Housing Market worse than 2007-2009

Don't get it When you sell rental property is when the profit margin is high, but then your losing rental income that is also going up, and then were do you put the money? When we bought rentals it was for future retirement reasons, We kept our rents reasonable not a lot of profit but the houses paid for them self's, when we sold all but one after retiring we made money not as much as we had hoped due to down market. Today could sell personal home for close to twice what we paid for it but for what gain? unless we were going to buy down & move to a less expensive area with less services I see no advantages? Feel bad for young people who want the American dream of home ownership being priced out of the market & paying 50% of there income for rent, not allowing them much room to save for a house. We are in a strange loop the rich grow stronger & more controlling, The middle class is shrinking. not every one can have the high paying jobs, some one has to do the less profitable jobs. Its a mess & politicians pit us against each other.

Erosion of the American middle class IS the design of Neo-Marxist Dimm's.

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