How Democrats Define 'Conspiracy Theory'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So let's see....

When the Russiagate nonsense began, all that the Dimbocraps had was a peepee document that they had helped compose with the assistance of Russian disinformation agents.

But that was legit, no conspiracy at all.

Then when the Ukrainegate impeachment took place, the President was impeached in a failed attempt to remove him from office all based on hearsay evidence from a 'whistleblower', who it turns out was not actually a whistleblower. They impeached a President on hearsay evidence, nothing more and fought to protect his 'source' despite a public's presumed right to know the source from whom impeachable evidence was supposedly obtained.

But that was legit, totally legit, no conspiracy at all, and with that frail twig they tried to negate the 2016 election.

Now Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York and the hired attorney for the Chief Executive of the United States Government, has obtained over TWO THOUSAND SWORN AFFIDAVITS, sworn under penalty of perjury, that all state that they saw voter fraud going on in Michigan.

But that has supposedly been 'debunked' and is a 'Conspiracy Theory'. lol

Republican poll watchers have been assaulted, ejected from being able to do their jobs though they had a legal right to observe, they have been threatened, their children threatened, and their lives RUINED by a vindictive group of people who do not want their bi-annual voter fraud system to be stopped or revealed.

These same people have trucked hundreds of thousands of FILLED IN MAIL-IN BALLOTS from New York where they were counterfeited to various states unknown, and they oppose with desperate determination ANY ATTEMPTS to investigate these charges.

These same people have taken money in the hundreds of millions of USD indirectly from our sworn enemies and used it to promote THE interests of our enemies against that of the USA by causing widespread loss of confidence in our election system.

These same people are doing all of this to remove from office the most effective President we have had since Abraham Lincoln, and they do all that to promote their own partisan interests at the expense of our entire nation.

These people are the Democratic Party, the party of rebellion, treason and the swindling of the American working Class.

Now that is a conspiracy, but it is no theory as they do this in plain sight while coward Republicans look aside.

How long will we let this go on? There is a point of No Return, where the Enemies of our Republic have gained so many baked in advantages through fraud. intimidation and bribery, that the only means to remove them will be Bloody, violent Civil War.

I pray we can avoid that bloodshed, but we can only do it if we restore confidence in our elections by fully investigating these allegations of fraud by forensic analysis.

ANYTHING that doesn't support EVERYTHING they do/want is a "Conspiracy" theory. To a Prog "Bi Partisanship" means complete capitulation to whatever they want.

GOP Rep. Gohmert Scolds DOJ, FBI, AG Barr: 'Do Your Jobs!'
There is not a lack of evidence, but a lack of investigation and transparency by the Justice Department in rooting out voter and election fraud, House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, implored Thursday.
"We're coming down to the wire, and we have not had a proper job done by the Department of Justice, and certainly not by the FBI," Gohmert told reporters at the HFC news conference to call on Attorney General William Barr to give Americans an update on investigations into potential voter and election fraud.
"There's been widespread evidence of fraud because people haven't done their jobs" in investigating past claims of voter and election fraud, Gohmert added.
"[Special counsel John] Durham and Barr will deserve a big notion in history when it's written of the rise and fall of the United States, if they don't clean up this mess. Clean up the fraud. Do your jobs and save this little experiment in self-government. That's our challenge to the people at the top of Justice Department."
Gohmert lamented the only public acknowledgment to date from AG Barr has been to say there is no widespread evidence of voter fraud that would overturn the results of this presidential election.
"There is evidence that needs to be gathered," Gohmert said. "We've been trying to bring it to the Justice Department's attention to do something to protect the integrity of the 2020 election."

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