How big of a D Political Disaster is the Kavanaugh stunt?

I’m just not a rape enabler like you are.

Who raped someone?

See this is your problem, nobody was raped and nobody did rape.

Perhaps you can prove otherwise....Ford cant and what she did say was unadulterated BS
To a rape enabler it must seem that way. I know conservative women are turned on when a man forces themselves on them, so you’ll never have a problem with this type of thing.

Again, what rape?

Put up some proof or sit your ass down, racist
^ Uh oh white grievance peddler whips out the race card :cuckoo:

So you don't have proof you just revert to your racism

You're being mocked
Mocked by a rape enabler. I feel so stung :rolleyes:
I don’t think the enthusiastic support of rape and rapists by conservatives is going to hurt Dems at all

Which conservatives supported "rape and rapists" ?
10’s of millions. You can’t seriously expect me to list them all.

When did this happen? and what "rape and rapists" were they "supporting"?
Off the top of my head Trump, Roy Moore, and Rapin’ Brett.

When were any of those jokers convicted of rape?

.. oh wait, I forgot , the presumption of innocence only applies when the accused is a fellow left wing dingbat.

For everybody else we go straight from accusation to the sentencing phase. :rolleyes:
I'm losing track of the perjuries, civil rights violations, violations of senate rules and plain stupidity demonstrated by the Ds.There are a minimum of 10 D senate seats that have been put at some degree of risk by DiFi and the idiots. Blowing what would have been a gimme again.

What is this now ---- 692 threads you've started with the desperation prediction fantasies?

Long way to fall yanno. Maybe that's why we call Autumn "fall".
I don’t think the enthusiastic support of rape and rapists by conservatives is going to hurt Dems at all

Which conservatives supported "rape and rapists" ?
10’s of millions. You can’t seriously expect me to list them all.

When did this happen? and what "rape and rapists" were they "supporting"?
Off the top of my head Trump, Roy Moore, and Rapin’ Brett.

When were any of those jokers convicted of rape?

.. oh wait, I forgot , the presumption of innocence only applies when the accused is a fellow left wing dingbat.

For everybody else we go straight from accusation to the sentencing phase. :rolleyes:
Lots of other names on the list partisan special interest groups handed to Trump for SC picks. During most job interviews, a boss will usually go with another candidate than the one exposed as an alcoholic rapist. Seems a pretty easy decision to me.
I'm losing track of the perjuries, civil rights violations, violations of senate rules and plain stupidity demonstrated by the Ds.There are a minimum of 10 D senate seats that have been put at some degree of risk by DiFi and the idiots. Blowing what would have been a gimme again.

What is this now ---- 692 threads you've started with the desperation prediction fantasies?
. need to be more supportive of your fellow posters.

After all he only needs 4 more and he gets a free 10 year subscription to The National Enquirer and a Junior G-Man badge personally autographed by James Comey.

Go William Go :thewave:
Which conservatives supported "rape and rapists" ?
10’s of millions. You can’t seriously expect me to list them all.

When did this happen? and what "rape and rapists" were they "supporting"?
Off the top of my head Trump, Roy Moore, and Rapin’ Brett.

When were any of those jokers convicted of rape?

.. oh wait, I forgot , the presumption of innocence only applies when the accused is a fellow left wing dingbat.

For everybody else we go straight from accusation to the sentencing phase. :rolleyes:
Lots of other names on the list partisan special interest groups handed to Trump for SC picks. During most job interviews, a boss will usually go with another candidate than the one exposed as an alcoholic rapist. Seems a pretty easy decision to me.

Once again, when was Kavanaugh convicted of rape ?
What evidence do you have that he's an alcoholic?

I realize the voices in your head are pretty convincing prosecutors but out here in the real world, where rational people live, accusations don't automatically equal guilt, even when the accused is a Washingtonian Douche Bag.
10’s of millions. You can’t seriously expect me to list them all.

When did this happen? and what "rape and rapists" were they "supporting"?
Off the top of my head Trump, Roy Moore, and Rapin’ Brett.

When were any of those jokers convicted of rape?

.. oh wait, I forgot , the presumption of innocence only applies when the accused is a fellow left wing dingbat.

For everybody else we go straight from accusation to the sentencing phase. :rolleyes:
Lots of other names on the list partisan special interest groups handed to Trump for SC picks. During most job interviews, a boss will usually go with another candidate than the one exposed as an alcoholic rapist. Seems a pretty easy decision to me.

Once again, when was Kavanaugh convicted of rape ?
What evidence do you have that he's an alcoholic?

I realize the voices in your head are pretty convincing prosecutors but out here in the real world, where rational people live, accusations don't automatically equal guilt, even when the accused is a Washingtonian Douche Bag.
When I sit down to hire someone, I don’t pick the person with multiple rape and sexual assault allegations.
When did this happen? and what "rape and rapists" were they "supporting"?
Off the top of my head Trump, Roy Moore, and Rapin’ Brett.

When were any of those jokers convicted of rape?

.. oh wait, I forgot , the presumption of innocence only applies when the accused is a fellow left wing dingbat.

For everybody else we go straight from accusation to the sentencing phase. :rolleyes:
Lots of other names on the list partisan special interest groups handed to Trump for SC picks. During most job interviews, a boss will usually go with another candidate than the one exposed as an alcoholic rapist. Seems a pretty easy decision to me.

