How many democrats own guns?

No you made some shit up that didn't prove anything.

So you're saying that not one liberal here or anywhere wants a gun ban?

There are people who want a gun ban. You can find people who support any position.

Can you name any with absolute certainty, though? Can you prove that any effort to ban guns in the US has ever been attempted at the legislative level?

And....I own a firearm. Have been a gun owner for my entire adult life.

ever?? the D.C. case that ended with heller's saying there can't be a total ban. ...which was reasonable. it's the way it's interpreted by the NRA pawns that's the problem.

No the first step is getting the courts to say that gun ownership is not an individual right.

So tell me if the government says that no individual has the right to own a firearm what the next step will be?

Why do gun nuts act like their gun rights haven't been expanded in the past decade?

That only exists in your alleged mind. The NRA has been successful in eliminating years of infringement on our rights. That is why you hate them so much.
One of my gay friends, who used to go to the Pulse Nightclub, asked me to teach him how to shoot and advise him on what gun to buy. I have taken him out to the range twice now and he loves it. I have absolutely no doubt that he will be voting for Hillary in the next election. He's gay, he has been brainwashed into thinking that the GOP hates gays so he must vote Democrat. I never speak about politics in social gatherings so we don't talk about it except that I have told him that if he wants to buy a gun, he needs to do it before the election. lie with the ease that most people breathe. The best part is that you think others are stupid enough to believe you.

Lol, a proven liar calls me a liar? That's funny. I don't give a shit what an idiot like you thinks.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?

The ones in charge; 0bama, Hillary, etc.
Many in the media.
Many in Hollywood.

No evidence to support that.

Lots of evidence. If I thought for one second that a hardened lefty hack like you had the maturity or integrity to ever admit when you were wrong, I could easily provide it for you. I have learned over my time here that that would be a waste of effort.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,

They tend to poll gun owners as well as non-gun owners so they kind of get what everyone thinks and right now their is a slight majority in favor of them. That is just the truth. I hate them as well since they make me stand in line for so long to answer dumb questions and how hard would it to be to create a registry from the information they have collected.
This is just a lie.

Liberals do not advocate for a complete gun ban.

Not all, but many do. You know that, quit lying.
We would need a new poll to answer your question definitively.

Based on my own experience almost no one wants a compete ban on guns.

Most people are fine with hunting guns.

Most people are against AR and AK style assault guns however.
Thus the anti gun crowd is comprised of both Democrats and Republicans.

How did you come to the conclusion that because you don't have guns that somehow you must be anti gun?
Your question makes no sense.

Your own conclusion makes no sense either.

Try again.

Spell out the elements of your supposed syllogism step by step and then we can find your error in logic.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,

They tend to poll gun owners as well as non-gun owners so they kind of get what everyone thinks and right now their is a slight majority in favor of them. That is just the truth. I hate them as well since they make me stand in line for so long to answer dumb questions and how hard would it to be to create a registry from the information they have collected.
This is just a lie.

Liberals do not advocate for a complete gun ban.

Not all, but many do. You know that, quit lying.
We would need a new poll to answer your question definitively.

Based on my own experience almost no one wants a compete ban on guns.

Most people are fine with hunting guns.

Most people are against AR and AK style assault guns however.

The problem is that the movers and shakers in the Democrat Party and the monied and powerful Socialists of the world, do. Despite what you and your democrat friends think, the people YOU vote for want a ban on guns.
There are people who want a gun ban. You can find people who support any position.

Can you name any with absolute certainty, though? Can you prove that any effort to ban guns in the US has ever been attempted at the legislative level?

And....I own a firearm. Have been a gun owner for my entire adult life.

ever?? the D.C. case that ended with heller's saying there can't be a total ban. ...which was reasonable. it's the way it's interpreted by the NRA pawns that's the problem.

No the first step is getting the courts to say that gun ownership is not an individual right.

So tell me if the government says that no individual has the right to own a firearm what the next step will be?

Why do gun nuts act like their gun rights haven't been expanded in the past decade?
They haven't

I cannot buy or legally own some guns in my state. I cannot legally own a magazine of more than a 10 round capacity.

things I could do just a few years ago

You can't ban all guns because you can't repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Gun ban propaganda is thus paranoid proaganda with no basis in reality.
Any amendment can be repealed. Just as anything can be made in an amendment. The Constitution provides for it.

