How the Democrats rigged the 2020 election

How do you know that?
I can can say it till the left backs up their claims

Do you want to ‘splain it for us?
Explain what?
Why or how are female or black small business hurt more than whites?
I have no clue women and minorities have been or if they haven’t been impacted more. Apparently somebody in the Biden admin thought they had been and developed policy to help them. You aren’t here questioning it though. You made a declaratory statement that they have not been impacted more. I’m asking how you know that. You deflected which tells me you don’t have data to back up your statement. You’re just pulling shit out of your ass again. How much do you have stuffed up there? This seems to be a common accurate from you.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

I don't take anything seriously from the NY Times.
What media do you take seriously?
None. I peruse everything and investigate, then I will weigh the information guided by my experience and intellect to form an opinion.
So then you take nothing seriously. That’s fine neither do I. Probably no need to point out The NY Times then eh?
The NY Times is trash. Like you.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

I don't take anything seriously from the NY Times.
What media do you take seriously?
None. I peruse everything and investigate, then I will weigh the information guided by my experience and intellect to form an opinion.
So then you take nothing seriously. That’s fine neither do I. Probably no need to point out The NY Times then eh?
Times?? The paper whose reporters were spied on ??
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

I don't take anything seriously from the NY Times.
What media do you take seriously?
None. I peruse everything and investigate, then I will weigh the information guided by my experience and intellect to form an opinion.
So then you take nothing seriously. That’s fine neither do I. Probably no need to point out The NY Times then eh?
Times?? The paper whose reporters were spied on ??
The paper whose reporters lied.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

I don't take anything seriously from the NY Times.
What media do you take seriously?
None. I peruse everything and investigate, then I will weigh the information guided by my experience and intellect to form an opinion.
So then you take nothing seriously. That’s fine neither do I. Probably no need to point out The NY Times then eh?
The NY Times is trash. Like you.
Best Newspaper in the country But they don't kiss trump butt
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The problem I have with all of this is that the US electoral system is rubbish. There's no real democracy and never has been in any election for the president ever.

So, of course the election is rigged. But they've all been rigged. And they've probably not been rigged in the way many Trump supporters would suggest.

Which is why as voters we should push for more controls and checks. The Mail In process pushed by Democrats in 2020 was completely unnecessary. All of their arguments centered around COVID and all of those arguments could have been addressed with Absentee Voting where the voter requests and receives a ballot and then mails it in.

The 2020 Mail In process pushed by Democrats has ballots mailed to voters based on registration lists. It is also Democrats who fight any attempt to clean up Voter Registration lists where voters have not voted in many years. These voters could be dead, moved to another district, or they just don’t vote.

I have accepted the outcome of the 2020 Elections. But, for future elections, I want to see Mail In voting go away. Absentee Voting meets all of the Democrats arguments and is inherently safer.
OK No mail in voting How about instead put up 100's more voting booths more days to vote ,don't try to make black voters coming from church miss voting etc etc You suckers aren't trying to kill fraud you just want to kill voting abilities for Dems THERE IS NO FRAUD More people voting better the chances of you losing

Absentee voting gives you more days and less dependency on voting booths. You people need to stop using Blacks as pawns in the voting integrity debate.

Arguably, Absentee Ballots make it much easier for Blacks to vote vs. your scenario about coming from Church. If anything, churches and social concerns ought to be shifting their resources to doing voter registration drives NOW and as the election gets closer, provide resources to help or assist Blacks with requesting Absentee Ballots and then helping them execute the vote (Mail) at the Churches any time, date or hour within the deadlines of the vote date like every other voter needs to adhere.

Absentee Voting is a lot easier and less taxing in presumably elderly Black voters compared to rounding them up, sticking them on a bus, and dealing with lines and voting booth logistics.

If there are locales that have any unusual or more restrictions on Absentee Ballot voting, then I fully stand with opening /loosening them up to facilitate easier voting without compromising voter integrity.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

I don't take anything seriously from the NY Times.
What media do you take seriously?
None. I peruse everything and investigate, then I will weigh the information guided by my experience and intellect to form an opinion.
So then you take nothing seriously. That’s fine neither do I. Probably no need to point out The NY Times then eh?
The NY Times is trash. Like you.
Don’t get Emo buddy. Control those emotions… nothing personal
Just was reading 19 supporters of QANON are making a run for the House and Senate Thanks Repubs Hopefully you get all you deserve
You aren’t here questioning it though. You made a declaratory statement that they have not been impacted more.
You are defending what amounts to biden racial discrimination against white people

So defend if you can
You aren’t here questioning it though. You made a declaratory statement that they have not been impacted more.
You are defending what amounts to biden racial discrimination against white people

So defend if you can
Nice deflection. What did I say that you think is defending Bidens racial discrimination? Quote me
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The problem I have with all of this is that the US electoral system is rubbish. There's no real democracy and never has been in any election for the president ever.

So, of course the election is rigged. But they've all been rigged. And they've probably not been rigged in the way many Trump supporters would suggest.

Which is why as voters we should push for more controls and checks. The Mail In process pushed by Democrats in 2020 was completely unnecessary. All of their arguments centered around COVID and all of those arguments could have been addressed with Absentee Voting where the voter requests and receives a ballot and then mails it in.

The 2020 Mail In process pushed by Democrats has ballots mailed to voters based on registration lists. It is also Democrats who fight any attempt to clean up Voter Registration lists where voters have not voted in many years. These voters could be dead, moved to another district, or they just don’t vote.

I have accepted the outcome of the 2020 Elections. But, for future elections, I want to see Mail In voting go away. Absentee Voting meets all of the Democrats arguments and is inherently safer.

Ah yes, the little things that won't change anything. Whether there's mail in voting or not, the system will still be bad for the people. The winner will always be Republican or Democrat.

Why the American people don't want Democracy is beyond me. Well, actually it's not. I know why. It's because so many people have been manipulated so badly, they literally say what they've been manipulated to say.
Nice deflection.
You should compliment yourself about that

You cant defend biden cause he’s in up to his asshole in discrimination against whites so you try to deflect
I don’t really feel the need or responsibility to defend Biden. If Biden did something messed up then he should be held accountable for it. I personally don’t know what the deal is with this situation. I haven’t looked at the data so I’m not making a defense or critique. You on the other hand are making critiques and proclamations that you can’t back up. That’s what partisan hacks do. Do better.

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