How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

Shitstain....Iraq is on this planet, it isn't on Mars despite what your retarded brain thinks.

If we are not supposed to kill ISIS terrorists, then when are the losertarian scum going to fly over there and surrender to them????

Here's a crazy idea. It's their country. Let's not go over there at all.

That... is the most retarded excuse I have ever heard for interfering in another country's business. Guess we should place ourselves into every war zone in the world then? Why is Iraq different? Would you support the same intervention from another country into America's business?
So says the shitbag with a mental disease and a gyrating gif thinking it makes you "cool."

Why? Is that because as a highly accomplished person who has come out of the woodwork because I'm sick of you fucking lying libs destroying my can't relate to being so accomplished?

When I was briefing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a member of the military, I was working on the first of my two master's at the time just for fun. And it happened to be in economics at the time.

Who gives a shit if a low life believes me. You losers couldn't be more different than a hard worker like myself.

You're a sock who spends too much time on message boards. You are not an expert in either of those subjects. Even your friends on this site don't really believe you. Like you, they are hacks. :lol:
Liberal and losertarian scum that hate the CIA and US military talk about killing terrorists/fighting wars is a waste of money, but they don't understand the concept that means they support the terrorists/our enemies.

The same CIA that has been arming terrorists and installing dictators for decades? Yeah. For some reason not everybody trusts them. :doubt:
Asswipe....of course you don't think islamic terrorists taking over Iraq and getting the millions in oil revenues is a big problem for the US, middle east, Europe, etc.

Take your drugs and leave or just kill yourself.

Shitstain....Iraq is on this planet, it isn't on Mars despite what your retarded brain thinks.

If we are not supposed to kill ISIS terrorists, then when are the losertarian scum going to fly over there and surrender to them????

Here's a crazy idea. It's their country. Let's not go over there at all.

That... is the most retarded excuse I have ever heard for interfering in another country's business. Guess we should place ourselves into every war zone in the world then? Why is Iraq different? Would you support the same intervention from another country into America's business?
Kill yourself, you are stealing our O2.

Liberal and losertarian scum that hate the CIA and US military talk about killing terrorists/fighting wars is a waste of money, but they don't understand the concept that means they support the terrorists/our enemies.

The same CIA that has been arming terrorists and installing dictators for decades? Yeah. For some reason not everybody trusts them. :doubt:
Well they were wrong. His chief military advisors called for a minimum of 10,000 for a SOFA and Obama wanted between 3,500 and 5,000.
Obama had different positions at different times. Just like he's done with ISIS in the past few weeks. Haven't you been watching tht?
I got that; I'm quoting his last position before SOFA was declared a failure. I don't believe he will get any backing from congress because he's shown himself to be an unwilling leader - and that's why his "broad coalition" will fail to win members; for lack of trust. Unlike Bush II which fielded troops from 38 countries, he can only claim the Kurds, a reconstituted Iraqi contingent, and some folks from the Free Syrian Army.

Nothing's going to happen and it's better that it doesn't. Leave it for a real leader in 2017. The American people don't trust him to fulfill a military mission and that's reflected by congress .

Holy shit.... a post I almost agree with. I agree that no matter what O does, it will only embolden ISIS because they don't fear him. And I agree we have to wait for the real leader in 2017.

The only problem is we can't just do nothing. Just since June they've tripled their recruits. Our weakness only emboldens them. Doing nothing at all is even worse then O doing little.
Trouble is he can do worse than nothing. He can get Americans killed by doing too little. He can get some American military's heads lopped off through bad policy in not following his military advisors.

We really can't conduct a proper air attack on ISIS unless and until thye become concentrated for such attack, and even then that will take Americans to provide accurate intel which as of now can only be provided by Special Forces units.

The Kurds won't leave their own territory undefended to go into Syria .

We can trust the Kurds but can we trust our people in the field with Iraqi or FSA troops with the possibilities of green on blue attacks?

Like it or not - and I suspect Obama prefers it to not get off the ground - Obama hopes nothing will materialize from his call to action.

We can't even use our USAF air base in Incirlik, Turkey because the Turks disallow it. We'll need to build an air base in Kurdistan - aka north east Iraq.
Asswipe....of course you don't think islamic terrorists taking over Iraq and getting the millions in oil revenues is a big problem for the US, middle east, Europe, etc.

Take your drugs and leave or just kill yourself.

Shitstain....Iraq is on this planet, it isn't on Mars despite what your retarded brain thinks.

If we are not supposed to kill ISIS terrorists, then when are the losertarian scum going to fly over there and surrender to them????

Here's a crazy idea. It's their country. Let's not go over there at all.

That... is the most retarded excuse I have ever heard for interfering in another country's business. Guess we should place ourselves into every war zone in the world then? Why is Iraq different? Would you support the same intervention from another country into America's business?

One of my doctors has helped explain their stupidity. Some people don't use the part of the brain that integrates things.

So even though we live in a HIGHLY interdependent global economy, these dum dums can't understand what that means for the life of them.
Asswipe....of course you don't think islamic terrorists taking over Iraq and getting the millions in oil revenues is a big problem for the US, middle east, Europe, etc.

