How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office | The Stream
5 Mar 2021 ~~ By John Zmirak

If I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
That might not be the kind of thing nice, Christian readers of The Stream think about very often. I promise you solemnly that other people do.
Thousands of highly trained professionals around the world strategically ponder such ugly ideas. Some work in China, Iran, or other enemy countries. Others live right here among us, and hate the country that hosts them — or even that birthed them — for ugly, Utopian reasons.

Turn the Elites Against the People
The way to get a country to tear itself apart isn’t a secret. Any student of history could lay it out for you:
Destroy the legitimacy of a country’s institutions, elites, and leaders. Convince people that the rich and powerful in their homeland hold the common man in crass contempt. That the courts are systematically rigged. So the rulers leave no options for the peaceful redress of grievances.
Teach the masses that their votes don’t really count, and the government is their enemy. And the media are lying to them, in service of private agendas. And a double standard prevails, even in criminal courts, depending on which political faction the accused belongs to.
In other words, act as the left did concerning the 2020 election.

Destruction Comes from Within
Nothing, nothing any Communist or Islamist anywhere on earth could try would be nearly as damaging as what America’s elites did to the country to oust Donald Trump. From Obama abusing FISA warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign, through the Russia Hoax, through the “shadow campaign” of US elites teaming up to “fortify” (fix) the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden, all the way to the Supreme Court’s refusal even to hear election fraud challenges, American elites have blown through America’s civic capital like Scarface snorting cocaine.
Whole books could be written about this. I fear they will be. By foreign historians in the future. Titles might include The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, What Happened to Uncle Sam? and American Autopsy.

What They Were Hiding for Biden
Let me just focus on one hideous incident, which my friend Jack Maxey brought back to mind by courageously uploading the Hunter Biden laptop. The event was pivotal — it helped turn a US election. (Some 17% of Biden voters surveyed said they wouldn’t have voted for him if they’d known the facts about Hunter’s laptop.)
Dante puts at the very pit of Hell not fire but ice. The sinners he imagines being chewed for all eternity in the three mouths of Satan aren’t perverts, killers, blasphemers, or even enemies of the Church.
No, they are traitors. They’re men who broke the most fundamental of human bonds. Judas, Cassius, and Brutus sprawl at the dark, cold heart of evil because they destroyed their benefactors and friends.
Some of these people are drawing pensions from the US government. Many of them still receive highly classified security briefings from it, because they’re supposed to be trustworthy. How long can a country survive when its own elites turn against its people?
I fear we’re about to find out.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists are so good at lying, cheating, violence. The blood on their hands is evident. it is no wonder they want to remove God from the county. You can not have God in your country and then follow evil. guess who they want out. Not good!!!!!!
If you cheat, lie, commit violence, looting and arson to achieve a goal, as the PM/DSA Democrat did for Biden, you aren’t the winner; you are a thief — and a lying dog-faced pony soldier too.
f I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
The Marxist team of Cloward & Piven wrote about this years ago. The KGB during the Cold War also had a “wishlist” to destabilize the West.
There is not an exact answer to the question, but a good place to begin would be to analyze those writings and determine how far we have come and are moving towards those goals.
The answer is frightening because there has been huge progress on each of those goals. Every single one of them. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that I never believed we would move this far towards totalitarianism this quickly.
There is still a disconnect for those of us in “flyover country” between their policies and our reality. How long can it last? I don’t know. We read about it. We hear about it. We debate it and point it out to one another. But it still does not seem real for most of us....
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office | The Stream
5 Mar 2021 ~~ By John Zmirak

If I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
That might not be the kind of thing nice, Christian readers of The Stream think about very often. I promise you solemnly that other people do.
Thousands of highly trained professionals around the world strategically ponder such ugly ideas. Some work in China, Iran, or other enemy countries. Others live right here among us, and hate the country that hosts them — or even that birthed them — for ugly, Utopian reasons.

