How did Hillary lose? I would really like to discuss this.

they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

No she was betrayed.

Yup. They threw her under the bus for the half black guy no one ever heard of.
Incorrect. Lazy assed hacks had not heard of Obama. From his keynote address at the 04 convention, he was on a trajectory to leave an impact on the Party. Even someone of your limited intelligence could have seen it.

Her party betrayed her because the half black guy was more marketable than the first woman president.
Only someone who can't remember/understand history would believe such a bald faced lie like the one you just told.

You see dimwit, there are these things called delegates. If you get a majority of them, you win the nomination. There is no betrayal going on...there are voters who cast votes.

If you were to have done some research into the topic you're opining about instead of (as always), just shooting from the would have seen this map.


The gold states were one's Hillary won. The purple states were ones Obama won.

This is probably too deep for your shallow mind but I'll endeavor to explain it to you. It was established before the contests began that the Democrats would award most of their states on a proportional basis. This means that if you win Texas 50 to 47 percent, you get 65 of the delegates and the "loser" Obama got 61. A margin of four What Clinton's campaign didn't grasp or understand or ignored was that a state like Idaho where Obama got 80% of the vote, he got 17 of their delegates to Hillary getting 3. A margin of 14. So between the two contests, Obama actually came away with 10 more delegates. The headlines at the time actually heralded Clinton's resurgence and her ability to win large states whereas the real story was the delegate count.

Again, had you done ANY research into the topic, you would have known that Clinton way over-spent in her 2006 Senatorial election; had over-spent in the ramp-up and roll-out of her presidential campaign. So when it came to competing in obscure caucuses, the Clinton campaign had trouble mounting a ground game.

Again, all of this is well-documented. Nobody threw anyone under the bus. What it comes down to is the conservative/GOP pre-set position that if a black person is in their line of view, they are there because of one of three reasons:

1. Affirmative Action
2. They are in the wrong neighborhood
3. Someone is behind the scenes facilitating this miscarriage of justice.

It's against your DNA to think or, perish the though, give credit to the shepherds of the Obama campaign that they ran a smarter campaign than Clinton for you see, a black couldn't possibly beat a white person when all other factors are equal.

Obama did. It's been 8 years. Accept it.

My limited intelligence huh? Well I never heard of the dude till he started running for POTUS. Neither did anyone I know. They all asked who the hell is Obama?

As for his being half black ? Of course you bring that up because it means more to you than it does to me. The guys a lousy POTUS and I could care what color he is.

Perhaps your the one who needs to catch a clue.

2008 was Hillary's year and her party threw her under the bus and decided to support the half black guy and the LSM helped him right along.

Its been eight years and we have no choice but to accept it. Doesn't mean we have to agree with it.

Catch a clue.
Healthcare exchanges were put in place to cover people who couldn't find coverage on the open market. There is no single payer government insurance. It would have been cheaper and offer better service, but we sold out to the insurance lobby

Divert and deflect you lying sack of shit...of course there's no single payer....NOT YET but that's the plan or was until Gruber shot off his mouth.....Now Pelousy never heard of him, and despite multiple visits to the Oval Office, neither has Barry. And now you're blaming this cluster fuck on the insurance companies? What did you expect them to do.....lose money? The plan was to take insurance companies OUT OF THE HEALTHCARE BUSINESS...and you sit here grabbing at straws to defend these rotten socialists.....disgusting.

We can only hope

Countries with single payer offer better services at lower rates. Ask yourself why Canadians are not fighting to get their health insurance through insurance companies again
We can only hope

Countries with single payer offer better services at lower rates. Ask yourself why Canadians are not fighting to get their health insurance through insurance companies again

And there it is.....I finally dragged the truth out of you. Yeah, we should copy the Canadian model...uh huh....ever been to Spokane. Washington? That's where central and western canucks used to come for medical care to get off the 18 month waiting list for a procedure. Think the canucks don't have death panels to ration care? You're not only a liar but the dumbest fuck on this board.....who do you think produces the vaccines and new equipment for your socialist paradise countries?....WE DO or did before these Rats started to dismantle our system....MOVE TO CUBA why don't sit here extolling the virtues of places you know nothing about....too cowardly to go live in a society that is told what and where and when to take a crap....that's what you long for here thinking you'll be one of the elite who gets the good stuff while the peons go without....C'mon boy.....go see how the rest of the world lives before you try to import their failures...I dare ya.
they have books on this you could read....or you know google..
The short answer is Hillary lost because she was old and tired, and Obama was young and fresh. There is nothing else to figure out

No she was betrayed.

