How is this NOT a full fledged invasion?

Well, most of them are desperate people escaping their shit hole homes, countries whose worthless "leaders" are proud to help them escape. They figure they can come here, find work, support themselves and their kids, and send some money back home.

So maybe we should stop hiring them so that they know they won't be able to do the above.

Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
There is no work. The women can fall back on prostitution but that's about all.

How can any aware person see the growth of homeless camps and still think there is work for these people?
Then we could do the smart thing and invest in Central and South America to create low end manufacturing industry and a huge trade & commerce center for the Americas, while at the same time being able to tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves.
Sounds nice... but the money has to get past the kleptocrat leaders, so that's an obstacle.
Yes. See post 128.
Well, that's quite a long term plan.
I see your logic but I don't agree.
Fair enough. I want to minimize illegal immigration by addressing its root causes, that's all.

On top of that, telling China to fuck off and making the Americas a massive commerce/manufacturing/trade monster would be a nice bonus.

You need clean reliable power with good infrastructure and smart employees to build hi-tech. Asia can do it, in spades. Refugees cant quickly or easily pick up the ENG background to compete. The leaders in the country are too corrupt and not smart enough. Next solution please.
I've always talked about low-end manufacturing to begin with.

Giving up when faced with tough challenge is always a good idea.

If your solution is to just build a wall, go ahead.

Stop the bleeding first. Wall first. Then see if anything can be done.
Great, build a wall.

Fucking A we're building a wall, cutting off Mechico from trade if they don't stop facilitating these caravans, and putting central America on notice we're not sending them million$ in foreign aid while they send their people here to soak us for welfare, ruin our schools, peddle their dope and enslaved women and children. So stick your "new world order" that we went broke financing up your ass.

And Mac does his chickenshit gNat routine with a "funny".....anybody who believes this asshole ain't a closet-communist is a fool.

I' m actually giving Mac funnies because he is making me literally laugh!

"OK, build your wall" repeat.....
So why do these very people not change their own country’s from within? Why run? Where’s the resolve to fight for change in their own country?

So you think the so called "Walk Away" movement is a bad idea?

If one loves their country then is it not worth fighting for? If you do not like the path your country is headed down when is it time to stand up in opposition?
This country was founded by those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to inact change. We are no different than any other country, it’s time they stood up to corruption instead of looking for others to do it for them!

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