How Long Before the Plague Hits Leftard California?

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Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.
If our cities go then so does the U.S.A.
You Leftards will get your wish.
Maybe. You feel safe with Trump turning America into the enemy because the missiles won't be aimed at Bumfuck, TrumpCountry. They'll be aimed at the important places. AKA, American cities.

What ? At this point in time ALL American cities are Trump Country!! And probably will be for a bit longer. Get used to it lefty. You should all move to California and work and take care of all the Illegal immigrants so the rest of us don't have to. What you haven't moved yet? That's what I thought !
^ :cuckoo:
San Diego Washing Streets With Bleach To Combat Hepatitis A Outbreak

Even the Libs in Cali have figure it out...


Black Flag just cant figure it out though...
This thread is about how typhus is going to destroy America. Please stay on topic.
Nope. OP meantioned the Hepatitis outbreak too. Fatal bug is a fatal bug.
Anything can be fatal when your writing fiction

That was NPR a left wing source...

Stupidity should be painful..... But in your case its most likely a death sentence..
When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Happening already ... Saudi Arabia.

Of course; with Trump's blessings. Allah is great.

You got proof of your accusation?

That's a pretty ballsy statement to make without proof..

By the actions & inaction of POTUS Horseface & his subordinates, Mohammed bin Salman aka MBS, has executed Jamal Khashoggi with the blessing of POTUS Horseface.

And what did you do today?
Way to show your total ignorance on the subject..
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..


Antibiotics combat bacterium.

Why the fvck are you posting such stupid, asinine bullshit?
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..


Antibiotics combat bacterium.

Why the fvck are you posting such stupid, asinine bullshit?

Billy_Bob exposed as a TOTAL LIAR! Saving this for future use.
When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Happening already ... Saudi Arabia.

Of course; with Trump's blessings. Allah is great.

You got proof of your accusation?

That's a pretty ballsy statement to make without proof..

By the actions & inaction of POTUS Horseface & his subordinates, Mohammed bin Salman aka MBS, has executed Jamal Khashoggi with the blessing of POTUS Horseface.

And what did you do today?

I'm sure the Saudis' called and asked if it was okay to assassinate this journalist. maybe they felt he was a traitor or a Spy , Other Country's have their own way of dealing with traitors and spy's. Russia Poisons them, Syrians gas them, some die in mysterious accidents. Nothing new here except A political opportunity for Turkey who got their economy smacked down by Sanctions over pastor Brunson. You'll never hear that Cia operatives name again.
Tomatoes tomahtoes. The point is....they will bring diseases and ailments that will affect US. Children, seniors, etc.
Go ahead and bicker.....ignore the obvious.
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..


Antibiotics combat bacterium.

Why the fvck are you posting such stupid, asinine bullshit?
Way to go moron..

Secondary infections are what cause the deaths.. These are primarily bacteria. I'm not going to take time to explain chemical and biological agents or how they work to you.
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..


Antibiotics combat bacterium.

Why the fvck are you posting such stupid, asinine bullshit?
Way to go moron..

Secondary infections are what cause the deaths.. These are primarily bacteria. I'm not going to take time to explain chemical and biological agents or how they work to you.

Yes, go ahead & take your time Dr. because U R gonna fvcking need it; Dr. dumbass.
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..


Antibiotics combat bacterium.

Why the fvck are you posting such stupid, asinine bullshit?
because the truth doesn't matter only the effect on other ignorant people who will believe anything they here from their handlers. But he didn't lie Viruses are antibiotic resistant. Like being 1/1000 percent Native something! Idiots!!!
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.
If our cities go then so does the U.S.A.

Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.
If our cities go then so does the U.S.A.

^ Lol so stupid
Another thread full of butt hurt low IQ Leftists whining over Kavanaugh and Trumps two more upcoming SCOTUS nominations and 2020 re-election

Lower yourself to their level and allow them to drag you into the mud with them at your own peril.

But trust me....they're not worth it or your time. JUST VOTE

As with Kavanaugh's conformation.....the last to laugh laughs best
San Diego Washing Streets With Bleach To Combat Hepatitis A Outbreak

Even the Libs in Cali have figure it out...


Black Flag just cant figure it out though...
This thread is about how typhus is going to destroy America. Please stay on topic.

Don't make it seem like it's only a Cali Problem I saw A guy dropping a Deuce under an overpass in Houston. We have an Immigration problem too. The problem with immigration is there are too many immigrants and not enough Socialists working to support them. They're all out protesting instead of working I guess. Wait til Trump starts taxing South American Country's who allow the mass migration of Illegals across their borders in- route to the US. I bet they'll pay for walls In their own country's. South America will be like an Obstacle course with barbed wire and fences and that will make immigration much more fun.
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.
If our cities go then so does the U.S.A.
You Leftards will get your wish.
Maybe. You feel safe with Trump turning America into the enemy because the missiles won't be aimed at Bumfuck, TrumpCountry. They'll be aimed at the important places. AKA, American cities.
I look forward to the ghost towns of LA, SF, NY.

Of course you do...because you can't compete.
San Diego Washing Streets With Bleach To Combat Hepatitis A Outbreak

Even the Libs in Cali have figure it out...


Black Flag just cant figure it out though...
This thread is about how typhus is going to destroy America. Please stay on topic.

Don't make it seem like it's only a Cali Problem I saw A guy dropping a Deuce under an overpass in Houston. We have an Immigration problem too. The problem with immigration is there are too many immigrants and not enough Socialists working to support them. They're all out protesting instead of working I guess. Wait til Trump starts taxing South American Country's who allow the mass migration of Illegals across their borders in- route to the US. I bet they'll pay for walls In their own country's. South America will be like an Obstacle course with barbed wire and fences and that will make immigration much more fun.
Haven't you heard? Lowest unemployment in American history :itsok:
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..
I know that someone else may have already pointed it out to you but antibiotics have nothing to do with viruses.....Viruses can be counteracted before they take with vaccines.....bacterial infections/diseases are counteracted with anti-biotics.
Discussion of mod action deleted

Dr. Drew Pinsky is very concerned that a plague will hit California’s major cities within a year. It started with a Hepatitis outbreak then a typhus outbreak but in a passionate rant (starting at 11:00), Pinsky predicts it’s going to get much worse.
#932: That’s Crazy Talk | Adam and Dr.Drew show

Here’s a more detailed explanation of what’s quickly unfolding.

Dr. Drew Predicts Typhus Outbreak: Understanding The Symptoms, Treatment, And Why It's Hitting Los Angeles | Dr. Drew Official Website -

Time to build that wall around California.

The spread of disease is insidious; I know because I work in the medical community.

One thing I DO KNOW: in most medical situations one most often has a fighting chance against disease.

When journalists are getting executed for doing their job, that is when you may have to get concerned.
Yep. Look at how easily fatal bugs spread in hospitals with trained personnel on how to prevent cross contamination. It’s goibg to happen in cities.
Many of those viruses are Antibiotic Resistant and are now a death sentence. Many people from third world countries use small amounts of medications due to cost, never completing a full course, and that creates these drug resistant super bugs..
I know that someone else may have already pointed it out to you but antibiotics have nothing to do with viruses.....Viruses can be counteracted before they take with vaccines.....bacterial infections/diseases are counteracted with anti-biotics.
Warfare Agents - Public Health

CBRNE - Biological Warfare Agents: Historical Aspects of Biological Warfare Agents, Delivery, Dissemination, and Detection of Biological Warfare Agents, Bacterial Agents

You and your libtard friends may want to get an education..

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