Take your drugs and leave or just kill yourself.

So, it's all about their oil? We feel obligated to another country's oil revenue, and will take it by force? Do you realize that makes us nothing more than conquerors?
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

Zero was the amount we should have ever put there.
As usual, limp dick pussy losertarians talk out their ass as if they know what the troops want to do in Iraq and other places.

As a 20-year veteran that deployed 4 times since 2005....I say shut the fuck up about what you think the troops want to do in regards to killing terrorists overseas.

It is too bad we can't hand you scum over to ISIS so they can wear themselves out cutting off your heads.
troops do what they are told. this isnt part of the conversation.

Plenty of us volunteered to keep going back to get the job done. I wasn't in the military at that time.

And we handed over a relatively stable situation to Obama.
in the end you are told what to do. Volunteer or not is irrelevant.
Yeah you just want to blame Obama on this. Thats the basic concept and nothing more.
And you STILL can't tell the dif between 2008 and 2011 SOFAs moron!!! LMAO.

Only an idiot would believe you that there is a 2011 SOFA. You cannot produce a copy of it and when it was signed. The 2008 SOFA is available to see and it shows that Bush agreed for all US troops to be gone from Iraq by the end of 2011. You keep saying how help make Iraq relatively stable. That is why Bush agreed to pull all the troops out. Good for Bush. He finally did something right on Iraq and you want us to believe Bush lied at the end. Here's a clue. Bush lied at the start. .
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Well they were wrong. His chief military advisors called for a minimum of 10,000 for a SOFA and Obama wanted between 3,500 and 5,000.
Obama had different positions at different times. Just like he's done with ISIS in the past few weeks. Haven't you been watching tht?
I got that; I'm quoting his last position before SOFA was declared a failure. I don't believe he will get any backing from congress because he's shown himself to be an unwilling leader - and that's why his "broad coalition" will fail to win members; for lack of trust. Unlike Bush II which fielded troops from 38 countries, he can only claim the Kurds, a reconstituted Iraqi contingent, and some folks from the Free Syrian Army.

Nothing's going to happen and it's better that it doesn't. Leave it for a real leader in 2017. The American people don't trust him to fulfill a military mission and that's reflected by congress .

Holy shit.... a post I almost agree with. I agree that no matter what O does, it will only embolden ISIS because they don't fear him. And I agree we have to wait for the real leader in 2017.

The only problem is we can't just do nothing. Just since June they've tripled their recruits. Our weakness only emboldens them. Doing nothing at all is even worse then O doing little.
Trouble is he can do worse than nothing. He can get Americans killed by doing too little. He can get some American military's heads lopped off through bad policy in not following his military advisors.

We really can't conduct a proper air attack on ISIS unless and until thye become concentrated for such attack, and even then that will take Americans to provide accurate intel which as of now can only be provided by Special Forces units.

The Kurds won't leave their own territory I defended to go into Syria .

We can trust the Kurds but can we trust our people in the field with Iraqi or FSA troops with the possibilities of green on blue attacks?

Like it or not - and I suspect Obama prefers it to not get off the ground - Obama hopes nothing will materialize from his call to action.

We can't even use our USAF air base in Incirlik, Turkey because the Turks disallow it. We'll need to build an air base in Kurdistan - aka north east Iraq.

Great post, American Horse. Finally a poster that knows what he's talking about. I'm guessing you're military?

I thought you were another poster that goes by the name Mustang on this Board. He's dumb as dirt...and a naïve leftie.

I just realized you aren't Mustang on this Board.

Is that correct, LOL? Just want to be clear on who I'm talking to. :)
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

Zero was the amount we should have ever put there.
As usual, limp dick pussy losertarians talk out their ass as if they know what the troops want to do in Iraq and other places.

As a 20-year veteran that deployed 4 times since 2005....I say shut the fuck up about what you think the troops want to do in regards to killing terrorists overseas.

It is too bad we can't hand you scum over to ISIS so they can wear themselves out cutting off your heads.
troops do what they are told. this isnt part of the conversation.

Plenty of us volunteered to keep going back to get the job done. I wasn't in the military at that time.

And we handed over a relatively stable situation to Obama.
in the end you are told what to do. Volunteer or not is irrelevant.
Yeah you just want to blame Obama on this. Thats the basic concept and nothing more.

LOL, I can be pretty rogue.

Did it ever occur to you you just want to protect Obama, and nothing more?

I started out as a flaming liberal when I was in college and after joining the military and traveling the world I changed my outlook. You have probably always been a liberal.
Oh, and American Horse....I meant you had a great grasp of details and I somewhat agree with you except for the key point that we can't afford to do nothing.....
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

Zero was the amount we should have ever put there.
As usual, limp dick pussy losertarians talk out their ass as if they know what the troops want to do in Iraq and other places.

As a 20-year veteran that deployed 4 times since 2005....I say shut the fuck up about what you think the troops want to do in regards to killing terrorists overseas.

It is too bad we can't hand you scum over to ISIS so they can wear themselves out cutting off your heads.
troops do what they are told. this isnt part of the conversation.

