How Many Lessons Do You Need?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
History is hidden from their captive audience by the neo-Marxist government schooling.....

....else they might notice the similarity in events:

1. "'White silence is violence': Aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them.... or else
  • A group of Black Lives Matter protesters harassed sitting diners at several outdoor restaurants in Washington, D.C. on Monday night
  • The activists ordered diners to raise their fists as a sign of solidarity; those who didn't were heckled and verbally abused
  • Videos of the incidents sparked backlash on social media, with many describing the protesters as an 'aggressive mob'
  • Black Lives Matter protests have gained renewed momentum following the shooting of unarmed black man Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday

And this...

2. The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear.
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver
History is hidden from their captive audience by the neo-Marxist government schooling.....

....else they might notice the similarity in events:

1. "'White silence is violence': Aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them.... or else
  • A group of Black Lives Matter protesters harassed sitting diners at several outdoor restaurants in Washington, D.C. on Monday night
  • The activists ordered diners to raise their fists as a sign of solidarity; those who didn't were heckled and verbally abused
  • Videos of the incidents sparked backlash on social media, with many describing the protesters as an 'aggressive mob'
  • Black Lives Matter protests have gained renewed momentum following the shooting of unarmed black man Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday

And this...

2. The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear.
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver
Still ANOTHER fine post, PC. Thank you.

"Through 1966, secondary schools and colleges closed in China. Students -- many from the age of nine through eighteen -- followed Maoist directives to destroy things of the past that they believed should be no part of the new China: old customs, old habits, old culture and old thinking -- the "four olds." In a state of euphoria and with support from the government and army, the students went about China's cities and villages, wrecking old buildings, old temples and old art objects. To make a new and wonderful China, the Red Guards attacked as insufficiently revolutionary their parents, teachers, school administrators and everyone they could find as targets, including "intellectuals" and "capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

Filled with righteousness, the power of their numbers, and support from Mao, the campaigns for revolutionary change became violent. People seen as evil were beaten to death. Thousands of people died, including many who had committed suicide."
History is hidden from their captive audience by the neo-Marxist government schooling.....

....else they might notice the similarity in events:

1. "'White silence is violence': Aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them.... or else
  • A group of Black Lives Matter protesters harassed sitting diners at several outdoor restaurants in Washington, D.C. on Monday night
  • The activists ordered diners to raise their fists as a sign of solidarity; those who didn't were heckled and verbally abused
  • Videos of the incidents sparked backlash on social media, with many describing the protesters as an 'aggressive mob'
  • Black Lives Matter protests have gained renewed momentum following the shooting of unarmed black man Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday

And this...

2. The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear.
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver
You think these commies are bat shit crazy?
My relatives make them look normal.
"Through 1966, secondary schools and colleges closed in China. Students -- many from the age of nine through eighteen -- followed Maoist directives to destroy things of the past that they believed should be no part of the new China: old customs, old habits, old culture and old thinking -- the "four olds." In a state of euphoria and with support from the government and army, the students went about China's cities and villages, wrecking old buildings, old temples and old art objects. To make a new and wonderful China, the Red Guards attacked as insufficiently revolutionary their parents, teachers, school administrators and everyone they could find as targets, including "intellectuals" and "capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

Filled with righteousness, the power of their numbers, and support from Mao, the campaigns for revolutionary change became violent. People seen as evil were beaten to death. Thousands of people died, including many who had committed suicide."
I was alive during the Cultural revolution, and read quite a bit about the happenings in China.

Woke/Cancel culture reminds me a LOT that period.
"Through 1966, secondary schools and colleges closed in China. Students -- many from the age of nine through eighteen -- followed Maoist directives to destroy things of the past that they believed should be no part of the new China: old customs, old habits, old culture and old thinking -- the "four olds." In a state of euphoria and with support from the government and army, the students went about China's cities and villages, wrecking old buildings, old temples and old art objects. To make a new and wonderful China, the Red Guards attacked as insufficiently revolutionary their parents, teachers, school administrators and everyone they could find as targets, including "intellectuals" and "capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

Filled with righteousness, the power of their numbers, and support from Mao, the campaigns for revolutionary change became violent. People seen as evil were beaten to death. Thousands of people died, including many who had committed suicide."
I was alive during the Cultural revolution, and read quite a bit about the happenings in China.

