How stupid are left wingers? This stupid.

Wasn't the whole purpose of the tax to get people to drink less soda? Or is Philly the greed one?

The purpose of all taxes is to get more of worker's money. They use many excuses to do that, all of which are supposedly for the greater good. Smoking is bad, so tax it. Sugar is bad, so tax it.

Dems especially are experts at getting their hands in people's pockets. And they are always so naïve that it surprises them when people try to safeguard their money from the slimy hands of politicians.

So you're saying it's greedy commiecrats wanting to gouge the poor? After all they're the ones that drink the most soda.

They are also the ones who are more likely to smoke and look how many times the cigarette tax has been raised.
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The problem with that is the government won't pay off the debt with more revenue. Obama increased taxes and our debt doubled.
They certainly won't pay it off with less revenue. And our debt doubled because of our obscene defense budget.


Let's play your game ---- make the defense budget zero. We spend NO money on defense.

How long will it take us to pay off the national debt? What? Never? You mean the defense budget doesn't even equal the deficit each year? How can that be? You said the debt was because of our defense budget.

Does this mean that, once again, you have demonstrated that you don't know what the hell you're talking about?

Pretty much, huh?
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror should be under defense spending.
So, we can assume you are in favor of crime, drugs, poverty, and terror???
Just right wing fantasy, if you cannot justify war time tax rates for it.
So you were just deflecting then.

You really think it is ludicrous that the cost of producing a product is paid for by the consumers of it? I can tell you which argument here is ludicrous.
I'm saying making corporations pay the taxes they legally owe, does not directly affect the consumer. Let me make it a little easier for you to understand, your argument is bullshit.
No, it is basic (VERY basic) economics. That is simply a hard fact - the cost of a product's manufacturing affects the price at market. It is grossly ignorant of economics to think that the price it costs to get a product to market is unrelated to its selling price.
No, it is basic (VERY basic) economics. That is simply a hard fact - the cost of a product's manufacturing affects the price at market. It is grossly ignorant of economics to think that the price it costs to get a product to market is unrelated to its selling price.
Nice strawman.

We were talking about paying taxes on profit. If you made a profit on something, its something that was already manufactured and sold.
No, it is basic (VERY basic) economics. That is simply a hard fact - the cost of a product's manufacturing affects the price at market. It is grossly ignorant of economics to think that the price it costs to get a product to market is unrelated to its selling price.
Nice strawman.

We were talking about paying taxes on profit. If you made a profit on something, its something that was already manufactured and sold.

We already covered this. When you increase taxes on profit, it still has similar effects. No company is going to operate in a place where they lose tons of money to taxes.

This is why Burger King closed it's head quarters in the US, laid off a bunch of people, and moved it's HQ to Canada where with a lower income tax rate, saved $5 billion a year.

How do you think companies pay for raises to their employees? From profits. You take away profits, they don't give out raises.

No, there is no magic guarantee that profits will be used for pay raises, but there is a guarantee that money taxed away, will not be.

How do you think companies pay to open new locations, new buildings, and open new jobs? With profits.

No, there is no magic guarantee that profits will be used to invest in the US, and to create jobs, but there is a guarantee that money taxed away, won't be.

So if you have no problem with lower growth, fewer jobs, and no pay raises, and maybe even a pay cut.... then fantastic. Raise all the taxes you want.
When you increase taxes on profit, it still has similar effects.
That makes no sense whatsoever.

Similar effects on what? And how is that unrelated comparison have anything to do with a corporations legal obligations to pay taxes on the profit it makes in this country? And how is that justification to pay less of a tax rate than I do?

So let's keep the talking in circles going, since you keep asking.

When you raise taxes on corporations, they can only get that money to pay that tax, from a few places...
A: Charging customers more.
B: Paying lower wages to workers.
C: Investing less into the US (less growth, less jobs, fewer pay raises, and so on).

Now you keep asking "Why should a corporation pay less tax than I do".

First, that in and of itself is entirely false.

There is no "corporation". There is no building somewhere, holding it's head saying "man I hate these corporate taxes".

A corporation is made up of people.

Each of those people, is paying the same income tax that you are. You are not treated even the slightest bit unfair. No person at the corporation is pay less tax than you.

In fact, in all honesty, you are unfairly taxed lower than a "corporation".

If you run a business, and it's your own private business, and I run a business that is a corporation, both of us are going to be taxed on the income we take home. But my company will also be taxed at the corporate level.

This is why the number of corporations is actually in decline in America today.

America’s Shrinking Corporate Sector - Tax Foundation
The Decline Of Corporations

And this is one of the reasons our economy is slowing down.

Your side is winning this fight, and it's directly because of that, that our economy is in the lack luster condition it is in.

Now, if you are fine with that, and think having America decline to 3rd world status is a great plus, then we are on the right track. But you at least need to grasp that your policies are the reason we are where we are.

