How big of a D Political Disaster is the Kavanaugh stunt?

I don’t think the enthusiastic support of rape and rapists by conservatives is going to hurt Dems at all

This response is exactly why the DEMS are failing so badly;

Invoking unsubstantiated allegations with no details or specifics corroborated even after an FBI investigation as a reason to not only deny one of the best lawyers possible a job he deserves, but also to ruin his good name for life.

To insult all people who support him because they believe in the Constitutional right to innocence until proven guilty.

I have used this word quite a few times lately: disingenuous. Another one is insincere. False outrage. Histrionics.

Cornering Senators and cabinet in elevators and restaurants and shouting in their faces just hoping they will snap back (like Kavanaugh did) so they can claim the right is "dangerous and unstable."

It is a sham - and don't think we don't see through it. We do. We all do.
I don’t think the enthusiastic support of rape and rapists by conservatives is going to hurt Dems at all

This response is exactly why the DEMS are failing so badly;

Invoking unsubstantiated allegations with no details or specifics corroborated even after an FBI investigation as a reason to not only deny one of the best lawyers possible a job he deserves, but also to ruin his good name for life.

To insult all people who support him because they believe in the Constitutional right to innocence until proven guilty.

I have used this word quite a few times lately: disingenuous. Another one is insincere. False outrage. Histrionics.

Cornering Senators and cabinet in elevators and restaurants and shouting in their faces just hoping they will snap back (like Kavanaugh did) so they can claim the right is "dangerous and unstable."

It is a sham - and don't think we don't see through it. We do. We all do.
The truth is Kavanaugh could rape in child in front of you and you wouldn’t care. This is not a trial, it is a job application. This is a man handpicked by a rightwing special interest group to hand out rulings in as partisan and partial a manner as possible. He has lied during his hearings, has been accused of grievous crimes that partisans will not investigate, and he is deeply flawed. But you want to put him on the supreme court because you want him to steamroll your fellow citizens. You are trash.
The real problem for the Ds is that they cannot understand how they lost and refuse to blame themselves.

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