How many Americans have pre-existing conditions?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Remember when Obama said this in order to get pre-existing conditions as part of ACA?
I think that the use of the phrase "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" by Obama as a gross exaggeration! 169 million?
The impression that you and millions other have is that because of that, these 169 million can't get insurance!
A) There never were 169 million that couldn't get insurance BECAUSE as the above points out less than 8% are NOT covered by private, group,government health insurance. So there is no where near HALF that can't get insurance due to "pre-existing conditions"! As that is NOT an issue!
B) The only people that have "pre-existing conditions" that have to pay HIGHER for health insurance are because as any logical rational person understands those people will require MORE expenses to cover them!
C) Since most people (evidently you included) have NO idea how insurance works... here is a quick lesson:
1) Insurance covers future claims.
2) companies willing to pay future claims, need to figure out for two reasons WHAT the risks are they will have
to pay out the claims:
a) STATES where they are selling REQUIRE reserves to pay future claims...
b) Companies CAN"T have reserves if they don't make a profit to set aside for FUTURE claims.
It is as simple as that.
So companies calculate what they will need for future claims BASED on what they know about the insurance prospect i.e. does the prospect have some conditions that will mean $100,000s in future claims.

NOW group insurance is different in that ONE plan may cover 1,000s of people versus 1 plan covering 1 person!

So that's why there is a "pre-existing conditions" for primarily ONLY private insurance, i.e. 1 person signing up for 1 insurance policy.
The cost of signing up a employer with 1,000 employees for health insurance is far less than it is to sign up 1,000 individuals. Hence there are savings with employer health plans and no need for "pre-existing conditions".

So how many Americans have pre-existing conditions that prevent them from having health insurance?

Well the facts are there are far far less and Obamacare proved it!
NOW for FURTHER PROOF coming from Obamacare statistics!!!
Only 115,000 were members of the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP),a high-risk insurance program established as a bridge between pre-Obamacare coverage and the establishment of its exchanges.
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
Only 115,000 out of the Obama exaggeration of "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" !
You do, it's a common disease called callous stupidity.

And naive, emotionally motivated people like you have to be rescued by people like me.
Feelings for the "pre-existing conditions" folks don't solve the problem that the MSM has blown way out of proportion.
Again if you read closely you will see Obamacare's "Pre-existing condition Insurance Plan" had 19,569 people with
pre-existing conditions enrolled!
State by State Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That is so far off of the 169 million Obama first told is! ONLY 19,569 enrolled in the insurance plan specifically for them!
You do, it's a common disease called callous stupidity.

And naive, emotionally motivated people like you have to be rescued by people like me.
Feelings for the "pre-existing conditions" folks don't solve the problem that the MSM has blown way out of proportion.
Again if you read closely you will see Obamacare's "Pre-existing condition Insurance Plan" had 19,569 people with
pre-existing conditions enrolled!
State by State Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That is so far off of the 169 million Obama first told is! ONLY 19,569 enrolled in the insurance plan specifically for them!

Despite all your trolling you have never changed a single mind or had a positive impact on any conversation.
Pre existing conditions coverage is just another form of filthy ass welfare.

You don't pay into an insurance policy but when you get sick and go sign up for it somebody has to pay your bill. Despicable!
You do, it's a common disease called callous stupidity.
Wow, what a stunning rebuttal to the facts presented! :rolleyes:

Remember when Obama said this in order to get pre-existing conditions as part of ACA?
I think that the use of the phrase "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" by Obama as a gross exaggeration! 169 million?
The impression that you and millions other have is that because of that, these 169 million can't get insurance!
A) There never were 169 million that couldn't get insurance BECAUSE as the above points out less than 8% are NOT covered by private, group,government health insurance. So there is no where near HALF that can't get insurance due to "pre-existing conditions"! As that is NOT an issue!
B) The only people that have "pre-existing conditions" that have to pay HIGHER for health insurance are because as any logical rational person understands those people will require MORE expenses to cover them!
C) Since most people (evidently you included) have NO idea how insurance works... here is a quick lesson:
1) Insurance covers future claims.
2) companies willing to pay future claims, need to figure out for two reasons WHAT the risks are they will have
to pay out the claims:
a) STATES where they are selling REQUIRE reserves to pay future claims...
b) Companies CAN"T have reserves if they don't make a profit to set aside for FUTURE claims.
It is as simple as that.
So companies calculate what they will need for future claims BASED on what they know about the insurance prospect i.e. does the prospect have some conditions that will mean $100,000s in future claims.

