How ignorant of arithmetic are Democrats, when they


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
can't even do simple subtraction?

Case in point.. I've frequently put up arithmetical proof the Obamacare was passed based on a LIE i.e. There NeVER were 46 million people that wanted health insurance or were legally able to secure or were ignorant they were eligible for Medicaid.. INSURANCE!
Obama's BIG LIE: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

Even when confronted with this study :
The 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) identified 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured in 2003.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million —
were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is made up of 40 independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies that collectively provide healthcare coverage for more than 91 million — nearly one-in-three — Americans. For more information on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and its Plans, please visit About the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association | Get a BCBS Insurance Quote from a BCBS company | Go to Your BCBS Company Member Log In.

So Subtract from Obama's LIE 46 million the 14 million THAT don't know they are eligible Leaves 32 million!

Obama didn't tell you but the Census did..
The Census tells us 10 million of uninsured are NOT CITIZENS! Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

So subtract simple math from 32 million the 10 million that are NOT citizens!! Leave 22 million.

NOW for the BIGGEST INSULT to Americans and obvious lack of math skills or BIG LIE!!!

Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000
These 18 million are under age 34 and do NOT WANT TO SPEND MORE for their employers' insurance then they spend out of pocket or $1,000 per year for health services.

So for you really deficient math Dems/Obama himself...
YOU LIED when you said there were 46 million! There are less then 5 million who want and need health insurance.. NOT 46 million!

There is NO way you Dems/Obamatrons can explain away the simple math that
A) NOT all the uninsured are eligible... 10 million are not citizens.
B) That all uninsured are not eligible when it is shown that 14 million identified as uninsured CAN ENROLL TODAY!!
C) And to blatantly lump 18 million people that can afford (more then $50k) ,who don't need (under 34) and PAY THEIR OWN way now
Those factors add up to less then 5 million!

AND YET you Dems/Obama insist there are 50 million!
And we have the Obamanation called Obamacare with it's skyrocketing TAXES!
It's costing 122% MORE in health insurance premiums over the next 5 years!
AND people being dropped (30% of employers are dropping health insurance benefits) when Obama Blatantly stood up and LIED:

Obama has said:"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan."

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