How Does It Feel In Bizarro World?

Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."
I doubt there is any country on earth that is either capitalist, socialist, or communist. They are all combinations in various proportions. The US certainly has aspects of all three. Whatever your ideology, that is the reality.

I saw a scene where an actor dissed the idea that America was free, and special because it was free. The argument was that there are a hundred or so free countries, so saying we are free isn't special in any way. Personally, I think America's identity of as a place of personal freedom is different than anywhere else in the world. Our constitution did more than any other document to give the individual control over their own lives. We are the standard bearer for freedom in the world, and if we slide further left, into models where the individual is not valued, and becomes forced into collective ideology, who else is going to fight for the individual. The spectrum is the US on one side, and China on the other. Why the progressives want to slide towards China is beyond me.
I doubt many progressives want to slide towards China, it is the social democracies of Europe that are the model. It is they that are doing the most for personal online privacy for example.

Okay, lets say the other side of the scale is Europe. Is post #7 Europe?
"Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for Democrats
The American Conservative Union ratings system has been widely accepted as the voting compass from the perspective of the right. According to the ACU, a centrist would look like Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who has a lifetime ACU score of 44.8%. Reporters could call her a "liberal Republican," and they should, except that term simply doesn't exist.

...this all gets ridiculous is the presidential field. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was regularly pitched as a centrist by the press. Her ACU score from her Senate years, ending in 2009, was 8.1%. But that wasn't the worst of it. When she picked Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, even The Wall Street Journal oozed that Kaine's "centrist policies" could help Clinton. His ACU score at the time was 1%. (He's now up to 2.2%.)

With extreme socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders in the race, anyone who isn't endorsing a socialist position -- like redistributing wealth, abolishing private health insurance and shredding the fossil fuel industry -- is categorized as a centrist. Defending the leftist lurch that was Obamacare is now the centrist position in this daffy media dictionary.

When Joe Biden left the Senate in 2008 to be then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, his lifetime ACU score was 12.7%. He's only lurched further left ever since. But now, suddenly, he's a "centrist" candidate.

... "the national front-runner Joe Biden, a moderate, sandwiched between two liberals, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders." There you have it. Socialists are liberals, and semi-socialists are moderates."
Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for Democrats

It has become the Communist Party, and the dumbest voters in history pretend not to notice it.

Hence, the brilliance of the NYSun's editorial in the OP.
"Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for Democrats
The American Conservative Union ratings system has been widely accepted as the voting compass from the perspective of the right. According to the ACU, a centrist would look like Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who has a lifetime ACU score of 44.8%. Reporters could call her a "liberal Republican," and they should, except that term simply doesn't exist.

...this all gets ridiculous is the presidential field. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was regularly pitched as a centrist by the press. Her ACU score from her Senate years, ending in 2009, was 8.1%. But that wasn't the worst of it. When she picked Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, even The Wall Street Journal oozed that Kaine's "centrist policies" could help Clinton. His ACU score at the time was 1%. (He's now up to 2.2%.)

With extreme socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders in the race, anyone who isn't endorsing a socialist position -- like redistributing wealth, abolishing private health insurance and shredding the fossil fuel industry -- is categorized as a centrist. Defending the leftist lurch that was Obamacare is now the centrist position in this daffy media dictionary.

When Joe Biden left the Senate in 2008 to be then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, his lifetime ACU score was 12.7%. He's only lurched further left ever since. But now, suddenly, he's a "centrist" candidate.

... "the national front-runner Joe Biden, a moderate, sandwiched between two liberals, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders." There you have it. Socialists are liberals, and semi-socialists are moderates."
Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for Democrats

It has become the Communist Party, and the dumbest voters in history pretend not to notice it.

Hence, the brilliance of the NYSun's editorial in the OP.

And by Centrist, they mean between Mao and Stalin
Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."
I doubt there is any country on earth that is either capitalist, socialist, or communist. They are all combinations in various proportions. The US certainly has aspects of all three. Whatever your ideology, that is the reality.

I saw a scene where an actor dissed the idea that America was free, and special because it was free. The argument was that there are a hundred or so free countries, so saying we are free isn't special in any way. Personally, I think America's identity of as a place of personal freedom is different than anywhere else in the world. Our constitution did more than any other document to give the individual control over their own lives. We are the standard bearer for freedom in the world, and if we slide further left, into models where the individual is not valued, and becomes forced into collective ideology, who else is going to fight for the individual. The spectrum is the US on one side, and China on the other. Why the progressives want to slide towards China is beyond me.
I doubt many progressives want to slide towards China, it is the social democracies of Europe that are the model. It is they that are doing the most for personal online privacy for example.

Those European nations have the reeducation camps for people who voted for the other Party, right?
Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."
I doubt there is any country on earth that is either capitalist, socialist, or communist. They are all combinations in various proportions. The US certainly has aspects of all three. Whatever your ideology, that is the reality.

