How do Democrat Jews feel?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Curious to know how our Jewish Democrat friends here feel about all that is going on in our country in regards to the Israel-Palestinian war going on now.

BLM, and other radical lefties groups are staging big protests in support of Palestine and even Hamas. The leftwing Jewish celebs have been losing their minds on Twitter. They can’t believe people would support these terrorists or call out Israel for defending itself.

Example, Sarah Silverman the ultra leftwing kook who is Jewish:

Are the chickens coming home to roost? These same lefties have supported and pushed the radical leftwing Agenda of unlimited immigration imports from Muslim countries, and support violent “protests” to get their way.

Now we are seeing these lunatics flay the flags of the Taliban and ISIS.

They are now calling for the doxxing and attacking of Jewish journalists:

Is there any regrets from our resident Jewish lefties for supporting all these hateful groups?

I know it could be worse…if Orange Man was President or something…
Curious to know how our Jewish Democrat friends here feel about all that is going on in our country in regards to the Israel-Palestinian war going on now.

BLM, and other radical lefties groups are staging big protests in support of Palestine and even Hamas. The leftwing Jewish celebs have been losing their minds on Twitter. They can’t believe people would support these terrorists or call out Israel for defending itself.

Example, Sarah Silverman the ultra leftwing kook who is Jewish:

Are the chickens coming home to roost? These same lefties have supported and pushed the radical leftwing Agenda of unlimited immigration imports from Muslim countries, and support violent “protests” to get their way.

Now we are seeing these lunatics flay the flags of the Taliban and ISIS.

They are now calling for the doxxing and attacking of Jewish journalists:
View attachment 845528

Is there any regrets from our resident Jewish lefties for supporting all these hateful groups?

I know it could be worse…if Orange Man was President or something…

Lol, those people aren't going to support the transgendered lifestyle. Get the popcorn out, democrats own this!
Curious to know how our Jewish Democrat friends here feel about all that is going on in our country in regards to the Israel-Palestinian war going on now.

BLM, and other radical lefties groups are staging big protests in support of Palestine and even Hamas. The leftwing Jewish celebs have been losing their minds on Twitter. They can’t believe people would support these terrorists or call out Israel for defending itself.

Example, Sarah Silverman the ultra leftwing kook who is Jewish:

Are the chickens coming home to roost? These same lefties have supported and pushed the radical leftwing Agenda of unlimited immigration imports from Muslim countries, and support violent “protests” to get their way.

Now we are seeing these lunatics flay the flags of the Taliban and ISIS.

They are now calling for the doxxing and attacking of Jewish journalists:
View attachment 845528

Is there any regrets from our resident Jewish lefties for supporting all these hateful groups?

I know it could be worse…if Orange Man was President or something…

One forgets that Pro Palestinian people have joined BLM and others and turned BLM into more than just Black Lives Matter, as it should have stayed.

When these Pro Palestinian people who infiltrated any and all of those groups, LGBTQ, etc, are thrown out, then we should be seeing BLM and others stay away from radical protests like that.

That some Blacks at BLM might be antisemitic, sure, but not to the level of turning what they are fighting for into something else, especially when it is to demonizing Jews.

Jews and Blacks have a history of fighting for civil rights together. Apparently some at BLM are either not aware of it or have chose to forget it. It is always easier to turn future generations against a people, when they do not know the history,
Jews and Blacks have a history of fighting for civil rights together. Apparently some at BLM are either not aware of it or have chose to forget it. It is always easier to turn future generations against a people, when they do not know the history,

Okay so they just need a white savior….I mean “Jewish” savior to explain things to them, then they will ditch their support of Palestine/Hamas and start waiving Israeli flags.

I’m sure that’s going to work out well for you.
Curious to know how our Jewish Democrat friends here feel about all that is going on in our country in regards to the Israel-Palestinian war going on now.

BLM, and other radical lefties groups are staging big protests in support of Palestine and even Hamas. The leftwing Jewish celebs have been losing their minds on Twitter. They can’t believe people would support these terrorists or call out Israel for defending itself.

Example, Sarah Silverman the ultra leftwing kook who is Jewish:

Are the chickens coming home to roost? These same lefties have supported and pushed the radical leftwing Agenda of unlimited immigration imports from Muslim countries, and support violent “protests” to get their way.

Now we are seeing these lunatics flay the flags of the Taliban and ISIS.

They are now calling for the doxxing and attacking of Jewish journalists:
View attachment 845528

Is there any regrets from our resident Jewish lefties for supporting all these hateful groups?

I know it could be worse…if Orange Man was President or something…

BTW, there are plenty of Republicans who are against Israel, including lawmakers who have voted against funding Israel .
Okay so they just need a white savior….I mean “Jewish” savior to explain things to them, then they will ditch their support of Palestine/Hamas and start waiving Israeli flags.

