Household income


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015

According to this data 8.3% of the population make less than $15,000. 11.8% of the population make more than $200,000. There are 7 other categories in between. I think that the data from this chart can be used to make a workable tax policy.

This is what I have come up with.

The lower 33.9% of the population made less than $50,000 in 2022.

The middle 44.9% of the population made between $50,000 and $149,999 in 2022.

The higher 21.1% of the population made $150,000 or more.

This is out of 148,300,000 households. The Federal budget for 2023 was $6.1 trillion. Let's unpack this mess and create a simplistic tax code that generates $6.1 trillion.

According to this data 8.3% of the population make less than $15,000. 11.8% of the population make more than $200,000. There are 7 other categories in between. I think that the data from this chart can be used to make a workable tax policy.

This is what I have come up with.

The lower 33.9% of the population made less than $50,000 in 2022.

The middle 44.9% of the population made between $50,000 and $149,999 in 2022.

The higher 21.1% of the population made $150,000 or more.

This is out of 148,300,000 households. The Federal budget for 2023 was $6.1 trillion. Let's unpack this mess and create a simplistic tax code that generates $6.1 trillion.
How about we cut the PORK out of government (PORK representing the non-essential personnel) because if they arent needed, then they shouldnt be on the government tits, sucking the life out of the golden cow. Cut it by 50% the first year, then 50% the second year and soon the US would be surplus of tax revenue enough to pay down the debt in 10 years......


According to this data 8.3% of the population make less than $15,000. 11.8% of the population make more than $200,000. There are 7 other categories in between. I think that the data from this chart can be used to make a workable tax policy.

This is what I have come up with.

The lower 33.9% of the population made less than $50,000 in 2022.

The middle 44.9% of the population made between $50,000 and $149,999 in 2022.

The higher 21.1% of the population made $150,000 or more.

This is out of 148,300,000 households. The Federal budget for 2023 was $6.1 trillion. Let's unpack this mess and create a simplistic tax code that generates $6.1 trillion.
Why $6.1 trillion, why not $16 trillion? Regardless of the number, you know government will just piss it away and need more.
The tax rate for people earning less than $50,000 should be 1%.

That might generate $12,568,425,000.00.

The tax rate for people earning $50,000 - $149,999.99 should be 14%.

That might generate $699,160,350,000.00.

The tax rate for people earning $150,000 or more should be 44%.

That might generate $4,130,451,600,000.00.

That is a grand total of $4,829,624,518,425.00 in revenue.

I guess just borrow the remaining $1,270,375,481,575.00 to pay the remaining part of the budget. I think I see why over half of the lowest income tax payers do not pay taxes. It is a drop in the bucket. This business is crazy. Our budget is too big or something another.
How about we cut the PORK out of government (PORK representing the non-essential personnel) because if they arent needed, then they shouldnt be on the government tits, sucking the life out of the golden cow.

Want to play a game and read the budget? Pork is an insignificant amount of money.

National Defense, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Education are way over 75% of the budget. Unless you want to cut from one of those categories you aren't phasing the budget at all. Personally I say cut National Defense Spending by 75%. Eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Department of Education. Then you have a good start. Otherwise budget cuts are all fantasy.

According to this data 8.3% of the population make less than $15,000. 11.8% of the population make more than $200,000. There are 7 other categories in between. I think that the data from this chart can be used to make a workable tax policy.

This is what I have come up with.

The lower 33.9% of the population made less than $50,000 in 2022.

The middle 44.9% of the population made between $50,000 and $149,999 in 2022.

The higher 21.1% of the population made $150,000 or more.

This is out of 148,300,000 households. The Federal budget for 2023 was $6.1 trillion. Let's unpack this mess and create a simplistic tax code that generates $6.1 trillion.
How about we just quit spending money we don't need to spend?
How about we cut the PORK out of government (PORK representing the non-essential personnel) because if they arent needed, then they shouldnt be on the government tits, sucking the life out of the golden cow. Cut it by 50% the first year, then 50% the second year and soon the US would be surplus of tax revenue enough to pay down the debt in 10 years......

Why would any Democrat Neo-Marxist ever want to do that?
Which category would you eliminate? National Defense? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? Department of Education? or an insignificant amount from all other expenditures combined?
Translation: You don't want to reduce even one dime of spending and, in fact, want to spend more.

According to this data 8.3% of the population make less than $15,000. 11.8% of the population make more than $200,000. There are 7 other categories in between. I think that the data from this chart can be used to make a workable tax policy.

This is what I have come up with.

The lower 33.9% of the population made less than $50,000 in 2022.

The middle 44.9% of the population made between $50,000 and $149,999 in 2022.

The higher 21.1% of the population made $150,000 or more.

