How do I post videos?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Aside from linked of Youtube videos, how do I post one I downloaded off my camera? And what format does it have to be in?
Just go below here ant attach files...It should accept most anything. Here's an mp4/non altered

Thanks. I see what the problem is: When I use the "attach files" method, it get an error when I try to paly it because the computer in the garage is running an old version of XP. The video codecs are probably antiquated.

The video you posted is hilarious BTW. :auiqs.jpg:
Ope the video in VLC and see what format it is. Then, in VLC "save as", choose an mp3 or mp4 format and save it. Upload the new one.
right click on the video, then choose copy, then paste it where you want it
Lemme try. I doubt that works in a non url format. NOOP. That works off saved vid urls from the web. Not for what is stored on your machine.You can do it off Farcebook and shit like that "copy url" or "copy url at time"

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