How Could We Have fallen So Far So Fast?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Read it and weep. When Pancho Villa struck across the border into Arizona at the turn of the last century and killed some Americans, the US Government sent a few guys called "Blackjack" Pershing and George S Patton to try to rectify the problem. Today, when the State of Arizona tried to shut down the flood of Mexican nationals illegally crossing its borders and inundating its welfare rolls, the Federal Government sent Eric Hiolder to shut down Arizona's right and ability to defend itself.
Nice work whoever you are.]

"We're the battling boys of Benghazi
No fun, no glory, no paparazzi
Just a fiery death in a blazing Hell
Defending the country we loved so well

It wasn't our job, but we answewred the call
Fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety and stood at the gate

Just the two of us and foes by the score
But we stood fast to bar the door
Three calls for reinforcements, but all were denied
So we fought and we fought and we fought till we died

We gave our all for our Uncle Sam
But Barack Obama didn't give a damn
Just two dead Seals who carried the load
No thanks to us- "Just bumps in the road!""

"I won!" Barack Obama

Michelle Obama's Mirror: So Let It Be Written: Mazel Tov!
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