This is out of 148,300,000 households. The Federal budget for 2023 was $6.1 trillion. Let's unpack this mess and create a simplistic tax code that generates $6.1 trillion.
This is peak silliness and the fun part is -- You don't even know why.

Know why Rich People are Rich? They're smarter than you are.

Know why people work in goobermint jobs? They're stupid. I don't mean 'less intelligent', I mean stupid. Actually, fucking stoopid. If they weren't stoopid before they hired on, they have to become stupid in order to survive in a goobermint job.

You can't get to Rich People's money, they're smarter than you are. By leaps and bounds
Translation: You don't want to reduce even one dime of spending and, in fact, want to spend more.
Nah. I'd reduce national defense by 75% and eliminate social security, medicaid, medicare, and the Department of Education. What about you? Do you want to focus on saving 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005235% of the budget and call it a win?
Nah. I'd reduce national defense by 75% and eliminate social security, medicaid, medicare, and the Department of Education. What about you? Do you want to focus on saving 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005235% of the budget and call it a win?
You are such a liar. You just made a post wanting to raise taxes to collect over 6 trillion dollars without cutting a dime and now you claim we don't need to do that. I wish you'd make up your mind.
This is peak silliness and the fun part is -- You don't even know why.

Know why Rich People are Rich? They're smarter than you are.

Know why people work in goobermint jobs? They're stupid. I don't mean 'less intelligent', I mean stupid. Actually, fucking stoopid. If they weren't stoopid before they hired on, they have to become stupid in order to survive in a goobermint job.

You can't get to Rich People's money, they're smarter than you are. By leaps and bounds

I know what you are getting at but I'm conservative AF. I say cut off all government goodies and the ones that I get cut them off twice.
You are such a liar. You just made a post wanting to raise taxes to collect over 6 trillion dollars without cutting a dime and now you claim we don't need to do that. I wish you'd make up your mind.
No. I said we should cut like a mother fucker. You must have assumed I was being sarcastic. I was not. If it isn't a government function, eliminate it immediately. I don't own congress. Maybe that's why you are confused. You thought I did.
I know what you are getting at but I'm conservative AF. I say cut off all government goodies and the ones that I get cut them off twice.
Then you should know that we aren't going to get at Rich People's money.

Look what happened when OMB put a ceiling on how much State Income tax could be deducted from your FEDERAL Income Tax. Called the 'SALT' cap

He placed the ceiling at $10,000. IOW, you couldn't deduct more than $10k in STATE Income Tax from your Federal taxes. The absolute HELL raised by dimocrap FILTH in New Yawk Shitty and Kaliphony was deafening. They called OMB everything in the book.

Do you know how much money you have to make to pa more than $10k in State Income Taxes?

BTW, the tax is progressive so it's well over 2 MILLION Dollars.

dimocrap FILTH talk all kinds oof shit about paying your "Fair Share" but when it actually happens, they raise Holy Hell about it.

Why? Because..... Well, they're just scum.
Want to play a game and read the budget? Pork is an insignificant amount of money.

National Defense, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Education are way over 75% of the budget. Unless you want to cut from one of those categories you aren't phasing the budget at all. Personally I say cut National Defense Spending by 75%. Eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Department of Education. Then you have a good start. Otherwise budget cuts are all fantasy.
Really? I worked in the ATF&E headquarters building and i saw plenty of non essential personnel sitting around net surfing, gorging their pieholes, and when the government closed 95% of the staff went home. If all agencies have this quota of worthless people, then fire every last one of them, because they are Non-Essential.
Then you should know that we aren't going to get at Rich People's money.

Should we get at poor people's money? That might be an inefficient strategy my friend.

"Altogether, the top 50 percent of filers earned 90 percent of all income and were responsible for 98 percent of all income taxes paid in 2021.

The other half of earners, those with incomes below $46,637, collectively paid 2.3 percent of all income taxes in 2021." February 29, 2024

Maybe we can't get at rich people's money in the future but the United States government has done an amazing job doing it in the last few 247 years or so. I'll admit. I don't know how to fund a government but it is interesting to speculate on how it could be done.
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According to this data 8.3% of the population make less than $15,000. 11.8% of the population make more than $200,000. There are 7 other categories in between. I think that the data from this chart can be used to make a workable tax policy.

This is what I have come up with.

The lower 33.9% of the population made less than $50,000 in 2022.

The middle 44.9% of the population made between $50,000 and $149,999 in 2022.

The higher 21.1% of the population made $150,000 or more.

This is out of 148,300,000 households. The Federal budget for 2023 was $6.1 trillion. Let's unpack this mess and create a simplistic tax code that generates $6.1 trillion.

Why not try to spend less than 6.1 trillion first?
The top 1% of income earners make 26.3% of all income.
The bottom 50% of income earners make 10.4% of all income.

The top 1% of income earners make $682,577 or more per year.
The bottom 50% of income earners make $46,637 or less per year.

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