How have we gotten to the point where the left celebrates the worst perversions in our country?

To you and BlueGin. I feel where you are coming from but keep an open mind.

You sound like my brother. Like you, he's sick of them throwing it in your face. But remember it's probably Fox News throwing it in your face. Republicans are waging a culture war on

Blacks who live in Shitholes and vote Democratic

Republicans love to use god gays guns and racism to divide us.

But, I would advise my fagala friends to tone it down. But then they'll tell us to tone it down

Why should our kids be subjected to this?
View attachment 782059
The left loves to lump the whole LBGT community together as a like minded collective. Unfortunately the LGBT community are just as sick of the trans activist weirdos that have latched on to them and are currently making them look bad.
Why would a parent take his kid through this parade if not to take this picture?

What about these boys? They were just minding their own business
View attachment 782061
And GIrls gone wild came by. Do you want to make girls gone wild illegal? Should these women have to cover up?

Then you're a hypocrite.

The little boy make not like half naked men like he likes half naked women but so what? This is what the gay movement is all about. You homophobes need to get over it. Chances are that little boy will grow up and not be as easily triggered as his dad is. Unless his dad raises him to be a homophobe.

Comparing women wearing swimsuits at the beach to this....






...Is asinine.
Those gay pride parades are highly sexualized and inappropriate for children, just as strip bars are. I don't care if it's a tranny, gay man, lesbian or heterosexual female, or male stripper, children should not be exposed to pornography or sexualized events. As I mentioned in my earlier post, you pervert scum should have zero influence on our children. Our children should mature into heterosexuality, with a healthy attraction for the opposite sex. Bombarding them with LGBTQA+ trash propaganda and programming only leads to more victims.

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Comparing women wearing swimsuits at the beach to this....

...Is asinine.
Those gay pride parades are highly sexualized and inappropriate for children, just as strip bars are. I don't care if it's a tranny, gay man, lesbian or heterosexual female, or male stripper, children should not be exposed to pornography or sexualized events. As I mentioned in my earlier post, you pervert scum should have zero influence on our children. Our children should mature into heterosexuality, with a healthy attraction for the opposite sex. Bombarding them with LGBTQA+ trash propaganda and programming only leads to more victims.

I'm going to continue to argue for the gays. Those people are watching. They aren't scurrying their kids off they're allowing them to watch. Same as when we were kids, did your parents let you watch rated R movies? That was hetero shit bro. And today our society is fucked up. And it's not because of gays.

I remember when I was a kid you could watch a show with macho men murdering 100 people in 1 hour but you could not show a boob on tv. Meanwhile over in Canada you could. And their society isn't as fucked up as ours is.

I love that guy and his sex slave. That's a great costume.

Hetero women sexualizing Disney?


What about the kids that saw this?
I'm going to continue to argue for the gays. Those people are watching. They aren't scurrying their kids off they're allowing them to watch. Same as when we were kids, did your parents let you watch rated R movies? That was hetero shit bro. And today our society is fucked up. And it's not because of gays.

I remember when I was a kid you could watch a show with macho men murdering 100 people in 1 hour but you could not show a boob on tv. Meanwhile over in Canada you could. And their society isn't as fucked up as ours is.

I love that guy and his sex slave. That's a great costume.

Hetero women sexualizing Disney?


What about the kids that saw this?
Canada is f'ed up and so are you!
I'm going to continue to argue for the gays. Those people are watching. They aren't scurrying their kids off they're allowing them to watch. Same as when we were kids, did your parents let you watch rated R movies? That was hetero shit bro. And today our society is fucked up. And it's not because of gays.

I remember when I was a kid you could watch a show with macho men murdering 100 people in 1 hour but you could not show a boob on tv. Meanwhile over in Canada you could. And their society isn't as fucked up as ours is.

I love that guy and his sex slave. That's a great costume.

Hetero women sexualizing Disney?


What about the kids that saw this?

Nothing you're saying justifies exposing children to sexualized events and grooming/conditioning and confusing impressionable children with all of the homosexual and transsexual shit. Only sicko-perverts agree with you.
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Nothing you're saying justifies exposing children to sexualized events and grooming/conditioning and confusing impressionable children with all of the homosexual and transsexual shit. Only sicko-perverts agree with you.