I saw a scene where an actor dissed the idea that America was free, and special because it was free. The argument was that there are a hundred or so free countries, so saying we are free isn't special in any way. Personally, I think America's identity of as a place of personal freedom is different than anywhere else in the world. Our constitution did more than any other document to give the individual control over their own lives. We are the standard bearer for freedom in the world, and if we slide further left, into models where the individual is not valued, and becomes forced into collective ideology, who else is going to fight for the individual. The spectrum is the US on one side, and China on the other. Why the progressives want to slide towards China is beyond me.

This is the sort of American the Democrat politicians have become....

A fifth column.

They're registering 16 year-olds to vote and they're giving Illegals drivers license that will automatically register them to vote as well. Steve Ross will need to build a moat around Hudson Yards to separate it from Venezuela East aka NYC
"Bernie Bro on Everyone Who Is Against Sanders: 'You’re Going to Die for It, Motherf*cker'"
...field organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa. Kyle Jurek lets loose speaking with a Project Veritas reporter, pretty much saying that anyone who is against Sanders is the enemy to the revolution.

“Well, I’ll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, motherf*cker.”
Bernie Bro on Everyone Who Is Against Sanders: 'You’re Going to Die for It, Motherf*cker'

"Bernie Bro on Everyone Who Is Against Sanders: 'You’re Going to Die for It, Motherf*cker'"
...field organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa. Kyle Jurek lets loose speaking with a Project Veritas reporter, pretty much saying that anyone who is against Sanders is the enemy to the revolution.

“Well, I’ll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, motherf*cker.”
Bernie Bro on Everyone Who Is Against Sanders: 'You’re Going to Die for It, Motherf*cker'

There was a time in my life I thought Pinochet was a bad guy for the helicopter rides.
I notice that not a single Democrat apologist claims that either Bernie isn't a communist, or that the party isn't as well.

Yet.....they'll vote for it?????????
"Bernie Bro on Everyone Who Is Against Sanders: 'You’re Going to Die for It, Motherf*cker'"
...field organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa. Kyle Jurek lets loose speaking with a Project Veritas reporter, pretty much saying that anyone who is against Sanders is the enemy to the revolution.

“Well, I’ll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you’re going to die for it, motherf*cker.”
Bernie Bro on Everyone Who Is Against Sanders: 'You’re Going to Die for It, Motherf*cker'

There was a time in my life I thought Pinochet was a bad guy for the helicopter rides.

Kyle Jurek is reserving 'em.....
Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."
I doubt there is any country on earth that is either capitalist, socialist, or communist. They are all combinations in various proportions. The US certainly has aspects of all three. Whatever your ideology, that is the reality.

I saw a scene where an actor dissed the idea that America was free, and special because it was free. The argument was that there are a hundred or so free countries, so saying we are free isn't special in any way. Personally, I think America's identity of as a place of personal freedom is different than anywhere else in the world. Our constitution did more than any other document to give the individual control over their own lives. We are the standard bearer for freedom in the world, and if we slide further left, into models where the individual is not valued, and becomes forced into collective ideology, who else is going to fight for the individual. The spectrum is the US on one side, and China on the other. Why the progressives want to slide towards China is beyond me.
I doubt many progressives want to slide towards China, it is the social democracies of Europe that are the model. It is they that are doing the most for personal online privacy for example.

Okay, lets say the other side of the scale is Europe. Is post #7 Europe?
I don't know everything about Europe (e.g., what kind of bail system they use) so I can't say. I can say it does sound like a right wing nightmare rather than anything found in real life.
"Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for Democrats
The American Conservative Union ratings system has been widely accepted as the voting compass from the perspective of the right. According to the ACU, a centrist would look like Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who has a lifetime ACU score of 44.8%. Reporters could call her a "liberal Republican," and they should, except that term simply doesn't exist.

...this all gets ridiculous is the presidential field. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was regularly pitched as a centrist by the press. Her ACU score from her Senate years, ending in 2009, was 8.1%. But that wasn't the worst of it. When she picked Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, even The Wall Street Journal oozed that Kaine's "centrist policies" could help Clinton. His ACU score at the time was 1%. (He's now up to 2.2%.)

With extreme socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders in the race, anyone who isn't endorsing a socialist position -- like redistributing wealth, abolishing private health insurance and shredding the fossil fuel industry -- is categorized as a centrist. Defending the leftist lurch that was Obamacare is now the centrist position in this daffy media dictionary.

When Joe Biden left the Senate in 2008 to be then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, his lifetime ACU score was 12.7%. He's only lurched further left ever since. But now, suddenly, he's a "centrist" candidate.

... "the national front-runner Joe Biden, a moderate, sandwiched between two liberals, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders." There you have it. Socialists are liberals, and semi-socialists are moderates."
Stop With the Silly 'Centrist' Labels for Democrats

It has become the Communist Party, and the dumbest voters in history pretend not to notice it.

