Rudy Giuliani is correct, Obama does not love America!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: Rudy Giuliani: President Obama doesn’t love America


NEW YORK — Rudy Giuliani went straight for the jugular Wednesday night during a private group dinner here featuring Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by openly questioning whether President Barack Obama “loves America.”

The former New York mayor, speaking in front of the 2016 Republican presidential contender and about 60 right-leaning business executives and conservative media types, directly challenged Obama’s patriotism, discussing what he called weak foreign policy decisions and questionable public remarks when confronting terrorists.”

I agree with Giuliani based upon Obama’s actions. How can Obama and his closest advisor Valerie Jarrett love America when they have:

Worked to give aid and comfort to our enemies by releasing them from GITMO to return to the battle field;

Have allowed a thousand Islamic "refugees" into the U.S. each month without a requirement to renounce their allegiance to their country of origin, or swear an allegiance to the United States:

Have transferred America’s weapons of defense and military technology to hostile Islamic leaders [the Islamic Brother Hood];

Have worked very cleverly to give time to a terrorist Islamic country to develop a nuclear weapon;

Have allowed our southern border to be invaded by the poverty stricken populations of Mexico and Central America and use tax revenue paid by American Citizens to feed, clothe, house and provide medical attention and schooling to these invaders while American Citizens cannot meet their own economic needs;

Have undermined America’s election process by going into court to forbid strict voter identification laws being enforced to weed out ineligible persons, including foreigners, from voting in elections;

Have repeatedly interfered with America’s ability to develop its natural resources, namely oil, coal and natural gas to fuel America’s economic engine;

Have worked to stifle America’s agricultural industry and ability to produce food under the guise of environmental necessity;

Have intentionally sabotaged America’s health care delivery system, and forced America citizens to finance the health care needs of the millions who have invaded our borders;:

Have blatantly impinged upon the American People’s inalienable right to make their own choices and decisions regarding their health care and medical needs;

Have dramatically increased the number of American Citizens forced onto food stamps by adopting policies which adversely affect full time employment for American Citizens and especially among America's Black youth

Have used the force of our federal government to tax the paychecks of hard working people living in our nation’s inner cities and then transfer $ billions from our federal treasury to his inner circle friends under the guise of “green energy” [Solyndra/Chevy Volt/Fisker, Exelon, etc.];

Have repeatedly circumvented our Republican Form of Government by issuing Executive Orders and memorandums;

Have used government agencies, namely the IRS, to attack American Citizens who dare to exercise their right to freedom of speech and criticize the actions of our current Administration;

And let us not forget how Obama is encouraging Russia to meddle in and threaten the Baltic States using the “flexibility” he mentioned he would have after the election!

You bet Rudy Giuliani is correct. Obama does not love America and even worse is working with Valerie Jarrett to destroy and weaken America from within! Indeed, from all appearances, we have a Fifth-column working out of our Nation’s White House.


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Islamic terrorist activities begin in our southern Border States or cities like New York City?

Hogwash, he was just playing politics with the crowd. Then does the classic walk back.

"He's a patriot, I'm sure," the former mayor said. "What I'm saying is that, in his rhetoric, I very rarely hear him say the things that I used to hear Ronald Reagan say, the things I used to hear Bill Clinton say, about how much he loves America. I do hear him criticize America much more often than other American presidents."
Well, I have to agree in part that it does seem that Obama is much more ready to hold the U.S. accountable than a lot of previous POTUSs have. And yeah, I'm sure that chaps a lot of people off.

I love my country and I don't have to pretend that we are and always have been perfect to love it. So his rhetoric doesn't send me into a tizzy like it does some folks.

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