Bubonic Plague to Hit California

Scott Adams, the author of Dilbert interviews Dr. Drew regarding the shitty situation in California. Highly relevant.

Just like the previous doctor I posted, he stated it's an emergency that warrants FEMA style response. The big culprit is the ACLU.
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Again, as feudalism starts to set in, and the serf class starts getting in the way, the culling of the herd is the next step.

The chinese and ussr used mass starvation to eliminate their useful idiots in order to make more room for the elite class.

Yes, the last time the black death ravaged the world, it was LITERALLY under feudalism conditions. Btw, over 90% of the people that died in Europe were in the SERF CLASS. Not saying that was done by design, but it sure seemed to work out for the Aristocracy in those countries.

That is what all of this is about at the end of the day. The left are the aristocracy. The free market capitalists believe in Meritocracy. In meritocracy, anyone from the any class can make it and the OPPORTUNITY is there for anyone willing to WORK FOR IT.

The ARISTOCRACY are deeply offended by anyone from the serf class thinking they could EVER even THINK they can reach their status. Just the notion of OPPORTUNITY offends them. For the ARISTOCRACY it is about privilege, bloodlines, private clubs, royalty and of course ENTITLEMENTS.

That is why it makes little to NO DIFFERENCE to the dumb left seduced by the robin hood fairy tales that the ones that spread such lies are in fact rich letists, pollute the planet, live behind walls, guarded by armed guards, have sex with underage girls, engage in all sorts of debauchery. They don't care cause they believe in the candy store politician who promises lies in order to gain large swaths of auto votes.

The plague, or mass starvation etc will wipe put those useful idiots, since they are too ignorant and brainwashed to understand that they are the useful idiots they are.
Again, as feudalism starts to set in, and the serf class starts getting in the way, the culling of the herd is the next step.

The chinese and ussr used mass starvation to eliminate their useful idiots in order to make more room for the elite class.

Yes, the last time the black death ravaged the world, it was LITERALLY under feudalism conditions. Btw, over 90% of the people that died in Europe were in the SERF CLASS. Not saying that was done by design, but it sure seemed to work out for the Aristocracy in those countries.

That is what all of this is about at the end of the day. The left are the aristocracy. The free market capitalists believe in Meritocracy. In meritocracy, anyone from the any class can make it and the OPPORTUNITY is there for anyone willing to WORK FOR IT.

The ARISTOCRACY are deeply offended by anyone from the serf class thinking they could EVER even THINK they can reach their status. Just the notion of OPPORTUNITY offends them. For the ARISTOCRACY it is about privilege, bloodlines, private clubs, royalty and of course ENTITLEMENTS.

That is why it makes little to NO DIFFERENCE to the dumb left seduced by the robin hood fairy tales that the ones that spread such lies are in fact rich, pollute the planet, live behind walls, guarded by armed guards, have sex with underage girls, engage in all sorts of debauchery. They don't care cause they believe in the candy store politician who promises lies in order to gain large swaths of auto votes.

The plague, or mass starvation etc will wipe put those useful idiots, since they are too ignorant and brainwashed understand that they are the useful idiots they are.

What makes it even better is that they will be voting democrat until they are in graves... and for some time even after that.
"to hit"?

Come back when you have something solid. Noob.

Happy to provide you with the steady updates on California becoming a 3rd world shithole.

If you melt down, these threads are not for you.
So far you've provided a maybe. Got anything that's for real?

Watch the interview above. It's not just the black death.
Despite your ignorant parroting histrionics stoked by your propagandists, there have been ZERO deaths from typhus.


Do any of you rubes have an original thought in your heads? Or are you just a brainless funnel for whatever your masters shove through you?

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