Woke/Cancel culture reminds me a LOT that period.

Exactly the point of this thread.

Yet, Democrat voters have been trained never to question or to think.

Mao Lives Again

1.In the most astounding of developments, the recent events in America more than mirror the events and propaganda movements that the most psychotic homicidal maniac brought to China during the Great Leap Forward.

2. “Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

'It’s a project to force people to adopt a civic religion directly contrary to their knowledge of the world,' says S.T. Karnick, editor of The American Culture web site."
Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

3. We are witnessing the same forced opposition to law and order, to American tradition, to the imposition of the law of the jungle, that was the hallmark of Mao’s China.

Jung Chang, writing her memoires of life under Mao, “Wild Swans,” points to that sort of lock-step obedience to lies and propaganda.

“The lesson was that Mao’s authority was unchallengeable—even though he was clearly in the wrong. Officials could see that no matter how high up you were—and no matter what your standing—if you offended Mao you would fall into disgrace. They also knew that you could not speak your mind and resign, or even resign quietly: resignation was seen as an unacceptable protest. There was no opting out. The mouths of the Party as well as the people were now tightly sealed.”

Truth had no meaning…the party line was all that mattered.

"Through 1966, secondary schools and colleges closed in China. Students -- many from the age of nine through eighteen -- followed Maoist directives to destroy things of the past that they believed should be no part of the new China: old customs, old habits, old culture and old thinking -- the "four olds." In a state of euphoria and with support from the government and army, the students went about China's cities and villages, wrecking old buildings, old temples and old art objects. To make a new and wonderful China, the Red Guards attacked as insufficiently revolutionary their parents, teachers, school administrators and everyone they could find as targets, including "intellectuals" and "capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

Filled with righteousness, the power of their numbers, and support from Mao, the campaigns for revolutionary change became violent. People seen as evil were beaten to death. Thousands of people died, including many who had committed suicide."
Thanks for this info, PC.
"Through 1966, secondary schools and colleges closed in China. Students -- many from the age of nine through eighteen -- followed Maoist directives to destroy things of the past that they believed should be no part of the new China: old customs, old habits, old culture and old thinking -- the "four olds." In a state of euphoria and with support from the government and army, the students went about China's cities and villages, wrecking old buildings, old temples and old art objects. To make a new and wonderful China, the Red Guards attacked as insufficiently revolutionary their parents, teachers, school administrators and everyone they could find as targets, including "intellectuals" and "capitalist roaders" within the Communist Party.

Filled with righteousness, the power of their numbers, and support from Mao, the campaigns for revolutionary change became violent. People seen as evil were beaten to death. Thousands of people died, including many who had committed suicide."
I was alive during the Cultural revolution, and read quite a bit about the happenings in China.

Woke/Cancel culture reminds me a LOT that period.

Exactly the point of this thread.

Yet, Democrat voters have been trained never to question or to think.

Mao Lives Again

1.In the most astounding of developments, the recent events in America more than mirror the events and propaganda movements that the most psychotic homicidal maniac brought to China during the Great Leap Forward.

2. “Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

'It’s a project to force people to adopt a civic religion directly contrary to their knowledge of the world,' says S.T. Karnick, editor of The American Culture web site."
Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

3. We are witnessing the same forced opposition to law and order, to American tradition, to the imposition of the law of the jungle, that was the hallmark of Mao’s China.

Jung Chang, writing her memoires of life under Mao, “Wild Swans,” points to that sort of lock-step obedience to lies and propaganda.

“The lesson was that Mao’s authority was unchallengeable—even though he was clearly in the wrong. Officials could see that no matter how high up you were—and no matter what your standing—if you offended Mao you would fall into disgrace. They also knew that you could not speak your mind and resign, or even resign quietly: resignation was seen as an unacceptable protest. There was no opting out. The mouths of the Party as well as the people were now tightly sealed.”

Truth had no meaning…the party line was all that mattered.

View attachment 380037
Fine post, PC. Thank you.
History is hidden from their captive audience by the neo-Marxist government schooling.....

