House Republicans still want to rip out the 14th amendment....

The war started over cotton MORON. Slavery did not enter the war for a while.

Really, because 'slaveholding states' was cited as defining the sides of the conflict in South Carolina's Declaration of Secession.

It was in the first sentence.

With slaves or slavery cited 18 times, the 'institution of slavery' cited as twice, and the declaration citing the geographic boundaries of the sides of the dispute as defined by 'the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.'.

Oddly, cotton was never mentioned once.

Maybe 'for a while' doesn't mean what you think it means.

It may very well be that the bureaucrats in South Carolina wanted to preserve the abomination known as slavery.

But the solution was to allow the institution of slavery to disappear as it did in every other country.

The solution was not murdering over 650,000 Americans and destroying the US Constitution.

Agreed. Personally I think when the Boll Weevil hit, it would have been the end of slavery, and the CSA would have as good of relations with the USA as Canada does.

Enjoying your alternate Universe?

At least I know when I am playing with a fantasy, which puts me miles ahead of you and your ilk.

Or have you discovered more secret codes hidden in my posts?

Ahhh, the good old "ilk" method.

Pretty boring. C-

Have you nothing better to offer?

I don't need to look for any secret codes in your content - it is really quite obvious.


Well, I would be happy to discuss the topic, buy you keep changing the subject to me, and your deep need to discuss how racist you think I am.

Some nice alternative history would be more interesting IMO.

You do realize how boringly predictable everything you say is?

Why? Because your racism bores me.....

That's a lot of lies in a few words.

You are the one that keeps bringing up my alleged racism.

If you find it boring, why is it all you want to talk about?

Lord knows it's not because you have exhausted any of the topics or issues. :lol:
The war started over cotton MORON. Slavery did not enter the war for a while.

Really, because 'slaveholding states' was cited as defining the sides of the conflict in South Carolina's Declaration of Secession.

It was in the first sentence.

With slaves or slavery cited 18 times, the 'institution of slavery' cited as twice, and the declaration citing the geographic boundaries of the sides of the dispute as defined by 'the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.'.

Oddly, cotton was never mentioned once.

Maybe 'for a while' doesn't mean what you think it means.

It may very well be that the bureaucrats in South Carolina wanted to preserve the abomination known as slavery.

But the solution was to allow the institution of slavery to disappear as it did in every other country.

The solution was not murdering over 650,000 Americans and destroying the US Constitution.

Whatever it took to end slavery immediately I am all for. It would have been dumb to "allow it to disappear". Jim Crow should have been a clue that it was never going to disappear here in the US.
The war started over cotton MORON. Slavery did not enter the war for a while.

Really, because 'slaveholding states' was cited as defining the sides of the conflict in South Carolina's Declaration of Secession.

It was in the first sentence.

With slaves or slavery cited 18 times, the 'institution of slavery' cited as twice, and the declaration citing the geographic boundaries of the sides of the dispute as defined by 'the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.'.

Oddly, cotton was never mentioned once.

Maybe 'for a while' doesn't mean what you think it means.

It may very well be that the bureaucrats in South Carolina wanted to preserve the abomination known as slavery.

But the solution was to allow the institution of slavery to disappear as it did in every other country.

The solution was not murdering over 650,000 Americans and destroying the US Constitution.

Whatever it took to end slavery immediately I am all for. It would have been dumb to "allow it to disappear". Jim Crow should have been a clue that it was never going to disappear here in the US.

Äääh, yepp.
...I do not understand the reason Pedro becoming a citizen is "pure madness"..
It's madness because one Anchor Baby encourages another, and another, and another, and another... each of them tied to one or more Illegal Aliens who weasel their way into remaining upon US soil just because the puppy they popped-out was born on US soil... and we don't need that kind of loophole remaining on the books much longer.

The FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE IS WAS NOT ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE US CONSTITUTION - not because "illegals can weasel their their way into neonazi territory.

Says you. Citing yourself. And your source is clearly inadequate to carry your argument.

The fact that you support the Fourteenth "amendment" is prima facie evidence that the same is UNconstitutional. A bald-face USURPATION.

Your hero Lincoln approved of the Amendment and was trying to get Congress to pass it as a means of preventing the Civil war.

