How many of you have complained about SS/Medicare?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
And rightfully so! I am very confident though that a vast majority of Americans that have employers and SS/Medicare deductions don't know the half of it!
And this is the half of it. Are you uninformed people that complain about SS/Medicare deductions aware that your employer also pays the same percentage as you do, for your SS/Medicare?
Yup today 6.2% of your paycheck goes to SS/Medicare AND here is the part most of you don't know...
that instead of your employer giving you a 6.2% raise, the employer ALSO PAYS SS/Medicare 6.2% of your gross pay to the government.

Now think about this....
What if SS/Medicare said to you... we'll continue to deduct 13.4% for SS/Medicare... BUT you tell us where to put it!

What this would mean to the an average American I'll cover in further responses to this post.
Now before you idiots jump in and say most Americans don't have financial sense to make investment decisions... it doesn't take any brains to put money in a savings account!
Just because you just discovered something doesn't mean others don't know how this all works.
I didn't "discover" it! I've known this since I became an employer nearly 20 years ago...and actually before when I was a stock broker...about this ignorance by the majority of Americans that their employers could have paid more...IF the employers didn't under law have to pay an equal amount.
The point that went WAY over your head was there have been offers to fix this way back in the 1970s during the Democrat President's (who I voted for as I thought Carter in the Naval Reactors Branch assisting "in the design and development of nuclear propulsion plants for naval vessels." was extremely intelligent and therefore superior) highest "Misery Index" which I doubt you and other economic illiterates know about!
"Others" like me are very few as evidenced by YOUR ignorance.
Just because you just discovered something doesn't mean others don't know how this all works.
I didn't "discover" it! I've known this since I became an employer nearly 20 years ago...and actually before when I was a stock broker...about this ignorance by the majority of Americans that their employers could have paid more...IF the employers didn't under law have to pay an equal amount.
The point that went WAY over your head was there have been offers to fix this way back in the 1970s during the Democrat President's (who I voted for as I thought Carter in the Naval Reactors Branch assisting "in the design and development of nuclear propulsion plants for naval vessels." was extremely intelligent and therefore superior) highest "Misery Index" which I doubt you and other economic illiterates know about!
"Others" like me are very few as evidenced by YOUR ignorance.

LOL......... rant away.
... it doesn't take any brains to put money in a savings account!
Well...thanks to the FED and their desire to always - always please the super wealthy/investment class.... putting money into a savings account can be the worse thing you do with it outside of "rainy day" accounts.
It would seem, the RWNJs have a cogent plan to improve Social Security and Medicare.

But no one would be so stupid as to hand over the massive amounts money currently used to fund SS and Medicare to the crooks on Wall Street. That money would evaporate in an instant, and reappear in numerous billionaires bank accounts in the Cayman Islands hours later. (minus brokers' fees, of course)

President Bush suggested exactly that, back in 2007- to allow people to make their own social security investments in the market.

Considering the fact that the markets have more than doubled since then,you can blame the Democrats who blocked it, if you don't like the amount of your social security checks. You can also blame the Low Energy Bush Family for their failure to push it through.
And rightfully so! I am very confident though that a vast majority of Americans that have employers and SS/Medicare deductions don't know the half of it!
And this is the half of it. Are you uninformed people that complain about SS/Medicare deductions aware that your employer also pays the same percentage as you do, for your SS/Medicare?
Yup today 6.2% of your paycheck goes to SS/Medicare AND here is the part most of you don't know...
that instead of your employer giving you a 6.2% raise, the employer ALSO PAYS SS/Medicare 6.2% of your gross pay to the government.

Now think about this....
What if SS/Medicare said to you... we'll continue to deduct 13.4% for SS/Medicare... BUT you tell us where to put it!

What this would mean to the an average American I'll cover in further responses to this post.
Now before you idiots jump in and say most Americans don't have financial sense to make investment decisions... it doesn't take any brains to put money in a savings account!

You're posting all of this like you just learned it today.

That 6.2% is in addition to the amount your employer pays for your health insurance premiums on group plans.

Gee, in Canada, employers only contribute 2% of payroll as a health insurance tax, and the employees contribute $25 per month. Addmittedly our 4.9% Canada Pension Plan tax combined with employer health tax is close to 7% in employer taxes, but the maximum CPP tax is $2,748, regardless of income, but our employers pay nothing additional for our universal health insurance coverage, which means they're way ahead, and we all pay $0 in copays for doctor visits or hospital care, including surgery.

In fact, Canada's universal health insurance gives Canadian employers such a low cost rate for employee health coverage that the USA has consistely tried to have it declared an "unfair advantage" in NAFTA negotiations.

Americans are paying 0.8% less in taxes, and $14,000 per person for health insurance and thousands in copays on top of that, and your life expectancy is declining, and 15 million people have covid.

