Platinum Member
The sad fate of former free Germany shall be a warning for freedom loving peoples what gonna happen to those who believe fairy-tales of satanists and communists.
Dresden - Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has declared war on the free Saxons and has now even brought a restriction of the messenger service Telegram into play
"It can no longer be acceptable for the operators of Telegram to stand idly by from Dubai while death threats are spread on their network," he told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. He added: "If they want to continue offering their services on the German market, they must take action against this agitation. Otherwise, the EU, the German government, Apple and Android must restrict its use." Telegram is used by anti-vaccination activists to allegedly spread misinformation and call for demonstrations. Radical anti-vaccination activists had recently plotted assassinations against Kretschmer on Telegram.
Of course, this is a scandal when someone calls for demonstrations here. This is really not acceptable in a democracy like Germany (irony off).
"Hate and agitation at Corona demonstrations and also in the social networks must stop. Freedom of expression is a great good, but anonymous threats are unacceptable," the prime minister continued. According to Saxony's Interior Ministry, 126 demonstrations have taken place in Saxony since December 5, with 1,254 violations registered and 1,135 fines issued.
Saxony's emergency ordinance currently only allows rallies with a maximum of ten participants. Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) called for tools to identify offenders on Telegram. "We need an identification obligation or the login trap for social networks. In the case of incitement and other crimes, this will allow us to identify the perpetrator without delay," Pistorius told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.
And, of course, the media are playing along and coincidentally serving up the right survey to go with it:
According to a survey by the opinion research institute INSA for "Bild am Sonntag," 76 percent want Telegram to delete incitement and threats (against: eleven percent, don't know/not sure: 13 percent), 50 percent are in favor of a clear-name requirement (against: 35 percent, don't know/not sure: 15 percent) for messenger services. 54 percent believe that Corona deniers and lateral thinkers pose a threat to Germany.
That is even more than for right-wing extremists (46 percent), Islamists (34 percent) or left-wing extremists (23 percent) (none of them: seven percent). For the survey, the opinion research institute INSA interviewed 1,003 people on December 10, 2021.
But that fits. Free communication channels do not fit in with a vaccination dictatorship.
So it is called then soon probably: Back to the tables of regulars - oh does not go. Only those who have been vaccinated three times will be allowed into the pubs.
Dresden - Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has declared war on the free Saxons and has now even brought a restriction of the messenger service Telegram into play
"It can no longer be acceptable for the operators of Telegram to stand idly by from Dubai while death threats are spread on their network," he told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. He added: "If they want to continue offering their services on the German market, they must take action against this agitation. Otherwise, the EU, the German government, Apple and Android must restrict its use." Telegram is used by anti-vaccination activists to allegedly spread misinformation and call for demonstrations. Radical anti-vaccination activists had recently plotted assassinations against Kretschmer on Telegram.
Of course, this is a scandal when someone calls for demonstrations here. This is really not acceptable in a democracy like Germany (irony off).
"Hate and agitation at Corona demonstrations and also in the social networks must stop. Freedom of expression is a great good, but anonymous threats are unacceptable," the prime minister continued. According to Saxony's Interior Ministry, 126 demonstrations have taken place in Saxony since December 5, with 1,254 violations registered and 1,135 fines issued.
Saxony's emergency ordinance currently only allows rallies with a maximum of ten participants. Lower Saxony's Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) called for tools to identify offenders on Telegram. "We need an identification obligation or the login trap for social networks. In the case of incitement and other crimes, this will allow us to identify the perpetrator without delay," Pistorius told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper.
And, of course, the media are playing along and coincidentally serving up the right survey to go with it:
According to a survey by the opinion research institute INSA for "Bild am Sonntag," 76 percent want Telegram to delete incitement and threats (against: eleven percent, don't know/not sure: 13 percent), 50 percent are in favor of a clear-name requirement (against: 35 percent, don't know/not sure: 15 percent) for messenger services. 54 percent believe that Corona deniers and lateral thinkers pose a threat to Germany.
That is even more than for right-wing extremists (46 percent), Islamists (34 percent) or left-wing extremists (23 percent) (none of them: seven percent). For the survey, the opinion research institute INSA interviewed 1,003 people on December 10, 2021.
But that fits. Free communication channels do not fit in with a vaccination dictatorship.
So it is called then soon probably: Back to the tables of regulars - oh does not go. Only those who have been vaccinated three times will be allowed into the pubs.
Despot Kretschmer will virtuelle Stammtische zerschlagen » ☆☆☆☆☆ - Journalistenwatch e.V. - Aktuelle Geschehnisse
Dresden - Sachsens Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer (CDU) hat den freien Sachsen den Kampf angesagt und jetzt sogar eine Einschränkung des