How did Hillary lose? I would really like to discuss this.

In the left wing world, the race card trumps the sexism card and the sexism card slightly trumps the islamaphobe card. The homophobe card trumps the islamaphobe card but draws to a tie with the sexism card. Bottom line is Hillary Haldeman lost to the race card.
Now the media are obsessing with women and women victimhood and women's rights every day as a setup for Hillary Haldeman.
Why do you call her Hillary Haldeman? I thought it was Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's obama's henchman in the coverups of the Benghazi failure of duty just as Haldeman helped Nixon coverup involvement in the Watergate break-in. Compound that with her being the wife of a president who was impeached and she's also part Pat Nixon.
Somehow I don't see any democrats who would vote for either H.R. Haldeman or Pat Nixon if they were alive and running for office.
Why would Democrats vote for tricky Dick's wife or a former Nixon aid?
In the left wing world, the race card trumps the sexism card and the sexism card slightly trumps the islamaphobe card. The homophobe card trumps the islamaphobe card but draws to a tie with the sexism card. Bottom line is Hillary Haldeman lost to the race card.
Now the media are obsessing with women and women victimhood and women's rights every day as a setup for Hillary Haldeman.
Why do you call her Hillary Haldeman? I thought it was Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's obama's henchman in the coverups of the Benghazi failure of duty just as Haldeman helped Nixon coverup involvement in the Watergate break-in. Compound that with her being the wife of a president who was impeached and she's also part Pat Nixon.
Somehow I don't see any democrats who would vote for either H.R. Haldeman or Pat Nixon if they were alive and running for office.
Why would Democrats vote for tricky Dick's wife or a former Nixon aid?
That's my point. Why would anyone regardless of party? That's why voting for Hillary demonstrates the ultimate in democrat hypocrisy.
That's the funny thing about tards like you. When you carefully frame things to tell a lie of omission, and then get caught at it, you figure the person correcting you must be for the opposition.

You might want to think about what it means when you assume people smarter than you must be on the opposite side. You also might want to think about how much you want to keep drinking the piss and parroting those who mislead you about important things like war fatalities.

Try being a critical thinker and pursuer of truth instead of a credulous partisan hack.

May I ask: What is it, specifically, that you feel you proved?
Yeah she never said it.:disbelief:

This interview got Diane Sawyer FIRED!

No it didn't. I suggest you cancel your subscription to The Blaze.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

No she was betrayed.

Yup. They threw her under the bus for the half black guy no one ever heard of.

Her party betrayed her because the half black guy was more marketable than the first woman president.

The LSM backed their play and did nothing to turn anyone against that POS who occupies the WH.

One would think Hillary would catch a damned clew and retire. She sure as shit would have been just as lousy a POTUS as that idiot is.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

No she was betrayed.

Yup. They threw her under the bus for the half black guy no one ever heard of.
Incorrect. Lazy assed hacks had not heard of Obama. From his keynote address at the 04 convention, he was on a trajectory to leave an impact on the Party. Even someone of your limited intelligence could have seen it.

Her party betrayed her because the half black guy was more marketable than the first woman president.
Only someone who can't remember/understand history would believe such a bald faced lie like the one you just told.

You see dimwit, there are these things called delegates. If you get a majority of them, you win the nomination. There is no betrayal going on...there are voters who cast votes.

If you were to have done some research into the topic you're opining about instead of (as always), just shooting from the would have seen this map.


The gold states were one's Hillary won. The purple states were ones Obama won.

This is probably too deep for your shallow mind but I'll endeavor to explain it to you. It was established before the contests began that the Democrats would award most of their states on a proportional basis. This means that if you win Texas 50 to 47 percent, you get 65 of the delegates and the "loser" Obama got 61. A margin of four What Clinton's campaign didn't grasp or understand or ignored was that a state like Idaho where Obama got 80% of the vote, he got 17 of their delegates to Hillary getting 3. A margin of 14. So between the two contests, Obama actually came away with 10 more delegates. The headlines at the time actually heralded Clinton's resurgence and her ability to win large states whereas the real story was the delegate count.

Again, had you done ANY research into the topic, you would have known that Clinton way over-spent in her 2006 Senatorial election; had over-spent in the ramp-up and roll-out of her presidential campaign. So when it came to competing in obscure caucuses, the Clinton campaign had trouble mounting a ground game.

