ]

Hogg, along with González, had found their voices. In one CNN interview, the pair called for the National Rifle Association to “disband.” That interview was on the Monday after the attack. By Tuesday, an aide to Florida state Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-Tampa) was fired for telling a reporter that Hogg and González were “not students … but actors.” As evidence, the aide sent the reporter one of several YouTube videos promoting that conspiracy theory.

Even a former U.S. congressman, Jack Kingston, joined in on Twitter: “O really? ‘Students’ are planning a nationwide rally? Not left-wing gun control activists using 17yr kids in the wake of a horrible tragedy? #Soros #Resistance #Antifa #DNC”

The conspiracy spread quickly, and the algorithms noticed. Soon, a video claiming that Hogg was an actor was the No. 1 trending video on YouTube.

Week 3: Fights with social media companies

In early March, the conspiracy Internet — and some of its Trump supporters — turned the conspiracy theories surrounding the Parkland students into a crusade against what they saw as censorship on major Silicon Valley platforms.

After a conspiracy video trended on YouTube, the platform cracked down on videos and creators who were promoting the false belief that the Parkland students were hired actors or reading from scripts to promote gun control. Enter Alex Jones.

[ How Alex Jones turned the Parkland shooting into a week-long news cycle about himself ]

Jones’s main YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers, and he made several videos about Hogg, such as “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview,” in the weeks after the shooting.

After CNN reported that the channel was 2 strikes away from a YouTube ban for violating the platform’s community guidelines, Jones started talking about censorship. He claimed his channel was about to be deleted (it wasn’t); he fundraised to support a fight against his enemies. This blitz became a week-long news cycle that captured the attention of Infowars’ supporters and opponents alike.

March for Our Lives: The memes go mainstream

On the eve of the March for Our Lives, the NRA delivered a message to the Parkland students who organized it: “No one would know your names” if a gunman hadn’t killed 17 people at their school, said a host on NRATV.

The Parkland teens, as they took on such a polarizing issue, were always going to have opponents — including from more conservative Parkland students who also survived the massacre. But the deeply personal, conspiracy-minded attacks targeting Hogg, González and their fellow classmate activists have gone from the conspiracy fringes to a larger audience.

And after the viral image of González ripping up the Constitution, Rep. Steve King’s campaign Facebook page (R-Iowa) shared a mocking meme about her. The post refers to a patch of the Cuban flag on her jacket worn during the march:

“This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense.”

A day after the hoax targeting González went viral, the conservative blog Redstate published — and then updated — an article that falsely implied Hogg might not have been at school during the shooting at all.

“Something doesn’t add up” about Hogg’s whereabouts during the shooting, the original article claimed, focusing on a clip from an upcoming documentary where the student describes going home, grabbing his camera, and returning to interview students.

“It is not possible for him to have been in class and also have been at home, a three-mile bike ride away from campus,” the article concluded. “One of those stories is a lie. Hogg should explain himself, and quickly.”

But the entire premise of the Redstate article was inaccurate. After publication, Redstate published two “updates” at the top of the story, clarifying that the statements they cited as inconsistent were actually describing two separate events, several hours apart. Hogg was definitely on campus at the time of the shooting, and eventually went home and returned to school that evening to interview his gathered classmates just off campus.

They became villains when they accused innocent people, with no connection to the school shooting, of being murderers......that's why dumb ass......and then, when they push gun confiscation and gun laws that will not stop mass shooters, and fight against arming and training teachers........that just adds to their ignorance....
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.


I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
Where are the organized militias to return safety to the schools? If their armaments are not for that, what is their delusion?
A very good question..if not for protection of the community..what use are our rights? I hear nothing of organized, sober citizens arming up and escorting their children...coordinating with local LE---communicating with school officials.

Where are the militiamen?
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.

That infamy reached a wider audience this past weekend around the time of their March for Our Lives protest, when a doctored image that showed González ripping up a copy of the U.S. Constitution (she actually ripped up a gun target) went mildly viral on the Trump-supporting parts of the Internet, defended as “satire” by those who shared it.

"Here’s a look back at how the Parkland student activists became such a target:

Day 1: Conspiracy theorists

The first to target the Parkland students were the conspiracy theorists. When a mass shooting like Parkland happens, conspiracy theorists begin to search for signs of a false flag — proof that the shooting was actually staged and/or carried out for political reasons — pretty much right away. They’re following what online trolling expert Whitney Phillips calls a “tragedy script”: The establishment is trying to take away your guns, they’ll use mass shootings to do that, and here are the tricks they use to manipulate the public. Anything irregular becomes conspiracy fodder.