You keep acting like everything I'm saying is theory. No, it's fact. It's playing out right now. The whole complaint about companies moving operations over seas, is exactly because of what you advocate right now.
With Sales Depressed by Soda Tax, Philly Grocers Look to Cut Jobs as Mayor Blames 'Greedy' Soda Industry

"I didn't think it was possible for the soda industry to be any greedier," Kenney said in an emailed statement to reporter Julia Terruso. "They are so committed to stopping this tax from spreading to other cities, that they are not only passing the tax they should be paying onto their customer, they are actually willing to threaten working men and women's jobs rather than marginally reduce their seven figure bonuses."

Raise taxes on something and shocked that tax gets passed on to the customer. Democrats are fucking retards.
So don't buy it. You're too fat anyways
So don't tax it, it's none of your business....
Let's tax doctor visits instead. Got to tax something
Tax registered democrats 3 times as much as conservatives since they live to pay taxes.
With Sales Depressed by Soda Tax, Philly Grocers Look to Cut Jobs as Mayor Blames 'Greedy' Soda Industry

"I didn't think it was possible for the soda industry to be any greedier," Kenney said in an emailed statement to reporter Julia Terruso. "They are so committed to stopping this tax from spreading to other cities, that they are not only passing the tax they should be paying onto their customer, they are actually willing to threaten working men and women's jobs rather than marginally reduce their seven figure bonuses."

Raise taxes on something and shocked that tax gets passed on to the customer. Democrats are fucking retards.
So don't buy it. You're too fat anyways
So don't tax it, it's none of your business....
Let's tax doctor visits instead. Got to tax something
Tax registered democrats 3 times as much as conservatives since they live to pay taxes.
OK but don't give any conservative Republicans any of the social services those taxes pay for
With Sales Depressed by Soda Tax, Philly Grocers Look to Cut Jobs as Mayor Blames 'Greedy' Soda Industry

Raise taxes on something and shocked that tax gets passed on to the customer. Democrats are fucking retards.
So don't buy it. You're too fat anyways
So don't tax it, it's none of your business....
Let's tax doctor visits instead. Got to tax something
Tax registered democrats 3 times as much as conservatives since they live to pay taxes.
OK but don't give any conservative Republicans any of the social services those taxes pay for
Conservatives can access anything their tax money pays for. Don't want them accessing them? Don't take their money to pay for it.
So let's keep the talking in circles going, since you keep asking.

When you raise taxes on corporations, they can only get that money to pay that tax, from a few places...
A: Charging customers more.
B: Paying lower wages to workers.
C: Investing less into the US (less growth, less jobs, fewer pay raises, and so on).

Now you keep asking "Why should a corporation pay less tax than I do".

First, that in and of itself is entirely false.

There is no "corporation". There is no building somewhere, holding it's head saying "man I hate these corporate taxes".

A corporation is made up of people.

Each of those people, is paying the same income tax that you are. You are not treated even the slightest bit unfair. No person at the corporation is pay less tax than you.

In fact, in all honesty, you are unfairly taxed lower than a "corporation".

If you run a business, and it's your own private business, and I run a business that is a corporation, both of us are going to be taxed on the income we take home. But my company will also be taxed at the corporate level.

This is why the number of corporations is actually in decline in America today.

America’s Shrinking Corporate Sector - Tax Foundation
The Decline Of Corporations

And this is one of the reasons our economy is slowing down.

Your side is winning this fight, and it's directly because of that, that our economy is in the lack luster condition it is in.

Now, if you are fine with that, and think having America decline to 3rd world status is a great plus, then we are on the right track. But you at least need to grasp that your policies are the reason we are where we are.

You keep acting like everything I'm saying is theory. No, it's fact. It's playing out right now. The whole complaint about companies moving operations over seas, is exactly because of what you advocate right now.
I don't give a shit where they get the money. I don't want them paying less of a tax rate than I do. It is not in the best interests of the country to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
So let's keep the talking in circles going, since you keep asking.

When you raise taxes on corporations, they can only get that money to pay that tax, from a few places...
A: Charging customers more.
B: Paying lower wages to workers.
C: Investing less into the US (less growth, less jobs, fewer pay raises, and so on).

Now you keep asking "Why should a corporation pay less tax than I do".

First, that in and of itself is entirely false.

There is no "corporation". There is no building somewhere, holding it's head saying "man I hate these corporate taxes".

A corporation is made up of people.

Each of those people, is paying the same income tax that you are. You are not treated even the slightest bit unfair. No person at the corporation is pay less tax than you.

In fact, in all honesty, you are unfairly taxed lower than a "corporation".

If you run a business, and it's your own private business, and I run a business that is a corporation, both of us are going to be taxed on the income we take home. But my company will also be taxed at the corporate level.

This is why the number of corporations is actually in decline in America today.

America’s Shrinking Corporate Sector - Tax Foundation
The Decline Of Corporations

And this is one of the reasons our economy is slowing down.

Your side is winning this fight, and it's directly because of that, that our economy is in the lack luster condition it is in.