Yup. They threw her under the bus for the half black guy no one ever heard of.
Incorrect. Lazy assed hacks had not heard of Obama. From his keynote address at the 04 convention, he was on a trajectory to leave an impact on the Party. Even someone of your limited intelligence could have seen it.

Her party betrayed her because the half black guy was more marketable than the first woman president.
Only someone who can't remember/understand history would believe such a bald faced lie like the one you just told.

You see dimwit, there are these things called delegates. If you get a majority of them, you win the nomination. There is no betrayal going on...there are voters who cast votes.

If you were to have done some research into the topic you're opining about instead of (as always), just shooting from the would have seen this map.


The gold states were one's Hillary won. The purple states were ones Obama won.

This is probably too deep for your shallow mind but I'll endeavor to explain it to you. It was established before the contests began that the Democrats would award most of their states on a proportional basis. This means that if you win Texas 50 to 47 percent, you get 65 of the delegates and the "loser" Obama got 61. A margin of four What Clinton's campaign didn't grasp or understand or ignored was that a state like Idaho where Obama got 80% of the vote, he got 17 of their delegates to Hillary getting 3. A margin of 14. So between the two contests, Obama actually came away with 10 more delegates. The headlines at the time actually heralded Clinton's resurgence and her ability to win large states whereas the real story was the delegate count.

Again, had you done ANY research into the topic, you would have known that Clinton way over-spent in her 2006 Senatorial election; had over-spent in the ramp-up and roll-out of her presidential campaign. So when it came to competing in obscure caucuses, the Clinton campaign had trouble mounting a ground game.

Again, all of this is well-documented. Nobody threw anyone under the bus. What it comes down to is the conservative/GOP pre-set position that if a black person is in their line of view, they are there because of one of three reasons:

1. Affirmative Action
2. They are in the wrong neighborhood
3. Someone is behind the scenes facilitating this miscarriage of justice.

It's against your DNA to think or, perish the though, give credit to the shepherds of the Obama campaign that they ran a smarter campaign than Clinton for you see, a black couldn't possibly beat a white person when all other factors are equal.

Obama did. It's been 8 years. Accept it.

Great post

What it leaves out is that Hillary cheated in Florida and Michigan to claim delegates. Both Florida and Michigan attempted to "jump the line" and hold their primaries in January. Those primaries were declared invalid and the other candidates withdrew their names. Hillary kept her name on the ballot and "won" those states

Democratic Party presidential primaries 2008 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hillary made a good run in 2008. Almost won

In 2016, she does not have to face Obama and gets another second tier Republican to run against
And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.
And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.

Hillary did not take a beating

In 2016, Republicans will have to face yet another popular Democrat with a less than ideal Republican
But wait, it gets worse
In 2014, Republicans only had to defend 10 Senate seats with 23 Dem seats up for grabs. In 2016, it is Republicans who have to defend 24 seats while the Dems only have to defend 10
I think it's because she's just not very likeable. In 2008. as soon as a viable alternate came along the progressive wingnuts dropped Hillary like a bad habit.
Deep down, Democrat voters know that she's the ultimate carpetbagger, a talentless cuckquean riding here philandering husbands coattails. It was fine for the Senate where she's only 1 of 100. But playing for the big chair is another story.....I think her schtick is too old now. They've seen this movie too many's not nostalgic or interesting or unique anymore.....She's not Bill.

Democrats will drop this bitch as soon as an alternate arrives.
We can only hope

Countries with single payer offer better services at lower rates. Ask yourself why Canadians are not fighting to get their health insurance through insurance companies again

And there it is.....I finally dragged the truth out of you. Yeah, we should copy the Canadian model...uh huh....ever been to Spokane. Washington? That's where central and western canucks used to come for medical care to get off the 18 month waiting list for a procedure. Think the canucks don't have death panels to ration care? You're not only a liar but the dumbest fuck on this board.....who do you think produces the vaccines and new equipment for your socialist paradise countries?....WE DO or did before these Rats started to dismantle our system....MOVE TO CUBA why don't sit here extolling the virtues of places you know nothing about....too cowardly to go live in a society that is told what and where and when to take a crap....that's what you long for here thinking you'll be one of the elite who gets the good stuff while the peons go without....C'mon boy.....go see how the rest of the world lives before you try to import their failures...I dare ya.

