House Republicans Announce Their Priority List Of Red Meat Bills That Won't Be Going Anywhere


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
House Majority Leader-elect Steve Scalise has announced a list of 11 slabs of red-meat legislation that his Republican caucus will be unveiling in the first two weeks of the 118th Congress.

Scalise released a “Dear Colleague” letter to the caucus Friday enumerating pieces of “meaningful, ‘ready-to-go’ legislation.” He neglected to mention that each of them might also be termed “ready-to-go-nowhere” since the Democrats maintained their majority in the U.S. Senate.

Didn't somebody tell the fruitcake caucus the red wave didn't happen?
See, here you are crying like a lil bitch that don’t want to do anything.

Nothing will get done in the House.
They will retaliate with bogus shit, then whine about biden even more.
And if they didn’t do this you would cry like a bitch that they aren’t doing anything.

Hey Stupid, they aren’t there to pass the shit Dimwingers want.

They aren't there to pass anything the American people want.

The only reason they are there at all is because of gerrymandered districts and voter suppression laws.

The American people didn't send them there to do anything.

And they won't be allowed to do anything. That is a dead in the water House, and they won't even get a budget passed without Democrats, and Joe Bidens permission.

And if you think for a minute at least 5 Republicans won't vote with Democrats to keep the government open, you're even dumber than I thought you were.
They aren't there to pass anything the American people want.

The only reason they are there at all is because of gerrymandered districts and voter suppression laws.

The American people didn't send them there to do anything.

And they won't be allowed to do anything. That is a dead in the water House, and they won't even get a budget passed without Democrats, and Joe Bidens permission.

And if you think for a minute at least 5 Republicans won't vote with Democrats to keep the government open, you're even dumber than I thought you were.

Actually, the "gerrymandering" was in favor of the D's, skews.

The Republicans won 53% of the popular vote in congressional elections in 2022. If the House of Reps was determined proportionately, like the Knesset is, they would have received more seats than they did.
They aren't there to pass anything the American people want.

The only reason they are there at all is because of gerrymandered districts and voter suppression laws.

The American people didn't send them there to do anything.

And they won't be allowed to do anything. That is a dead in the water House, and they won't even get a budget passed without Democrats, and Joe Bidens permission.

And if you think for a minute at least 5 Republicans won't vote with Democrats to keep the government open, you're even dumber than I thought you were.
Voter suppression?

Record turnout all over the country, Simp.
House Majority Leader-elect Steve Scalise has announced a list of 11 slabs of red-meat legislation that his Republican caucus will be unveiling in the first two weeks of the 118th Congress.

Scalise released a “Dear Colleague” letter to the caucus Friday enumerating pieces of “meaningful, ‘ready-to-go’ legislation.” He neglected to mention that each of them might also be termed “ready-to-go-nowhere” since the Democrats maintained their majority in the U.S. Senate.

Didn't somebody tell the fruitcake caucus the red wave didn't happen?
Even if the Republi part of the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) held the majority in both the lower & upper chambers of the House the RINO's would blow their proposals/legislation clear out of the water. As a back up there is always the good ole filibuster to torpedo legislation, & as a last resort the POTUS can just not sign legislation into law. The so called red side is currently as effective as a ruptured rubber is @ preventing unwanted pregnancy.
Sounds like the last two years.

Actually, quite a lot got done the last two years. House Republicans will be forced by the majority of centrists, to pass bills that have a chance of getting votes in the Senate. They will also force the crazies to vote for a budget that will make it to Bidens desk.

But the MAGA's aren't going to get anything.

Zip. Zero. Nada. The Trump agenda is dead.
Republicans will fight more among themselves than with Democrats

They will demonstrate yet again that they are not set to lead.
All they will accomplish is silly investigations of Hunter Biden, Fauci, Pelosi
Then they will shut down Government once again and explain to voters in 2024 why they should lead
Actually, quite a lot got done the last two years. House Republicans will be forced by the majority of centrists, to pass bills that have a chance of getting votes in the Senate. They will also force the crazies to vote for a budget that will make it to Bidens desk.

But the MAGA's aren't going to get anything.

Zip. Zero. Nada. The Trump agenda is dead.
The only thing that was done was the GOP caving to the treason of the left. It is likely that they will continue to show zero backbone.

But what they are NOT doing is throwing red meat to the base. The ONLY thing they can do is to stop all budgeting and all spending.

The spending in this country is authorized ONLY in the House.

Now, what happens is we start weeding out the fuck-bois who side with the treasonous left.
Actually, quite a lot got done the last two years. House Republicans will be forced by the majority of centrists, to pass bills that have a chance of getting votes in the Senate. They will also force the crazies to vote for a budget that will make it to Bidens desk.

But the MAGA's aren't going to get anything.

Zip. Zero. Nada. The Trump agenda is dead.
Quite a lot of fiat currency printing legislation. A Prog in D.C. is the easiest work there is. The House Prog leader gets orders from the elites and then fifty-thousand-page laws are crafted with so much corruption, pork, laundering money, payoffs and other saturated largesse that the Prog minions think that we are rich and growing nation.
House Majority Leader-elect Steve Scalise has announced a list of 11 slabs of red-meat legislation that his Republican caucus will be unveiling in the first two weeks of the 118th Congress.

Scalise released a “Dear Colleague” letter to the caucus Friday enumerating pieces of “meaningful, ‘ready-to-go’ legislation.” He neglected to mention that each of them might also be termed “ready-to-go-nowhere” since the Democrats maintained their majority in the U.S. Senate.

Didn't somebody tell the fruitcake caucus the red wave didn't happen?
Hey dumbass, do you remember 2018-2020? Same demographics in reverse. Do you remember how much meaningful legislation got passed because of your stupid fuck partisan shit? NONE. You know who loses in this type of situation? Americans! But you're too fucking stupid to put 2 and 2 together. SMFH.

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