I’m sure that’s going to work out well for you.
How banal of you.
the Hawk's amoral nonsense about a few lefties yelling for Hamas and a few righties yelling 'down with the Jews' does not change the fact our President, our government, and the American people stand for Israel and Ukraine.
Curious to know how our Jewish Democrat friends here feel about all that is going on in our country in regards to the Israel-Palestinian war going on now.

BLM, and other radical lefties groups are staging big protests in support of Palestine and even Hamas. The leftwing Jewish celebs have been losing their minds on Twitter. They can’t believe people would support these terrorists or call out Israel for defending itself.

Example, Sarah Silverman the ultra leftwing kook who is Jewish:

Are the chickens coming home to roost? These same lefties have supported and pushed the radical leftwing Agenda of unlimited immigration imports from Muslim countries, and support violent “protests” to get their way.

Now we are seeing these lunatics flay the flags of the Taliban and ISIS.

They are now calling for the doxxing and attacking of Jewish journalists:
View attachment 845528

Is there any regrets from our resident Jewish lefties for supporting all these hateful groups?

I know it could be worse…if Orange Man was President or something…

What do you think it will be like when enemy democrats bring in a couple of million Arabs hell bent on imposing islam.
Are you Jewish?
Say my name, theHawk.

You goofy MAGAts. No one is proposing we house a couple million Palestinians as refugees, not any such thing. And, personally, I think refugees should be absorbed by ME countries.

I do have several Jewish friends:

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And, personally, I think refugees should be absorbed by ME countries
LOL, they won’t accept them. Which means the US and Europe will. Stop pretending we won’t be accepting them. No Democrat will oppose them coming in.

I noticed you didn’t answer the question, so you just felt like you needed to inject yourself and speak on behalf of Jews. Don’t care about your imaginary Jewish friends.
One forgets that Pro Palestinian people have joined BLM and others and turned BLM into more than just Black Lives Matter, as it should have stayed.

When these Pro Palestinian people who infiltrated any and all of those groups, LGBTQ, etc, are thrown out, then we should be seeing BLM and others stay away from radical protests like that.

That some Blacks at BLM might be antisemitic, sure, but not to the level of turning what they are fighting for into something else, especially when it is to demonizing Jews.

Jews and Blacks have a history of fighting for civil rights together. Apparently some at BLM are either not aware of it or have chose to forget it. It is always easier to turn future generations against a people, when they do not know the history,
The only fighting we've seen from BLM were the months of riots, destruction, murders and looting in 2020. BLM has nothing to do with "Black Lives Mattering" ..
the Hawk's amoral nonsense about a few lefties yelling for Hamas and a few righties yelling 'down with the Jews' does not change the fact our President, our government, and the American people stand for Israel and Ukraine.
Yes .. yes .. just like our elected congresswomen including Tlaib, Omar, Cortez .. (and probably other muslims in congress).

Nothing to see here
Curious to know how our Jewish Democrat friends here feel about all that is going on in our country in regards to the Israel-Palestinian war going on now.

BLM, and other radical lefties groups are staging big protests in support of Palestine and even Hamas. The leftwing Jewish celebs have been losing their minds on Twitter. They can’t believe people would support these terrorists or call out Israel for defending itself.

Example, Sarah Silverman the ultra leftwing kook who is Jewish:

Are the chickens coming home to roost? These same lefties have supported and pushed the radical leftwing Agenda of unlimited immigration imports from Muslim countries, and support violent “protests” to get their way.

Now we are seeing these lunatics flay the flags of the Taliban and ISIS.

They are now calling for the doxxing and attacking of Jewish journalists:
View attachment 845528

Is there any regrets from our resident Jewish lefties for supporting all these hateful groups?

I know it could be worse…if Orange Man was President or something…

I would think they’d feel like they were only wanted for their votes and to die at Armageddon in the End Times.

How do Democrat Jews feel?​

With their noses ?
Not with their arses as so rudely suggested by some .
The only fighting we've seen from BLM were the months of riots, destruction, murders and looting in 2020. BLM has nothing to do with "Black Lives Mattering" ..
BLM was not only about the death of George Floyd abut the death of about other 5 Black people that year in a way they should not have died.

As I said, BLM and many other groups have been infiltrated by Pro Palestinian people and lost its way in the cause of fighting against bigotry against Jews.

Way too easy a thing to happen considering the endless Christian and Islamic attacks on Jews, who always blame Jews for whatever happens in the world or to them.

Once, if ever, those two religions uproot their writing in their holy books against Jews, and start treating them as equal, it will be a much different world. But no one seems to realize that it is what is causing the endless attacks on Jews, and no one does anything about it.

The media is not discussing the education people in Gaza receive on a daily basis, and all other Islamic places.

They are told from birth that their land was stolen, that Jews are evil, and must be killed. All in order to get what is Israel in the hands of Muslims again.

Figure out how to stop spreading lies about Jews, and it will be a better world.
One forgets that Pro Palestinian people have joined BLM and others and turned BLM into more than just Black Lives Matter, as it should have stayed.

