How many hands did trayvon have


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

After punching the little p***a**b****, Trayvon jumped on top of him and pinned down his arms (2), covered his mouth with his hand (1), bashed his head into concrete (2), and reached for his gun. (1) Trayvon had to have had at least 6 hands.

Cuts on back of Zimmerman’s head inconsistent with head being bashed into concrete. Straight clean cut with very little blood instead of splattered broken cuts with lots of bleeding. Did not need stitches? Neighbor took picture after altercation? Neighbor may have inflicted the cuts. Possibility.
Zimmerman cuts and broken nose do not prove Trayvon was the aggressor. Zimmerman evidently provoked him.
Trayvon body was 70ft from his door and unlikely he had followed Zimmerman back to his care and attacked him.
How far was the altercation from Zimmerman car?
What was the time span between the 9-11 call and the shooting?

He did not apologize during the arrest and in the same sentence he did.

Day after the shooting, Zimmerman had a cut lip, two cuts on his head already healing but no concussion? A broken nose?

Nothing big about Zimmerman but his mouth. He’s his own worse enemy. He does all the work for the prosecution and investigators.

“He’s checking me out.” Hell yeah, he’s checking you out. You a little gnome hoodlum are stalking him to rob him. Damn lucky the little p***a** b**** was not doing this in Oakland, SF, East L.A, Chicago because he would not be the last man standing.
He could have got those cuts from jail,or the popo whipped his ass. I feel he will be turned loose,but he'll have to go to Mexico to live.Because he wont be safe on the streets,thats for sure.
Or he did those things over a course of several minutes.
Nobody is saying he did those things all at the same time.:doubt:
I have some doubt that he did not receive the cuts doing the incident. they are not consistent with his head being repeately bashed agaist the side walk or the grass. A clean cut? As if he reached back their and cut his own head. The problem with the little worm is he think he is smart and other people are stupid. I don't think for one minute he will not be convicted.
Or he did those things over a course of several minutes.
Nobody is saying he did those things all at the same time.:doubt:

There were only two clean cuts. The neighbor witness did not take a picture of a bloody nose? Maybe because there was none.
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