House Weighs Bill to Make Gun Permits Valid Across State Lines


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
It's about time

Lawmakers are considering a House bill that would give Americans who hold permits to carry firearms in their home states the right to carry their weapons across state lines.

Although many states have entered into voluntary agreements, there is no nationwide framework for honoring permits and licenses uniformly. A bipartisan bill, co-authored by Reps. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., and Heath Shuler, D-N.C., aims to change that.

Read more: House Weighs Bill To Make Gun Permits Valid Across State Lines | Fox News

One I will have to remember come election time
This is a wonderful idea. I can't see where anyone would have any objections.:clap2:

When you leave your home is when you need your gun the most. You are more likely to be attacked out of your home than in your home. Why do some people think you have a forcefill surrounding you when you leave your home state?
Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

As a former Truck Driver I can tell you people in that Industry want this law. Currently no CDL carrying Driver can carry a weapon in their Truck, Simply because some states will not recognize their Permits while others will. Believe me, as a truck driver, a gun for Protection, Is a very good idea.
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Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

As a former Truck Driver I can tell you people in that Industry want this law. Currently no CDL carrying Driver can carry a weapon in their Truck, Simply because some states will not recognize their Permits while others will. Believe me, as a truck driver, a gun for Protection, Is a very good idea.

Even though I agree with the bill I don't think the feds have any right telling another state how to gov. itself
Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

As a former Truck Driver I can tell you people in that Industry want this law. Currently no CDL carrying Driver can carry a weapon in their Truck, Simply because some states will not recognize their Permits while others will. Believe me, as a truck driver, a gun for Protection, Is a very good idea.

Won't happen that quickly.

Even the Scalia court said in Heller, States have a right to impose reasonable restrictions.
If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

Funny – you guys on the right don’t care about that when it come to something other than guns.

This shouldn’t be that much of an issue, considering many states have reciprocity agreements with other states.
Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

As a former Truck Driver I can tell you people in that Industry want this law. Currently no CDL carrying Driver can carry a weapon in their Truck, Simply because some states will not recognize their Permits while others will. Believe me, as a truck driver, a gun for Protection, Is a very good idea.

Even though I agree with the bill I don't think the feds have any right telling another state how to gov. itself

Unlike with Marriage, the other comparable issue. The Constitution is pretty clear on our right to bear arms, and the Federal Governments obligation to protect that right.
Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.


but don't you love the states' righters wanting the feds to step in when its an issue THEY like

*as opposed to education, environment, anti-discrimination laws... reproductive rights...

shall i go on? *

*edit* yep, bigreb... at least you're consistent. :thup:
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Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

As a former Truck Driver I can tell you people in that Industry want this law. Currently no CDL carrying Driver can carry a weapon in their Truck, Simply because some states will not recognize their Permits while others will. Believe me, as a truck driver, a gun for Protection, Is a very good idea.

Won't happen that quickly.

Even the Scalia court said in Heller, States have a right to impose reasonable restrictions.
How is restricting the carrying of a firearm by someone who has been trained reasonable restrictions?
Want to make a bet?

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

Funny – you guys on the right don’t care about that when it come to something other than guns.

This shouldn’t be that much of an issue, considering many states have reciprocity agreements with other states.

Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.

If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

As a former Truck Driver I can tell you people in that Industry want this law. Currently no CDL carrying Driver can carry a weapon in their Truck, Simply because some states will not recognize their Permits while others will. Believe me, as a truck driver, a gun for Protection, Is a very good idea.

Even though I agree with the bill I don't think the feds have any right telling another state how to gov. itself
If this law passes, NYC and State officials will have no choice but to recognize All States Gun Permits. Federal Supremacy and all.

Funny – you guys on the right don’t care about that when it come to something other than guns.

This shouldn’t be that much of an issue, considering many states have reciprocity agreements with other states.

Wrong bud, I have never took such a position on any issue. If said issue is actually a Federal Power.

In this case the 2nd Amendment gives us the right to bear arms, and the Constitution as a whole tasks the Fed with making sure those rights are not infringed, Including by State a local Laws. So the Supremacy clause is a valid constitutional Argument in this case.

On the other hand, Take the Gay marriage issue. I see no Power given to the Fed to Determine what Marriage is. Unlike gun ownership which has the 2nd amendment. So a Valid argument can be made that the Fed Does not have Supremacy in that case, and the powers fall to the states.
Don't come to New York.

You'll spend a year or two in Jail.


but don't you love the states' righters wanting the feds to step in when its an issue THEY like

*as opposed to education, environment, anti-discrimination laws... reproductive rights...

shall i go on? *

*edit* yep, bigreb... at least you're consistent. :thup:

I try to be thanks
Yet no jobs bill from the House.Really important issue during a great recession.

Why do you lie so much? The house has passed no less than 12 Bills aimed at creating jobs in one way or another. All of which have been tabled by the Senate.

Do try and pay attention and stop just parroting Liberal Lies.

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