When these Pro Palestinian people who infiltrated any and all of those groups, LGBTQ, etc, are thrown out, then we should be seeing BLM and others stay away from radical protests like that.

That some Blacks at BLM might be antisemitic, sure, but not to the level of turning what they are fighting for into something else, especially when it is to demonizing Jews.

Jews and Blacks have a history of fighting for civil rights together. Apparently some at BLM are either not aware of it or have chose to forget it. It is always easier to turn future generations against a people, when they do not know the history,

Do you support civil rights for Palestinians? The Nazis took Jewish civil rights, property and citizenship.
BLM was not only about the death of George Floyd abut the death of about other 5 Black people that year in a way they should not have died.

As I said, BLM and many other groups have been infiltrated by Pro Palestinian people and lost its way in the cause of fighting against bigotry against Jews.
BLM was about lining pockets with lots of cash for and organization started by Marxists focused on destroying the nuclear family.
Way too easy a thing to happen considering the endless Christian and Islamic attacks on Jews, who always blame Jews for whatever happens in the world or to them.

Once, if ever, those two religions uproot their writing in their holy books against Jews, and start treating them as equal, it will be a much different world. But no one seems to realize that it is what is causing the endless attacks on Jews, and no one does anything about it.

The media is not discussing the education people in Gaza receive on a daily basis, and all other Islamic places.

They are told from birth that their land was stolen, that Jews are evil, and must be killed. All in order to get what is Israel in the hands of Muslims again.

Figure out how to stop spreading lies about Jews, and it will be a better world.
While I don't disagree .. it's a pipe dream to believe the religious wars between these two groups will ever be reconciled -- just like the phony, feel-good bumper stickers that say "CoExist" with all the different religious symbols.
Do you support civil rights for Palestinians? The Nazis took Jewish civil rights, property and citizenship.
The Muslim world itself does not believe in civil rights for Palestinians.

If it did, it would not keep 5 Million or more who call themselves Palestinians as "refugees", and not allow them to become citizens of the Muslim countries they live in and the conditions they force them to live in.

Egypt itself would not open the border to the Palestinians who came to the south, and took some time to allow the help to get through.

Palestinians are a tool of the Muslim world to destroy Israel and take the land back into Muslim hands. That is what it was from the very beginning.
First it was riots to keep the Jews from rebuilding their Nation, then from 1948 it has been a war against Israel in order to destroy it and kill as many Jews as possible.

It is not hard at all to create an alternative reality against Jews when Christianity and Islam have been spitting hatred towards Jews for as long as they have.

So, what happened? Muslims lost all the wars from 1948 to 1973, and Arafat took the word Palestinian for their new Nationality and was very successful since then to turn the victimizers into victims.

Notice how not one person from Gaza went into protests against Hamas? Or any other Muslim on the planet who is against Israel existing?

Did Jews and friends go out ransacking, destroying Muslim businesses, homes, mosques? NO. Attacking Muslims ? NO

Islamic Jihad hits the parking lot of a hospital and the lies against Israel continue. 500 dead. NOT. Israel did it. NOT.

Maybe you are missing that Hezbollah in Lebanon nd even the Huthis in Yemen are sending rockets towards Israel ? This is about Palestinian Civil Rights? NO

Islam does not want Civil rights for Palestinians. Hamas and Abbas do not want civil rights for Palestinians or they would not continue to give the hateful education against Jews they do on a daily basis. Summer camps for children where they are trained to kill Jews. Who does that? Muslims who do not like Jews and want to see them dead.

They even kill Muslims, Arabs who live in Israel.

Things that will bring civil rights and freedom to all Palestinians.

1) Do away with the refugee status. Descendants of refugees are not refugees.

2) Stop, totally, with the education of hatred towards Jews.

3) Stop with the hateful education that Jews are colonizers and have stolen "Palestinian " Land.

4) Stop putting 4 years old, etc saying that they will kill Jews when they grow up

5) Oslo Accords was to make the Palestinians slowly change the education of hatred towards an education of peace with Israel. Abbas and others never implemented that and the education of hatred continues. How can Palestinians have any civil rights if their leaders insist that they do not even have human rights. The human right to not be used as a weapon to kill Jews?

6) Both Christianity and Islam must totally take out from their holy books anything which will lead to aggression towards Jews. Gospel of John has plenty of it. Whatever is in the Quran or Hadiths must also be removed.

Just wishful thinking since so many Muslims, a million, moved to Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand that all of these places saw a rise in Antisemitism since then, not helped by what Trump said to Nazis and other groups in the US.

Put an end to hatred of Jews.

Christian and Islamic continued learned hatred of Jews keeps taking away the civil rights of many people and starting non necessary wars.

Why in the world should so many Arabs/Muslims be made hostages of Islam via Hamas and Arafat first, and now Abbas, in order to take "back" land which was in the hands of the Ottomans for 500 years and the Muslims never created an Arab League, or anything else to rid the area of the Turks?


Enough of hatred for Jews.

Are you ever going to understand that?
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