Turn the Elites Against the People
The way to get a country to tear itself apart isn’t a secret. Any student of history could lay it out for you:
Destroy the legitimacy of a country’s institutions, elites, and leaders. Convince people that the rich and powerful in their homeland hold the common man in crass contempt. That the courts are systematically rigged. So the rulers leave no options for the peaceful redress of grievances.
Teach the masses that their votes don’t really count, and the government is their enemy. And the media are lying to them, in service of private agendas. And a double standard prevails, even in criminal courts, depending on which political faction the accused belongs to.
In other words, act as the left did concerning the 2020 election.

Destruction Comes from Within
Nothing, nothing any Communist or Islamist anywhere on earth could try would be nearly as damaging as what America’s elites did to the country to oust Donald Trump. From Obama abusing FISA warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign, through the Russia Hoax, through the “shadow campaign” of US elites teaming up to “fortify” (fix) the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden, all the way to the Supreme Court’s refusal even to hear election fraud challenges, American elites have blown through America’s civic capital like Scarface snorting cocaine.
Whole books could be written about this. I fear they will be. By foreign historians in the future. Titles might include The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, What Happened to Uncle Sam? and American Autopsy.

What They Were Hiding for Biden
Let me just focus on one hideous incident, which my friend Jack Maxey brought back to mind by courageously uploading the Hunter Biden laptop. The event was pivotal — it helped turn a US election. (Some 17% of Biden voters surveyed said they wouldn’t have voted for him if they’d known the facts about Hunter’s laptop.)
Dante puts at the very pit of Hell not fire but ice. The sinners he imagines being chewed for all eternity in the three mouths of Satan aren’t perverts, killers, blasphemers, or even enemies of the Church.
No, they are traitors. They’re men who broke the most fundamental of human bonds. Judas, Cassius, and Brutus sprawl at the dark, cold heart of evil because they destroyed their benefactors and friends.
Some of these people are drawing pensions from the US government. Many of them still receive highly classified security briefings from it, because they’re supposed to be trustworthy. How long can a country survive when its own elites turn against its people?
I fear we’re about to find out.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists are so good at lying, cheating, violence. The blood on their hands is evident. it is no wonder they want to remove God from the county. You can not have God in your country and then follow evil. guess who they want out. Not good!!!!!!
If you cheat, lie, commit violence, looting and arson to achieve a goal, as the PM/DSA Democrat did for Biden, you aren’t the winner; you are a thief — and a lying dog-faced pony soldier too.
f I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
The Marxist team of Cloward & Piven wrote about this years ago. The KGB during the Cold War also had a “wishlist” to destabilize the West.
There is not an exact answer to the question, but a good place to begin would be to analyze those writings and determine how far we have come and are moving towards those goals.
The answer is frightening because there has been huge progress on each of those goals. Every single one of them. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that I never believed we would move this far towards totalitarianism this quickly.
There is still a disconnect for those of us in “flyover country” between their policies and our reality. How long can it last? I don’t know. We read about it. We hear about it. We debate it and point it out to one another. But it still does not seem real for most of us....

This is nonsense.. The Deep State is Trump's excuse for losing.. Conspiracies of thousands is asinine.. People cannot agree sufficient to pull such a thing off. This is really sort of a take off on the old Illuminati Conspiracy crap... or the International Jew crap.

No rational adult should get caught up in such bullshit.
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office | The Stream
5 Mar 2021 ~~ By John Zmirak

If I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
That might not be the kind of thing nice, Christian readers of The Stream think about very often. I promise you solemnly that other people do.
Thousands of highly trained professionals around the world strategically ponder such ugly ideas. Some work in China, Iran, or other enemy countries. Others live right here among us, and hate the country that hosts them — or even that birthed them — for ugly, Utopian reasons.

