How committed to forcing core American whitey to comply is this administration? Why is core American whitey so resistant?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This thread is not intended to flame...I'm simply trying to be as short and concise as possible.
This admin obviously believes the solution to solving this nations divide lies with core American whitey...Only he/she can bring this country together...all they have to do is COMPLY....All they have to do is....
Celebrate the destruction of national monuments
Atone for slavery and support reparations
Pretend that our worse are our best
Hate Americas right to sovereignty / support open borders
Pretend America is better when strangers can't communicate at the bank because they don't speak the same language
Believe a man with a penis can be a woman
Champion some newly packaged form of socialism / marxism
Celebrate every time fewer whites take part in anything and everything

I don't understand why whitey can't get behind all this for the good of the nation as a whole.
You missed a few;

Don't forget HR-1, only democrats win elections.
Defund the police, no laws are enforced
Russia First Energy policies
Lax military posture "wokeness trumps readiness"
The Green New Deal, the US pays $Trillions to poor countries
Support criminals, no bail, no prosecution, no jail time, etc.
Reprogrammed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers, only public schools can exist
China First trade policies
Outsource jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replace the Electoral College with the popular vote
Pack the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Harry Dresden is it the conservatives resistance to the aforementioned that you may have mistaken for "HATE"?
Do you believe core American conservative whitey owes it to the nation to just roll over and take it up the ass?
Harry Dresden is it the conservatives resistance to the aforementioned that you may have mistaken for "HATE"?
Do you believe core American conservative whitey owes it to the nation to just roll over and take it up the ass?
look loser you are a fucking bigot....its hard to agree with you on anything because of that....remember i know what you think of brown people even the ones born here...what you should do is get the fuck out of California its rotting you from the inside out.....
This thread is not intended to flame...I'm simply trying to be as short and concise as possible.
This admin obviously believes the solution to solving this nations divide lies with core American whitey...Only he/she can bring this country together...all they have to do is COMPLY....All they have to do is....
Celebrate the destruction of national monuments
Atone for slavery and support reparations
Pretend that our worse are our best
Hate Americas right to sovereignty / support open borders
Pretend America is better when strangers can't communicate at the bank because they don't speak the same language
Believe a man with a penis can be a woman
Champion some newly packaged form of socialism / marxism
Celebrate every time fewer whites take part in anything and everything

I don't understand why whitey can't get behind all this for the good of the nation as a whole.

The gentleman who occupies the Oval Office has been very frank: He aims to be the most progressive President in American history. Translation: "White Supremacy" -- according to him -- is this nation's biggest problem.

So he promises to smash it and make sure that a certain ethnicity is given absolute equality and then some.

Last November's election -- we are told -- was the most secure one in our history. So apparently 80,000,000 people are very happy with Mr. Biden's policies.

In fact, there is the possibility that he may be the last Caucasian President in this country's history. Presumably, that would make him very, very happy.
What in the hell is a "core American whitey"? What is a "core American" to begin with? We Americans are all here together, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and any other characteristic. Why don't you want to participate in US society? You can't hide yourself away forever.
look loser you are a fucking bigot....its hard to agree with you on anything because of that....remember i know what you think of brown people even the ones born here...what you should do is get the fuck out of California its rotting you from the inside out.....
We moved on from ME when I told you I take great pride in my bigotry.
We're back to Conservative/Republicans in general...
"What do conservatives hate that shouldn't be hated?"
This shouldn't be all that difficult for you to answer...Remember, you said "both parties hate equally" when I said Libs hate America's founding, America's history, America's principle moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion......Come on man, stop trying so hard to bullshit yourself and stay on that fence.
What in the hell is a "core American whitey"? What is a "core American" to begin with? We Americans are all here together, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and any other characteristic. Why don't you want to participate in US society? You can't hide yourself away forever.
hahahaha...I'll play this retarded game again.
"Core American's" practice, love and respect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding, America's history, America's principle, moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion even America's know, all those things you globalist America haters hate.
We moved on from ME when I told you I take great pride in my bigotry.
We're back to Conservative/Republicans in general...
"What do conservatives hate that shouldn't be hated?"
This shouldn't be all that difficult for you to answer...Remember, you said "both parties hate equally" when I said Libs hate America's founding, America's history, America's principle moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion......Come on man, stop trying so hard to bullshit yourself and stay on that fence.
and i told you many a hate anyone who doesnt think like you or like what you like....we have been through this a few times already...and you hate anyone darker than you which you have demonstrated time and time again....come on man quit trying to act like you aint a fucking bigot...
hahahaha...I'll play this retarded game again.
"Core American's" practice, love and respect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding, America's history, America's principle, moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion even America's know, all those things you globalist America haters hate.

You don't define what is anything "American" and you don't define what is "the American Way." You have gotten a bit big for your britches.
This thread is not intended to flame...I'm simply trying to be as short and concise as possible.
This admin obviously believes the solution to solving this nations divide lies with core American whitey...Only he/she can bring this country together...all they have to do is COMPLY....All they have to do is....
Celebrate the destruction of national monuments
Atone for slavery and support reparations
Pretend that our worse are our best
Hate Americas right to sovereignty / support open borders
Pretend America is better when strangers can't communicate at the bank because they don't speak the same language
Believe a man with a penis can be a woman
Champion some newly packaged form of socialism / marxism
Celebrate every time fewer whites take part in anything and everything

I don't understand why whitey can't get behind all this for the good of the nation as a whole.
That's a nice fantasy world you have there.

In reality nobody is try to do any of that.
and i told you many a hate anyone who doesnt think like you or like what you like....we have been through this a few times already...and you hate anyone darker than you which you have demonstrated time and time again....come on man quit trying to act like you aint a fucking bigot...
Again, I'm a proud bigot and equal opportunity hater...Try this again Harry.
We're back to Conservatives/Republicans in general...
"What do conservatives hate that shouldn't be hated?"
This thread is not intended to flame...I'm simply trying to be as short and concise as possible.
This admin obviously believes the solution to solving this nations divide lies with core American whitey...Only he/she can bring this country together...all they have to do is COMPLY....All they have to do is....
Celebrate the destruction of national monuments
Atone for slavery and support reparations
Pretend that our worse are our best
Hate Americas right to sovereignty / support open borders
Pretend America is better when strangers can't communicate at the bank because they don't speak the same language
Believe a man with a penis can be a woman
Champion some newly packaged form of socialism / marxism
Celebrate every time fewer whites take part in anything and everything
"core American whitey"......:heehee:
On social issues it appears corporations are more than willing to at least pay lip service to liberal values. Mostly because a majority of Americans are on the same page and they know what side their bread is buttered on.

Again, I'm a proud bigot and equal opportunity hater...Try this again Harry.
We're back to Conservatives/Republicans in general...
"What do conservatives hate that shouldn't be hated?"
your a proud bigot.....conservatives i know have no problems with brown people who were born here....unlike asswipes like you...
On social issues it appears corporations are more than willing to at least pay lip service to liberal values. Mostly because a majority of Americans are on the same page and they know what side their bread is buttered on.
"Americans" don't drive the narrative....the unAmerican filth in Loon York and Mexifornia do.....Jack Dorsey, the Google faggots and Mark Zuckerberg do....a twisted and corrupt academia does, the Democrat propaganda arm / media does...I suspect you already knew this?

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