How committed to forcing core American whitey to comply is this administration? Why is core American whitey so resistant?

Don’t you ever get sick of whining about cultural shit like this? I’m not saying the left doesn’t, but you are no better than the people who whine from the other shoe. I get so sick of this cultural shit that doesn’t matter. Things like climate change, voting rights, and infrastructure are issues that present an existential threat to the country but you want to cry like a little bitch about transgendered people simply existing. You just come across like a child.

Real men don’t whine about gay people simply existing. Real men focus on their own lives. Whining about chicks with dicks just makes you sound like an 8th grader. They don’t affect your quality of life whatsoever but you pretend they do because you’re a drama Queen with victim complex.
Sane legit Americans are able to look beyond their nose...they have a much broader view of America than do the emotional parasites (the Left) whom plague this nation with their twisted, unAmerican ideologies.
The Left is hell-bent on tearing down the moral fabric of America, they seek to morph this nation into a no boundaries, anything goes free for all shithole....they can’t and won’t get out of their own way.
Look, I get it, you hate that good, real, core Americans have become retaliatory, you hate that “Trumpers” stand in your way and won’t allow the lunacy to carry on unabated.
Sorry bud...just get your shit RIGHT, behave like a legit American does and stop worrying...simple shit.
Sane legit Americans are able to look beyond their nose...they have a much broader view of America than do the emotional parasites (the Left) whom plague this nation with their twisted, unAmerican ideologies.
The Left is hell-bent on tearing down the moral fabric of America, they seek to morph this nation into a no boundaries, anything goes free for all shithole....they can’t and won’t get out of their own way.
Look, I get it, you hate that good, real, core Americans have become retaliatory, you hate that “Trumpers” stand in your way and won’t allow the lunacy to carry on unabated.
Sorry bud...just get your shit RIGHT, behave like a legit American does and stop worrying...simple shit.
Ugh you Trumptards pretend like you’re brave martyrs or some shit when you’re really just inbred morons. I get that you’re life is boring but pretending you’re something you’re not is counter productive.
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Ugh you Trumptards pretend like you’re brave martyrs when you’re really just inbred morons. It’s so pitiful lol. I get that you’re life is boring but pretending you’re something you’re not is counter productive.
You're at least as prejudiced against people as he is, so I don't know where you get off thinking you're above anyone, guy.
This is all about the “Great Replacement” paranoia that is at the foundation of Trumpism .

It’s about fear, and hate is based in fear.

I actually agree that some of their concerns are reasonable. But their ham-handed “arguments” are so poorly executed that they come off as Neanderthals.
From the link;

"The Democrats' ultimate end game - making our vote meaningless

This is how those who stole last year's Presidential election (and probably stole control of the Senate in the same way) plan to keep their ill-gotten gains.

In February, Biden signed an executive order which included one of the most blatant efforts to roll out a voter turnout operation across the span of the entire federal government.
The Interagency Working Group on Promoting Naturalization brought together the heads of agencies to figure out the best way to create as many new Democrat voters as possible. The agencies included the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Education, Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, the Department of Defense, and the USDA.
This month, the Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization was released. The Obama administration had its own project for turning aliens into citizens as quickly as possible in order to get them on the voting rolls, but the new strategy goes beyond anything Obama tried to do.
The new strategy begins with using DHS to assemble all the available data on the "potential naturalization-eligible populations" and breaking it down by age, sex, and zip code, as well as other demographic details, to target "outreach".
By "outreach", the working group of agencies headed by Biden appointees means converting aliens into citizens.
That data will allow the government and a spectrum of “partners”, most of them Democrat allies, to target resident aliens the way a corporation targets potential customers of its products.
Except that the data is coming from the government and the product is voting for Democrats.
While citizenship is in theory non-partisan, the strategy makes it clear that it's targeting potential Democrat voting blocs such as refugees, asylum seekers, and agricultural workers, not to mention “underserved and marginalized communities” through "community-based organizations". What that means is that the federal government is going to be pumping even more money into Democrat community groups to encourage them to turn resident aliens into citizens for a massive voter turnout operation funded by taxpayers.
The federal government won't just be financing a Democrat turnout operation, it's mobilizing all of its resources to provide the data and the logistics across a variety of federal agencies.
But the money potentially won't just be coming from the government.
One of the more curious items mentions exploring "the feasibility of accepting private donations to support the USCIS Citizenship and Integration Grant Program". If Congress won't allocate enough money, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other Democrat mega-donors might.
The resulting "public-private partnership" would combine Democrat mega-donor cash with federal government resources for a voter turnout operation that would put the government even more firmly under the control of the Democrat donor class in order to rig the next elections.
The new strategy begins with turning refugees into resident aliens and turning aliens into citizens by utilizing the resources of the immigration system. That's not dramatically new, but the goal of the new strategy is to have every component of the government push citizenship.
The strategy doesn’t just run the expected informational campaigns through the post office or museums, but it also uses parts of the government that the aliens are expected to interact more closely and meaningfully with, like HUD, SSA, and the Department of Labor, to function as citizenship offices. Some federal agencies are barely doing their actual jobs, but will now also be tasked with finding new voters to help the Democrats survive a backlash from existing voters.
But the strategy doesn't stop there. Instead the Biden administration is going to encourage Mexico and other countries to promote the benefits of American citizenship to their own citizens.
The strategy proposes to engage in "outreach to foreign embassies and consular networks that may be interested in providing information and resources on citizenship" ... Biden intends to “partner” with foreign governments to encourage their citizens to get citizenship in this country and reap all the benefits that would entail because it means more money taken from taxpayers and sent overseas, and it means more votes for the Democrats.
It’s a win-win for socialists on both sides of the border, and a huge loss for American taxpayers.

