Rudy Giuliani punks out after telling the truth that Obama doesn't love America


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Rudy Giuliani pens op-ed to explain anti-Obama remarks

”Former New York City mayor Rudy GIuliani penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on Sunday in which he conceded that the “bluntness” of his recent statements about President Barack Obama’s upbringing and patriotism may have been problematic.

The 70-year-old former presidential candidate has been under fire all week for saying he doesn’t believe Obama “loves America” during a private dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker last week. Later, in an interview with the New York Post, he suggested the president had been influenced by communists since he was 9 years old.”

All Rudy had to do to defend the fact that Obama does not love America is ask the question, If Obama loves America, then why is he obsessed with fundamentally transforming America? And after asking this question then quote OBAMA’S OWN WORDS which explains why he does not love about America.

It’s a shame Rudy Giuliani has backed down from a truth which is obviously clear ___ Obama does not love America, he constantly spits upon its Constitution and is working his best to fundamentally transform it into a European socialist type state.

. How can Obama and his closest advisor Valerie Jarrett love America when they have:

Worked to give aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO to return to the battle field;

Have allowed a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, or swear an allegiance to the United States:

Have transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

Have worked very cleverly to give time to a terrorist Islamic country to develop a nuclear weapon;

Have allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America and use tax revenue paid by American Citizens to feed, clothe, house and provide medical attention and schooling to these invaders while American Citizens cannot meet their own economic needs;

Have undermined America’s election process by going into court to forbid strict voter identification laws being enforced to weed out ineligible persons, including foreigners, from voting in elections;

Have repeatedly interfered with America’s ability to develop its natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel America’s economic engine;

Have worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

Have intentionally sabotaged America’s health care delivery system, and forced America citizens to finance the health care needs of the millions who have invaded our borders;:

Have blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

Have dramatically increased the number of American Citizens forced onto food stamps by adopting policies which adversely affect full time employment for American Citizens and especially among America's Black youth

Have used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transfer $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

Have repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

Have used government agencies, namely the IRS, to attack American Citizens who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech and criticize the actions of our current Administration;

And let us not forget how Obama is encouraging Russia to meddle in and threaten the Baltic States using the “flexibility” he mentioned he would have after the election!

Rudy Giuliani was correct when he said Obama does not love America!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
The ex-mayor is a senile old tool.

The "truth" about Obama. You don't put yourself through 2 Presidential election for a country you "hate" -- fucking idiot.
The ex-mayor is a senile old tool.

The "truth" about Obama. You don't put yourself through 2 Presidential election for a country you "hate" -- fucking idiot.

Oh yes you do when your mission is to destroy America from within!


America we have a problem! We have a group of domestic enemies who have managed to gain political power and whose mission is in fact to bring “change” to America ___ the dismantling of our military defensive power; the disarming of the American Citizen; the allowance of our borders to be overrun by the poverty stricken, poorly educated disease carrying populations of foreign nations, the diluting of our election process by allowing ineligible persons to vote; the circumvention of our Republican Form of Government by Executive Orders; a continual attack upon "conservatives" when exercising the right to freedom of speech and a free press; the weakening and destruction of our manufacturing capabilities by tyrannical regulation; the making of trade deals which are not in America’s best interests and pose a threat to our national security; the transferring of America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile foreign nations; the strangulation of our agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity; the infringement upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs; the intentional sabotaging of our nation’s health care delivery system, the taking of private property for purposes other than a “public use” as limited by our federal Constitution; the use of federal taxing powers in a manner unauthorized by the legislative intent of our Constitution, and particularly violating the rule of apportioning “direct“ taxes; the interference with our ability to develop our natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel our economy; the looting of both our federal treasury and an unconstitutional federally mandated retirement fund; the brainwashing of our nation’s children in government operated schools; the trashing of our nation’s traditions and moral values; the creation of an iron fisted control unauthorized by our written Constitution over America’s businesses and industries; the devaluation of our nation’s currency by Federal Reserve Notes, a worthless script, having been despotically made a legal tender for all debts public and private, and, the future enslavement of our children and grandchildren via unbridled debt and inflation, not to mention an iron fisted government which intends to rule their very lives!

The ex-mayor is a senile old tool.

The "truth" about Obama. You don't put yourself through 2 Presidential election for a country you "hate" -- fucking idiot.

Yeah, reading a teleprompter while hired teenagers pretend to faint can be very stressful. To the point you're convinced there are 60 states and have to be corrected after calling himself a muslim.

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He's a muslim, and the only thing he loves about this country is that he can empower himself and his corrupt friends at the expense of those who DO love it. Rudy spoke the truth and should not back off.
Shit, Rudy was just selling it to the dumber than dirt crowd. From the looks of some of these post, they bought it lock, stock, and barrel.
SEE: Rudy Giuliani pens op-ed to explain anti-Obama remarks

”Former New York City mayor Rudy GIuliani penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on Sunday in which he conceded that the “bluntness” of his recent statements about President Barack Obama’s upbringing and patriotism may have been problematic.

The 70-year-old former presidential candidate has been under fire all week for saying he doesn’t believe Obama “loves America” during a private dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker last week. Later, in an interview with the New York Post, he suggested the president had been influenced by communists since he was 9 years old.”

All Rudy had to do to defend the fact that Obama does not love America is ask the question, If Obama loves America, then why is he obsessed with fundamentally transforming America? And after asking this question then quote OBAMA’S OWN WORDS which explains why he does not love about America.

It’s a shame Rudy Giuliani has backed down from a truth which is obviously clear ___ Obama does not love America, he constantly spits upon its Constitution and is working his best to fundamentally transform it into a European socialist type state.

