CDZ How does replacing Kennedy help the GOP in November?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
Not sure how it will help them in the elections per say. But it might be helpful when cases are brought before the court.
Not sure how it will help them in the elections per say. But it might be helpful when cases are brought before the court.
I wish these guys could have gotten more specific. It sounded like they thought Dems in tough red state races would weaken themselves if they complained too much. I kind of get that, but I don't think I'd be as certain as they are.
Our Country's partisans are gross and delusional. Judges arent and were never supposed to be better or worse based on their partisan political views, they're supposed to simply be objective and interpret the Laws as written.

When we say we want a "liberal" or a "conservative" judge, we outright admit that we dont respect the objective rule of law.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?

Doesn't help or hurt.

Most Americans are too dumb to realize the implication of a fifth far right judge on the court.

Slate had an interesting article that a fifth judge will probably kill off Roe by a death of a hundred cuts. In fact, they've already been doing this.
It helps The Constitution for years to come. November is only this year. I doubt it helps

or hurts "conservatives" in November. The Supreme Court's function is about adhering


the Constitution, and the Founding Fathers' intent. It is supposed to be apolitical.
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Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.
It helps The Constitution for years to come. November is only this year.
No doubt the Supreme and lower court judges installed during Trump's time will be his biggest legacy. Most everything else can be changed.

A reminder that elections have consequences, and that when the wings control a party it's all or nothing.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.
So it's more of a base thing than convincing independents and moderates?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.

Actually, I think you'll find Roberts will turn into a "moderate" when he realizes the radical implications of what the right wing wants to do.

There's are reason why the GOP has appointed 9 Justices to SCOTUS since Roe and Roe v. Wade is still there.
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.

Actually, I think you'll find Roberts will turn into a "moderate" when he realizes the radical implications of what the right wing wants to do.

There's are reason why the GOP has appointed 9 Justices to SCOTUS since Roe and Roe v. Wade is still there.
/----/ Turn moderate? After Roberts jury rigged Obozocare to get it to pass Constitutional muster? Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.
So it's more of a base thing than convincing independents and moderates?

To me, it's more of a "Do what you can, while you can" thing. Make hay while the sun shines, baby, it might rain tomorrow.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?

Doesn't help or hurt.

Most Americans are too dumb to realize the implication of a fifth far right judge on the court.

Slate had an interesting article that a fifth judge will probably kill off Roe by a death of a hundred cuts. In fact, they've already been doing this.
/----/ "Most Americans are too dumb to realize the implication of a fifth far right judge on the court. " Too bad wes all kant be smhart like you be. If only we had your ensight and brainiac powers.
idiot award.jpg
Our Country's partisans are gross and delusional. Judges arent and were never supposed to be better or worse based on their partisan political views, they're supposed to simply be objective and interpret the Laws as written.

When we say we want a "liberal" or a "conservative" judge, we outright admit that we dont respect the objective rule of law.
Well "conservative", or "liberal", at the judicial level can also be interpreted as originalists, and those who believe the constitution is a living document subject to new interpretation based on the publics current mood.
I've been considering it a wash.

Since announcement of Kennedy's retirement I felt this energized the get out to vote effort for both parties come November. With notion that voters for party in power are less encouraged to get out to vote, I thought this benefitted GOP on one hand. On the other, it finally provides the Democrats with an issue.

In terms of how this will generate campaign contributions for candidates, perhaps the commentator knows that the money flows more toward opponents of the Roe vs. Wade argument. I not making that claim, it could be the other way, I'm just taking a guess about why the optimism?
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.
So it's more of a base thing than convincing independents and moderates?

To me, it's more of a "Do what you can, while you can" thing. Make hay while the sun shines, baby, it might rain tomorrow.
I think we definitely underestimate the President's power of judicial appointment when we vote.

That's a little deeper than many voters go on this.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?

It wakes up conservatives who might have sat out the November reminds them that Trump can appoint real Justices to the Supreme Court....which was one of the main reasons so many conservatives voted in 2016 instead of sitting it out....
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.
So it's more of a base thing than convincing independents and moderates?

To me, it's more of a "Do what you can, while you can" thing. Make hay while the sun shines, baby, it might rain tomorrow.
I think we definitely underestimate the President's power of judicial appointment when we vote.

That's a little deeper than many voters go on this.

I think people underestimate how much Trump does everyday, compared to past presidents.
No president has done as much at this point in their career as Trump has. None have delivered, or attempted to deliver on campaign promises as much as he has in everyone alives' lifetime.
Fingers crossed, posting this in the CDZ, hoping for a calm and interesting conversation.

Watching a few interviews after Kennedy's announcement yesterday, the conservative pundit guests, on top of obviously being happy about the chance to nominate a full-on conservative replacement, all looked giddy about what this all does for their prospects in November 2018.

With the country so divided on abortion, I'm not sure how conservatives thinks this helps them in November. One guy alluded to the fact that it would make it tougher on Dem candidates, but didn't get specific.

So let's say a full-on (and most likely anti-Roe vs. Wade) justice is placed before the November elections. How, exactly, does that help the GOP's chances?
/----/ They see the Progs attack on the president and understand that the USSC is the final say on the direction of the country. Yes we win on 5-4 decisions but it's razor thin. This will motivate the base to get out the vote.
So it's more of a base thing than convincing independents and moderates?

To me, it's more of a "Do what you can, while you can" thing. Make hay while the sun shines, baby, it might rain tomorrow.
I think we definitely underestimate the President's power of judicial appointment when we vote.

That's a little deeper than many voters go on this.

I didn't underestimate was the primary reason I voted for Trump.......any republican nominee is always a 50/50 chance of being a real Justice..... any Justice put on the court by a democrat is 100% going to be anti-Constitutional.....

Trade policy comes and goes, the tax rates change....but a Justice can protect or attack the Constitution for 30-40 years.....long after the President is out of office.

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