....else they might notice the similarity in events:

1. "'White silence is violence': Aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them.... or else
  • A group of Black Lives Matter protesters harassed sitting diners at several outdoor restaurants in Washington, D.C. on Monday night
  • The activists ordered diners to raise their fists as a sign of solidarity; those who didn't were heckled and verbally abused
  • Videos of the incidents sparked backlash on social media, with many describing the protesters as an 'aggressive mob'
  • Black Lives Matter protests have gained renewed momentum following the shooting of unarmed black man Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday

And this...

2. The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear.
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver

Another excellent example by BLM of how It's not about bringing people together, It's all about sowing chaos through Intimidation and violence. BLM tried the same thing at a Dallas restaurant, It didn't go so well for BLM. members.
I’d raise my fist, and smash it through any thug’s face that approached me with that ultimatum.
History is hidden from their captive audience by the neo-Marxist government schooling.....

....else they might notice the similarity in events:

1. "'White silence is violence': Aggressive mob of white BLM protesters threaten and film white diners at DC restaurants and DEMAND they raise their fist and show solidarity with them.... or else
  • A group of Black Lives Matter protesters harassed sitting diners at several outdoor restaurants in Washington, D.C. on Monday night
  • The activists ordered diners to raise their fists as a sign of solidarity; those who didn't were heckled and verbally abused
  • Videos of the incidents sparked backlash on social media, with many describing the protesters as an 'aggressive mob'
  • Black Lives Matter protests have gained renewed momentum following the shooting of unarmed black man Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday

And this...

2. The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear.
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver
Strange report. I confess, I do not support BLM movement. More than anything else, it is a closed minded, automatic mental self protection, I have demonstrated here on the board, reading thread subject lines (and bitched about), similar to my reactions to old Drudge headlines, or false political agendas of any type using propaganda. If your premise or subject line in one thing and but you really want me to support something else, I reject it whole cloth at the outset, as soon I realize it is based on an attempt to lie to me. A simplistic, almost amoebic reaction to negative stimulus. I Have nothing against black lives, but BLM it is really about changing police methods by eliminating (to some extent) police. To me, the movement reflects that many segments of the black population realize or believe, they have no way to discourage their worst elements from engaging in crimes against society (including their own segment of society) and these people and many many more relatively normal members of their population will automatically reject any intervention from police whatsoever, even if it kills them as a matter of pride or false pride as the case may be. Their solution seems to be having a different set of rules for police dealing with black people than any other, people, yet rejects criticism of black on black crime and violence of nature in their own premise. They go as far as becoming argumentative at the counter suggestion that all lives matter or especially white lives matter. The Black Live Matter mantra is a lie. I am admittedly hypersensitive to being lied to and make no apology for it.

The encounter of having a mob of protesters come onto private property, entering a a restaurant where I am trying to eat a quite meal, to protest and force compliance or subservience is unimaginable. At the arrival of the sign carrying mob in the restaurant, the weapon concealed on my side would become the weapon concealed under the napkin on the table, while I continued to eat and attempt to ignore their activity. If management did not intervene or at least attempt to, it would be the last time I entered that restaurant after I quietly finished my meal, paid and left, to continue going about my own life. People that acquiesced willingly or under duress would be marked in my mind as those that could not be counted on in a pinch. I know a lot of people, but I do not know any men that would be willing to side with the protesters under those circumstances. We're not a big protest state and still recognize limits.
Thanks for posting it, Chic. :thup:
There is no "left" and "right" at the top, only a global corporation umbrella group which wants to run our government and all governments like a business and brainwash us into thinking we voted for it. Left and right are terms used for dividing and confusing people into thinking their neighbor is the enemy.
There is no "left" and "right" at the top, only a global corporation umbrella group which wants to run our government and all governments like a business and brainwash us into thinking we voted for it. Left and right are terms used for dividing and confusing people into thinking their neighbor is the enemy.

You can't be serious.