Again, all of this is well-documented. Nobody threw anyone under the bus. What it comes down to is the conservative/GOP pre-set position that if a black person is in their line of view, they are there because of one of three reasons:

1. Affirmative Action
2. They are in the wrong neighborhood
3. Someone is behind the scenes facilitating this miscarriage of justice.

It's against your DNA to think or, perish the though, give credit to the shepherds of the Obama campaign that they ran a smarter campaign than Clinton for you see, a black couldn't possibly beat a white person when all other factors are equal.

Obama did. It's been 8 years. Accept it.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

No she was betrayed.

Yup. They threw her under the bus for the half black guy no one ever heard of.
Incorrect. Lazy assed hacks had not heard of Obama. From his keynote address at the 04 convention, he was on a trajectory to leave an impact on the Party. Even someone of your limited intelligence could have seen it.

Her party betrayed her because the half black guy was more marketable than the first woman president.
Only someone who can't remember/understand history would believe such a bald faced lie like the one you just told.

You see dimwit, there are these things called delegates. If you get a majority of them, you win the nomination. There is no betrayal going on...there are voters who cast votes.

If you were to have done some research into the topic you're opining about instead of (as always), just shooting from the would have seen this map.


The gold states were one's Hillary won. The purple states were ones Obama won.

This is probably too deep for your shallow mind but I'll endeavor to explain it to you. It was established before the contests began that the Democrats would award most of their states on a proportional basis. This means that if you win Texas 50 to 47 percent, you get 65 of the delegates and the "loser" Obama got 61. A margin of four What Clinton's campaign didn't grasp or understand or ignored was that a state like Idaho where Obama got 80% of the vote, he got 17 of their delegates to Hillary getting 3. A margin of 14. So between the two contests, Obama actually came away with 10 more delegates. The headlines at the time actually heralded Clinton's resurgence and her ability to win large states whereas the real story was the delegate count.

Again, had you done ANY research into the topic, you would have known that Clinton way over-spent in her 2006 Senatorial election; had over-spent in the ramp-up and roll-out of her presidential campaign. So when it came to competing in obscure caucuses, the Clinton campaign had trouble mounting a ground game.

Again, all of this is well-documented. Nobody threw anyone under the bus. What it comes down to is the conservative/GOP pre-set position that if a black person is in their line of view, they are there because of one of three reasons:

1. Affirmative Action
2. They are in the wrong neighborhood
3. Someone is behind the scenes facilitating this miscarriage of justice.

It's against your DNA to think or, perish the though, give credit to the shepherds of the Obama campaign that they ran a smarter campaign than Clinton for you see, a black couldn't possibly beat a white person when all other factors are equal.

Obama did. It's been 8 years. Accept it.

Great post

What it leaves out is that Hillary cheated in Florida and Michigan to claim delegates. Both Florida and Michigan attempted to "jump the line" and hold their primaries in January. Those primaries were declared invalid and the other candidates withdrew their names. Hillary kept her name on the ballot and "won" those states

Democratic Party presidential primaries 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
="dblack, post: 10182706, member: 30065"]
Hillary backed the Iraq war, Obama was vocally against it

Cost her the nomination, as it should have

"Vocally" - yep. Like he was 'vocally' against the individual mandate.

All the other suck up politicians were jumping on the patriotism bandwagon and backing the Bush invasion

"Community Organizer" Obama stood up and declared how stupid the idea was. Showed who really was Presidential

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.
What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.
But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world

Yes. Vocally. He's a good speaker, no doubt about it. That's why it was so sad to see him standing on the podium, the day after he was elected with the usual line-up of Washington insiders and corporate criminals.

Listen, I'd be first in line to give Obama props if he'd followed through with a good faith effort to undo the damage done to this country by the Bush administration.

He hasn't even tried.

Hasn't tried?

Got us out of Bush's wars
Saved the auto cpmpanies
Stopped a Depression
Doubled the stock market
Killed bin Laden[/QUOTE]

watch out libertool.., here he comes for you !!
I go back. Many on the left don't want to talk to me about it. But I still as a political animal want to know how did she lose?

Due to the biggest block of deranged racists who only see things according to the color of skin.

There is no other reason.