There's more at the link.
The article is essential reading to understand how our current Administration is systematically destroying our constitutional republic and corrupting democracy into a pointless, meaningless myth of freedom.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you what this means for our future as Americans. In so many words, a huge new swath of voters who are not American in anything other than name will help determine our future. They will have little or no loyalty to our constitution, history, culture, or anything that we think of as American. They will simply be "harvested" from the millions of illegal aliens already among us and currently pouring across our southern border. Instead of "cannon fodder" they'll be "ballot fodder" or "voter fodder". They'll obediently vote the way their community organizers tell them to vote, aided by donations from big business and Big Tech to persuade them to do anything rather than think for themselves. They'll be puppets, voting on command, just as many of our inner-city residents have already become.
Don't think of this as "only" ten or eleven million illegal aliens, either. Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.

For years on end, I’ve read that the population of America’s “undocumented” — a euphemism that seems to upbraid the receiving country’s bureaucrats for failing to issue its woefully overlooked residents the proper papers — is 11 million. With the artificial precision that often attends these unverifiable figures, which derive their authority from sheer repetition, some journalists will quote the number as 11.3 million ... That 11.3 million figure originates from the Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey.
. . .
A TRIO of academics affiliated with MIT and Yale University set about trying to reproduce that oft-quoted statistic by other means ... even with all the inputs rigged at improbably low levels, the model still generated a population of illegal immigrants in the US of 16.7 million — 50 percent higher.
The modelers were astonished. As an on-again, off-again New Yorker, I’m not.
Yet the full range of their model’s outputs is more astonishing still. Accepting, unlike most journalists, that their data contained a large degree of uncertainty, the authors ran their model with a variety of credible inputs literally a million times. The results within a 95 percent probability lay between 16 million and 29 million, with 22.1 million as the mean — or twice as many illegal immigrants as the Census Bureau figures imply.
Mind, that Yale/MIT model produced half a million results in excess of 22.1 million, with a multitude spitting out estimates in the vicinity of 35 million or more. That would be more than 10 percent of the total American population, which experientially sounds about right.