Now, if you are fine with that, and think having America decline to 3rd world status is a great plus, then we are on the right track. But you at least need to grasp that your policies are the reason we are where we are.

You keep acting like everything I'm saying is theory. No, it's fact. It's playing out right now. The whole complaint about companies moving operations over seas, is exactly because of what you advocate right now.
I don't give a shit where they get the money. I don't want them paying less of a tax rate than I do. It is not in the best interests of the country to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
The people holding the stock of the corporations are being taxed twice, once at the corporate level and another time at the individual level. You are only being taxed once.
So let's keep the talking in circles going, since you keep asking.

When you raise taxes on corporations, they can only get that money to pay that tax, from a few places...
A: Charging customers more.
B: Paying lower wages to workers.
C: Investing less into the US (less growth, less jobs, fewer pay raises, and so on).

Now you keep asking "Why should a corporation pay less tax than I do".

First, that in and of itself is entirely false.

There is no "corporation". There is no building somewhere, holding it's head saying "man I hate these corporate taxes".

A corporation is made up of people.

Each of those people, is paying the same income tax that you are. You are not treated even the slightest bit unfair. No person at the corporation is pay less tax than you.

In fact, in all honesty, you are unfairly taxed lower than a "corporation".

If you run a business, and it's your own private business, and I run a business that is a corporation, both of us are going to be taxed on the income we take home. But my company will also be taxed at the corporate level.

This is why the number of corporations is actually in decline in America today.

America’s Shrinking Corporate Sector - Tax Foundation
The Decline Of Corporations

And this is one of the reasons our economy is slowing down.

Your side is winning this fight, and it's directly because of that, that our economy is in the lack luster condition it is in.

Now, if you are fine with that, and think having America decline to 3rd world status is a great plus, then we are on the right track. But you at least need to grasp that your policies are the reason we are where we are.

You keep acting like everything I'm saying is theory. No, it's fact. It's playing out right now. The whole complaint about companies moving operations over seas, is exactly because of what you advocate right now.
I don't give a shit where they get the money. I don't want them paying less of a tax rate than I do. It is not in the best interests of the country to give tax breaks to the wealthy.

Again.......... the wealthy get the money to pay those taxes from YOU. So YOU are saying YOU should pay more taxes because YOU don't want to pay more tax than the wealthy who make YOU pay for it.

You basically said "TAX ME MORE OR IT ISN'T FAIR!"

YOU pay the tax. The wealthy get the money from YOU, so if YOU demand the wealthy pay more, and they get that money from YOU, then YOU are demand that YOU pay more tax.

That is what you are saying.
With Sales Depressed by Soda Tax, Philly Grocers Look to Cut Jobs as Mayor Blames 'Greedy' Soda Industry

Raise taxes on something and shocked that tax gets passed on to the customer. Democrats are fucking retards.
So don't buy it. You're too fat anyways
So don't tax it, it's none of your business....
Let's tax doctor visits instead. Got to tax something
Tax registered democrats 3 times as much as conservatives since they live to pay taxes.
OK but don't give any conservative Republicans any of the social services those taxes pay for

I love this. This is how left-wingers think.

Leftard " I demand that you pay for services you don't want.... but I also demand that you don't use the services you pay for!"

This is why people freak out that Social Security is going broke, yet it takes 15% of their income, then they have a melt down that a large chunk of beneficiaries are rich.

Social Security Paid Out to Millionaires

What part of this don't you get? If you force me to pay for it, I'm going to take every single penny that you are dumb enough to give me. I almost qualified for food stamps, and I'd have no problem taking every single dollar of your tax money that you are so mindlessly stupid, to pay me for.

And why not? I gotta put gas in my Grand Marquis. So if I can get you morons to pay for my 300 lbs diet plan, I'll use my food budget for a new computer.

So don't buy it. You're too fat anyways
So don't tax it, it's none of your business....
Let's tax doctor visits instead. Got to tax something
Tax registered democrats 3 times as much as conservatives since they live to pay taxes.
OK but don't give any conservative Republicans any of the social services those taxes pay for

I love this. This is how left-wingers think.

Leftard " I demand that you pay for services you don't want.... but I also demand that you don't use the services you pay for!"

This is why people freak out that Social Security is going broke, yet it takes 15% of their income, then they have a melt down that a large chunk of beneficiaries are rich.

Social Security Paid Out to Millionaires

What part of this don't you get? If you force me to pay for it, I'm going to take every single penny that you are dumb enough to give me. I almost qualified for food stamps, and I'd have no problem taking every single dollar of your tax money that you are so mindlessly stupid, to pay me for.

And why not? I gotta put gas in my Grand Marquis. So if I can get you morons to pay for my 300 lbs diet plan, I'll use my food budget for a new computer.

Exactly. Libs think only Libs are qualified to use social services all tax payers pay for.

Comes from being of the entitlement mindset? Not sure exactly. But yeah...force me to pay for it ...I will use it if qualified. Like it or lump it. Don't care.

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