Yup. I lived in NH for twenty plus years and I can't tell you how many Canadians I spoke with at my parents store who said they came here because the waits in Canada were to long.

Hell. A friend of mine has a Canadian friend who came here to get treated for breast cancer. If she'd waited on the Canadian system she would have died. She's alive and well twenty years later.

There are loads of independent Canadian health care systems out there. They are becoming popular with the Canadian citizens.
I think it's because she's just not very likeable. In 2008. as soon as a viable alternate came along the progressive wingnuts dropped Hillary like a bad habit.
Deep down, Democrat voters know that she's the ultimate carpetbagger, a talentless cuckquean riding here philandering husbands coattails. It was fine for the Senate where she's only 1 of 100. But playing for the big chair is another story.....I think her schtick is too old now. They've seen this movie too many's not nostalgic or interesting or unique anymore.....She's not Bill.

Democrats will drop this bitch as soon as an alternate arrives.

I actually agree with you

Hillary is old and tired. A 1990's politician who has not changed much. She is not a dynamic speaker and has no refreshing new ideas. But she is, by far, the most experienced and identifiable candidate in 2016

She is beatable with the right candidate. Obama was young, dynamic, charismatic and black. He offered a refreshing alternative to old school Hillary

Republicans don't have that type of candidate in their arsenal. Bush and Christie can appeal to the center but are flawed. Cruz, Rubio, Carson and Paul are all destined for the GOP clown car

I don't see Hillary being beaten
Last edited:
And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.

Hillary did not take a beating

In 2016, Republicans will have to face yet another popular Democrat with a less than ideal Republican
But wait, it gets worse
In 2014, Republicans only had to defend 10 Senate seats with 23 Dem seats up for grabs. In 2016, it is Republicans who have to defend 24 seats while the Dems only have to defend 10[/QUOTE

And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.

Hillary did not take a beating

In 2016, Republicans will have to face yet another popular Democrat with a less than ideal Republican
But wait, it gets worse
In 2014, Republicans only had to defend 10 Senate seats with 23 Dem seats up for grabs. In 2016, it is Republicans who have to defend 24 seats while the Dems only have to defend 10

She sure did take a beating by her own party who decided they would rather support the half black dude.

As for her being popular?? Well mayby with Dems who'd vote for Jack the Ripper as long he was a Dem but Hillary is far from popular with most Americans.

As for the congress. Time will tell there. The Reps sure had no problem kicking the Dems to the curb in 2014.
And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.

Hillary did not take a beating

In 2016, Republicans will have to face yet another popular Democrat with a less than ideal Republican
But wait, it gets worse
In 2014, Republicans only had to defend 10 Senate seats with 23 Dem seats up for grabs. In 2016, it is Republicans who have to defend 24 seats while the Dems only have to defend 10

She took a beating from her own party who decided they would go with the half black dude.

As for her popularity? She would be popular with any Dem. A Dem who would vote for Jack the Ripper as long as he was a Dem. I don't think she' s all that popular with most Americans though.

As for Congress. Time will tell on that one. The Reps had no problem kicking the Dems to the curb in 2014 and I for one hope they can do the same in 2016.
And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.

Hillary did not take a beating

In 2016, Republicans will have to face yet another popular Democrat with a less than ideal Republican
But wait, it gets worse
In 2014, Republicans only had to defend 10 Senate seats with 23 Dem seats up for grabs. In 2016, it is Republicans who have to defend 24 seats while the Dems only have to defend 10

She took a beating from her own party who decided they would go with the half black dude.

As for her popularity? She would be popular with any Dem. A Dem who would vote for Jack the Ripper as long as he was a Dem. Don't think she' all that popular with most Americans though.

As for Congress. Time will tell on that one. The Reps had no problem kicking the Dems to the curb in 2014 and I for one hope they can do the same in 2016.
And once again we see this joke of a poster blithely ignore the beating he just took and continue his two sentence inanity once another hour he'll be repeating the lies he just got caught in.