Turn the Elites Against the People
The way to get a country to tear itself apart isn’t a secret. Any student of history could lay it out for you:
Destroy the legitimacy of a country’s institutions, elites, and leaders. Convince people that the rich and powerful in their homeland hold the common man in crass contempt. That the courts are systematically rigged. So the rulers leave no options for the peaceful redress of grievances.
Teach the masses that their votes don’t really count, and the government is their enemy. And the media are lying to them, in service of private agendas. And a double standard prevails, even in criminal courts, depending on which political faction the accused belongs to.
In other words, act as the left did concerning the 2020 election.

Destruction Comes from Within
Nothing, nothing any Communist or Islamist anywhere on earth could try would be nearly as damaging as what America’s elites did to the country to oust Donald Trump. From Obama abusing FISA warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign, through the Russia Hoax, through the “shadow campaign” of US elites teaming up to “fortify” (fix) the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden, all the way to the Supreme Court’s refusal even to hear election fraud challenges, American elites have blown through America’s civic capital like Scarface snorting cocaine.
Whole books could be written about this. I fear they will be. By foreign historians in the future. Titles might include The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, What Happened to Uncle Sam? and American Autopsy.

What They Were Hiding for Biden
Let me just focus on one hideous incident, which my friend Jack Maxey brought back to mind by courageously uploading the Hunter Biden laptop. The event was pivotal — it helped turn a US election. (Some 17% of Biden voters surveyed said they wouldn’t have voted for him if they’d known the facts about Hunter’s laptop.)
Dante puts at the very pit of Hell not fire but ice. The sinners he imagines being chewed for all eternity in the three mouths of Satan aren’t perverts, killers, blasphemers, or even enemies of the Church.
No, they are traitors. They’re men who broke the most fundamental of human bonds. Judas, Cassius, and Brutus sprawl at the dark, cold heart of evil because they destroyed their benefactors and friends.
Some of these people are drawing pensions from the US government. Many of them still receive highly classified security briefings from it, because they’re supposed to be trustworthy. How long can a country survive when its own elites turn against its people?
I fear we’re about to find out.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists are so good at lying, cheating, violence. The blood on their hands is evident. it is no wonder they want to remove God from the county. You can not have God in your country and then follow evil. guess who they want out. Not good!!!!!!
If you cheat, lie, commit violence, looting and arson to achieve a goal, as the PM/DSA Democrat did for Biden, you aren’t the winner; you are a thief — and a lying dog-faced pony soldier too.
f I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
The Marxist team of Cloward & Piven wrote about this years ago. The KGB during the Cold War also had a “wishlist” to destabilize the West.
There is not an exact answer to the question, but a good place to begin would be to analyze those writings and determine how far we have come and are moving towards those goals.
The answer is frightening because there has been huge progress on each of those goals. Every single one of them. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that I never believed we would move this far towards totalitarianism this quickly.
There is still a disconnect for those of us in “flyover country” between their policies and our reality. How long can it last? I don’t know. We read about it. We hear about it. We debate it and point it out to one another. But it still does not seem real for most of us....

This is nonsense.. The Deep State is Trump's excuse for losing.. Conspiracies of thousands is asinine.. People cannot agree sufficient to pull such a thing off. This is really sort of a take off on the old Illuminati Conspiracy crap... or the International Jew crap.

No rational adult should get caught up in such bullshit.

Trumpybear's wordsmiths had him renamed the Federal Bureaucracy to "The Deep State".

Nobody gets scared thinking about the 4 eyed pencil neck geeks that push paper in the Federal Bureaucracy. Call them Deep State Operatives and you got the audience hooked!
I think this is how they got Joe into office.

1. Racism narrative to divide us when the economy was booming, POC were getting enriched, and America was at relative peace internationally.
2. Five years of conspiracy theories, witch hunts and bad press form the MSM about Trump
3. Turning yet another coronavirus into a world wide plandemic to allow all the rules to change, and further separate the Left from the Right. Righties gotta work, and their businesses were shut down. Lefties like government handouts, and of those that work, many had guaranteed incomes in academia, Big Tech, public education, government.
4. Big Tech, Democrats, MSM all do their best to censor Conservatives, demonizing them, while providing cover for the Democrats and often propelling false narratives and false "fact checks."
5. Mail-in voting and sending ballots to people who did not even request them. - There are lots of people who would not even vote, but if you mail them a postage-paid return envelope with a ballot which they do not have to cast at the polls, they will gladly return it, particularly if someone come by their apartment and encourages them to do so.
6. etc.

