House votes to revoke IRS funding for 87,000 new agents.

Yeah, a great start for the reaming these Republican assholes are going to give us. Where the hell is paygo at? You know, pay as you go. Cost this little action will cost us at least A HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS. I will document that in a little but I am going to rant.

You see, this action is a perfect example of how Republicans blow smoke up their supporter's ass while sucking off those that provide them those massive donations and finance dark money political action committees. And they know exactly what they are doing. First, I don't see how the hell they sleep at night, and second, I can't understand while lightening doesn't strike their asses dead. Where is the justice? I mean we have been down this road before, the last time the assholes took Congress, and here were the results.

From 2010 to 2018, even as the IRS received 9 percent more tax returns, its annual budget was slashed by $2.9 billion—a 20 percent reduction that cost the agency more than one-fifth of its workforce. Investigations of non-filers plummeted and the amount of outstanding tax debt the IRS formally wrote off (based on the 10-year statute of limitations for collections) more than doubled—from less than $15 billion in 2010 to more than $34 billion in 2019.

Virtually no partnerships were audited in 2018. By then, with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, the kneecapped IRS was scrutinizing the individual returns of just 0.03 percent of those $10 million–plus taxpayers, down from a peak of 23 percent in 2010. Audits of the $5 million–to–$10 million filers fell from just under 15 percent to a scant 0.04 percent.

A fair subset of superwealthy Americans doesn’t even bother filing. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration reported in 2020 that nearly 880,000 “high income” non-filers from 2014 through 2016 still owed $46 billion, and the IRS was in no condition, resource-wise, to collect. The 300 biggest delinquents owed about $33 million per head, on average. Fifteen percent of their cases had been closed without examination by IRS staffers, and another one-third weren’t even in line to be “worked.”
I mean this shit pisses me off. Just 300 people owe A FLIPPIN BILLION DOLLARS. In China, they would be shot and their organs harvested. Here, THEY FLIPPIN SKATE. And all because you numbnuts buy the bullshit the Republican party is telling you hook, line, and sinker. I mean read the link, I know you won't. But try this one.

You see that line, "IRS tax enforcement funding"? A hundred billion dollars. That is how much revenue those enforcement measures were scored to take in, and that is conservative. This new Congress just pissed that money away. Hell, it is telling. I mean the first thing they do is change the rules and gut the ethics committee. Then they grant a free pass to the wealthy tax cheats. I mean for the love of God, wake up and smell the coffee. But I doubt that will happen, you morons will just bend right on over and politely ask, "give me another".
"Elections have consequences." - Anonymous muzzie lawn jockey, circa 2009

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You’re beyond gullible. Fortunately, you’re also quite ignorant and stupid. Not to mention wrong. You’re wrong a lot, too.
The scoring is there. And here is something else,

Yellen told IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig in a letter released by the Treasury Department that any new IRS personnel "shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels."

So there, cost us a hundred billion and all those IRS agents, they were under a directive not to increase audits to anyone or any business making under 400 grand a year. I mean is it not easy to see who these Republicans represent? And this was their first legislative act. You are the gullible one, you are the ignorant and stupid one, and you are a FAWKING FOOL.
The scoring is there. And here is something else,

Yellen told IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig in a letter released by the Treasury Department that any new IRS personnel "shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels."

So there, cost us a hundred billion and all those IRS agents, they were under a directive not to increase audits to anyone or any business making under 400 grand a year. I mean is it not easy to see who these Republicans represent? And this was their first legislative act. You are the gullible one, you are the ignorant and stupid one, and you are a FAWKING FOOL.
I already noted that you’re gullible.

So, really, there’s no need to rush to confirm it. But yeah. It’s appreciated.
Won't get passed the Democraticaly Controlled Senate.
Obviously not. That's how our system was designed by the Founders. What the Rs WILL accomplish is to demonstrate publicly who is on board and supportive of hiring 87,000 new anti-American thugs into the DC swamp.
Obviously not. That's how our system was designed by the Founders. What the Rs WILL accomplish is to demonstrate publicly who is on board and supportive of hiring 87,000 new anti-American thugs into the DC swamp.
How do you propose to pay for all of Grifty's spending?
And yet I am thousands of percent more informed than you are, FilthyHorseshit.
You are no more informed than the average pre-schooler, although the difference is the pre-schooler wants to be more informed. In 2010 the IRS audited 23 percent of all returns with incomes in excess of ten million dollars. After the last time a Republican Congress kneecapped the IRS, cutting their funding by more than 20 percent, that number dropped to .03 percent. So, you make ten million in 2010 the chance of you being audited was better than one in five. Now, it is less than one in three thousand.

The IRS has ten years to collect back taxes, then the statue of limitations kicks in. In 2010 they "wrote off", do you understant that term? Wrote off 15 billion dollars. In 2019 it was 34 billion dollars. From 2014 to 2016 880,000 "non-filers" with high incomes owed 46 billion dollars in taxes. The IRS is in no position to collect that money and the clockis ticking.

Think about that for a moment. We have high income individuals, earning more than ten million a year, that don't even fawking bother filing their damn taxes. Hell, they know the IRS doesn't have the resources and they know they can run out the clock. In my world, that makes them deadbeat scum, you seem to worship these SOB's.

The 300 biggest delinquents owe an average of 33 million each. All this information has been sourced and documented within this very thread, you are too stupid to even realize it. And just to explain the difference to you. Ignorance is just that, ignorance, but stupid is willful ignorance. But let me lay this out there for you.

You owe the IRS 30 some million dollars. You are six years in on a ten year SOL. Dropping a couple hundred grand to a PAC that supports Republicans willing to further decrease the IRS's collection ability is like a no damn brainer. And true to damn form, that is the first, THE FAWKING FIRST, action this Congress takes as an order of business.

Bought and Bossed, I am quite sure you have no damn idea where that comes from, but it sure as hell describes this dysfunctional Republican party we are now witnessing. I would like to think that this bill will die a slow death in the Senate, but Manchin epitomizes just the type of individual that would collect all that "dark money" to protect the tax cheats.

But this is what really gets me. Just a cursory glance at Trump's tax return clearly indicates he is one of those wealthy individuals that knows the IRS is undermanned and is playing the game. Hell, even when the IRS is REQUIRED to audit his return, they don't. A half dozen schedule C's and magically enough, expenses always equal revenue--BULLSHIT. Pages of partnerships, and how many partnerships has the IRS audited in the last five years, NONE.

Look, you are probably some schmuck that either works a w-2 job, or draws Social Security or disability. You can't hide anything from the IRS and they sure as hell don't need agents to keep up with you, they have computers. But in the end, you are going to be paying more because those fatcats that you worship and will never be able to become, are screwing the government, and US, over.

Again, the fact that this was the first order of business for this Republican congress tells me everything. But they know, most of the public is like you, too damn stupid to realize what is happening. And until we change that, we are destined to a world of hurt.

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