How Much is a Dead Jew Worth?

I never thought about that. I used to listen to short-wave radio but I never thought about that. The American short-wave service was too much bull shit so I didn't tune in to it.

We listened to them every night in Arabia.

We have known for a while that the Palestinian Authority (the “moderate” of the 2 organizations representing the so called “Palestinian” people) pays people for inflicting harm and death on Jews. It begs the question: How in the world does anyone think that such barbaric people can exist in a civilized world?

The fact is that the “anti-Zionists” (i.e., Jew haters) know they are supporting barbarians. They hate Jews. They hate Israel. They hate America. They hate western civilization. Let’s be clear hear: Supporters of these “Palestinians” over Israel are not friends of western civilization. As such, they are not needed by western civilization. They are a cancer.

Note that even the idiot turds who try to distinguish between Jews generally and “Zionism” advocate for actions that result in Jews being murdered.

Islam has been a problem for centuries. It stands contra civilization.
1) God designed and made all people. To say that He made a mistake may get you in "hot water."
2) Ever hear of the Bolshevik Jews? Hard to find a more evil and bloodthirsty group of vermin in world history.
3) Not all Palestinians are interested in killing others based on their nationality or DNA. Some are but there are bad apples in every society.
4) Massacring entire groups of people puts the killers in the same ballpark as the Hitlers they condemn. Holocausts are holocausts no matter who's performing them.
1) God designed and made all people. To say that He made a mistake may get you in "hot water."
2) Ever hear of the Bolshevik Jews? Hard to find a more evil and bloodthirsty group of vermin in world history.
3) Not all Palestinians are interested in killing others based on their nationality or DNA. Some are but there are bad apples in every society.
4) Massacring entire groups of people puts the killers in the same ballpark as the Hitlers they condemn. Holocausts are holocausts no matter who's performing them.

The Bolsheviks I believe were 15 percent Jewish??
Land for peace was originally an Israeli Idea ( Thus the Gaza Strip Israelis were forcefully Removed and the Strip was given to the Arabs )
In retrospect, we can see it was a hoax. If we are going to be honest all it really means is "We stole this and that so if you want peace you have to stop complaining about what we've stolen or else we will steal even more." And when the Zionists want more they just find some provoked reaction and claim it's justified. It amounts to punching someone and when they punch you back telling them "Now you're going to get punished!"
Land for peace was originally an Israeli Idea ( Thus the Gaza Strip Israelis were forcefully Removed and the Strip was given to the Arabs )

The US paid each Jewish family in Gaza $250,000 or more to leave.

Read the history of Gaza. It was never Jewish.
The UN passed more resolutions against Israel than any other country on earth, not even close. And this was before 10/7.

Think of it, more than North Korea, China with an active genocide everyone acknowledges, or Iran.

The UN has been antisemitic from the start. The sick thing is, the Hamas attack simply gives them more of an opportunity to act out their antisemitism as Israel tries to defend itself.
Iran served/serves as Chair of the U.N. Human Rights Council. Iran! Iran, a major violator of human rights and a major exporter of terrorism most especially that targeting Israel. That alone should inform us that the U.N. is a mostly antisemitic entity. If it was not for the U.S. and few other countries allied with Israel, I have no doubt a majority of member countries would have thrown Israel out by now. And no wonder. The innovation and stability and effectiveness of the Jewish State of Israel makes them all look really bad.
Read the history of Gaza. It was never Jewish.
These people dream up some fantasy scenario - they see it as a legitimate excuse for whatever they wish - they give it some thought - they dwell on it - they pitch it to their like-minded friends - they inadvertently have a dream about it - and when they wake up they believe it to be factual. "Read the history of Gaza"? Ho-ho! Why should they read about it when they can make it up so that the result is to their advantage? From then on others can say, "I heard that ......."😵‍💫
It was almost 70% Jewish Israeli in the late 1980s
FIRST: I noted that you wrote "Jewish Israeli", not "Jewish". It looks to me that you made an unintentional admission of Zionist land-grabbing.
SECOND: You wrote, "in the late 1980s". In that subordinate clause, you proved surada is right.
A Jewish life obviously isn't worth enough for Netyanjahu to pursue a just peace.
What can Israel offer the “Palestinians” that it hasn’t already? The two state solution has already been offered and rejected by the ”Palestinians”. The Israelis forced the evacuation of all Jews from Gaza and turned a turn-key nation over to the Gazans, who immediately started firing rockets from their gifted nation into Israel.
The Gazans need to want peace, and they don’t, they want dead Israelis and they don’t care about what it costs their own civilians. Dead Gazan civilians aren’t a problem, they are the objective.

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