I can only say this is politics. No one is exposing anyone to anything. I could ask the same thing about the rally in Charlottesville. Were any kids there?

The pictures you posted looked like they were staged. What event was that at? Where did you get the pic? I bet it's a right wing source trying to fire you up.
I can only say this is politics. No one is exposing anyone to anything. I could ask the same thing about the rally in Charlottesville. Were any kids there?

The pictures you posted looked like they were staged. What event was that at? Where did you get the pic? I bet it's a right wing source trying to fire you up.
You're a hopeless case. I could continue going back and forth with you like this, but you are not worth another pixel on my monitor. Now have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something.
Do you think the West has already hit bottom in its perversions?
You'd be wrong if you said yes!
They have a new fashion - "trans invalidity", when non-disabled people have the right to consider themselves disabled and insist that doctors treat them, including by... surgery!

If a person has an arm and feels it is gone, then the surgeon should amputate it, that arm. Or the doctor should support such a "sick" (most likely in the head!) person to become blind or legless. This "fashion" is slowly gaining momentum, but only slowly for now.
Last time I checked it was the republicans who were running politicians who were known pedophiles like ray moore, And celebrating trash like the duggers. I don't recall anyone on the right actually condemning josh dugger for his raping his younger sister. In fact I believe that minnie on the right actually defended him.
Do you think the West has already hit bottom in its perversions?
You'd be wrong if you said yes!
They have a new fashion - "trans invalidity", when non-disabled people have the right to consider themselves disabled and insist that doctors treat them, including by... surgery!

If a person has an arm and feels it is gone, then the surgeon should amputate it, that arm. Or the doctor should support such a "sick" (most likely in the head!) person to become blind or legless. This "fashion" is slowly gaining momentum, but only slowly for now.

That's what happens when you mix nihilistic atheism with capitalism. These right-wingers blame Marxism for all of this gender confusion, but it's actually the capitalist right, that has created this mess. As Marxists we're scientific materialists, we believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Socialism is true family values, not capitalism which emphasizes the financial interests of a small wealthy minority at the expense of everyone else, including families. There was an era in this country when there was a single breadwinner, and the children had mom at home. When was that era? In the 1950s and 60s. It was in the golden age of our American economy when economic policies were the most leftist in our history. The top tax rate was 90%.

These right-wingers are completely confused and brainwashed by the wealthy elites who exploit them. There's nothing more the ruling class wants than to emasculate the working class, making their male employees as servile as possible. Emasculated men, the so-called metrosexuals and homosexuals, spend a lot of money on skin creams and other products that normally men didn't buy. Masculine, manly shoppers typically, are very utilitarian, in their shopping habits. They buy one or maybe two pairs of boots, one is black and maybe the other is brown. Women buy black, pink, purple, red, and even red glittery boots. They buy makeup, they buy, they buy, they buy. Capitalists love the idea of a gay working class.

Men are buying dresses too? WOW! You just expanded your customer base. Men are buying makeup too? Great! Metrosexuals buying ten types of shampoo and skin cream is simply more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the capitalists. Notice it's the billionaires who are getting married, they're the ones who have the luxury/resources of being very family oriented. While doing that, they contribute to social causes and government policies, that defile and sodomize the working class. Capitalism is the main culprit in all of this gender confusion, not Marxists.
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The far left of this thread is once again resorting to making up the view points up of the original poster. It’s only facts listed in the original post …. Another one is books depicting sex between two men being shown to second and third graders.

the far left itt by default they take no position on allowing grown men in the ladies bathroom‘s…. and they don’t have a position on other issues such as graphic sexual books being in the libraries of first and second graders. …and Young kids being able to get a sex change operation without their parents permission. It’s a real issue but most Democrats never actually respond would be there because they simply supported which is immoral or they’re too embarrassed to say anything

There are serious problems in America right now. Extremely high home prices, high gas prices, high grocery prices. The US government willingly advertising men who act like little girls and make millions of dollars from it. Like Joe Biden giving Dylan Mulvaney an interview

But the key points to it all for example is the refusal of those on the left wing here to provide an opinion on if they think a man should be able to play in women’s sports. Something that takes away scholarships from women.
You worship a God who impregnated a young teen girl and had an illegitimate child.
That's what happens when you mix nihilistic atheism with capitalism. These right-wingers blame Marxism for all of this gender confusion, but it's actually the capitalist right, that has created this mess. As Marxists we're scientific materialists, we believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. Socialism is true family values, not capitalism which emphasizes the financial interests of a small wealthy minority at the expense of everyone else, including families. There was an era in this country when there was a single breadwinner, and the children had mom at home. When was that era? In the 1950s and 60s. It was in the golden age of our American economy when economic policies were the most leftist in our history. The top tax rate was 90%.