Again, more at the link.
Folks, they're moving ahead with this strategy at breakneck speed. They want it implemented and in action well before the next elections in 2022, which may produce enough votes to take away Democratic Party control of the Senate and House - if they're counted honestly, that is. I fully expect electoral fraud on a monumental scale, to allow the Democrats to retain control of the legislative branch of government while they implement this swamp-the-electorate program until it's too late to stop them.
Once they've got another reliable block of voters whom they can manipulate with welfare and entitlement programs, to add to the blocks they've already got, it won't do any good for the rest of us to vote for what we want. We won't get it, because our votes will be swamped by those of special interest groups. The Democrats won't even need to use electoral fraud any longer, because they'll control enough voters that it won't be necessary.
There's no way in the short term for us to prevent the Biden administration from moving ahead with this diabolical scheme.
Oh, the Senate may put a few roadblocks here and there, but even if they withhold funds for it, the plan explicitly calls for using private donations. Billionaire oligarchs can dip into their pockets and fund their pet "control the vote" wet dream, and the American taxpayer won't be able to stop them.
The one thing we can do right now, and I hope and trust many of us will do, is to identify every single person who's involved in this scheme. Note their names and every other bit of identifying information you can get. Mark them all, from the highest executive levels to the lowest of low-level bureaucrats and community organizers, for future attention. If things go from bad to worse, we'll need to know who to hold accountable for their betrayal of our American values. It starts by knowing who they are.
I'm not advocating any sort of illegal or extra-legal action against them, you understand. Some of us still believe in the rule of law, conspicuous though it may be by its absence in many cases these days. Nevertheless, accountability there must and will be. What form that will take is currently unknown, but I have no doubt it'll happen in due course.
I think my friend Larry Correia has his finger on the pulse of popular opinion among a great many Americans, so I'll give him the last word.

A friend of mine who is a political activist said something interesting the other day, and that was for most people on the left political violence is a knob, and they can turn the heat up and down, with things like protests, and riots, all the way up to destruction of property, and sometimes murder… But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot F***ing Everybody. And believe me, you really don’t want that switch to get flipped, because Civil War 2.0 would make Bosnia look like a trip to Disneyworld.

With every illegitimate, un-American move the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party make, that switch is getting closer and closer to being flipped. If they continue on their current path, sooner or later, that's going to happen . . . and they're going to rue the day they made it inevitable.
Ideology is something so easily changed lol. And hell; I don’t hate anyone who disagrees with me. There are some fine conservatives out there. They just arent Trumptards.
Nahhh...... I'm not buying it.

I'm pretty sure you're just a dick.
Hahaha...I’ve said it and said and said it again....I DESPISE most ‘Republicans / Conservatives’ for their unwillingness to get in the trenches and fight dirty. I’ve told nutless conservatives to distance themselves from me, I’m way too hardcore for traditional conservatives. I don’t have a “side”.

It’s bizarre that you two would think ANY sane person logs onto this site with the intent to change the minds of the twisted as hell, total fucked in the head leftists who frequent this place. I come here for the entertainment value, to make lefties look and feel like the filthy unAmerican pieces of disgusting shit they are...that’s all.
You're a waste of time though. Nothing more.
From the link;

"The Democrats' ultimate end game - making our vote meaningless

This is how those who stole last year's Presidential election (and probably stole control of the Senate in the same way) plan to keep their ill-gotten gains.

There's more at the link.
The article is essential reading to understand how our current Administration is systematically destroying our constitutional republic and corrupting democracy into a pointless, meaningless myth of freedom.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you what this means for our future as Americans. In so many words, a huge new swath of voters who are not American in anything other than name will help determine our future. They will have little or no loyalty to our constitution, history, culture, or anything that we think of as American. They will simply be "harvested" from the millions of illegal aliens already among us and currently pouring across our southern border. Instead of "cannon fodder" they'll be "ballot fodder" or "voter fodder". They'll obediently vote the way their community organizers tell them to vote, aided by donations from big business and Big Tech to persuade them to do anything rather than think for themselves. They'll be puppets, voting on command, just as many of our inner-city residents have already become.
Don't think of this as "only" ten or eleven million illegal aliens, either. Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.

