House Passes the PRO Act - 5 Republicans Join In for the 'Yea' Vote


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2021
Fort Worth, TX
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!
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Great news for the nation's Italian clubs as Big Labor looks to hire new business agents to muscle in on and destroy American employers.

If this passes- the goombas are going to have to deliver for the multitudes that they will be getting a taste from.
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!
You do know that Jeff Bezos is a flaming liberal who owns the Washington comPost? Do you really think that the prog elites will go after one of their own who donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to their campaigns?
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!

This is Plan B of the failed minimum wage increase. Democraps will do anything to kill Capitalism.
The "PRO-Act" allows Big Labor to ORDER employers to fire anyone who fails to "kick up" their union dues.

A lot of Americans in the 2020's won't put up for that shit. They see the God Given Right to Work as sancrosanct, and they won't allow some "made man" to deny them a right to earn a living.

Big Labor will be looking for a Mafia-Protection Act after working guys start whacking these "men of respect" who try to shake them down.
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!
Damn! Just think what would have happened had that law been around when the FAA Traffic Controllers went on strike decades ago. They were all fired to keep the airline industry from collapsing.

Unions suck shit!
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!
You do know that Jeff Bezos is a flaming liberal who owns the Washington comPost? Do you really think that the prog elites will go after one of their own who donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to their campaigns?

Fuckin' A they would. Are you new here?
Funny how Leftists are all about private companies firing people for excercising their 1st Amendment rights, yet support this law.
The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, introduced on Feb. 4, will free Americans to build better lives and curtail the scorched-earth campaigns that employers wage to keep unions out at any cost.

The PRO Act, backed by President Biden and pro-worker majorities in the House and the Senate, will impose stiff financial penalties on companies that retaliate against organizers and require the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to fast-track legal proceedings for workers suspended or fired for union activism. It also empowers workers to file their own civil lawsuits against employers that violate their labor rights.

The legislation will bar employers from permanently replacing workers during labor disputes, eliminating a threat that companies like Orchid Orthopedic often use to thwart organizing campaigns.

U.S. labor laws need a major update — and the PRO Act is a great start

This seems like a "screw you" to Amazon and I am on board!
Damn! Just think what would have happened had that law been around when the FAA Traffic Controllers went on strike decades ago. They were all fired to keep the airline industry from collapsing.

Unions suck shit!
I remember that, Reagan gave them an ultimatum: go back to work or be replaced. They called his bluff and found he wasn't bluffing and replaced every one that refused to go back to work; it was a great day.
Unions practice group-think. Take teachers' unions, please. Go along with the sheep or you're out.
Ostracized. Black-balled. They call it "consensus" when they need to intimidate. All the other times, it's how great "diversity" is. But that only means skin color, preferably not white.

Never buy Coca Cola again.

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