You should have learned that in 8th Grade US History, and again in 12th Grade Civics, and if you went to college then your history/humanities requirement should have taught you a 3rd time about the US Constitution.

That's precisely the main draw back of Hillary as POTUS. She will attempt to replace Scalia and aging Ginsberg with 2 more Ginsbergs. Then the SCOTUS can become activist and quasi legislative.

This will also show the beauty of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. Even though these two egomaniacal pieces of shit have filibusted a lot between the two of them, they should at least be good for a filibuster of any new gun laws that Hillary wants to impose.

But if Hillary gets a supermajority (60 or more) of Senators in the Senate, then there will be no filibustering, in which case R.Paul and Cruz will be totally worthless.
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Gun control is virtually none exsistent.

Criminals have guns. Gang bangers have guns. Domestic violence perpetrators have guns. Terrorists have guns. Drug dealers have guns. Sometimes little kids have a gun. Young kids take guns to school occasionally. Law abiding citizens have guns. Felons have guns. Illegals have guns.

If we have "gun control" in this country, where is it? Everybody who wants a gun can get a gun.
Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?

You are very confused. Typical for a Moon Bat.

California (run by stupid Libtards) recently passed a series of draconian gun control laws that will make it close to impossible for the average person to own a functional fire arm.

The SAFE Act in New Your (run by Libtards) is a very oppressive anti right to keep and bear arms law state. I can give you some examples of the oppression if you are confused about it.

In the Democrat war on women they are advocating taking away the right of women to defend themselves against attackers with unreasonable gun control laws and requiring permission from the government before being allowed their Constitutional rights..

In New Jersey (run mostly by Libtards including Christie) a man was recently arrested just for the mere possession of firearms that are legal in most other of the US. He committed no crimes and had no intentions of committing crimes with the firearms. That is filthy ass oppression and anti right to keep arms laws,

Even with the McDonald ruling it is almost impossible to legally own a firearm in Chicago (run by stupid Libtards) but yet the city is the murder capitol of the US.

That jackass President Shit for Brains said that the NRA was a terrorist organization. How stupid is that?

TNA: President Obama Designates NRA "Domestic Terrorist Organization".

Crooked Hillary said recently that she wasn't even sure there was a right to keep and bear arms in the US and that the NRA (the largest gun safety organization in the world) was is the same as an Iranian terrorist organization.

Hillary Clinton wavers on Second Amendment right to bear arms

Are you a member of the NRA? Hillary Clinton thinks you're a terrorist.
The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,

They tend to poll gun owners as well as non-gun owners so they kind of get what everyone thinks and right now their is a slight majority in favor of them. That is just the truth. I hate them as well since they make me stand in line for so long to answer dumb questions and how hard would it to be to create a registry from the information they have collected.
This is just a lie.

Liberals do not advocate for a complete gun ban.

Not all, but many do. You know that, quit lying.
We would need a new poll to answer your question definitively.

Based on my own experience almost no one wants a compete ban on guns.

Most people are fine with hunting guns.

Most people are against AR and AK style assault guns however.

The problem is that the movers and shakers in the Democrat Party and the monied and powerful Socialists of the world, do. Despite what you and your democrat friends think, the people YOU vote for want a ban on guns.
I believe that with the deaths of both elderly Brady's, that handgun control is now finally dead.

As for the banning of assault style weapons, with Hillary's imminent election and possible takeover of House and Senate for at least 2 years, another Federal ban like WJ Clinton's first one will be in the making.

Handguns should be safe since Billy did not go after them before. For all we know, Bill and Hillary probably both own handguns.

Hunting guns should also be safe since nobody is assaulting them (no pun intended).

Hunting guns normally don't hold more than 5 cartridges.

Assault style guns can hold from 10 to 30 cartridges or more and normally have detachable box or cylinder magazines. Most people infer that an assault weapon also includes some kind of pistol grip on the stock. So that feature normally gets built into the definitional legislation for them as well.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?

The polls on universal background checks are useless...the people responding are uninformed on what universal background checks are for, and why the anti gunners are pushing them so hard.....,

lol, a typical RW denialist.

