How Biden is keeping his guarantee...."I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

I don't buy unrefined gas by the barrel, but after the refineries, the shipping, the markup at the gas station I buy gas by the gallon. That's what affects me.
I don't don't buy unbutchered cows when I want a steak either, but the price on the hoof effects the cost in the stores. If you don't think the price of oil is directly proportional to the price of gas then you must be one of the New Republicans who, among other things, are proud of trying to putting Americans out of work.
I don't don't buy unbutchered cows when I want a steak either, but the price on the hoof effects the cost in the stores. If you don't think the price of oil is directly proportional to the price of gas then you must be one of the New Republicans who, among other things, are proud of trying to putting Americans out of work.
Oh wow... Well when Biden said this in his efforts in the destruction of America:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

This was the CEO of Chevron, Mike Wirth's response:
You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

Perfect excuse to raise prices ! What a dumb comment from Biden!
The most recent refinery built in the United States is the Texas International Terminals refinery in Channelview, Texas.
It started operation in February of 2022.

The last significant refinery built in the United States was in 1976. (A small refinery came online in 2020 in North Dakota).
Over the last two years, due to reduced demand from the pandemic and Presidnt Biden’s stated policy to reduce the demand for petroleum products, U.S. refineries have been shut down or repurposed to become biofuel refineries.
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
Politicians say all kinds of stuff to get votes.

Shirley, you remember this little ditty?

"I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall."
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The last significant refinery built in the United States was in 1976
But yet by grandfathering in upgrades and expansions of existing refineries the refiners have not only kept pace with US demands but also now export huge amounts of refined petroleum products.
Say leftists, what do you think of your leader, who tells little girls bold-faced lies so dumbshits like yourselves can cheer?

How about Biden selling out the deaths of his own family by lying to you, so dumbshits like yourselves can support him?
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So this is a lie according to you a well know economics, oil and all around extremely proof conscious person?
According to the Government Accountability Office, on average, it takes more than four years for companies to begin producing on the federal lands they lease..
And when you look at the below chart from the Federal government they are liars also?
So as Obama signed fewer and fewer leases on Federal lands, 4 years later federal land oil production was reduce according to the below.
But again being the intelligent non-emotional person Moonie... you don't agree because in your vast experiences in the oil industry.. VOILA
Federal lease signed and that day it is signed oil starts flowing from the Federal leased land!
Immediately! So good you are so smart...
NOW for reality! Obama signed fewer and fewer leases and those he did sign according to the experts..(not you Moonie...)
The commercial success rate in 2020 to 29% in 2021.
I know you understand this but just in case... If Obama signed 332 fewer leases in 2016 or 520, based on success rate ONLY 1 out of 3 find oil.
On on Obama's watch, only 156 leases produced oil... 4 years later!!! Now Trump signed 1,333 leases in 2019 and using the same rate 1/3 successful
that means MORE oil coming from more wells... 1/3 of 1,333 leases or nearly 2.5 Times more oil coming from leases Trump signed... but under Biden!
Now Moonie... I am 100% confident you've read all of this!
View attachment 804437
Then your excuse for the oil industry surpassing pre-pandemic levels is?
But yet by grandfathering in upgrades and expansions of existing refineries the refiners have not only kept pace with US demands but also now export huge amounts of refined petroleum products.
No question about that and really why should they? Again this is what the CEO of Chevron said..
You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So naturally the refineries will NOT spend money that they can't get from investors because the president of the United States guarantees they won't be in business in the future!

Biden guarantee: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So what's the alternative for the Chevrons? Raise prices now while they are still in business!
Then your excuse for the oil industry surpassing pre-pandemic levels is?
So unlike you I provide proof when I write a comment...

