How many of the HILLARY VOTES are from illegal immigrants? Does Trump win Pop Vote?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
...and if that's the case and Trump actually won the popular vote, then those protesting will stop....right?


Trump never went to Cali to campaign...if it was ONLY about POPULAR VOTE, he would have visited California.
Show us.

Because with Clinton and Stein and Johnson and McMullin, did Trump even get 42% of the vote?
Trump never went to Cali to campaign...if it was ONLY about POPULAR VOTE, he would have visited California.

Zackly. And without looking it up I doubt Clinton went to North Dakota. And NOBODY ever goes to Alaska or Hawaìi. They're just deginated Duopoly pawns.

And that's all part of how the Electoral College fucks things up.
...and if that's the case and Trump actually won the popular vote, then those protesting will stop....right?


Trump never went to Cali to campaign...if it was ONLY about POPULAR VOTE, he would have visited California.
You have ZERO evidence millions of illegals voted. It is wishful thinking. Stop being a rube.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
The EC and PV are what they are, and they are not changing.

Nobody said they're "changing", although the latter are still being counted, which is irrelevant.

What I posted on was the effect of the EC --- In *every* election.
IBT reporting that Clinton could have as many as 2,000,000 more votes than Trump.

(In recognizing the new normal I will do as righties here do and just post a drive-by comment without corroboration or verification. However, my comment is easily Googled).
Who cares? It's not about the popular vote, never has been. Get over it. It's nothing more than a strawman.
Obviously the Right cares because they are inventing lies to deny Hillary's Popular Vote Victory
Well we have the SCOTUS for the next 30 years so get it out of your heads that the EC is going away.
Russian hackers hacked the state voter registration rolls and added Russian voters who voted for Trump.

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