NOW group insurance is different in that ONE plan may cover 1,000s of people versus 1 plan covering 1 person!

So that's why there is a "pre-existing conditions" for primarily ONLY private insurance, i.e. 1 person signing up for 1 insurance policy.
The cost of signing up a employer with 1,000 employees for health insurance is far less than it is to sign up 1,000 individuals. Hence there are savings with employer health plans and no need for "pre-existing conditions".

So how many Americans have pre-existing conditions that prevent them from having health insurance?

Well the facts are there are far far less and Obamacare proved it!
NOW for FURTHER PROOF coming from Obamacare statistics!!!
Only 115,000 were members of the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP),a high-risk insurance program established as a bridge between pre-Obamacare coverage and the establishment of its exchanges.
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
Only 115,000 out of the Obama exaggeration of "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" !
Why not look it up, before vomiting the first bullshit thought that fizzles into your colon?

102 Million in U.S. Have Pre-Existing Conditions, Study Says
All Americans had the best healthcare in the world. Till the libs [ who are the most stingy with their own money yet love to dig in others peoples pockets ] created welfare or sickfare and ruined it for all.

We had care for our poor in clinics and teaching hospitals. Most worked and doctors gave their time to the poor who were poor by no fault of their own.
Our doctors were rich and happy like we liked them. Nobody wants a depressed doctor or pilot in control of their life.
Now it doesn't pay to be a doctor.
Medical schools will take in and pass anyone who will take the low wage job. Not to say some are not great doctors but not many as before.
Libs think we owe those who sit on their butts and do nothing but have kids and get freebees.
Men no longer support their kids and women no longer have self respect. It is not their fault really it is the fault of apathy and complacency on the part of those who allow it.
When I was young 99% of men worked and supported their kids or went to prison where they belonged. Bring back the chain gangs,please!
Women had enough self respect not to lay down with just anyone and get knocked up.
We are a very sick immoral society. I have 13 grandkids and 12 great grand kids and over half are with unmarried single mothers.
Most are now on pills for depression and and America has more suicide than any nation on earth! ESPECIALLY white middle aged men, and young people are second.

Pre existing conditions coverage is just another form of filthy ass welfare.

You don't pay into an insurance policy but when you get sick and go sign up for it somebody has to pay your bill. Despicable!

That’s not how the ACA works .

You live long enough and you will have pre existing condition . And this isn’t auto insurance. For the most part people don’t get sick because they choose too. Being born wh a heart condition is not the same as getting 3 speeding tix .

Don’t kid yourself . If ins companies could, they’d drop every person who had as much as a sniffle .
That’s not how the ACA works .

You live long enough and you will have pre existing condition . And this isn’t auto insurance. For the most part people don’t get sick because they choose too. Being born wh a heart condition is not the same as getting 3 speeding tix .

Don’t kid yourself . If ins companies could, they’d drop every person who had as much as a sniffle .
Yet you clowns will fraudulently use the auto insurance analogy, when it's time to force us all to buy your shitty Ovomitcare "insurance".

Shit cuts both ways, Gomer.
All Americans had the best healthcare in the world. Till the libs [ who are the most stingy with their own money yet love to dig in others peoples pockets ] created welfare or sickfare and ruined it for all.

We had care for our poor in clinics and teaching hospitals. Most worked and doctors gave their time to the poor who were poor by no fault of their own.
Our doctors were rich and happy like we liked them. Nobody wants a depressed doctor or pilot in control of their life.
Now it doesn't pay to be a doctor.
Medical schools will take in and pass anyone who will take the low wage job. Not to say some are not great doctors but not many as before.
Libs think we owe those who sit on their butts and do nothing but have kids and get freebees.
Men no longer support their kids and women no longer have self respect. It is not their fault really it is the fault of apathy and complacency on the part of those who allow it.
When I was young 99% of men worked and supported their kids or went to prison where they belonged. Bring back the chain gangs,please!
Women had enough self respect not to lay down with just anyone and get knocked up.
We are a very sick immoral society. I have 13 grandkids and 12 great grand kids and over half are with unmarried single mothers.
Most are now on pills for depression and and America has more suicide than any nation on earth! ESPECIALLY white middle aged men, and young people are second.

Yeah, cause in 1950 if you weren’t cured by penecillian you just died !

It’s 2019. Medicine is super advanced . But feel free to request leeches at your next cancer screening.
That’s not how the ACA works .

You live long enough and you will have pre existing condition . And this isn’t auto insurance. For the most part people don’t get sick because they choose too. Being born wh a heart condition is not the same as getting 3 speeding tix .