And look what we have now:
- A president calling Governors who free their people "Neanderthals."
- A president who wants to fight COVID, but lets in COVID-positive immigrants after stopping construction of an effective wall.
- A president who sends thousands of American workers to the unemployment line on Day One, with a promise of future plans for new jobs in an industry they know nothing about (Keystone pipeline cancelled for solar and wind).
- A president who promises Science, but pulls his mask down to cough, and will let people with a Y chromosome compete against those without.
- A president who will place Climate Change initiatives above the well-being of keeping Americans employed and poorer people having affordable energy prices.
- A president who wishes to mandate to Americans what arguably-ineffective medical devices they must wear on their faces for 18 months.
- A president who says "no one should be above the law," who will then ignore the criminal status of well over 10 million illegal aliens living unlawfully in the US.
- A president who cancelled Trump's Executive order requiring a reduction in regulatory burden on American businesses, which will result in more Big Government and burdens on American businesses.
- A president who cancelled the Trump DOJ lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination, allowing them to continue to discriminate against Caucasians and Asians by having higher standards for certain ethnicities. Quite racist of him. When you raise standards for White and Asian people, you know they are simply going to work harder to meet those standards. The converse is also true.

I am struggling to think of one positive thing Biden has done for Americans. I bet President Xi can think of at least a dozen Biden has done for China. :)
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office | The Stream
5 Mar 2021 ~~ By John Zmirak

If I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
That might not be the kind of thing nice, Christian readers of The Stream think about very often. I promise you solemnly that other people do.
Thousands of highly trained professionals around the world strategically ponder such ugly ideas. Some work in China, Iran, or other enemy countries. Others live right here among us, and hate the country that hosts them — or even that birthed them — for ugly, Utopian reasons.

Turn the Elites Against the People
The way to get a country to tear itself apart isn’t a secret. Any student of history could lay it out for you:
Destroy the legitimacy of a country’s institutions, elites, and leaders. Convince people that the rich and powerful in their homeland hold the common man in crass contempt. That the courts are systematically rigged. So the rulers leave no options for the peaceful redress of grievances.
Teach the masses that their votes don’t really count, and the government is their enemy. And the media are lying to them, in service of private agendas. And a double standard prevails, even in criminal courts, depending on which political faction the accused belongs to.
In other words, act as the left did concerning the 2020 election.

Destruction Comes from Within
Nothing, nothing any Communist or Islamist anywhere on earth could try would be nearly as damaging as what America’s elites did to the country to oust Donald Trump. From Obama abusing FISA warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign, through the Russia Hoax, through the “shadow campaign” of US elites teaming up to “fortify” (fix) the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden, all the way to the Supreme Court’s refusal even to hear election fraud challenges, American elites have blown through America’s civic capital like Scarface snorting cocaine.
Whole books could be written about this. I fear they will be. By foreign historians in the future. Titles might include The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, What Happened to Uncle Sam? and American Autopsy.