72% of the voters were white when Obama was elected ... so there must be another reason. You're a moron.

Go ahead and name the reasons, you stupid fucking ignorant racist piece of shit.

Go ahead and list all of the things that made you think he was so qualified to be president you unreal piece of bloviated hypocritical shit.

Name the accomplishments that garnered such loyalty from you, you bloviated patronizing racist.

We know more about John Adams grades and school history than this fraud.

I will be waiting for that list from you, you brainless squish pot.

There is only one reason he was elected you fuck. That is because of the largest group of racists. That means every fucking liberal who only see things through the color of someones skin. That includes white moronic liberals. You ignorant arrogant racist.

Well, I asked for some reasons the liberal patronizing racists support this fraud in the white house, and some of them said cause he speaks well?

Holy shit.

Can any of them name anything of substance? Or are they just admitting that adolf hitler would make a good leader? I have no fucking clue how those pieces of shit think.

Well, other than them being the pawns for the democrats, whose agenda is to annihilate the free market system and to rip away the power from the people.

Here is the absolute fact in regards to obama and what his campaign slogan should have been if he was ever going to be honest about it.

Obama's whole governing style is to see how much he can get away with. That is it, and that is all. He certainly had no intention of respecting the constitution that he and his people hate. That is for damn sure. He has gotten away with everything. That is not a reflection on him, but it is a reflection on his stupid voting base. Who, his people called morons.

Instead of being offended, the squish pots just keep up their stupid bullshit. It is unreal. Really. I mean just how pathetic they all are.

I am still waiting for that long list of reasons obama was so qualified to these sheep. He had no significant votes. We have no clue what his past is as far as schooling. No papers, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Liberals are ALL patronizing racists. That is it and that is all. There is ONLY ONE REASON why liberals voted for him. Only one.
In the left wing world, the race card trumps the sexism card and the sexism card slightly trumps the islamaphobe card. The homophobe card trumps the islamaphobe card but draws to a tie with the sexism card. Bottom line is Hillary Haldeman lost to the race card.
Now the media are obsessing with women and women victimhood and women's rights every day as a setup for Hillary Haldeman.
Why do you call her Hillary Haldeman? I thought it was Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's obama's henchman in the coverups of the Benghazi failure of duty just as Haldeman helped Nixon coverup involvement in the Watergate break-in. Compound that with her being the wife of a president who was impeached and she's also part Pat Nixon.
Somehow I don't see any democrats who would vote for either H.R. Haldeman or Pat Nixon if they were alive and running for office.
Why would Democrats vote for tricky Dick's wife or a former Nixon aid?
That's my point. Why would anyone regardless of party? That's why voting for Hillary demonstrates the ultimate in democrat hypocrisy.
What about the people who prefer Hillary's platform?

What about people turned off by evangelicals who focus on gay marriage/abortion/contraception?

What about those who don't feel old white guys represent thier agenda?'ve got plenty of reasons to hate Hillary...none of which have anything to do with her platform, which will undoubtedly be left to far left. With a little hawk thrown in for flavor.
Every possible Republican presidential nominee polls below Hillary.

Why is that not part of this discussion?...or are we going to cherry pick Obama's low approval ratings as valid, and the polls showing Hillary ahead as "skewed"?

If you demonize your oponent, you can't fight them effectivelly. - Jon Stewart.

Too much regurgitation of issues that won't affect the race. Like Benghazi, and shit from the 90's.
Well lets see

He has insured 10 million Americans who weren't insured before and covered people with pre-existing conditions
He has pulled 100,000 out of Iraq and brought 2000 troops back
Stopped a depression, cut unemployment by 4%, saved the auto companies, doubled the stock market and added 26 trillion in household wealth

And now the truth:

The majority of Americans who weren't insured are now on Medicaid, not Barry-Care, and can't find a doctor who will see them.
Premiums and deductibles for those who lost their insurance plan have doubled and tripled....but seniors now have coverage for birth control.
Hundreds of labor unions and favored industries and of course the Administration and Congress are exempt from the ACA yet it's good enough for us wage slaves as long as they don't have to call it a tax...which they never did until they argued it before the Supreme Court. And Justice Roberts spit the bit when he could have stopped it in it's tracks arguing they have the power to tax regardless of how the "individual mandate" was presented for passage.
There is no business model that can assert an insurance company can take on sick and injured people and stay in business. Therefore without government subsidies, the ACA falls apart...who pays the subsidies? We do of course through higher premiums and deductibles.
The website cost $400M and again doesn't work leaving subscribers not knowing if their application ever went through. Passwords lost, site security so poor the system has been hacked repeatedly. Anybody applying should know their medical information is being openly sold to identity thieves.
Well lets see