Again, more at the link.
Folks, they're moving ahead with this strategy at breakneck speed. They want it implemented and in action well before the next elections in 2022, which may produce enough votes to take away Democratic Party control of the Senate and House - if they're counted honestly, that is. I fully expect electoral fraud on a monumental scale, to allow the Democrats to retain control of the legislative branch of government while they implement this swamp-the-electorate program until it's too late to stop them.
Once they've got another reliable block of voters whom they can manipulate with welfare and entitlement programs, to add to the blocks they've already got, it won't do any good for the rest of us to vote for what we want. We won't get it, because our votes will be swamped by those of special interest groups. The Democrats won't even need to use electoral fraud any longer, because they'll control enough voters that it won't be necessary.
There's no way in the short term for us to prevent the Biden administration from moving ahead with this diabolical scheme.
Oh, the Senate may put a few roadblocks here and there, but even if they withhold funds for it, the plan explicitly calls for using private donations. Billionaire oligarchs can dip into their pockets and fund their pet "control the vote" wet dream, and the American taxpayer won't be able to stop them.
The one thing we can do right now, and I hope and trust many of us will do, is to identify every single person who's involved in this scheme. Note their names and every other bit of identifying information you can get. Mark them all, from the highest executive levels to the lowest of low-level bureaucrats and community organizers, for future attention. If things go from bad to worse, we'll need to know who to hold accountable for their betrayal of our American values. It starts by knowing who they are.
I'm not advocating any sort of illegal or extra-legal action against them, you understand. Some of us still believe in the rule of law, conspicuous though it may be by its absence in many cases these days. Nevertheless, accountability there must and will be. What form that will take is currently unknown, but I have no doubt it'll happen in due course.
I think my friend Larry Correia has his finger on the pulse of popular opinion among a great many Americans, so I'll give him the last word.

With every illegitimate, un-American move the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party make, that switch is getting closer and closer to being flipped. If they continue on their current path, sooner or later, that's going to happen . . . and they're going to rue the day they made it inevitable.
Wow, look at all that. You jump in with a one-sided piece that pushes the very same paranoia and fear that I'm talking about.

You're willing to let "Bayou Renaissance Man" interpret the world in a way that makes you even more scared, even more angry.

This is a choice you're making.
This is all about the “Great Replacement” paranoia that is at the foundation of Trumpism .

It’s about fear, and hate is based in fear.

I actually agree that some of their concerns are reasonable. But their ham-handed “arguments” are so poorly executed that they come off as Neanderthals.
What does that mean?

You agree that your side does want to makes whites a minority but give us an F on style?

We support trump and that makes your knee jerk
Real men don’t whine about gay people simply existing. Real men focus on their own lives
Real men want their sons and grandsons to grow up to be real men also

Whereas the left wants them to be homosexuals, or at least swing both ways
Real men want their sons and grandsons to grow up to be real men also

Whereas the left wants them to be homosexuals, or at least swing both ways
You obviously misunderstand. We just don’t care if they grow up that way because it really doesn’t matter. You just pretend it does.
Wow, look at all that. You jump in with a one-sided piece that pushes the very same paranoia and fear that I'm talking about.

You're willing to let "Bayou Renaissance Man" interpret the world in a way that makes you even more scared, even more angry.

This is a choice you're making.
He's just pointing out the truth...... if you're not up to no good, then why do you object to that?

Never mind; we all already know the answer. And we all already know that you will continue to lie about it.
You obviously misunderstand. We just don’t care if they grow up that way because it really doesn’t matter. You just pretend it does.
Yeah, it kind of does matter..... a lot.

We want our line to continue, we want our tribe to thrive...... you have to have offspring for that to happen.
If you're content with being a biological dead-end, then you have something wrong with you.
There are some fine conservatives out there. They just arent Trumptards
“I really like those traditional conservatives, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would thump their Bibles, polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the balls to use and ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
Yeah, it kind of does matter..... a lot.

We want our line to continue, we want our tribe to thrive...... you have to have offspring for that to happen.
If you're content with being a biological dead-end, then you have something wrong with you.
Lol cry me river with that selfish bullshit. Kids don’t have to turn out in your image. They don’t have some obligation to. They just are what they are and you need to suck it up.
“I really like those traditional conservatives, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would thump their Bibles, polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the balls to use and ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
You grew up a spoiled rich kid. You’re all talk. You’re no different from those posturing idiots. We both know you arent some martyr. What are you waiting for? Why isn’t your name plastered on the news with some violent feat in the name of your ilk?
You missed a few;

Don't forget HR-1, only democrats win elections.
Defund the police, no laws are enforced
Russia First Energy policies
Lax military posture "wokeness trumps readiness"
The Green New Deal, the US pays $Trillions to poor countries
Support criminals, no bail, no prosecution, no jail time, etc.
Reprogrammed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers, only public schools can exist
China First trade policies
Outsource jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replace the Electoral College with the popular vote
Pack the US Supreme Court with Leftists
be a guinea pig
Lol cry me river with that selfish bullshit. Kids don’t have to turn out in your image. They don’t have some obligation to. They just are what they are and you need to suck it up.
aborted before birth!! we know.

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