How many of you let your pets sleep on your beds?


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2019
Valparaiso, Indiana USA
My sister and let our two cats into our bedrooms. Both of our kitties spend a LOT of time on my sister's bed. She DOES have separate heating pads for them on her bed! And they like to get in her lap or on her legs while she's reading in bed. Our male cat pretty much stays out of my room, but our female loves to come in, usually at least a couple times a night or morning, and get right up by my head and onto my pillow. She likes to put her head ON the side of my face. I like it because I can hear AND feel her purring. She never stays for long, usually only 5-10 minutes, then she's off on her merry way. Pets ARE precious.
If I had a big dog there's no way it'd sleep with me.
But I got a 9 pound Yorkie. She sleeps like a log and doesn't shed. :)

I have two small dogs. My fat pom/chihuahua has always slept with me. He's old and crabby now. And kinda like Archie Bunker. Sometimes I have to move his fat ass outta my space and things get hectic for a minute. No matter how gentle I am, he goes berzerko and turns rabid for a minute. So we both flail about and look like 17 pissed off weasels in a burlap bag.

Chloe is some kind of terrier? She's scary ugly and I adore her. She hops up at the end of the bed once in awhile and she sleeps the sleep of the dead, or at least the phenomenally drunk or drugged.
I have two small dogs. My fat pom/chihuahua has always slept with me. He's old and crabby now. And kinda like Archie Bunker. Sometimes I have to move his fat ass outta my space and things get hectic for a minute. No matter how gentle I am, he goes berzerko and turns rabid for a minute. So we both flail about and look like 17 pissed off weasels in a burlap bag.

Chloe is some kind of terrier? She's scary ugly and I adore her. She hops up at the end of the bed once in awhile and she sleeps the sleep of the dead, or at least the phenomenally drunk or drugged.
Thanks! It sounds like you've got a couple of real characters.
If I had a big dog there's no way it'd sleep with me.
But I got a 9 pound Yorkie. She sleeps like a log and doesn't shed. :)


That looks kind of like Chloe, except Chloe is butt ugly. Sometimes I tell her, you so ugggie!

She thinks it means princess.

But she has an underbite so all her bottom teeth hang out, along with her left fang. Her hair is at best, scraggly and skankish.

She looks like a piece of dirty fake fur.

But... best dog EVER!

I used to have a shep/lab mix. He weighed 160, but thought he was a lap dog. During a storm, he'd jump up in my lap and I'd disappear.
Dogs in the bed is a no no. Dogs should consider their owners the pack leader and if you let them sleep with you they’ll consider themselves your equal.

However, I used to let my Peke sleep with me but no longer do I let animals sleep with me. It just isn't sanitary. I admit to violating this reason once in the mornings when my kitty is let in my bedroom and hops up onto my bed for a few minutes before I get up for the day. She loves it and I love her.
My cat is with me until I turn off the light.

After that....he likes to roam around the house and watch over his realms so to speak.....he likes his nightly freedon. :)
I'm usually allowed to sleep on Katrina's bed ... but when she's grumpy I'll typically sleep in Kit's bed ... these two house cats tell me my bed is through the foundation crawlway and to the right next to the sewer pipe ... my pets are evil ...
The Catso sleeps on my bed every night. Sometimes close, sometimes far, but always on the bed.

In fact if I'm not paying down by our regular bedtime, she is quite disturbed.
I'm usually allowed to sleep on Katrina's bed ... but when she's grumpy I'll typically sleep in Kit's bed ... these two house cats tell me my bed is through the foundation crawlway and to the right next to the sewer pipe ... my pets are evil ...
The Catso sleeps on my bed every night. Sometimes close, sometimes far, but always on the bed.

In fact if I'm not paying down by our regular bedtime, she is quite disturbed.View attachment 327511View attachment 327511
Wow, that's a big kitty! Isn't it amazing how MUCH cats sleep?

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