He has insured 10 million Americans who weren't insured before and covered people with pre-existing conditions
He has pulled 100,000 out of Iraq and brought 2000 troops back
Stopped a depression, cut unemployment by 4%, saved the auto companies, doubled the stock market and added 26 trillion in household wealth

And now the truth:

The majority of Americans who weren't insured are now on Medicaid, not Barry-Care, and can't find a doctor who will see them.
Premiums and deductibles for those who lost their insurance plan have doubled and tripled....but seniors now have coverage for birth control.
Hundreds of labor unions and favored industries and of course the Administration and Congress are exempt from the ACA yet it's good enough for us wage slaves as long as they don't have to call it a tax...which they never did until they argued it before the Supreme Court. And Justice Roberts spit the bit when he could have stopped it in it's tracks arguing they have the power to tax regardless of how the "individual mandate" was presented for passage.
There is no business model that can assert an insurance company can take on sick and injured people and stay in business. Therefore without government subsidies, the ACA falls apart...who pays the subsidies? We do of course through higher premiums and deductibles.
The website cost $400M and again doesn't work leaving subscribers not knowing if their application ever went through. Passwords lost, site security so poor the system has been hacked repeatedly. Anybody applying should know their medical information is being openly sold to identity thieves.

Everyone on a healthcare exchange has the option of finding a better policy on the open market

They can't
Well lets see

He has insured 10 million Americans who weren't insured before and covered people with pre-existing conditions
He has pulled 100,000 out of Iraq and brought 2000 troops back
Stopped a depression, cut unemployment by 4%, saved the auto companies, doubled the stock market and added 26 trillion in household wealth

And now the truth:

The majority of Americans who weren't insured are now on Medicaid, not Barry-Care, and can't find a doctor who will see them.
Premiums and deductibles for those who lost their insurance plan have doubled and tripled....but seniors now have coverage for birth control.
Hundreds of labor unions and favored industries and of course the Administration and Congress are exempt from the ACA yet it's good enough for us wage slaves as long as they don't have to call it a tax...which they never did until they argued it before the Supreme Court. And Justice Roberts spit the bit when he could have stopped it in it's tracks arguing they have the power to tax regardless of how the "individual mandate" was presented for passage.
There is no business model that can assert an insurance company can take on sick and injured people and stay in business. Therefore without government subsidies, the ACA falls apart...who pays the subsidies? We do of course through higher premiums and deductibles.
The website cost $400M and again doesn't work leaving subscribers not knowing if their application ever went through. Passwords lost, site security so poor the system has been hacked repeatedly. Anybody applying should know their medical information is being openly sold to identity thieves.

Notice the brainwashed hack and the brainwashed hacks like him who toss out those fraudulent numbers never factor in the number of people who lost their insurance and then were forced onto the ACA that does not provide them with anything that was promised for higher cost?

I notice that.

Remember, stats are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

The hopeless, brainless, hypocritical, intolerant, American hating sacks of left wing shit will never get that.
Well lets see

He has insured 10 million Americans who weren't insured before and covered people with pre-existing conditions
He has pulled 100,000 out of Iraq and brought 2000 troops back
Stopped a depression, cut unemployment by 4%, saved the auto companies, doubled the stock market and added 26 trillion in household wealth

And now the truth:

The majority of Americans who weren't insured are now on Medicaid, not Barry-Care, and can't find a doctor who will see them.
Premiums and deductibles for those who lost their insurance plan have doubled and tripled....but seniors now have coverage for birth control.
Hundreds of labor unions and favored industries and of course the Administration and Congress are exempt from the ACA yet it's good enough for us wage slaves as long as they don't have to call it a tax...which they never did until they argued it before the Supreme Court. And Justice Roberts spit the bit when he could have stopped it in it's tracks arguing they have the power to tax regardless of how the "individual mandate" was presented for passage.
There is no business model that can assert an insurance company can take on sick and injured people and stay in business. Therefore without government subsidies, the ACA falls apart...who pays the subsidies? We do of course through higher premiums and deductibles.
The website cost $400M and again doesn't work leaving subscribers not knowing if their application ever went through. Passwords lost, site security so poor the system has been hacked repeatedly. Anybody applying should know their medical information is being openly sold to identity thieves.

