How many Americans have pre-existing conditions?

All Americans had the best healthcare in the world. Till the libs [ who are the most stingy with their own money yet love to dig in others peoples pockets ] created welfare or sickfare and ruined it for all.

We had care for our poor in clinics and teaching hospitals. Most worked and doctors gave their time to the poor who were poor by no fault of their own.
Our doctors were rich and happy like we liked them. Nobody wants a depressed doctor or pilot in control of their life.
Now it doesn't pay to be a doctor.
Medical schools will take in and pass anyone who will take the low wage job. Not to say some are not great doctors but not many as before.
Libs think we owe those who sit on their butts and do nothing but have kids and get freebees.
Men no longer support their kids and women no longer have self respect. It is not their fault really it is the fault of apathy and complacency on the part of those who allow it.
When I was young 99% of men worked and supported their kids or went to prison where they belonged. Bring back the chain gangs,please!
Women had enough self respect not to lay down with just anyone and get knocked up.
We are a very sick immoral society. I have 13 grandkids and 12 great grand kids and over half are with unmarried single mothers.
Most are now on pills for depression and and America has more suicide than any nation on earth! ESPECIALLY white middle aged men, and young people are second.

Yeah, cause in 1950 if you weren’t cured by penecillian you just died !

It’s 2019. Medicine is super advanced . But feel free to request leeches at your next cancer screening.

I'd rather have leeches than most blood thinners so yea " bring back the leeches". At least I'd know where they came from.

Actually this is the very first generation in American history who won't live longer than their parents generation. Americans lives are starting to shorten.
We need to do something but what is the question in a nation of self loathing athlete and entertainment worshipers. I'm very worried about the men in this nation.

The main reason why this generation of Americans will live shorter lives is from factoring in the number of young Americans who have died from drug overdoses and other drug related deaths.
Pre existing conditions coverage is just another form of filthy ass welfare.

You don't pay into an insurance policy but when you get sick and go sign up for it somebody has to pay your bill. Despicable!
I do not think you know what pre-existing conditions mean in the context of health insurance. it was a despicable method insurance companies used to deny claims on people who had paid in good faith for insurance.

I don't think you understand the concept of welfare.

It is welfare when the filthy ass government requires that somebody else pays your bills and that is exactly what that despicable Obamacare required..

Now there are some private insurance plans that accepts all pre existing conditions. Most employer plans have that stipulation and that is fine. It is by choice.

What is wrong it when it is mandated by the government. That drives up the cost of the insurance for the paying customer and that is immoral.

The filthy government needs to stay out of the business of regulating most everything, especially health care.
You sound like one of those shitty octogenarians yelling for the government to keep it's hands off your medicare.

Actually I pay my own bills and don't like the fucking taking my money and giving it to you filthy ass welfare queens. Government mandated pre existing conditions is simply another form of welfare and sorry ass people getting something for nothing that other people have to pay for.

I don't like people using the government to steal from me.

You would also if you had any morals. You pathetic sorry ass Moon Bats are always short on moral clarity, aren't you?
That's some nice rage you got going there grandpa.

You have a great entitlement mentality don't you asshole?

You think you are entitled to have somebody else to pay your health care bills because you are alive, eh Moon Bat?
I do not think you know what pre-existing conditions mean in the context of health insurance. it was a despicable method insurance companies used to deny claims on people who had paid in good faith for insurance.

I don't think you understand the concept of welfare.

It is welfare when the filthy ass government requires that somebody else pays your bills and that is exactly what that despicable Obamacare required..

Now there are some private insurance plans that accepts all pre existing conditions. Most employer plans have that stipulation and that is fine. It is by choice.

What is wrong it when it is mandated by the government. That drives up the cost of the insurance for the paying customer and that is immoral.

The filthy government needs to stay out of the business of regulating most everything, especially health care.
You sound like one of those shitty octogenarians yelling for the government to keep it's hands off your medicare.

Actually I pay my own bills and don't like the fucking taking my money and giving it to you filthy ass welfare queens. Government mandated pre existing conditions is simply another form of welfare and sorry ass people getting something for nothing that other people have to pay for.

I don't like people using the government to steal from me.

You would also if you had any morals. You pathetic sorry ass Moon Bats are always short on moral clarity, aren't you?
That's some nice rage you got going there grandpa.

You have a great entitlement mentality don't you asshole?

You think you are entitled to have somebody else to pay your health care bills because you are alive, eh Moon Bat?
LOL that rage feels good doesn't it? Be careful you might have an infarction.
My point is the number of Americans with a "pre-existing condition" maybe 169 million but that doesn't mean they don't have health insurance which is what Obama was trying to convince people for the necessity of Obamacare. Granted there maybe half of all Americans with "pre-existing conditions' but that didn't mean they
could have employer health insurance of which employer-based insurance was the most common, covering 56.0 percent of the population for some or all of the calendar year.
Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2017
The point of the thread is Obama LIED about the number of uninsured people (never were 46 million when 10 million where illegal aliens, 14 million were eligible for
Medicaid but didn't know it and 18 million under 34 earning over $50k but didn't want employer health programs) and lied about half all
Americans couldn't get insurance due to 'pre-existing conditions".
These are LIEs that were used to stupidly uninformed people to get them to vote for Obamacare which passed by only 6 votes. Do you think maybe if more
people understood that these two frequently repeated LIES were just that we'd have the mess we have now?

One stupid tax among the 14 taxes in ACA was tanning salons.

Unsurprisingly, the indoor tanning industry criticized the tax from the beginning and now blames the tax for closing upwards of 10,000 salon businesses. Salons have the option of collecting the tax directly from consumers or absorbing the tax themselves; one survey of tanning salon owners in Illinois showed that about 80 percent chose the former, adding 10 percent to the consumer charge up front.

Why didn't Congress use the same logic i.e. tanning causes cancer therefore we should tax tanning salons on the legal community?
You do, it's a common disease called callous stupidity.

And naive, emotionally motivated people like you have to be rescued by people like me.
Feelings for the "pre-existing conditions" folks don't solve the problem that the MSM has blown way out of proportion.
Again if you read closely you will see Obamacare's "Pre-existing condition Insurance Plan" had 19,569 people with
pre-existing conditions enrolled!
State by State Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
That is so far off of the 169 million Obama first told is! ONLY 19,569 enrolled in the insurance plan specifically for them!

Despite all your trolling you have never changed a single mind or had a positive impact on any conversation.

And how do you know ?
See you are proof of the emotional, illogical, and truly ignorant people that believe Obama's gross exaggerations.
You make a statement that has NO validation! No sourcing. No Links.
Almost all my comments contain validation for my statements whereas idiots like you make a generalized grossly exaggerated statement and expect people to believe!

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