Don’t kid yourself . If ins companies could, they’d drop every person who had as much as a sniffle .
Yet you clowns will use the fraudulent auto insurance analogy when it's time to force us all to buy your shitty Ovimitcare insurance.

Shit cuts both ways, Gomer.

I didn’t bring up auto insurance.
That’s not how the ACA works .

You live long enough and you will have pre existing condition . And this isn’t auto insurance. For the most part people don’t get sick because they choose too. Being born wh a heart condition is not the same as getting 3 speeding tix .

Don’t kid yourself . If ins companies could, they’d drop every person who had as much as a sniffle .
Yet you clowns will use the fraudulent auto insurance analogy when it's time to force us all to buy your shitty Ovimitcare insurance.

Shit cuts both ways, Gomer.

I didn’t bring up auto insurance.
Doesn't matter who brought it up...Fact remains.
Pre existing conditions coverage is just another form of filthy ass welfare.

You don't pay into an insurance policy but when you get sick and go sign up for it somebody has to pay your bill. Despicable!
I do not think you know what pre-existing conditions mean in the context of health insurance. it was a despicable method insurance companies used to deny claims on people who had paid in good faith for insurance.
At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Pre-existing conditions: The age group most vulnerable if coverage goes away

Up to 50%.

Ask anyone who sold health insurance before the ACA and they'll tell you getting people through underwriting was a pain in the ass. Declines were at least 30%.
Then they can go into high risk pools.

Insurance is there for people who plan ahead, not for those who want everyone else to pay their bills after they get sick or injured.
At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Pre-existing conditions: The age group most vulnerable if coverage goes away

Up to 50%.

Ask anyone who sold health insurance before the ACA and they'll tell you getting people through underwriting was a pain in the ass. Declines were at least 30%.
Then they can go into high risk pools.

Insurance is there for people who plan ahead, not for those who want everyone else to pay their bills after they get sick or injured.
High risk pools cost significantly more.
I do not think you know what pre-existing conditions mean in the context of health insurance. it was a despicable method insurance companies used to deny claims on people who had paid in good faith for insurance.
Pure horseshit.

If you paid for insurance in advance of you getting sick or injured, the law prevents insurers from dropping you just because of it.
Remember when Obama said this in order to get pre-existing conditions as part of ACA?
I think that the use of the phrase "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" by Obama as a gross exaggeration! 169 million?
The impression that you and millions other have is that because of that, these 169 million can't get insurance!
A) There never were 169 million that couldn't get insurance BECAUSE as the above points out less than 8% are NOT covered by private, group,government health insurance. So there is no where near HALF that can't get insurance due to "pre-existing conditions"! As that is NOT an issue!
B) The only people that have "pre-existing conditions" that have to pay HIGHER for health insurance are because as any logical rational person understands those people will require MORE expenses to cover them!
C) Since most people (evidently you included) have NO idea how insurance works... here is a quick lesson:
1) Insurance covers future claims.
2) companies willing to pay future claims, need to figure out for two reasons WHAT the risks are they will have
to pay out the claims:
a) STATES where they are selling REQUIRE reserves to pay future claims...
b) Companies CAN"T have reserves if they don't make a profit to set aside for FUTURE claims.
It is as simple as that.
So companies calculate what they will need for future claims BASED on what they know about the insurance prospect i.e. does the prospect have some conditions that will mean $100,000s in future claims.

NOW group insurance is different in that ONE plan may cover 1,000s of people versus 1 plan covering 1 person!

So that's why there is a "pre-existing conditions" for primarily ONLY private insurance, i.e. 1 person signing up for 1 insurance policy.
The cost of signing up a employer with 1,000 employees for health insurance is far less than it is to sign up 1,000 individuals. Hence there are savings with employer health plans and no need for "pre-existing conditions".

So how many Americans have pre-existing conditions that prevent them from having health insurance?

Well the facts are there are far far less and Obamacare proved it!
NOW for FURTHER PROOF coming from Obamacare statistics!!!
Only 115,000 were members of the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP),a high-risk insurance program established as a bridge between pre-Obamacare coverage and the establishment of its exchanges.
Pre-Existing Condition Tweaks Likely Affect 0.5 Percent Of Americans
Only 115,000 out of the Obama exaggeration of "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition" !

Actually, you don't understand all what is considered pre-existing conditions. High blood pressure is considered a pre-existing condition. How many people have that? It is even worse for women, where there are dozens of pre-existing conditions that are tied to reproductive organs and the simplest things like endometriosis.

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