Lincoln's priority was the preservation of the Union. Not ending slavery. He's on record as saying that if he could save the union without freeing any slaves, he would. He just didn't think the nation could stand as half slave, half free.

As always the far left drones don't know what they are talking about!

He used it as a rally cry to get troops fired up!

The North burned cities to the ground. I am sure that was productive..

You far left drones need to learn the real history not the one your are programmed with..

Issues including states’ rights versus federal authority and westward expansion .

Lincoln had used the occasion of the Union victory at Antietam to issue a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in the rebellious states after January 1, 1863. He justified his decision as a wartime measure, and did not go so far as to free the slaves in the border states loyal to the Union. Still, the Emancipation Proclamation deprived the Confederacy of the bulk of its labor forces and put international public opinion strongly on the Union side.
Lincoln freed the slaves as punishment for you losers since you hinged everything on slavery. You gambled and lost. Stop whining.

Nah. Freeing the slaves wasn't about punishment. It was about ending an institution that Lincoln came to believe the union could not endure. And his own feelings about how antithetical slavery was to the concept of freedom. And framing the war for a nation that had grown weary of the fight, making it a fight for freedom rather than merely putting down the rebellion. Finally, by the end of his presidency Lincoln's estimation of what blacks were capable of jumped considerably. With Lincoln advocating that educated blacks and those who fought for the Union should be granted the vote.
Naw. If that was the case he would have freed the slaves in the non confederate states.

The proclamation was issued as a war measure during the civil war. Which generally only applied to those regions in rebellion. If he'd attempted to apply it to regions not in rebellion, the legal status of the Proclamation would have gotten complicated. His authority to levy a war measure to the states in rebellion was unquestioned.

Second, the Emancipation Proclamation as a direct consequence of an ultimatum he had given the rebel states: He would free the slaves in any state in rebellion by January 1st 1863. That inherently limited the scope of the Proclamation before it had ever been given. Though arguably you could find some support for your 'punishment' angle if abolishment of slavery had ended with the Proclamation. But it didn't.

In fact, Lincoln made it very clear why he was freeing slaves before the Emancipation Proclamation:

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it. … What I do about Slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save this Union.”

President Lincoln

Punishment wasn't his motive.

Third, the loyal border states might have been driven to join the confederacy if he had applied it to them in 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had been given after the the first significant Union Victory, the Battle of Antietum. Union victory in the war was far from assured. And the loyalty of the border states, far from rock solid. Politically, it made sense to wait.

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

Only the retards rejoice.

...I do not understand the reason Pedro becoming a citizen is "pure madness"..
It's madness because one Anchor Baby encourages another, and another, and another, and another... each of them tied to one or more Illegal Aliens who weasel their way into remaining upon US soil just because the puppy they popped-out was born on US soil... and we don't need that kind of loophole remaining on the books much longer.

The FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE IS WAS NOT ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE US CONSTITUTION - not because "illegals can weasel their their way into neonazi territory.

Says you. Citing yourself. And your source is clearly inadequate to carry your argument.

The fact that you support the Fourteenth "amendment" is prima facie evidence that the same is UNconstitutional. A bald-face USURPATION.


You typing the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.
...I do not understand the reason Pedro becoming a citizen is "pure madness"..
It's madness because one Anchor Baby encourages another, and another, and another, and another... each of them tied to one or more Illegal Aliens who weasel their way into remaining upon US soil just because the puppy they popped-out was born on US soil... and we don't need that kind of loophole remaining on the books much longer.

The FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE IS WAS NOT ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE US CONSTITUTION - not because "illegals can weasel their their way into neonazi territory.

Says you. Citing yourself. And your source is clearly inadequate to carry your argument.

The fact that you support the Fourteenth "amendment" is prima facie evidence that the same is UNconstitutional. A bald-face USURPATION.


You typing the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.

Your claim that my typing of the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its just you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.

It's madness because one Anchor Baby encourages another, and another, and another, and another... each of them tied to one or more Illegal Aliens who weasel their way into remaining upon US soil just because the puppy they popped-out was born on US soil... and we don't need that kind of loophole remaining on the books much longer.

The FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE IS WAS NOT ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE US CONSTITUTION - not because "illegals can weasel their their way into neonazi territory.

Says you. Citing yourself. And your source is clearly inadequate to carry your argument.

The fact that you support the Fourteenth "amendment" is prima facie evidence that the same is UNconstitutional. A bald-face USURPATION.


You typing the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.

Your claim that my typing of the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its just you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.


Which would be relevant if I was obligated to disprove any batshit claim you make up. Alas, its you that is must first factually establish your own claims.

And you've got jack shit.

Me, I've got the Secretary of State affirming that each passed. Which is the benchmark of the passage of every amendment.

Why would I ignore the Secretary of State and instead believe you citing yourself? Explain it to us. With evidence.

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

The FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE IS WAS NOT ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE US CONSTITUTION - not because "illegals can weasel their their way into neonazi territory.

Says you. Citing yourself. And your source is clearly inadequate to carry your argument.

The fact that you support the Fourteenth "amendment" is prima facie evidence that the same is UNconstitutional. A bald-face USURPATION.


You typing the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.

Your claim that my typing of the word 'prima facie' isn't 'prima facie'. Its just you applying pressure to a keyboard.

Remember, you're nobody.


Which would be relevant if I was obligated to disprove any batshit claim you make up. Alas, its you that is must first factually establish your own claims.

And you've got jack shit.

Me, I've got the Secretary of State affirming that each passed. Which is the benchmark of the passage of every amendment.

Why would I ignore the Secretary of State and instead believe you citing yourself? Explain it to us. With evidence.

Which means that you got jack shit.

You are arguing that because Heinrich Himmler supported Hitler's extermination of Jews that the same was valid.

You are one crazy motherfucker.

.One bureaucrat supporting another bureacrat........amazing you could have knocked me down with a feather!

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

I know that 's how you feel - fascists are typically criminally insane.


As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

I know that 's how you feel - fascists are typically criminally insane.

As you type in large bold font. :laugh:

As Union victories stacked up like cordwood, the Lincoln administration brought its political guns to bear to get the house to pass the 13th amendment the very next year. The amendment had already been submitted to the States with 18 of them having ratified it before Lincoln's assassination. And Lincoln powerfully supporting it all the way. Lincoln supported ending slavery everywhere. It wasn't a 'puntive measure' against the states.

One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

I know that 's how you feel - fascists are typically criminally insane.

Preservation of our nation has always been the number one priority of our nation, if traitors have to be shot then so be it. Call it Fascism if you like but that is how ALL nation states operate. Letting a country break in two almost always leads to war, your slaver heroes knew it and did it anyway and deserved the ass-beating they got. I am talking about my own ancestors here and despise them for their stupidity.
One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

I know that 's how you feel - fascists are typically criminally insane.

As you type in large bold font. :laugh:

How else are you going to penetrate the fascists thick skulls?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

I know that 's how you feel - fascists are typically criminally insane.

As you type in large bold font. :laugh:

How else are you going to penetrate the fascists thick skulls?

Try being a reasonable and rational debater, your histrionics do not do a thing to advance your argument.
One has to be massively retarded to construe the outcome of the war of northern agression as a "victory" How is the destruction of the Constitution, centralizing power in DC, the imposition of a graduated income tax and the issuance of paper money a victory?!?!?!?!?!?

The preservation of the union, the putting down of a 5 year rebellion, and the ending of slavery is most definitely a victory.

You're literally arguing against the preservation of the union.

No thanks.

The fascist faction is unbelievable.

The preservation of the union is more important than 650,000 American lives and the US Constitution(1787).

Yes, it was and still is and would have been worth it with double the casualties.

I know that 's how you feel - fascists are typically criminally insane.

Preservation of our nation has always been the number one priority of our nation, if traitors have to be shot then so be it. Call it Fascism if you like but that is how ALL nation states operate. Letting a country break in two almost always leads to war, your slaver heroes knew it and did it anyway and deserved the ass-beating they got. I am talking about my own ancestors here and despise them for their stupidity.

You sound like former Soviet Minister Stalin.

Crush dissent by any means necessary.

You are nothing more than a piece of dog shit.


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