What They Were Hiding for Biden
Let me just focus on one hideous incident, which my friend Jack Maxey brought back to mind by courageously uploading the Hunter Biden laptop. The event was pivotal — it helped turn a US election. (Some 17% of Biden voters surveyed said they wouldn’t have voted for him if they’d known the facts about Hunter’s laptop.)
Dante puts at the very pit of Hell not fire but ice. The sinners he imagines being chewed for all eternity in the three mouths of Satan aren’t perverts, killers, blasphemers, or even enemies of the Church.
No, they are traitors. They’re men who broke the most fundamental of human bonds. Judas, Cassius, and Brutus sprawl at the dark, cold heart of evil because they destroyed their benefactors and friends.
Some of these people are drawing pensions from the US government. Many of them still receive highly classified security briefings from it, because they’re supposed to be trustworthy. How long can a country survive when its own elites turn against its people?
I fear we’re about to find out.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists are so good at lying, cheating, violence. The blood on their hands is evident. it is no wonder they want to remove God from the county. You can not have God in your country and then follow evil. guess who they want out. Not good!!!!!!
If you cheat, lie, commit violence, looting and arson to achieve a goal, as the PM/DSA Democrat did for Biden, you aren’t the winner; you are a thief — and a lying dog-faced pony soldier too.
f I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
The Marxist team of Cloward & Piven wrote about this years ago. The KGB during the Cold War also had a “wishlist” to destabilize the West.
There is not an exact answer to the question, but a good place to begin would be to analyze those writings and determine how far we have come and are moving towards those goals.
The answer is frightening because there has been huge progress on each of those goals. Every single one of them. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that I never believed we would move this far towards totalitarianism this quickly.
There is still a disconnect for those of us in “flyover country” between their policies and our reality. How long can it last? I don’t know. We read about it. We hear about it. We debate it and point it out to one another. But it still does not seem real for most of us....

Never explained was why the contested states sent so many republicans to the US House if there was such wide-spread voter fraud by the Democrats.
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office
How the Deep State Lied Joe Biden into Office | The Stream
5 Mar 2021 ~~ By John Zmirak

If I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
That might not be the kind of thing nice, Christian readers of The Stream think about very often. I promise you solemnly that other people do.
Thousands of highly trained professionals around the world strategically ponder such ugly ideas. Some work in China, Iran, or other enemy countries. Others live right here among us, and hate the country that hosts them — or even that birthed them — for ugly, Utopian reasons.

Turn the Elites Against the People
The way to get a country to tear itself apart isn’t a secret. Any student of history could lay it out for you:
Destroy the legitimacy of a country’s institutions, elites, and leaders. Convince people that the rich and powerful in their homeland hold the common man in crass contempt. That the courts are systematically rigged. So the rulers leave no options for the peaceful redress of grievances.
Teach the masses that their votes don’t really count, and the government is their enemy. And the media are lying to them, in service of private agendas. And a double standard prevails, even in criminal courts, depending on which political faction the accused belongs to.
In other words, act as the left did concerning the 2020 election.

Destruction Comes from Within
Nothing, nothing any Communist or Islamist anywhere on earth could try would be nearly as damaging as what America’s elites did to the country to oust Donald Trump. From Obama abusing FISA warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign, through the Russia Hoax, through the “shadow campaign” of US elites teaming up to “fortify” (fix) the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden, all the way to the Supreme Court’s refusal even to hear election fraud challenges, American elites have blown through America’s civic capital like Scarface snorting cocaine.
Whole books could be written about this. I fear they will be. By foreign historians in the future. Titles might include The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, What Happened to Uncle Sam? and American Autopsy.