So....tell me...what does a universal background check do that will stop a criminal from getting a gun? What will they do that stops a mass shooter from getting a gun? How will universal background checks work without gun registration? Will handing you gun to your friend on the range now be a felony if you don't get a background check on the transfer of that gun?

Can you friends or relatives take your guns into their home and keep them while you are on vacation, and return them when you get back without two background checks on the transfers?

So liars polling the uninformed show nothing real about the issue.

I've asked Slade what type of background check was going to be done on the person that stole one of my guns. He's yet to provide an answer. He seems to not understand that the only ones affected by what he supports aren't the ones we need to worry about and those that are won't be subjected to those laws no matter how many are passed. Criminals don't care about what the law says or how many laws say it. That's why they're criminals.
What kind of bg check? No kind of bg check for thieves... What kind of gun is he stealing?

Doesn't matter. What kind will that thief get for the gun he stole? That's right, he won't.
ever?? the D.C. case that ended with heller's saying there can't be a total ban. ...which was reasonable. it's the way it's interpreted by the NRA pawns that's the problem.

No the first step is getting the courts to say that gun ownership is not an individual right.

So tell me if the government says that no individual has the right to own a firearm what the next step will be?

Why do gun nuts act like their gun rights haven't been expanded in the past decade?
They haven't

I cannot buy or legally own some guns in my state. I cannot legally own a magazine of more than a 10 round capacity.

things I could do just a few years ago

You can't ban all guns because you can't repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Gun ban propaganda is thus paranoid proaganda with no basis in reality.
Any amendment can be repealed. Just as anything can be made in an amendment. The Constitution provides for it.

You should have learned that in 8th Grade US History, and again in 12th Grade Civics, and if you went to college then your history/humanities requirement should have taught you a 3rd time about the US Constitution.

That's precisely the main draw back of Hillary as POTUS. She will attempt to replace Scalia and aging Ginsberg with 2 more Ginsbergs. Then the SCOTUS can become activist and quasi legislative.

I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.
There is no way that the only gun owners in this country are republicans. There is just to many guns being sold right now for that to be true so I wonder how many democrats feel comfortable with strict gun laws? Some of these laws are so tough that it makes it impossible to even buy one in some states (California). Do you feel comfortable with that and/or do you feel comfortable with a complete gun ban that many other 'liberals' want. I myself own a lot of guns and was able to get them with little ease (background check). I really didn't like the background check but it appears that most polls seem to think this is OK. I'm wondering how many of you secretly wish you didn't have to go through the hassle of a background check?
I live in California, don't really subscribe to a political party but my views are mostly liberal with a touch of conservatism when it comes to government spending... I own 14 guns and don't have a problem with most the gun control measures that have been proposed. Got no need for semi auto assault riffles or high capacity mags. Wouldn't be thrilled about registration or bg checking a private sale but I'm not going to cry about it either.

The NRA which I'm a member of is pretty full of shit with their propaganda, I get the letters and laugh most the time. The Left is just as full of shit with their propaganda and they are a bit misguided with their control efforts in my opinion.

Let me see if I have this straight. You have determined for yourself that you don't need/want something so the rest of us should view things the same way or be willing to abide by what you believe?

Let me see if I have this straight. You say you're a member of an organization you feel is full of shit. Have you quit? If not, you're saying that you're full of shit. I agree that you are.
You got it crooked... I didn't say a thing about expecting others to think the same way as myself... Everybody is free to think however they want. The OP asked how we felt about the issue and I expressed my opinion.

Go ahead and think I'm full of shit as you do with anybody that doesn't share your POV, that's fine, no sweat off my back.

You being full of shit has absolutely nothing to do with you and I disagreeing. You being full of shit has everything to do with WHAT you believe.

California (run by stupid Libtards) recently passed a series of draconian gun control laws that will make it close to impossible for the average person to own a functional fire arm.


Completely false.

You may own revolvers in Calif.

You may own pistols as long as they can only hold 10 rounds or less.

You may own shotguns as long as they can only hold 10 shells or less.

You may own carbines and rifles as long as they do not have detachable magazines AND also a pistol grip or a folding stock.