. How can Obama and his closest advisor Valerie Jarrett love America when they have:

Worked to give aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO to return to the battle field;

Have allowed a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, or swear an allegiance to the United States:

Have transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

Have worked very cleverly to give time to a terrorist Islamic country to develop a nuclear weapon;

Have allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America and use tax revenue paid by American Citizens to feed, clothe, house and provide medical attention and schooling to these invaders while American Citizens cannot meet their own economic needs;

Have undermined America’s election process by going into court to forbid strict voter identification laws being enforced to weed out ineligible persons, including foreigners, from voting in elections;

Have repeatedly interfered with America’s ability to develop its natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel America’s economic engine;

Have worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

Have intentionally sabotaged America’s health care delivery system, and forced America citizens to finance the health care needs of the millions who have invaded our borders;:

Have blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

Have dramatically increased the number of American Citizens forced onto food stamps by adopting policies which adversely affect full time employment for American Citizens and especially among America's Black youth

Have used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transfer $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

Have repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

Have used government agencies, namely the IRS, to attack American Citizens who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech and criticize the actions of our current Administration;

And let us not forget how Obama is encouraging Russia to meddle in and threaten the Baltic States using the “flexibility” he mentioned he would have after the election!

Rudy Giuliani was correct when he said Obama does not love America!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!
And back to irrelevance he goes.

Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing (in a very ugly way -- see picture above)
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes

Skeleton Closet - Rudy Giuliani, The Dark Side

Poor Rudy. He's now down in the gutter with Palin, Trump and Arpaio.
The ex-mayor is a senile old tool.

The "truth" about Obama. You don't put yourself through 2 Presidential election for a country you "hate" -- fucking idiot.

Yeah, reading a teleprompter while hired teenagers pretend to faint can be very stressful. To the point you're convinced there are 60 states and have to be corrected after calling himself a muslim.

We can all thank our Fifth column socialist big media for not vetting Obama.



When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Islamic terrorist activities begin in our southern Border States or cities like New York City?
SEE: Rudy Giuliani pens op-ed to explain anti-Obama remarks

”Former New York City mayor Rudy GIuliani penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on Sunday in which he conceded that the “bluntness” of his recent statements about President Barack Obama’s upbringing and patriotism may have been problematic.

The 70-year-old former presidential candidate has been under fire all week for saying he doesn’t believe Obama “loves America” during a private dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker last week. Later, in an interview with the New York Post, he suggested the president had been influenced by communists since he was 9 years old.”

All Rudy had to do to defend the fact that Obama does not love America is ask the question, If Obama loves America, then why is he obsessed with fundamentally transforming America? And after asking this question then quote OBAMA’S OWN WORDS which explains why he does not love about America.

It’s a shame Rudy Giuliani has backed down from a truth which is obviously clear ___ Obama does not love America, he constantly spits upon its Constitution and is working his best to fundamentally transform it into a European socialist type state.

. How can Obama and his closest advisor Valerie Jarrett love America when they have:

Worked to give aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO to return to the battle field;

Have allowed a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, or swear an allegiance to the United States:

Have transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

Have worked very cleverly to give time to a terrorist Islamic country to develop a nuclear weapon;

Have allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America and use tax revenue paid by American Citizens to feed, clothe, house and provide medical attention and schooling to these invaders while American Citizens cannot meet their own economic needs;

Have undermined America’s election process by going into court to forbid strict voter identification laws being enforced to weed out ineligible persons, including foreigners, from voting in elections;

Have repeatedly interfered with America’s ability to develop its natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel America’s economic engine;

Have worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

Have intentionally sabotaged America’s health care delivery system, and forced America citizens to finance the health care needs of the millions who have invaded our borders;:

Have blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

Have dramatically increased the number of American Citizens forced onto food stamps by adopting policies which adversely affect full time employment for American Citizens and especially among America's Black youth

Have used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transfer $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

Have repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

Have used government agencies, namely the IRS, to attack American Citizens who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech and criticize the actions of our current Administration;

And let us not forget how Obama is encouraging Russia to meddle in and threaten the Baltic States using the “flexibility” he mentioned he would have after the election!

Rudy Giuliani was correct when he said Obama does not love America!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!

The Chairman of the Board.....thought we had some things to fix. Just like Obama. Only idiots think this nation is perfect.

Shit, Rudy was just selling it to the dumber than dirt crowd. From the looks of some of these post, they bought it lock, stock, and barrel.
There was nothing to sell. Everyone already knows Obama has nothing but disdain for this country. Rudy was just stating the obvious.
well getting death threats from the nuts in the leftwing might have an affect on anyone. and that was their purpose to hound and destroy him for speaking out against "the ONE" you can't speak badly about

His cult followers are some scary ass people. and if they can't destroy someone with their lapdog media. they might try another way
Sorry bout that,

1. He spoke the truth and the nuts started climbing the freaking walls and eating coach roaches!!!!!
2. Just makes his statement that more powerful.
3. What he said hurt, because it is the truth.
4. Obama knows it too, and he knows we know now, and that makes us hate him more.
5. I want that sack of shit out off office more than ever!!!!

this man and his party has done everything they can to tear us and our country apart

when you can't speak out your opinion about him without getting deaths there is something very wrong and damn scary. they were calling him to be some great UNITER. Well they lied about that too.
this man and his party has done everything they can to tear us and our country apart

when you can't speak out your opinion about him without getting deaths there is something very wrong and damn scary. they were calling him to be some great UNITER. Well they lied about that too.
Oh, he's a uniter, alright. He's done a great job of uniting our enemies, many of them right here in our own country. We would do well by remembering who they are too.

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