If you are.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....let's see you compose the same sort of troglodyte, atavistic, totalitarian conglomeration for the other party.
It's tragic how black people (in particular) have been so thoroughly brainwashed to give away their power to the ruling class. "White silence is violence" is just indicative of a message that says "white people need to do it all for me." That message is so deeply encoded with powerlessness that they've all but given up ever being truly free and self-determinant simply because of the color of their skin. That's exactly what the ruling class wanted for all of us, not just black people. They were the sacrificial lamb in teaching those with any amount of power left within the thoroughly corrupt system how to give their power away as well.

I'm so grateful that this is all coming to an end. Sunny skies are right around the corner.
There is no "left" and "right" at the top, only a global corporation umbrella group which wants to run our government and all governments like a business and brainwash us into thinking we voted for it. Left and right are terms used for dividing and confusing people into thinking their neighbor is the enemy.

You can't be serious.

If you are.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....let's see you compose the same sort of troglodyte, atavistic, totalitarian conglomeration for the other party.

Thats because theyre trying to berate free thinkers into shutting up...just like you are.
It's tragic how black people (in particular) have been so thoroughly brainwashed to give away their power to the ruling class. "White silence is violence" is just indicative of a message that says "white people need to do it all for me." That message is so deeply encoded with powerlessness that they've all but given up ever being truly free and self-determinant simply because of the color of their skin. That's exactly what the ruling class wanted for all of us, not just black people. They were the sacrificial lamb in teaching those with any amount of power left within the thoroughly corrupt system how to give their power away as well.

I'm so grateful that this is all coming to an end. Sunny skies are right around the corner.

"It's tragic how black people (in particular) have been so thoroughly brainwashed to give away their power to the ruling class. "

Let's be fair here......lots of white folks are just as brainwashed.....the Left owns and operates just about all of the vehicles for the dissemination of information.

Did you notice that that Fascist BLM group in the restaurant was almost all white?

"That's exactly what the ruling class wanted for all of us, not just black people. "


And us yellow folks, too.

"I'm so grateful that this is all coming to an end. Sunny skies are right around the corner."

I wish I were as optimistic.

There is no "left" and "right" at the top, only a global corporation umbrella group which wants to run our government and all governments like a business and brainwash us into thinking we voted for it. Left and right are terms used for dividing and confusing people into thinking their neighbor is the enemy.

You can't be serious.

If you are.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....let's see you compose the same sort of troglodyte, atavistic, totalitarian conglomeration for the other party.

Thats because theyre trying to berate free thinkers into shutting up...just like you are.

You had a chance to support your absurd failed miserably.

I just jammed your words back down your lying throat.
It's tragic how black people (in particular) have been so thoroughly brainwashed to give away their power to the ruling class. "White silence is violence" is just indicative of a message that says "white people need to do it all for me." That message is so deeply encoded with powerlessness that they've all but given up ever being truly free and self-determinant simply because of the color of their skin. That's exactly what the ruling class wanted for all of us, not just black people. They were the sacrificial lamb in teaching those with any amount of power left within the thoroughly corrupt system how to give their power away as well.

I'm so grateful that this is all coming to an end. Sunny skies are right around the corner.

"It's tragic how black people (in particular) have been so thoroughly brainwashed to give away their power to the ruling class. "

Let's be fair here......lots of white folks are just as brainwashed.....the Left owns and operates just about all of the vehicles for the dissemination of information.

Did you notice that that Fascist BLM group in the restaurant was almost all white?

"That's exactly what the ruling class wanted for all of us, not just black people. "


And us yellow folks, too.

"I'm so grateful that this is all coming to an end. Sunny skies are right around the corner."

I wish I were as optimistic.

View attachment 380165
Agreed totally, it's not exclusive to black folks. But it's much more pervasive with them as there's barely any history there where black people had any amount of control. That's because they were closest to nature: closest to how humans are meant to live. Not talking about in loincloths in the jungle but within small tribes that respect the sovereignty of the people/tribes nearby. Africa is the most ethnically diverse continent on the planet and it's not even close and that can only happen after centuries and centuries of ideal nationalism, essentially.

The weight of that from the collective conscious is unbearable. You either have the strength to muster the ability to make something of yourself against literally all odds or you succumb to what the world is telling you: that you'll never amount to anything because of the color of your skin. It's a script meant for all of humanity but perfected using a subset of it.

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