And you can only own 10 round detachable box magazines or smaller.
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I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.
Then you should improve the precision of your written communications so that you are more clear about what you type.
Gun control is virtually none exsistent.

Criminals have guns. Gang bangers have guns. Domestic violence perpetrators have guns. Terrorists have guns. Drug dealers have guns. Sometimes little kids have a gun. Young kids take guns to school occasionally. Law abiding citizens have guns. Felons have guns. Illegals have guns.

If we have "gun control" in this country, where is it? Everybody who wants a gun can get a gun.

Exactly. Why don't we try instead, to find out why we have become so violent?

Actually, I know the answer to that question. The reason we don't ask why, is because for the left, guns are a political pawn played for political gain. They do not care about violence or human lives.
I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.
Then you should improve the precision of your written communications so that you are more clear about what you type.

I mistakenly thought I was talking to people intelligent enough to know that I was not referring to the common knowledge of the amendment appeal PROCESS.
Who are the liberals that want a complete gun ban?

You are very confused. Typical for a Moon Bat.

California (run by stupid Libtards) recently passed a series of draconian gun control laws that will make it close to impossible for the average person to own a functional fire arm.

The SAFE Act in New Your (run by Libtards) is a very oppressive anti right to keep and bear arms law state. I can give you some examples of the oppression if you are confused about it.

In the Democrat war on women they are advocating taking away the right of women to defend themselves against attackers with unreasonable gun control laws and requiring permission from the government before being allowed their Constitutional rights..

In New Jersey (run mostly by Libtards including Christie) a man was recently arrested just for the mere possession of firearms that are legal in most other of the US. He committed no crimes and had no intentions of committing crimes with the firearms. That is filthy ass oppression and anti right to keep arms laws,

Even with the McDonald ruling it is almost impossible to legally own a firearm in Chicago (run by stupid Libtards) but yet the city is the murder capitol of the US.

That jackass President Shit for Brains said that the NRA was a terrorist organization. How stupid is that?

TNA: President Obama Designates NRA "Domestic Terrorist Organization".

Crooked Hillary said recently that she wasn't even sure there was a right to keep and bear arms in the US and that the NRA (the largest gun safety organization in the world) was is the same as an Iranian terrorist organization.

Hillary Clinton wavers on Second Amendment right to bear arms

Are you a member of the NRA? Hillary Clinton thinks you're a terrorist.

Of course you can give many examples to disprove his stupid statements and lies. But he, like the majority of the lefties here will never ever listen. You waste your time.
No the first step is getting the courts to say that gun ownership is not an individual right.

So tell me if the government says that no individual has the right to own a firearm what the next step will be?

Why do gun nuts act like their gun rights haven't been expanded in the past decade?
They haven't

I cannot buy or legally own some guns in my state. I cannot legally own a magazine of more than a 10 round capacity.

things I could do just a few years ago

You can't ban all guns because you can't repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Gun ban propaganda is thus paranoid proaganda with no basis in reality.
Any amendment can be repealed. Just as anything can be made in an amendment. The Constitution provides for it.

You should have learned that in 8th Grade US History, and again in 12th Grade Civics, and if you went to college then your history/humanities requirement should have taught you a 3rd time about the US Constitution.

That's precisely the main draw back of Hillary as POTUS. She will attempt to replace Scalia and aging Ginsberg with 2 more Ginsbergs. Then the SCOTUS can become activist and quasi legislative.

I was referring to the fact that you will never get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment. And you won't.

The only votes that matter are the 9 on the Supreme Court. When it comes to an amendment or anything in the Constitution, what the document says doesn't come close to being as important as what as few as FIVE of that nine BELIEVES it says.

There are lots of things not specifically in the Constitution that the SCOTUS has said are there through their interpretations. Not one word in the 2nd Amendment would have to change even a letter for the MEANING to change based on what FIVE say.

I don't believe you'd ever get the votes to repeal the 2nd amendment according to the procedure outline in Article V of the Constitution. However, you don't have to as long as FIVE people on the Court choose to interpret the same way as an Article V generated amendment would do it. As long as the Court is willing practice judicial activism, you may never see another amendment. All FIVE of them have to do is think it says something different than what's actually written.

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