How should the riots and looting in Ferguson be dealt with?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
These so called "Hands up, Don't shoot protesters" are racist criminals that are rioting, looting, causing mayhem in Ferguson, burn the American flag, rip and tear the American flag and have recently killed two police officers in Ferguson. These people piss me the fruck off. The 1st amendment does not give them the right to riot, loot, kill police, threaten police , and kill other people. They disgrace America and our military, white and black that are all real Americans. These are my options.

1. Cut all welfare from them, as they don't deserve it, they obviously don't have jobs otherwise they wouldn't be rioting and protesting all day.
2. Strip them of their citizenship, and deport them to Africa, or send them with ISIS. as they are not real Americans
3. Shut down all "Hands up Don't shoot protests" as they're obviously not just protesting, some of those "protesters" killed two cops in Ferguson. Cops are human too.

Or all the above.
Not only were no police killed in Ferguson, but nobody knows who shot them. It could have been white supremacists trying to stir shit up. Nobody knows. . . .
I believe there is going to be a class action lawsuit against the Governor by the business owners who lost their property during the riots.

The Governor did not order the National Guard to protect Ferguson business or citizens. One person was killed and businesses destroyed.

That Governor is a complete and utter asshole.
There is a lot of footage of the looting. So many are proud of their loot and are posting pics and videos online. Once police discover who they are, the criminals should be arrested and charged. Some jail time is needed for those who committed acts of violence and who destroyed so many businesses and neighborhoods.
Whites should feel privileged to have rioting murdering minorities as their neighbors. They are to be accorded such behavior as recompense for the enslavement of their great great great great grandparents.

If Obama's presence in the White House has taught our country one thing, it is the rightful duty of minorities to plunder in the name of justice.
How it Should come out is a question for idealists.

In ObamaWorld---which we are imprisoned in for 22 more months (hard time)---it means more Government checks going into Ferguson to assuage the oppressed. Reparations. Its an industry.
In a new interview for the April issue of Playboy, Cheney repeatedly tore into Obama on a wide array of issues, including the racially charged riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and foreign policy.

“I look at Barack Obama and I see the worst president of my lifetime, without question,” Cheney told journalist James Rosen. “I used to have significant criticism of Jimmy Carter, but compared to Barack Obama and the damage he is doing to the nation—it’s a tragedy.”

…Cheney said Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, who are both the first black officials in their respective offices, played “the race card” by suggesting their ethnicity has factored into some of the attacks against them:

I think they’re playing the race card, in my view. Certainly we haven’t given up—nor should we give up—the right to criticize an administration and public officials. To say that we criticize, or that I criticize, Barack Obama or Eric Holder because of race, I just think it’s obviously not true. My view of it is the criticism is merited because of performance—or lack of performance, because of incompetence. It hasn’t got anything to do with race.

Read more:
I believe there is going to be a class action lawsuit against the Governor by the business owners who lost their property during the riots.

The Governor did not order the National Guard to protect Ferguson business or citizens. One person was killed and businesses destroyed.

That Governor is a complete and utter asshole.

It's like the city was so afraid of the race baiters, like Sharpton and Obama, that they didn't want to send enough police out to actually stop the rioters. It would have been an ugly scene and force would have been needed to stop them. They were so afraid of more racism accusations that they allowed the looters to continue uninhibited, and the media seemed to sympathize with the idiots, as if those looters had a right to do what they did.

Heaven forbid, some violent protester was harmed or shot, and the police would have been vilified even more.

I cannot believe that some liberals are claiming that the false narrative, "Hands up, don't shoot", had nothing to do with getting people riled up. Some rapper on the music awards even included that in a dance number. Now we know for sure it was total bullshit, but does anyone care?

It was like war on the streets in Ferguson and it was every man for himself. If people wanted to save their businesses from being looted and burned down, they were on their own in protecting their property. People watched in horror and the violence spread through the neighborhoods, like a fire that no one could stop. And no one really tried. I agree that the National Guard should have been called in.

And the shit is still going on even after an investigation showed there was no wrong doing on the part of the officer. So, what the hell is the problem now?
How should the riots and looting in Ferguson be dealt with?

this is how you deal with the white Ferguson delinquents responsible for Institutionalized Racist exploitation of the Ferguson Black Community ...

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