Biden's guarantee: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

As a result of Biden's guarantee.. the oil industry sixth most valuable of the oil and gas companies globally as of 2023, Chevron... response?
This was the CEO of Chevron, Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So yes, if someone guarantees to put you out of business you have the excuse to raise your prices for as long as you can, sell off as much of your assets, shut down expensive facilities that are "guaranteed" to be rid of by the President of the United States! Only good business! Get it while you can!
Biden and Dems attack oil and gas production, jacking up the cost, while claiming they are not. :cuckoo:
The drop in oil and gas production in 2020 happened while Trump was in office. Biden did nothing to make that happen. In 2022 we were more energy independent under Biden than any year under Trump. OPEC+ and their lack of production after the pandemic caused the cost of just about everything to increase.
No question about that and really why should they? Again this is what the CEO of Chevron said..
You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So naturally the refineries will NOT spend money that they can't get from investors because the president of the United States guarantees they won't be in business in the future!

Biden guarantee: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So what's the alternative for the Chevrons? Raise prices now while they are still in business!
View attachment 804501

Oil prices in March April of 2020 were around 20 dollars a barrel. In June of 2022 they were nearing 120 dollars a barrel.
I know one thing more than you! I generally back my statements with FACTS... NOW for some FACTS!
Now I'm also pretty confident YOU won't understand the following information supplied by the Federal Government ok, but this isn't for you as you are just
not scholarly enough to provide substantiation. Based on the experts.
Oil production on Federal land under Obama declined!
In fact, the vast majority of the increase in U.S. oil production occurred on private land.
On land that the U.S. government controls, it was a different story.
The EIA reported in 2015 that while U.S. oil and gas production overall were surging,
production of natural gas on federal lands was declining.
Oil production is at about the same level as it was during his first year in office:

And the below chart shows one of the reasons... 7 of 8 years Obama signed fewer leases than the year before!
So IT is totally TRUE OIL production on "NON-FEDERAL" land increased... BUT not land that Obama would sign leases. DECLINED under Obama 7/8 years!
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Damn but you are all over the place. Can you not at least be consistent. Oil production on federal lands declined under Obama, well hell, that must have been Bush Jr's fault. Right here, in the very damn thread, you want to claim that the increase in production on those same federal lands under Biden is because of Trump, you even post a link about a four year lack time. And any increase during the Trump administration must have been due to the actions of Obama, at least in his last four years.

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. That is all the hell you do. You claim you post links, and you do. Problem is, you are inconsistent and have no understanding of the links you do post. Like the bit about not drilling in Alaska. Your linked article doesn't even contain the word "Biden", and barely mentions environmental restrictions. It seems the reluctance to drill in Alaska is more a function of higher transportation costs, higher production costs, and higher state taxes. In the final days of the Trump administration the government put up a bunch of oil leases in ANWAR up for auction. Damn near no one showed up and the net proceeds were ten cents on the dollar of what was anticipated.

I mean have some damn common sense. You really think oil companies want to drill in the Arctic circle when they have other opportunities where it is WARMER, where there is an actual functioning road system all year long. What the hell does it cost to ship everything from drilling equipment to the toilet paper in the bathroom at the rig? Not to mention labor costs. I mean damn, you would have to pay me about twice as much to work in the freezing cold in an area with no entertainment, no bars, and damn near NO WOMEN. Nope, I am working off-shore in the Gulf where I can blow off some steam on Bourbon Street, enjoy some good food, and where there is plenty of WOMEN. Damn spending my down time eating Vienna sausages and peanut butter along with some stale ass beer with my fellow stinking rig workers with temperatures way south of ZERO.

You are a partisan idiot, and your posts here are not worth the bandwidth you consume. Not only do you don't know jackshit about the oil industry, or the energy industry in general, you don't know jackshit about business, period. Here is the deal, and I know it don't mean anything. But I run a seven million dollar a year business. My in laws own more than a dozen oil wells in Texas, and I got to tell you, during the Trump administration, and especially after Covid, those royalty checks dropped to damn near nothing. Now, they are rolling in the dough, it is sick how much money they pull out of their mailbox damn near everyday. And the comical part, they made out like bandits during the Obama administration as well. Matter of fact, that is when it all started. My oldest son works for the number one energy research company in the country, if not the world. He has traveled to four continents, runs energy symposiums around the world, and collaborates with professors from Oxford and MIT. He, like several of my children, initially supported Trump. Today, they all agree with my initial assessment, Trump is a dumbass, and Biden is kicking damn ass and taking names.

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