How did Ilin Omar get elected? Meet the ultra-Liberal DFL!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I had to find out how this unknown Muslim extremist managed to get elected. First of all you needed Keith Ellison, another Muslim, to be ousted under serious charges of violence. That opened up the seat. There were several people running for the seat, one of them Omar. Ah but enter the Democratic Farm Labor Party (DFL) the organization that controls Minnesota politics. There were 4 other candidates but guess who got endorsed by the ultra-Liberal idiots running the DFL? That's right, they picked the Muslim to throw their support behind and the other candidates didn't have the resources to compete. And voila! We have an America hating Somalian Muslim who along with her sidekicks are now part of our government. Omar couldn't do it by herself, or with her Somalian brethren. She had help and she got it from the DFL.
The Minnesota DFL
I had to find out how this unknown Muslim extremist managed to get elected. First of all you needed Keith Ellison, another Muslim, to be ousted under serious charges of violence. That opened up the seat. There were several people running for the seat, one of them Omar. Ah but enter the Democratic Farm Labor Party (DFL) the organization that controls Minnesota politics. There were 4 other candidates but guess who got endorsed by the ultra-Liberal idiots running the DFL? That's right, they picked the Muslim to throw their support behind and the other candidates didn't have the resources to compete. And voila! We have an America hating Somalian Muslim who along with her sidekicks are now part of our government. Omar couldn't do it by herself, or with her Somalian brethren. She had help and she got it from the DFL.
The Minnesota DFL
They control the populated counties of the Twin Cities and the unions of the Mesabi Range in the north. Wealthy liberal fools in the gated communities helped vote her in on the premise of inclusive idealism while never actually wanting that diversity in " their " neighborhood. What they ended up with was another division gimp playing victim, race and gender cards all in one hand.
That bitch would never get elected in my district out in the exurbs only 45 miles out. This county is red.
There are no Democrats, Farmers or real Laborers in the MN DFL anymore.
Traitor that he was .......Barack Hussein sent all the Somalis to Minnesota .....thousands of them.
I had to find out how this unknown Muslim extremist managed to get elected. First of all you needed Keith Ellison, another Muslim, to be ousted under serious charges of violence. That opened up the seat. There were several people running for the seat, one of them Omar. Ah but enter the Democratic Farm Labor Party (DFL) the organization that controls Minnesota politics. There were 4 other candidates but guess who got endorsed by the ultra-Liberal idiots running the DFL? That's right, they picked the Muslim to throw their support behind and the other candidates didn't have the resources to compete. And voila! We have an America hating Somalian Muslim who along with her sidekicks are now part of our government. Omar couldn't do it by herself, or with her Somalian brethren. She had help and she got it from the DFL.
The Minnesota DFL
They control the populated counties of the Twin Cities and the unions of the Mesabi Range in the north. Wealthy liberal fools in the gated communities helped vote her in on the premise of inclusive idealism while never actually wanting that diversity in " their " neighborhood. What they ended up with was another division gimp playing victim, race and gender cards all in one hand.
That bitch would never get elected in my district out in the exurbs only 45 miles out. This county is red.
There are no Democrats, Farmers or real Laborers in the MN DFL anymore.
Good info, you know more about it
Traitor that he was .......Barack Hussein sent all the Somalis to Minnesota .....thousands of them.
Now 80,000 and counting in the Twin Cities.
I had to find out how this unknown Muslim extremist managed to get elected. First of all you needed Keith Ellison, another Muslim, to be ousted under serious charges of violence. That opened up the seat. There were several people running for the seat, one of them Omar. Ah but enter the Democratic Farm Labor Party (DFL) the organization that controls Minnesota politics. There were 4 other candidates but guess who got endorsed by the ultra-Liberal idiots running the DFL? That's right, they picked the Muslim to throw their support behind and the other candidates didn't have the resources to compete. And voila! We have an America hating Somalian Muslim who along with her sidekicks are now part of our government. Omar couldn't do it by herself, or with her Somalian brethren. She had help and she got it from the DFL.
The Minnesota DFL

Jessie Ventura; al Franken.....the folks in Mini-soda suck in a lot of carbon monoxide during their long winters,,,,,
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.

You're whining because her republican opponent was too lazy to get out there and gain name recognition. Is there anything you won't whine about?
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.
------------------------------ no insult intended but even after 'mrobama' they vote for another 'muslim' . Minnesotans aren't very smart eh .
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.

You're whining because her republican opponent was too lazy to get out there and gain name recognition. Is there anything you won't whine about?
You would have a valid point if Omar and her opponents were on equal ground with outside support. In Minnesota politics the DFL runs the show.
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.

You're whining because her republican opponent was too lazy to get out there and gain name recognition. Is there anything you won't whine about?
The media chose sides.
As always.
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.

You're whining because her republican opponent was too lazy to get out there and gain name recognition. Is there anything you won't whine about?
The media chose sides.
As always.

You poor baby. If you want good press, try to do something good.
So more voted for her than for her opponent. It's not that complicated.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.
------------------------------ no insult intended but even after 'mrobama' they vote for another 'muslim' . Minnesotans aren't very smart eh .
Hillary won state by only 70 thousand votes. Closest to turning red in decades.
This state is not as left as many claim. The loons are in the metro where Omar's district is.
A Muslim Extremist comes out of nowhere, and is endorsed by Democratic power players and gets elected over more qualified opponents. Nothing to see here!

If they were more qualified, they would have gotten more votes.
No one even heard of them.
The media was focused entirely on their new token candidate in the name of diversity. You couldn't find a single resident here who could name any of her opponents.
Every story about her starts with her being a female black Muslim as if that is the only qualification required.

You're whining because her republican opponent was too lazy to get out there and gain name recognition. Is there anything you won't whine about?
The media chose sides.
As always.

You poor baby. If you want good press, try to do something good.
Her democratic opponents were just as unheard of in the primaries.
She is a token symbol.
Nothing more.

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