Hence, the brilliance of the NYSun's editorial in the OP.
So the Right gets to define what a Centrist is? That's quite a laugh. I wonder how the Communist party defines Centrist? How about the Nazi Party?
Bizarro World

The US elects a Birther, Reality TV Star as President

That sure beats a Kenyan
Remember...Hussein himself was the first "birther".
Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."
I doubt there is any country on earth that is either capitalist, socialist, or communist. They are all combinations in various proportions. The US certainly has aspects of all three. Whatever your ideology, that is the reality.

I saw a scene where an actor dissed the idea that America was free, and special because it was free. The argument was that there are a hundred or so free countries, so saying we are free isn't special in any way. Personally, I think America's identity of as a place of personal freedom is different than anywhere else in the world. Our constitution did more than any other document to give the individual control over their own lives. We are the standard bearer for freedom in the world, and if we slide further left, into models where the individual is not valued, and becomes forced into collective ideology, who else is going to fight for the individual. The spectrum is the US on one side, and China on the other. Why the progressives want to slide towards China is beyond me.
I doubt many progressives want to slide towards China, it is the social democracies of Europe that are the model. It is they that are doing the most for personal online privacy for example.

Okay, lets say the other side of the scale is Europe. Is post #7 Europe?
I don't know everything about Europe (e.g., what kind of bail system they use) so I can't say. I can say it does sound like a right wing nightmare rather than anything found in real life.

So is that an endorsement for the push to become Europe? Are you onboard for this push? I don't know much about Europe either. I do know we pay for their protection and that they have serious limits to free speech. I also know England has a death panel that doesn't allow many surgeries after 75.
I notice that not a single Democrat apologist claims that either Bernie isn't a communist, or that the party isn't as well.

Yet.....they'll vote for it?????????
Bernie isn't a communist and neither are the Dems. Happy?

This is why I love when the uneducated post.....skewering them is a piece a' cake.

And, I kinda enjoy how you government school grads ignoring the facts.....

Getcha 'Program! Can't Tell The Players Widdout' A Program!
The players are communists, socialists, Progressives, Liberals, fascists and Nazis.
They all play for the same team.

Today....let's look at Bernie Sanders....socialist? Communist? Progressive? Or...Liberal?
Getcha' program!

1. " [At] the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

2. ...graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as “America’s greatest Marxist.” Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post

a. Eugene Victor Debs, Bernie's paragon: "... Debs agreed with the left wing of the Socialist Party—people like Bill Haywood and Mother Jones, who would help found the Industrial Workers of the World (the 'Wobblies). They advocated workers taking control where the power of the ruling class was rooted—in the factories. ... Within the SP, members had verydifferent ideas about socialism and how it would be achieved. Some believed in socialism as a steady increase in social reforms achieved by socialists being elected to political office—others looked to a revolutionary transformation of society.....

Eventually, those leftists who remained in the SP quit to help form a new Communist Party on the model of what Lenin and the Bolsheviks had built in Russia. Debs, while he supported the Russian Revolution and remained a revolutionary, nonetheless stayed in the SP." Socialism according to Eugene V. Debs

Still imagine there is any great difference between socialists and communists....and Bernie?

3. This subversive hero of Sanders, [Eugene Victor Debs,] denounced even by liberal Democrats as a “traitor,” bashed “the barons of Wall Street” and hailed the “triumphant” Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

Those Russian comrades of ours have made greater sacrifices, have suffered more, and have shed more heroic blood than any like number of men and women anywhere on Earth,” Debs proclaimed. “They have laid the foundation of the first real democracy that ever drew the breath of life in this world.” Socialism according to Eugene V. Debs

4. "In a 1918 speech in Canton, Ohio, Debs reaffirmed his solidarity with Lenin and Trotsky, despite clear evidence of their violent plunder and treachery. Sanders still hangs a portrait of Debs on the wall in his Senate office." NYPost, Op. Cit.

This Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Now about the Democrat Party elite, Bernie Sanders: Communist, Socialist, Liberal, and Progressive

5." ... Sanders helped found the Liberty Union Party, which called for the nationalization of all US banks and the public takeover of all private utility companies. [Before Maxine Waters, too!]

... Sanders in 1981 managed to get elected mayor of Burlington, Vt., where he restricted property rights for landlords, set price controls and raised property taxes to pay for communal land trusts. Local small businesses distributed fliers complaining their new mayor “does not believe in free enterprise.”

6. His radical activities didn’t stop at the water’s edge. Sanders took several “goodwill” trips not only to the USSR, but also to Cuba and Nicaragua, where the Soviets were trying to expand their influence in our hemisphere.

