How can we end monotheist terrorism?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
You don't see Wiccans murdering people in the streets. You don't see Asatruar setting off car bombs for Thor or Buddhists gunning down Middle Eastern kids in the name of universally compassionate enlightenment. You do see Muslim terrorists planting bombs for the sake of Allah and Christian terrorists shooting kids at European summer camps. This tells us something. This tells us exactly what the problem is. The problem isn't Islamic terrorism or Christian terrorism or Jewish terrorism. The problem is all of it. The problem is monotheist terrorism. The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well. How can we stop this? How can we do our part to stamp out terrorist monotheism?
You don't know your history very well. I do not think Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great were strict monotheists. Neither was Stalin for all that matter.
Please....... People will and have found multitudes of reasons to kill each other from the beginning of human history. Ya honestly want to do away with it? Exterminate all humans.
he11 , properly established and supported government have murdererd more people than anything else and that's just in the 20th Century 'Pedro' !!
Seems to me the OP's point is contained here:

The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well

Perhaps playing loosely with the term "monotheism" (which usually means a belief in a single deity as opposed to many), I think his target here is the "my way or the highway" (read: 'convert or die') mentality.

Such an exclusive one-way path is in no way requisite of any given religion; it's entirely possible (and healthy) for a religion to be inclusive (he mentions Wicca). But such divine-diva-competition is a feature of monotheism, which artificially distorts the world into a dichotomy of "good" and "evil", and forces all of existence to pick one of the two sides. That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.
Seems to me the OP's point is contained here:

The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well

Perhaps playing loosely with the term "monotheism" (which usually means a belief in a single deity as opposed to many), I think his target here is the "my way or the highway" (read: 'convert or die') mentality.

Such an exclusive one-way path is in no way requisite of any given religion; it's entirely possible (and healthy) for a religion to be inclusive (he mentions Wicca). But such divine-diva-competition is a feature of monotheism, which artificially distorts the world into a dichotomy of "good" and "evil", and forces all of existence to pick one of the two sides. That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.
Yet not all religions or religious sects within all monotheistic religions define good and evil the same and just because you take issue with it doesn't mean it fits your definition. It doesn't mean there aren't known and generally accepted differentiations between good and evil therefore good and evil does exist. A murderous sociopath is not good, so by definition is evil, a Mother Theresa is not evil so by definition is good.
People who exclude, abuse, discriminate against, harm or murder those they consider to be in sin who consider themselves Christian aren't.
That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.'s not. Primates have a need to dominate and will always impose their will on the weak and submissive. Other primates will contest that dominance and try to impose their will. Nature made us this way.
That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.'s not. Primates have a need to dominate and will always impose their will on the weak and submissive. Other primates will contest that dominance and try to impose their will. Nature made us this way.

"Dominance" and "submission" have nothing to do with what I just posted at all.
That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.'s not. Primates have a need to dominate and will always impose their will on the weak and submissive. Other primates will contest that dominance and try to impose their will. Nature made us this way.

"Dominance" and "submission" have nothing to do with what I just posted at all.
O rly? And the my way or the highway mentality is what?
Seems to me the OP's point is contained here:

The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well

Perhaps playing loosely with the term "monotheism" (which usually means a belief in a single deity as opposed to many), I think his target here is the "my way or the highway" (read: 'convert or die') mentality.

Such an exclusive one-way path is in no way requisite of any given religion; it's entirely possible (and healthy) for a religion to be inclusive (he mentions Wicca). But such divine-diva-competition is a feature of monotheism, which artificially distorts the world into a dichotomy of "good" and "evil", and forces all of existence to pick one of the two sides. That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.
Yet not all religions or religious sects within all monotheistic religions define good and evil the same and just because you take issue with it doesn't mean it fits your definition. It doesn't mean there aren't known and generally accepted differentiations between good and evil therefore good and evil does exist. A murderous sociopath is not good, so by definition is evil, a Mother Theresa is not evil so by definition is good.
People who exclude, abuse, discriminate against, harm or murder those they consider to be in sin who consider themselves Christian aren't.

Absolutely they don't. That's my point, and I believe it's what the OP's driving at too -- the idea of a black-and-white dichotomy without exceptions, nuances or grey areas. When one operates under that concept, everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.'s not. Primates have a need to dominate and will always impose their will on the weak and submissive. Other primates will contest that dominance and try to impose their will. Nature made us this way.

"Dominance" and "submission" have nothing to do with what I just posted at all.
O rly? And the my way or the highway mentality is what?

Exactly. :D
Seems to me the OP's point is contained here:

The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well

Perhaps playing loosely with the term "monotheism" (which usually means a belief in a single deity as opposed to many), I think his target here is the "my way or the highway" (read: 'convert or die') mentality.

Such an exclusive one-way path is in no way requisite of any given religion; it's entirely possible (and healthy) for a religion to be inclusive (he mentions Wicca). But such divine-diva-competition is a feature of monotheism, which artificially distorts the world into a dichotomy of "good" and "evil", and forces all of existence to pick one of the two sides. That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.
Yet not all religions or religious sects within all monotheistic religions define good and evil the same and just because you take issue with it doesn't mean it fits your definition. It doesn't mean there aren't known and generally accepted differentiations between good and evil therefore good and evil does exist. A murderous sociopath is not good, so by definition is evil, a Mother Theresa is not evil so by definition is good.
People who exclude, abuse, discriminate against, harm or murder those they consider to be in sin who consider themselves Christian aren't.