Plenty of us volunteered to keep going back to get the job done. I wasn't in the military at that time.

And we handed over a relatively stable situation to Obama.
in the end you are told what to do. Volunteer or not is irrelevant.
Yeah you just want to blame Obama on this. Thats the basic concept and nothing more.

LOL, I can be pretty rogue.

Did it ever occur to you you just want to protect Obama, and nothing more?

I started out as a flaming liberal when I was in college and after joining the military and traveling the world I changed my outlook. You have probably always been a liberal.
i already blame Obama for taking a hands off approach on iraq, but thats only a third of the story on Iraq with the three leaders and why Iraq failed.

I have no interest in protecting Obama. I have zero interest in wanting to be in Iraq. ISIL is playing you all and you dont even see it.
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

Zero was the amount we should have ever put there.
As usual, limp dick pussy losertarians talk out their ass as if they know what the troops want to do in Iraq and other places.

As a 20-year veteran that deployed 4 times since 2005....I say shut the fuck up about what you think the troops want to do in regards to killing terrorists overseas.

It is too bad we can't hand you scum over to ISIS so they can wear themselves out cutting off your heads.
troops do what they are told. this isnt part of the conversation.

Plenty of us volunteered to keep going back to get the job done. I wasn't in the military at that time.

And we handed over a relatively stable situation to Obama.
in the end you are told what to do. Volunteer or not is irrelevant.
Yeah you just want to blame Obama on this. Thats the basic concept and nothing more.

LOL, I can be pretty rogue.

Did it ever occur to you you just want to protect Obama, and nothing more?

I started out as a flaming liberal when I was in college and after joining the military and traveling the world I changed my outlook. You have probably always been a liberal.
i already blame Obama for taking a hands off approach on iraq, but thats only a third of the story on Iraq with the three leaders and why Iraq failed.

I have no interest in protecting Obama. I have zero interest in wanting to be in Iraq. ISIL is playing you all and you dont even see it.

Ok, I think I understand you better. Are you pretty much taking the libertarian view? If so, I have respect for the opinions of libertarians on this topic. The ones I have no respect for are far left big government statists.

I can at least have a discussion with Libertarians even though we don't see eye to eye. Big govt types, on the other hand are just fucking insane.

Pls confirm which one you are, LOL.
Well they were wrong. His chief military advisors called for a minimum of 10,000 for a SOFA and Obama wanted between 3,500 and 5,000.
Obama had different positions at different times. Just like he's done with ISIS in the past few weeks. Haven't you been watching tht?
I got that; I'm quoting his last position before SOFA was declared a failure. I don't believe he will get any backing from congress because he's shown himself to be an unwilling leader - and that's why his "broad coalition" will fail to win members; for lack of trust. Unlike Bush II which fielded troops from 38 countries, he can only claim the Kurds, a reconstituted Iraqi contingent, and some folks from the Free Syrian Army.

Nothing's going to happen and it's better that it doesn't. Leave it for a real leader in 2017. The American people don't trust him to fulfill a military mission and that's reflected by congress .

Holy shit.... a post I almost agree with. I agree that no matter what O does, it will only embolden ISIS because they don't fear him. And I agree we have to wait for the real leader in 2017.

The only problem is we can't just do nothing. Just since June they've tripled their recruits. Our weakness only emboldens them. Doing nothing at all is even worse then O doing little.
Trouble is he can do worse than nothing. He can get Americans killed by doing too little. He can get some American military's heads lopped off through bad policy in not following his military advisors.

We really can't conduct a proper air attack on ISIS unless and until thye become concentrated for such attack, and even then that will take Americans to provide accurate intel which as of now can only be provided by Special Forces units.

The Kurds won't leave their own territory I defended to go into Syria .

We can trust the Kurds but can we trust our people in the field with Iraqi or FSA troops with the possibilities of green on blue attacks?

Like it or not - and I suspect Obama prefers it to not get off the ground - Obama hopes nothing will materialize from his call to action.

We can't even use our USAF air base in Incirlik, Turkey because the Turks disallow it. We'll need to build an air base in Kurdistan - aka north east Iraq.

Great post, American Horse. Finally a poster that knows what he's talking about. I'm guessing you're military?

I thought you were another poster that goes by the name Mustang on this Board. He's dumb as dirt...and a naïve leftie.

I just realized you aren't Mustang on this Board.

Is that correct, LOL? Just want to be clear on who I'm talking to. :)
I use "Mustang" as a knick-name; that being the cause of your confusion. I'm ex military, but only a Vietnam era Cpl. USMC.
OP- $1000

This hands off approach has convinced the area that fundie terrorists suq and Iraq that to pander to one sect is a bad idea. No drama Obama scores again, hater dupe ugly American jingoist/isolationist dumbells...
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When I was briefing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a member of the military, I was working on the first of my two master's at the time just for fun.

Was your other masters in BS? When you briefed the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did you tell him that Iraq's legislature did not have to approve the Bush/Malkik SOFA of 2008? Did you tell him it would be fine to pull all troops out of cities by June 2009 and all out by 2011 years end? Did you tell him that Iraq was relatively stable by the end of 2008?

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