These right-wingers are completely confused and brainwashed by the wealthy elites who exploit them. There's nothing more the ruling class wants than to emasculate the working class, making their male employees as servile as possible. Emasculated men, the so-called metrosexuals and homosexuals, spend a lot of money on skin creams and other products that normally men didn't buy. Masculine, manly shoppers typically, are very utilitarian, in their shopping habits. They buy one or maybe two pairs of boots, one is black and maybe the other is brown. Women buy black, pink, purple, red, and even red glittery boots. They buy makeup, they buy, they buy, they buy. Capitalists love the idea of a gay working class.

Men are buying dresses too? WOW! You just expanded your customer base. Men are buying makeup too? Great! Metrosexuals buying ten types of shampoo and skin cream is simply more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the capitalists. Notice it's the billionaires who are getting married, they're the ones who have the luxury/resources of being very family oriented. While doing that, they contribute to social causes and government policies, that defile and sodomize the working class. Capitalism is the main culprit in all of this gender confusion, not Marxists.
The "NORMALIZATION" of all these twisted ideas are rooted in the MARXIST INFILTRATION of our edu, media, and governance over the last 100 YEARS!!!!!
Your denial of that FACT means NOTHING!!!!
INFILTRATION, DESTABILIZATION, and then NORMALIZATION is the MARXIST trademark modus operandi.
The "NORMALIZATION" of all these twisted ideas are rooted in the MARXIST INFILTRATION of our edu, media, and governance over the last 100 YEARS!!!!!
Your denial of that FACT means NOTHING!!!!
INFILTRATION, DESTABILIZATION, and then NORMALIZATION is the MARXIST trademark modus operandi.

You've been brainwashed by the ruling elite. Marxists defend working-class values, it's the capitalist right-wingers who make it impossible for there to be one breadwinner in the family, forcing mom to work and kids to return to an empty house after school and do shit they shouldn't do. They don't have a mom, or an authority at home, to love and guide them. Capitalism is all about the pursuit of profits, not creating a society that provides its members with everything they need. The public good is no longer the bottom line.

More, you have no democracy in the workplace. We hardly have it in politics, but at least with our current government, we have publicly held elections. The capitalist workplace is a totalitarian regime, that is now more than ever entirely focused on making money at all costs. That's what destroys the family and leads to all of this child delinquency and gender confusion. It's capitalism, not Marxism. You can assert otherwise, but anyone who actually looks at the data will see that it's right-wing Republican policies that impoverished families and gutted our working class. It was the Republicans who stripped America of its manufacturing base and serves the wealthy elites at the expense of everyone else.
You've been brainwashed by the ruling elite. Marxists defend working-class values, it's the capitalist right-wingers who make it impossible for there to be one breadwinner in the family, forcing mom to work and kids to return to an empty house after school and do shit they shouldn't do. They don't have a mom, or an authority at home, to love and guide them. Capitalism is all about the pursuit of profits, not creating a society that provides its members with everything they need. The public good is no longer the bottom line.

More, you have no democracy in the workplace. We hardly have it in politics, but at least with our current government, we have publicly held elections. The capitalist workplace is a totalitarian regime, that is now more than ever entirely focused on making money at all costs. That's what destroys the family and leads to all of this child delinquency and gender confusion. It's capitalism, not Marxism. You can assert otherwise, but anyone who actually looks at the data will see that it's right-wing Republican policies that impoverished families and gutted our working class. It was the Republicans who stripped America of its manufacturing base and serves the wealthy elites at the expense of everyone else.
That's all you can do. In the end all of you elderly Republicans are going to be in an urn in the not-too-distant future and the younger generation is going to socialize and democratize production i.e. adopt socialism. The leftists are going to have the last laugh.

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