Everyone on a healthcare exchange has the option of finding a better policy on the open market

They can't

You're a fucking don't source anything you say because you can't. The ACA was never intended to was always intended to tear apart private healthcare and move us all onto single payer government insurance...we all see how well that works with the VA. You're nothing but a stooge for rotten socialists who are getting rich through these schemes.
Well lets see

He has insured 10 million Americans who weren't insured before and covered people with pre-existing conditions
He has pulled 100,000 out of Iraq and brought 2000 troops back
Stopped a depression, cut unemployment by 4%, saved the auto companies, doubled the stock market and added 26 trillion in household wealth

And now the truth:

The majority of Americans who weren't insured are now on Medicaid, not Barry-Care, and can't find a doctor who will see them.
Premiums and deductibles for those who lost their insurance plan have doubled and tripled....but seniors now have coverage for birth control.
Hundreds of labor unions and favored industries and of course the Administration and Congress are exempt from the ACA yet it's good enough for us wage slaves as long as they don't have to call it a tax...which they never did until they argued it before the Supreme Court. And Justice Roberts spit the bit when he could have stopped it in it's tracks arguing they have the power to tax regardless of how the "individual mandate" was presented for passage.
There is no business model that can assert an insurance company can take on sick and injured people and stay in business. Therefore without government subsidies, the ACA falls apart...who pays the subsidies? We do of course through higher premiums and deductibles.
The website cost $400M and again doesn't work leaving subscribers not knowing if their application ever went through. Passwords lost, site security so poor the system has been hacked repeatedly. Anybody applying should know their medical information is being openly sold to identity thieves.

Everyone on a healthcare exchange has the option of finding a better policy on the open market

They can't

You're a fucking don't source anything you say because you can't. The ACA was never intended to was always intended to tear apart private healthcare and move us all onto single payer government insurance...we all see how well that works with the VA. You're nothing but a stooge for rotten socialists who are getting rich through these schemes.

Healthcare exchanges were put in place to cover people who couldn't find coverage on the open market. There is no single payer government insurance. It would have been cheaper and offer better service, but we sold out to the insurance lobby
Notice the brainwashed hack and the brainwashed hacks like him who toss out those fraudulent numbers never factor in the number of people who lost their insurance and then were forced onto the ACA that does not provide them with anything that was promised for higher cost?

I notice that.

Remember, stats are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, what they conceal is vital.

The hopeless, brainless, hypocritical, intolerant, American hating sacks of left wing shit will never get that.

He's a certified liar...there are now LESS Americans with health insurance than before the ACA. There also millions of Americans no longer employed or full-time employed before the ACA and by February the numbers will show the real CARNAGE that it's brought to us. Employers will do everything in their power to stay below the minimum employee numbers and outsource anything they can to avoid paying the bill.

His lies about the unemployed are disgusting....all told, we still have over 12% unemployment and 15% underemployment when you count those who've given up. All the jobs fairs are looking for now are telemarketers. Salesmen no longer required...the techs do the paperwork...nobody is making any money but the business owners who've figured out how to game the system. Compare prices before the 2007 Rat takeover compared to today and it's sickening....corn being used for fuel instead of feed stock making beef out of the question for most consumers...gas prices twice what they were under Bush...and on and on and on....fucking Rats.
Healthcare exchanges were put in place to cover people who couldn't find coverage on the open market. There is no single payer government insurance. It would have been cheaper and offer better service, but we sold out to the insurance lobby

Divert and deflect you lying sack of shit...of course there's no single payer....NOT YET but that's the plan or was until Gruber shot off his mouth.....Now Pelousy never heard of him, and despite multiple visits to the Oval Office, neither has Barry. And now you're blaming this cluster fuck on the insurance companies? What did you expect them to do.....lose money? The plan was to take insurance companies OUT OF THE HEALTHCARE BUSINESS...and you sit here grabbing at straws to defend these rotten socialists.....disgusting.

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