In 1985, he traveled to Managua to celebrate the rise to power of the Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government. He called it a “heroic revolution.” Undermining anti-communist US policy, Sanders denounced the Reagan administration’s backing of the Contra rebels in a letter to the Sandinistas.

“The Sandinista government has more support among the Nicaraguan people — substantially more support — than Ronald Reagan has among the American people,” Sanders told Vermont government-access TV in 1985." Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post

(BTW...Ortega and the Sandinistas were voted out of power in 1990. Ortega ran for election again, in October 1996 and November 2001, but lost on both occasions)

7. "Sanders also adopted a Soviet sister city outside Moscow and honeymooned with his second wife in the USSR. He put up a Soviet flag in his office, shocking even the Birkenstock-wearing local liberals. At the time, the Evil Empire was on the march around the world, and threatening the US with nuclear annihilation.

Then, in 1989, as the West was on the verge of winning the Cold War, Sanders addressed the national conference of the US Peace Council — a known front for the Communist Party USA, whose members swore an oath not only to the Soviet Union but to “the triumph of Soviet power in the US.” Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post

8."Today, Sanders wants to bring what he admired in the USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua and other communist states to America.

For starters, he proposes completely nationalizing our health care system and putting private health insurance and drug companies “out of business.” He also wants to break up “big banks” and control the energy industry, while providing “free” college tuition, a “living wage” and guaranteed homeownership and jobs through massive public works projects.

Price tag: $18 trillion.

Who will pay for it all? You will. Sanders plans to not only soak the rich with a 90 percent-plus tax rate, while charging Wall Street a “speculation tax,” but hit every American with a “global-warming tax.”

Of course, even that wouldn’t cover the cost of his communist schemes; a President Sanders would eventually soak the middle class he claims to champion. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, right?

9. Sanders and his Sanderistas are all still pining for what Debs called “the Greater Revolution yet to come.”

What’s revolting is how this hardcore commie’s campaign has gotten this far. With his ascendancy in both Iowa and New Hampshire, Sanders is no longer just a fool; he’s now a dangerous fool.

While it may be hard to hate the old codger, it’s easy — and virtuous — to hate his un-American ideas. They should be swept into the dustbin with the rest of communist history."
Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist | New York Post

Did I mention that Bernie is a communist, and the Democrat Party is where he belongs?
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I doubt there is any country on earth that is either capitalist, socialist, or communist. They are all combinations in various proportions. The US certainly has aspects of all three. Whatever your ideology, that is the reality.

I saw a scene where an actor dissed the idea that America was free, and special because it was free. The argument was that there are a hundred or so free countries, so saying we are free isn't special in any way. Personally, I think America's identity of as a place of personal freedom is different than anywhere else in the world. Our constitution did more than any other document to give the individual control over their own lives. We are the standard bearer for freedom in the world, and if we slide further left, into models where the individual is not valued, and becomes forced into collective ideology, who else is going to fight for the individual. The spectrum is the US on one side, and China on the other. Why the progressives want to slide towards China is beyond me.
I doubt many progressives want to slide towards China, it is the social democracies of Europe that are the model. It is they that are doing the most for personal online privacy for example.

Okay, lets say the other side of the scale is Europe. Is post #7 Europe?
I don't know everything about Europe (e.g., what kind of bail system they use) so I can't say. I can say it does sound like a right wing nightmare rather than anything found in real life.

So is that an endorsement for the push to become Europe? Are you onboard for this push? I don't know much about Europe either. I do know we pay for their protection and that they have serious limits to free speech. I also know England has a death panel that doesn't allow many surgeries after 75.
Europe has a lot to offer, including some of the happiest & healthiest people around. I don't mind being happy and healthy.

I think they has serious limits to hate speech. The US has death panels, they are called insurance companies. If they won't pay for your $1,000,000 surgery could you?
Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."

Bernie, a Marxist, was their almost-candidate last time, and is on the rise today. Better than half of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism.

But no one makes that point better than the's editorial reverses JFK' Inaugural Speech...

...and re-writes it to reflect today's Democrat Party.

I dare anyone to deny that this shouldn't be the inaugural if the (shudder!) win in November:

"We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of socialism — symbolizing an end as well as a beginning — signifying a decline as well as change. For I have affirmed before you and any God that may exist the same words our forebears prescribed nearly two and a half centuries ago.

Our philosophy is very different now. For capitalism created all forms of human poverty and gave us the power to abolish all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are now but nightmares for a woke generation that has learned the hard truth that the rights of persons come not from the hand of any God but from the generosity of the state.

We dare not forget today the sins of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — intimidated by war, discouraged by a hard and bitter peace, woke from our ancient heritage — and prepared to countenance the slow undoing of those human rights this nation once indulged at home and around the world."
The Democrats Draft Their Inaugural

Does Bernie actually want to abolish "all private property", or is he just a "Democratic Socialist" or whatever?

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