How Barack Obama Provided the Technology and the Funding for the Drone Attack on the Saudi Oilfield

The more evidence that comes out showing Obama to be a traitor from the failed coup to this....along with Uranium one and fast and furious....the more he remains in hiding....
Trump needs to blare that Obama gave Iran the RQ-170 bat wing drone and the money to reverse engineer and develop them.
If there is a war with Iran how many US lives will they cost? Obama needs to be held accountable for his decisions. WHY DID HE DO THAT?
and then the questions that need to be asked are posted yet again...

WHY can't FOX or any other thing "Republican" or "conservative" notice that Obama is a CLOSETED HOMO with a MAN as a WIFE?

What is it about Obama that the GOP loves so very much???

Was it that he COVERED UP THE TRUTH that ISRAEL did 911????

and then the questions that need to be asked are posted yet again...

WHY can't FOX or any other thing "Republican" or "conservative" notice that Obama is a CLOSETED HOMO with a MAN as a WIFE?

What is it about Obama that the GOP loves so very much???

Was it that he COVERED UP THE TRUTH that ISRAEL did 911????


Oh noes! He's on to us ...

Barack was easily the worst president ever. GWB was the second worst. So this is why everyone is so happy that Trump came along. He's the right man at the right time. Viva Trump and Viva Mariano Rivera

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