[ We studied thousands of anonymous posts about the Parkland attack — and found a conspiracy in the making ]

An anonymous 8chan user told the fringe chat board to look for “crisis actors” just 47 minutes after the shooting happened. And if closed chat rooms and fringey boards such as 8chan, 4chan and some subreddits on Reddit are where conspiracy theorists coordinate, then Twitter is where those conspiracy theories — and the harassment that comes with them — are performed for the public. Within hours, anonymous Twitter users were in the mentions of students tweeting from their classrooms during the shooting, accusing them of being part of the conspiracy:

One Twitter thread, made just after midnight on the night of the attack, claimed to contain “Bombshell” information about Parkland. @Magapill (an account once approvingly retweeted by President Trump) shared a video interview with a student that has become the basis of a debunked Parkland conspiracy theory. The thread was retweeted more than 3,000 times.

All this happened before the Parkland students calling for gun control began their ascent to viral iconography. When they emerged, the campaign to discredit and debunk the Parkland students expanded.

Week 2: #MAGA Internet

“EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines,” read a headline on Gateway Pundit. The article was one of a handful on far-right publications to emerge after the first weekend following the shooting.

Week 2: #MAGA Internet

“EXPOSED: School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg’s Father in FBI, Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines,” read a headline on Gateway Pundit. The article was one of a handful on far-right publications to emerge after the first weekend following the shooting.

[ Algorithms are one reason a conspiracy theory goes viral. Another reason might be you. ]

Hogg, along with González, had found their voices. In one CNN interview, the pair called for the National Rifle Association to “disband.” That interview was on the Monday after the attack. By Tuesday, an aide to Florida state Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-Tampa) was fired for telling a reporter that Hogg and González were “not students … but actors.” As evidence, the aide sent the reporter one of several YouTube videos promoting that conspiracy theory.

Even a former U.S. congressman, Jack Kingston, joined in on Twitter: “O really? ‘Students’ are planning a nationwide rally? Not left-wing gun control activists using 17yr kids in the wake of a horrible tragedy? #Soros #Resistance #Antifa #DNC”

The conspiracy spread quickly, and the algorithms noticed. Soon, a video claiming that Hogg was an actor was the No. 1 trending video on YouTube.

Week 3: Fights with social media companies

In early March, the conspiracy Internet — and some of its Trump supporters — turned the conspiracy theories surrounding the Parkland students into a crusade against what they saw as censorship on major Silicon Valley platforms.

After a conspiracy video trended on YouTube, the platform cracked down on videos and creators who were promoting the false belief that the Parkland students were hired actors or reading from scripts to promote gun control. Enter Alex Jones.

[ How Alex Jones turned the Parkland shooting into a week-long news cycle about himself ]

Jones’s main YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers, and he made several videos about Hogg, such as “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview,” in the weeks after the shooting.

After CNN reported that the channel was 2 strikes away from a YouTube ban for violating the platform’s community guidelines, Jones started talking about censorship. He claimed his channel was about to be deleted (it wasn’t); he fundraised to support a fight against his enemies. This blitz became a week-long news cycle that captured the attention of Infowars’ supporters and opponents alike.

March for Our Lives: The memes go mainstream

On the eve of the March for Our Lives, the NRA delivered a message to the Parkland students who organized it: “No one would know your names” if a gunman hadn’t killed 17 people at their school, said a host on NRATV.

The Parkland teens, as they took on such a polarizing issue, were always going to have opponents — including from more conservative Parkland students who also survived the massacre. But the deeply personal, conspiracy-minded attacks targeting Hogg, González and their fellow classmate activists have gone from the conspiracy fringes to a larger audience.

And after the viral image of González ripping up the Constitution, Rep. Steve King’s campaign Facebook page (R-Iowa) shared a mocking meme about her. The post refers to a patch of the Cuban flag on her jacket worn during the march:

“This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense.”

A day after the hoax targeting González went viral, the conservative blog Redstate published — and then updated — an article that falsely implied Hogg might not have been at school during the shooting at all.

“Something doesn’t add up” about Hogg’s whereabouts during the shooting, the original article claimed, focusing on a clip from an upcoming documentary where the student describes going home, grabbing his camera, and returning to interview students.

“It is not possible for him to have been in class and also have been at home, a three-mile bike ride away from campus,” the article concluded. “One of those stories is a lie. Hogg should explain himself, and quickly.”