Once again, when was Kavanaugh convicted of rape ?
What evidence do you have that he's an alcoholic?

I realize the voices in your head are pretty convincing prosecutors but out here in the real world, where rational people live, accusations don't automatically equal guilt, even when the accused is a Washingtonian Douche Bag.
When I sit down to hire someone, I don’t pick the person with multiple rape and sexual assault allegations.

Yeah sure, we believe you.
When did this happen? and what "rape and rapists" were they "supporting"?
Off the top of my head Trump, Roy Moore, and Rapin’ Brett.

When were any of those jokers convicted of rape?

.. oh wait, I forgot , the presumption of innocence only applies when the accused is a fellow left wing dingbat.

For everybody else we go straight from accusation to the sentencing phase. :rolleyes:
Lots of other names on the list partisan special interest groups handed to Trump for SC picks. During most job interviews, a boss will usually go with another candidate than the one exposed as an alcoholic rapist. Seems a pretty easy decision to me.

Once again, when was Kavanaugh convicted of rape ?
What evidence do you have that he's an alcoholic?

I realize the voices in your head are pretty convincing prosecutors but out here in the real world, where rational people live, accusations don't automatically equal guilt, even when the accused is a Washingtonian Douche Bag.
When I sit down to hire someone, I don’t pick the person with multiple rape and sexual assault allegations.

Well at least you're consistent in your "accusation = guilt" mode of operation, I'll give you that but ….

How does that translate into "10's of millions of conservatives supporting rape and rapists"?

You're being just as much of a brain dead partisan drone as all the Republicans dickweeds that had Bubba Clinton indicted, tried and convicted the second he was accused.
I'm losing track of the perjuries, civil rights violations, violations of senate rules and plain stupidity demonstrated by the Ds.There are a minimum of 10 D senate seats that have been put at some degree of risk by DiFi and the idiots. Blowing what would have been a gimme again.

Feinstein should be censured and removed from Office.

The FBI Report should be made Public and The Democrat Party made their Smear Campaign Public and tried to ruin Justice Kavanaugh's Reputation, and threatened his family.

If America has any sense of justice, they will turn out to vote against any Democrat Incumbents. Doing that will ensure that this kind of stuff will be harder to do, and give us a shot at cleaning up DC some more.
If America has any sense of justice, they will turn out to vote against any Democrat Incumbents. Doing that will ensure that this kind of stuff will be harder to do, and give us a shot at cleaning up DC some more.

If America had any sense of justice, we'd tar, feather, burn at the stake, draw & quarter and then hang from a tree every Democrat and Republican politician that's ever held elected office or served as a gub'mint bureaucrat within the last 30 years.
BlackFlag is a troll and will only survive as long as you feed it.

Don't respond to it, just shake your head, give a little chuckle at what it says and move on. Eventually, it will crawl under a rock never to be seen again.
About a job interview? No.

This is what we (you and I) are discussing.


The image represents lady justice being assaulted in a manner similar to that described in Dr. Ford's allegations and Republicans (assuming that's what the "R's" stand for) doing the assaulting.

Lady Justice represents our legal system and is blindfolded as an indication of blind justice. It means there is a base assumption of innocence, and that only unbiased, verifiable evidence is used to determine guilt.

If anyone wanted to suggest that the Republicans are the ones attempting to use the lack of unbiased interpretation, or lack of any verifiable evidence towards the commission of the assault, to determine anyone's guilt, they are too stupid to understand that is exactly what the Democrats are doing, and not the Republicans.

In other words, the props and concepts represented in the image are not only invalid, but reality represents the exact opposite of what it is trying to suggest.
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Before Brett Kavanaugh was even nominated, Chuck Schumer said that the nominee would be opposed by all Democrats and they would pull out all the stops to hold that seat open until Trump was gone.

Yes. The Democrats look bad now and getting worse.
I'm losing track of the perjuries, civil rights violations, violations of senate rules and plain stupidity demonstrated by the Ds.There are a minimum of 10 D senate seats that have been put at some degree of risk by DiFi and the idiots. Blowing what would have been a gimme again.
what seats are these?
About a job interview? No.

This is what we (you and I) are discussing.


The image represents lady justice being assaulted in a manner similar to that described in Dr. Ford's allegations and Republicans (assuming that's what the "R's" stand for) doing the assaulting.

Lady Justice represents our legal system and is blindfolded as an indication of blind justice. It means there is a base assumption of innocence, and that only unbiased, verifiable evidence is used to determine guilt.

If anyone wanted to suggest that the Republicans are the ones attempting to use the lack of unbiased interpretation, or lack of any verifiable evidence towards the commission of the assault, to determine anyone's guilt, they are too stupid to understand that is exactly what the Democrats are doing, and not the Republicans.

In other words, the props and concepts represented in the image are not only invalid, but reality represents the exact opposite of what it is trying to suggest.

If you analyze the image correctly it's The Democrat Party that is assaulting Lady Liberty.
They violate Due Process, They Commit Perjury, Manufacture Evidence, Obstruct Justice, Leak Classified Information, Stage Coups, and on and on and on.

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