Tell me again about your "best health care system" in the world, because that sounds like some sales campaign the Republican Party has going on to sell you on private health care insurance, that adds 25% administration costs that buys you nothing.
And rightfully so! I am very confident though that a vast majority of Americans that have employers and SS/Medicare deductions don't know the half of it!
And this is the half of it. Are you uninformed people that complain about SS/Medicare deductions aware that your employer also pays the same percentage as you do, for your SS/Medicare?
Yup today 6.2% of your paycheck goes to SS/Medicare AND here is the part most of you don't know...
that instead of your employer giving you a 6.2% raise, the employer ALSO PAYS SS/Medicare 6.2% of your gross pay to the government.

Now think about this....
What if SS/Medicare said to you... we'll continue to deduct 13.4% for SS/Medicare... BUT you tell us where to put it!

What this would mean to the an average American I'll cover in further responses to this post.
Now before you idiots jump in and say most Americans don't have financial sense to make investment decisions... it doesn't take any brains to put money in a savings account!

You're posting all of this like you just learned it today.

That 6.2% is in addition to the amount your employer pays for your health insurance premiums on group plans.

Gee, in Canada, employers only contribute 2% of payroll as a health insurance tax, and the employees contribute $25 per month. Addmittedly our 4.9% Canada Pension Plan tax combined with employer health tax is close to 7% in employer taxes, but the maximum CPP tax is $2,748, regardless of income, but our employers pay nothing additional for our universal health insurance coverage, which means they're way ahead, and we all pay $0 in copays for doctor visits or hospital care, including surgery.

In fact, Canada's universal health insurance gives Canadian employers such a low cost rate for employee health coverage that the USA has consistely tried to have it declared an "unfair advantage" in NAFTA negotiations.

Americans are paying 0.8% less in taxes, and $14,000 per person for health insurance and thousands in copays on top of that, and your life expectancy is declining, and 15 million people have covid.

Tell me again about your "best health care system" in the world, because that sounds like some sales campaign the Republican Party has going on to sell you on private health care insurance, that adds 25% administration costs that buys you nothing.

Canadians who give a shit about their health, come to America if they get sick. That's the dirty little secret. Hospitals in places on the border like Buffalo make a killing treating Canadians. When Canadian subject Alex Trebek came down with a serious case of pancreatic cancer, he got treated here in America instead of getting it done for "free" in Canada.

Not the only, BTW. Mick Jagger- a British subject- came to America when he needed serious heart surgery.
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I love SS and medicare. It's the most popular program the US has ever had. Whine about it all you want, but if you lay a hand on it, old people will be kicking your ass till their leg gets tired.
President Bush suggested exactly that, back in 2007- to allow people to make their own social security investments in the market.

Considering the fact that the markets have more than doubled since then,you can blame the Democrats who blocked it, if you don't like the amount of your social security checks. You can also blame the Low Energy Bush Family for their failure to push it through.

The problem with this is that not enough Americans make enough money that they can afford to make that investment. 40% of working Americans need to work 53 weeks of the year to keep a roof over their heads. Only 39% of working Americans have 401K's. Added to which, my best friend had all of her money in the stock market and was getting ready to retire in 2008, when W's crash wiped out 2/3 of her retirement fund. She had to work for another 6 years to be able to afford to retire.

Economic crashes have become a feature, not a bug of Republic administrations. The economic effects of the pandemic on the US economy are much worse because Trump's tax cuts have so reduced government revenues from the billionaire and the corporate sectors, that the country has had to go even more deeply into debt to fund the testing, treatment, and hospital care for the millions of Americans who are sick, and the hundreds of thousands who have died.

The best run democratic socialist countries have not wasted the resources, money and lives on taking money from the middle class and giving it to corporations who don't pay workers a living wage.
I am grateful yet get pissed off when I get my monthly Medicare healthcare bill. ran the numbers, would have been better off if I had invested what I paid in on my own.
I am grateful yet get pissed off when I get my monthly Medicare healthcare bill. ran the numbers, would have been better off if I had invested what I paid in on my own.
Just wait until the democrats make healthcare free for everyone, including illegals...
Medicare costs $145/mo. That kind of rubs me the wrong way.
NO Part B Medicare costs for me in Florida were paid for by my for profit Medicare Advantage plan. Every month they sent a make up check of
$145 to Medicare for my Part B. Now I live in Texas where it is not as competitive. I now have that $145.00 deducted from my SS.
Ticks me off but that's the competitive situation. If I wanted to save the $145/mo I'd move back to Florida and get a competitive for profit Medicare advantage plan that also provided me with $50/month in OTC freebies!
SS and Medicare are two of the greatest things this nation has ever done. Imagine how many millions have been helped by these programs.

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