How far is the US from Fascism ?

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.

Wait til Trump wins and the Leftist goons burn down all the cities

What will you say then, Mr Wales?
Indeed it has, BUT: He merely (and shamelessly, of course) took advantage of a condition that already existed. He released the Kraken.

So this has never been about him. This is about a sociological rot that has been growing for a long time. The question now is whether it's too late to do anything about it.

It's the Mac Shuffle, part eleventy:

"I'm so much better than the Hoi Polloi...."
Lol, a lefty who believes Men can have babies preaching about truth.

How cute lil guy.
Quote my post where I wrote that! You can't.
You're now a proven MAGAT liar.
Go get'em cowboy! Lead the charge! F'n 🤡

By the way. My wife thinks so.😂
Unluckily for us, Trump broke through to the national level. But luckily for us, Trump is inept. His bumbling, his crimes, his inability to get things done, his inability to stay focused, etc has so far saved us.
It's true, his buffoonery is now legendary. But has that saved us? Just the other day Trump quoted Hitler almost verbatim when he said immigrants were poisoning the blood of the nation.

Former President Donald Trump said in a recent interview that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” using language that is often employed by White supremacists and nativists in comments that have drawn rebuke from one prominent civil rights group.

“Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country,” Trump told the right-leaning news site The National Pulse in a video interview published last week. “It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.”

His Nazi inspired tactics of intimidation by threats of violence and retribution against perceived enemies is on the verge of being normalized. Mitt Romney's memoir includes an anecdote about a Repub senator changing his impeachment vote over concerns for his family's safety from Trump's mob. It's as though Trump has opened a portal to a very dark side of some Americans with white supremacist/authoritarian tendencies.

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.

You just need to replace every reference to Trump, republicans and conservatives and replace it with the left and democrats…..and your post will be accurate.

Just over 100 years ago the left around the world actually began to consolidate power and then went on a murder spree that murdered 200 million people before America was able to stop them. The left are now ramping up again, but this time they knew they had to wreck America first……to keep us from stopping them again. The left now controls the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and CIA, as well as large parts of state and federal judiciaries, the higher education system, the public education system, and Hollywood and the media…...

The democrats got rid of the white sheeted KKK and changed them out for BLM and antifa brown shirt street thugs…

So tommy, you have the wrong political party …….
I love how people throw out words because it's the new fad .. What is your definition of fascism? I don't think you know what it means, and continue to be a vessel to copy / paste talking points.

Your article is stupid as it acts as if banning books is a new thing .. democrats have been doing this for years in the age of wokeism, and democrats continue to grow government and regulation to make people more subservient to it.

Please .. come up with a new thought.

Tommy isn’t mad that the democrats are actually banning books…Huckelberry Finn and to Kill a Mockingbird…and censoring other books by editing out the parts they don’t like…....he is pissed off that parents are rising up to get actual child porn taken out of public and school libraries

It is exceedingly odd how hard the leftists are fighting to keep books showing young children having sex with each other and adults in our public and school libraries…
The left now controls the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and CIA, as well as large parts of state and federal judiciaries, the higher education system, the public education system, and Hollywood and the media…...
Have you already forgotten the FBI, which is a part of the DoJ, was under Repub control for four years and is still lead by a Repub? The FBI was established in 1935 and has had eight directors in the subsequent 88 years. Literally none of them has been a Democrat. Do you remember the AG, Billy the Bagman? Or Jeff Sessions for that matter. Trump appointed the director of the IRS and the CIA when he was prez. The SC has 6 conservatives, 3 of which were nominated by Trump. Right wing media is everywhere. It controls talk radio. There are hundreds of conservative websites and podcasts, dozens of newspapers, and the #1 cable news station spews right wing propaganda 24/7. Get a grip on yourself.
How far is the US from Fascism ?

This far


It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.

How far is the US from Fascism ?​

Fascism arrives in the U.S. on January, 20, 2025.

The trump Nazis will soon after come to regret their worship of trump when is their führer.

It's true, his buffoonery is now legendary. But has that saved us? Just the other day Trump quoted Hitler almost verbatim when he said immigrants were poisoning the blood of the nation.

Former President Donald Trump said in a recent interview that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” using language that is often employed by White supremacists and nativists in comments that have drawn rebuke from one prominent civil rights group.

“Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country,” Trump told the right-leaning news site The National Pulse in a video interview published last week. “It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.”

His Nazi inspired tactics of intimidation by threats of violence and retribution against perceived enemies is on the verge of being normalized. Mitt Romney's memoir includes an anecdote about a Repub senator changing his impeachment vote over concerns for his family's safety from Trump's mob. It's as though Trump has opened a portal to a very dark side of some Americans with white supremacist/authoritarian tendencies.
The whole insurrection was fascism. The idea that a few hundred thugs could ovrturn the votes of millions is so absurd it beggars belief..It is no shock that intimidation was at play in the impeachment.
We are seeing it every in his various court cases.
Couldn’t travel,couldn’t go to a restaurant,ballgame or concert. Couldn’t work.

We’re you even paying attention?
It was a temporary response to a new strain of the virus. Hospital's, emergency rooms didn't know how to treat it and they were overrun by incubated patients who mostly never made it off the incubators. Other medical treatment for other conditions were being rationed. Since NMI were the only way to combat the novel virus, most all the closures were given by state and local authorities for a limited time, with limited success. We were never prevented from hoping in our cars and driving across state lines. States and localities have had the power to declare these type of health emergencies since we were founded. The Feds have limited power to reign supreme in these public health emergencies, except over federal employees and that power was limited by the SC. Governors have most of the power and can override localities in several states. When the Vaccines were released, it was the same drill. Temporary response to a medical emergency......

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.
You're too late. Biden & Co have already ushered in Fascism, complete with their very own Gestapo.
It's true, his buffoonery is now legendary. But has that saved us? Just the other day Trump quoted Hitler almost verbatim when he said immigrants were poisoning the blood of the nation.

Former President Donald Trump said in a recent interview that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” using language that is often employed by White supremacists and nativists in comments that have drawn rebuke from one prominent civil rights group.

“Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country,” Trump told the right-leaning news site The National Pulse in a video interview published last week. “It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.”

His Nazi inspired tactics of intimidation by threats of violence and retribution against perceived enemies is on the verge of being normalized. Mitt Romney's memoir includes an anecdote about a Repub senator changing his impeachment vote over concerns for his family's safety from Trump's mob. It's as though Trump has opened a portal to a very dark side of some Americans with white supremacist/authoritarian tendencies.
Great Greenie Gobs of Greasy Grimy Godwin Guts
Freaking Brits. They still call their politicians "Lords" and support a disfunctional monarchy. They never did thank us from rescuing them from the Nazis and now they lecture us about fascism.

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