Absolutely they don't. That's my point, and I believe it's what the OP's driving at too -- the idea of a black-and-white dichotomy without exceptions, nuances or grey areas. When one operates under that concept, everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
May be what the OP is driving at, maybe not. :dunno: Without reading all of his/her/its previous religious oriented posts for reference there's no way to tell.
Seems to me the OP's point is contained here:

The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well

Perhaps playing loosely with the term "monotheism" (which usually means a belief in a single deity as opposed to many), I think his target here is the "my way or the highway" (read: 'convert or die') mentality.

Such an exclusive one-way path is in no way requisite of any given religion; it's entirely possible (and healthy) for a religion to be inclusive (he mentions Wicca). But such divine-diva-competition is a feature of monotheism, which artificially distorts the world into a dichotomy of "good" and "evil", and forces all of existence to pick one of the two sides. That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.
Yet not all religions or religious sects within all monotheistic religions define good and evil the same and just because you take issue with it doesn't mean it fits your definition. It doesn't mean there aren't known and generally accepted differentiations between good and evil therefore good and evil does exist. A murderous sociopath is not good, so by definition is evil, a Mother Theresa is not evil so by definition is good.
People who exclude, abuse, discriminate against, harm or murder those they consider to be in sin who consider themselves Christian aren't.

Absolutely they don't. That's my point, and I believe it's what the OP's driving at too -- the idea of a black-and-white dichotomy without exceptions, nuances or grey areas. When one operates under that concept, everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.

May be what the OP is driving at, maybe not. :dunno: Without reading all of his/her/its previous religious oriented posts for reference there's no way to tell.

It's a bit of a stab in the dark, but that's how I took it. And it sounds good. :beer:
everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
Actually the world does work that way. And has been doing so for a very long time. What does not ever work is everyone holding hands and singing "Kumbaya". Homo homini lupus est!
You don't see Wiccans murdering people in the streets. You don't see Asatruar setting off car bombs for Thor or Buddhists gunning down Middle Eastern kids in the name of universally compassionate enlightenment. You do see Muslim terrorists planting bombs for the sake of Allah and Christian terrorists shooting kids at European summer camps. This tells us something. This tells us exactly what the problem is. The problem isn't Islamic terrorism or Christian terrorism or Jewish terrorism. The problem is all of it. The problem is monotheist terrorism. The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well. How can we stop this? How can we do our part to stamp out terrorist monotheism?
Although I continue to argue with people who believe in a god even when they dont believe he visited Noah moses Abraham Mohammad Joseph smith or 11 guys 2015 years ago I think the Abraham god will eventually die then we can go back to arguing about a generic hypothetical "creator".
Seems to me the OP's point is contained here:

The kind of mind that says there is one truth and that's the one that mind will die for is the same mind that will prove ready and willing to cause other people to die for it as well

Perhaps playing loosely with the term "monotheism" (which usually means a belief in a single deity as opposed to many), I think his target here is the "my way or the highway" (read: 'convert or die') mentality.

Such an exclusive one-way path is in no way requisite of any given religion; it's entirely possible (and healthy) for a religion to be inclusive (he mentions Wicca). But such divine-diva-competition is a feature of monotheism, which artificially distorts the world into a dichotomy of "good" and "evil", and forces all of existence to pick one of the two sides. That outlook is of course unrealistic and deserves to go away.
Yet not all religions or religious sects within all monotheistic religions define good and evil the same and just because you take issue with it doesn't mean it fits your definition. It doesn't mean there aren't known and generally accepted differentiations between good and evil therefore good and evil does exist. A murderous sociopath is not good, so by definition is evil, a Mother Theresa is not evil so by definition is good.
People who exclude, abuse, discriminate against, harm or murder those they consider to be in sin who consider themselves Christian aren't.

Absolutely they don't. That's my point, and I believe it's what the OP's driving at too -- the idea of a black-and-white dichotomy without exceptions, nuances or grey areas. When one operates under that concept, everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
Religion and nationalism are two ways they manipulate us.

Of course our enemy is the Islamic state.

All theists are a little dumb.
everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
Actually the world does work that way. And has been doing so for a very long time. What does not ever work is everyone holding hands and singing "Kumbaya". Homo homini lupus est!


No, don't think so. It works in the comic books, not here.

"The world may divided into two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who do not". I am definitely the latter.
everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
Actually the world does work that way. And has been doing so for a very long time. What does not ever work is everyone holding hands and singing "Kumbaya". Homo homini lupus est!


No, don't think so. It works in the comic books, not here.

"The world may divided into two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who do not". I am definitely the latter.
So you choose not to live in the real world were people are divided along racial, political, ideological, religious, philosophical and so on and so on lines? I hate to break it to you, but that is the world we live in and it has been that way for a long long time and it will never change. Ok, so tell me what planet are you from because it doesn't seem that you are familiar with the planet Earth.
everything must fall in one camp or the other, which means one's own person must fit there too, and of course that's going to be on the Good team, which makes "us" right and "them" the enemy. The actual world of course simply doesn't work that way.
Actually the world does work that way. And has been doing so for a very long time. What does not ever work is everyone holding hands and singing "Kumbaya". Homo homini lupus est!


No, don't think so. It works in the comic books, not here.

"The world may divided into two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who do not". I am definitely the latter.
So you choose not to live in the real world were people are divided along racial, political, ideological, religious, philosophical and so on and so on lines? I hate to break it to you, but that is the world we live in and it has been that way for a long long time and it will never change. Ok, so tell me what planet are you from because it doesn't seem that you are familiar with the planet Earth.

Again, this has no relation to anything I said. Perhaps you need an interpreter.

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