But the entire premise of the Redstate article was inaccurate. After publication, Redstate published two “updates” at the top of the story, clarifying that the statements they cited as inconsistent were actually describing two separate events, several hours apart. Hogg was definitely on campus at the time of the shooting, and eventually went home and returned to school that evening to interview his gathered classmates just off campus.

They became villains as soon as they began taking my rights away. I don’t care what happened to you, you have no right to deprive me of my rights. If you try, you are a villain.
Where are the organized militias to return safety to the schools? If their armaments are not for that, what is their delusion?
A very good question..if not for protection of the community..what use are our rights? I hear nothing of organized, sober citizens arming up and escorting their children...coordinating with local LE---communicating with school officials.

Where are the militiamen?

Dumb is against federal law to carry your legally owned and carried gun onto a school campus.....that is a democrat gun free zone, how are they going to carry their gun into a democrat gun free zone when it is illegal to do so?
How the Parkland teens became villains on the right-wing Internet

Shame on all who have engaged in this:
Less than a week after 17 people died in Parkland, Fla., right-wing provocateur Dinesh D’Souza began taunting some of the teenage survivors of the massacre. “Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs,” he tweeted on Feb. 20, commenting on a photo showing Parkland survivors crying as state legislators voted down a bill to ban military-style weapons.

D’Souza wrote another tweet, “Adults, 1, kids 0.” Combined, the two tweets have more than 25,000 likes and 8,000 retweets.

[ A fake photo of Emma González went viral on the far right, where Parkland teens are villains ]

Now, five weeks after the Parkland school shooting, D’Souza’s tweets seem almost quaint. As Emma González, David Hogg and the other Parkland teens fighting for gun control have become viral liberal heroes, the teens are villains on the right-wing Internet and fair game for the mockery and attacks that this group usually reserves for its adult enemies.


I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It was their rally, asshole. They get to run it. BTW..find me one link--that shows responsible pro-2nd teens taking their message to the people. Of course, there is the possibility that the people don't care..and that's what really bothers you.
Where are the organized militias to return safety to the schools? If their armaments are not for that, what is their delusion?
A very good question..if not for protection of the community..what use are our rights? I hear nothing of organized, sober citizens arming up and escorting their children...coordinating with local LE---communicating with school officials.

Where are the militiamen?

And they did coordinate with school officials and law enforcement when this shooter was breaking the law on campus and when the police were called 38 times to his home and when the FBI was told he was going to shoot up a school.....they were told twice......and because of obama's Promise Program, the kid wasn't arrested, he didn't have a criminal record, which meant he could pass a current, federal background check and buy those guns.....

That is the dumb ass....
I got this far.

Putting them forth to make political attacks and then whining about them being politically attacked BACK, is the act of a disingenuous ass.

And there you have it..."I got this far"..refusing to even be informed...forming an opinion..without all the the mark of a moron.
Has it occurred to you..that no one 'put them forward'? Not at first...this was their idea...yeah--everyone jumped on it....and the kids aren't 'messiahs"--but the level of hatred spewed upon many posters shameful.

There is no hate. There is a lot of contempt. There is even more revulsion. This has to do far more with their behavior. If they are going to be obnoxious, they will be treated as if they are obnoxious.

Why not give pro gun teens the same audience?
These kids were not 'given' the audience..they were subjected to a horrific tragedy...and chose a pro-social way to cope.
I would love to seen some Pro-2nd kids stand up for both their rights..and the responsibility that goes with them.

They are, dumb shit......but the left wing media didn't allow them to talk on Saturday at the rally......the anti gun extremists controlled that march.....
It was their rally, asshole. They get to run it. BTW..find me one link--that shows responsible pro-2nd teens taking their message to the people. Of course, there is the possibility that the people don't care..and that's what really bothers you.

Here you go dumb shit...and he isn't the only one...

Pro-Second Amendment Parkland Survivor: CNN Canceled My Interview Because of a Tweet
Where are the organized militias to return safety to the schools? If their armaments are not for that, what is their delusion?
A very good question..if not for protection of the community..what use are our rights? I hear nothing of organized, sober citizens arming up and escorting their children...coordinating with local LE---communicating with school officials.

Where are the militiamen?

Dumb is against federal law to carry your legally owned and carried gun onto a school campus.....that is a democrat gun free zone, how are they going to carry their gun into a democrat gun free zone when it is illegal to do so?
I on campus is the only place for positive action? I carry when I bring the grand-kids to school...many people here in Idaho carry..both open and concealed.
And if shots are fired..that law goes out the window doesn't it?

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