Hillary did not take a beating

In 2016, Republicans will have to face yet another popular Democrat with a less than ideal Republican
But wait, it gets worse
In 2014, Republicans only had to defend 10 Senate seats with 23 Dem seats up for grabs. In 2016, it is Republicans who have to defend 24 seats while the Dems only have to defend 10

She took a beating from her own party who decided they would go with the half black dude.

As for her popularity? She would be popular with any Dem. A Dem who would vote for Jack the Ripper as long as he was a Dem. I don't think she' s all that popular with most Americans though.

As for Congress. Time will tell on that one. The Reps had no problem kicking the Dems to the curb in 2014 and I for one hope they can do the same in 2016.

Obama was a better choice in 2008. He was more dynamic and exciting than Hillary. The voters agreed

The Republicans have no Obama on the horizon
The Republicans have no Obama on the horizon

On this we can agree....we have no lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya on our side. :eusa_snooty:

And therein lies your problem

Republicans ran your best candidates against a lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya and he beat the shit out of you TWICE

What chance do you have in 2016?
The Republicans have no Obama on the horizon

On this we can agree....we have no lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya on our side. :eusa_snooty:

And therein lies your problem

Republicans ran your best candidates against a lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya and he beat the shit out of you TWICE

What chance do you have in 2016?

So that's it with you? Who can trick and lie to enough voters to get in power? Hillary is already dead meat fool......who you got after she collapses into a heap of drunken wrinkles?
The Republicans have no Obama on the horizon

On this we can agree....we have no lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya on our side. :eusa_snooty:

And therein lies your problem

Republicans ran your best candidates against a lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya and he beat the shit out of you TWICE

What chance do you have in 2016?

So that's it with you? Who can trick and lie to enough voters to get in power? Hillary is already dead meat fool......who you got after she collapses into a heap of drunken wrinkles?

You see...that is why you can't beat Hillary

Republicans having to resort to petty insults will ensure an easy Clinton victory. Go ahead.....make Hillary the victim
Voters love that
The Republicans have no Obama on the horizon

On this we can agree....we have no lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya on our side. :eusa_snooty:

And therein lies your problem

Republicans ran your best candidates against a lying sack of shit queer muslim born in Kenya and he beat the shit out of you TWICE

What chance do you have in 2016?

So that's it with you? Who can trick and lie to enough voters to get in power? Hillary is already dead meat fool......who you got after she collapses into a heap of drunken wrinkles?

You see...that is why you can't beat Hillary

Republicans having to resort to petty insults will ensure an easy Clinton victory. Go ahead.....make Hillary the victim
Voters love that

She lost to the STINK that's now all over her...and her lying sack of shit husband can't help her this time and she knows it...this tour she's on is to sell her book (which is failing miserably)...she won't run...Romney is the next president.
In the left wing world, the race card trumps the sexism card and the sexism card slightly trumps the islamaphobe card. The homophobe card trumps the islamaphobe card but draws to a tie with the sexism card. Bottom line is Hillary Haldeman lost to the race card.
Now the media are obsessing with women and women victimhood and women's rights every day as a setup for Hillary Haldeman.
Why do you call her Hillary Haldeman? I thought it was Hillary Rodham Clinton
She's obama's henchman in the coverups of the Benghazi failure of duty just as Haldeman helped Nixon coverup involvement in the Watergate break-in. Compound that with her being the wife of a president who was impeached and she's also part Pat Nixon.
Somehow I don't see any democrats who would vote for either H.R. Haldeman or Pat Nixon if they were alive and running for office.
Why would Democrats vote for tricky Dick's wife or a former Nixon aid?
That's my point. Why would anyone regardless of party? That's why voting for Hillary demonstrates the ultimate in democrat hypocrisy.
What about the people who prefer Hillary's platform?

What about people turned off by evangelicals who focus on gay marriage/abortion/contraception?

What about those who don't feel old white guys represent thier agenda?'ve got plenty of reasons to hate Hillary...none of which have anything to do with her platform, which will undoubtedly be left to far left. With a little hawk thrown in for flavor.
What platform? The one that pushed to invade Iraq or the one that was against the Iraq war? The one that pushed for socialized medicine? The one that encourages unstructured families through pandering to neocon lefty agendas like single moms by choice and homo marriage? The broad who lied about Benghazi and helped her boss coverup that epic failure? No thanks. I need someone who is honest and up-to-date aware and concerned for Americans and not just gender-specific or hyphenated Americans.

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