What They Were Hiding for Biden
Let me just focus on one hideous incident, which my friend Jack Maxey brought back to mind by courageously uploading the Hunter Biden laptop. The event was pivotal — it helped turn a US election. (Some 17% of Biden voters surveyed said they wouldn’t have voted for him if they’d known the facts about Hunter’s laptop.)
Dante puts at the very pit of Hell not fire but ice. The sinners he imagines being chewed for all eternity in the three mouths of Satan aren’t perverts, killers, blasphemers, or even enemies of the Church.
No, they are traitors. They’re men who broke the most fundamental of human bonds. Judas, Cassius, and Brutus sprawl at the dark, cold heart of evil because they destroyed their benefactors and friends.
Some of these people are drawing pensions from the US government. Many of them still receive highly classified security briefings from it, because they’re supposed to be trustworthy. How long can a country survive when its own elites turn against its people?
I fear we’re about to find out.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoncrat Leftists are so good at lying, cheating, violence. The blood on their hands is evident. it is no wonder they want to remove God from the county. You can not have God in your country and then follow evil. guess who they want out. Not good!!!!!!
If you cheat, lie, commit violence, looting and arson to achieve a goal, as the PM/DSA Democrat did for Biden, you aren’t the winner; you are a thief — and a lying dog-faced pony soldier too.
f I were trying to destroy a country, rip its social fabric to shreds, and bring on a blood-soaked civil war that left it in pieces, what would I do?
The Marxist team of Cloward & Piven wrote about this years ago. The KGB during the Cold War also had a “wishlist” to destabilize the West.
There is not an exact answer to the question, but a good place to begin would be to analyze those writings and determine how far we have come and are moving towards those goals.
The answer is frightening because there has been huge progress on each of those goals. Every single one of them. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that I never believed we would move this far towards totalitarianism this quickly.
There is still a disconnect for those of us in “flyover country” between their policies and our reality. How long can it last? I don’t know. We read about it. We hear about it. We debate it and point it out to one another. But it still does not seem real for most of us....
Anyone or anything not specifically identifying ZIONISM as being behind The Steal is to be ignored. It was 100% about Zionism, specifically Zionism's #1 fear - the FBI 911 file coming out.

Brad Raffensberger is 100% Jewish, 100% for Israel, 0% for the US, and 0% Republican in any way.

Why are Georgia Christians so fucking dumb?

Good grief, I just answered my own question.....
Anyone or anything not specifically identifying ZIONISM as being behind The Steal is to be ignored. It was 100% about Zionism, specifically Zionism's #1 fear - the FBI 911 file coming out.

Brad Raffensberger is 100% Jewish, 100% for Israel, 0% for the US, and 0% Republican in any way.

Why are Georgia Christians so fucking dumb?

Good grief, I just answered my own question.....


Although, that is a pretty funny squeal........
Anyone or anything not specifically identifying ZIONISM as being behind The Steal is to be ignored. It was 100% about Zionism, specifically Zionism's #1 fear - the FBI 911 file coming out.

Brad Raffensberger is 100% Jewish, 100% for Israel, 0% for the US, and 0% Republican in any way.

Why are Georgia Christians so fucking dumb?

Good grief, I just answered my own question.....


Although, that is a pretty funny squeal........

Will it be funny when the US National Debt is $50 trillion and our troops are sold out again in Iran this time??

Traitor Joe is LBJ's 5th term, W being terms 3 and 4.....
Anyone or anything not specifically identifying ZIONISM as being behind The Steal is to be ignored. It was 100% about Zionism, specifically Zionism's #1 fear - the FBI 911 file coming out.

Brad Raffensberger is 100% Jewish, 100% for Israel, 0% for the US, and 0% Republican in any way.

Why are Georgia Christians so fucking dumb?

Good grief, I just answered my own question.....
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Doc is not the brighest apple,this is what he always does when the truth about his hero warmonger Reagan is exposed fir the criminal he was.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

instead of doing the adult thing and trying to refute these facts he can’t refute,he just posts a thumbs down sign in defeat as you just foundout.

the zionists were Intially pleased by trump when he cut off aide to Palestinian but got pissed at him when he signed the Palestine Israel peace accord so they made sure he did not get re-elected.
And I thought Hunter's water soaked laptop hoax had gone off to a sweet repose.

Back from the dead. Like GOP fiscal responsibility. Here today, gone yesterday!
It now has become obvious that although, Hunter, Joey and 51 former Intel agents stated that the "Laptop From Hell" was Russian disinformation.
The Laptop has now been established as the primary evidence in the Hunter gun violation trial. Look to see the Laptop to be used by Congress to indict Hunter, James and finally Joey for lying.
Perhaps my detarckers should take this advice from Dr Phil,\
.“If You Let Your Hatred for Donald Trump Compromise Your Ability to Find True North on Your Moral Compass, Shame on You”
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